def __init__(self, file_paths): # DB model self.db_model = DocumentsExporterDbModel() # Path to output directory. self.file_paths = file_paths # Object for stock movements. self.stock_processor = StockPriceProcessor() # Define output document classes. self.doc_classes = {'up': '1', 'down': '2'} # Object for writing text files. self.text_writer = TextWriter(file_paths['output_dir'])
# Save all data item_data = {} for item_row in rows: item_name = item_row.find_all('td')[1].text.strip()[0:-1] item_value = item_row.find_all('td')[2].text item_data[item_name] = ' '.join(item_value.strip().split()) # Check values datum_zapisu = item_data[u'Datum zápisu'] if u'Datum zápisu' in item_data else 'false' uzemi = item_data[u'Území/Zeměpisná oblast'] if u'Území/Zeměpisná oblast' in item_data else 'false' # číslo přihlášky, znění, datum zápisu, území, zboží, stav item_list = [ item_data[u'Číslo přihlášky'], item_data[u'Znění'], datum_zapisu, uzemi, item_data[u'Zboží/Výrobky'], item_data[u'Stav'], ] products.append(item_list) # Prepare header header = [u'číslo přihlášky', u'znění', u'datum zápisu', u'území', u'zboží', u'stav'] products.insert(0, header) # Write data to file tw = TextWriter() tw.write_file('products', products)
# Get Wiki page page = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml') # Find infobox table = soup.find('table', class_='infobox') # Check if the table was found - if not, it's a past currency. if not table: continue # Find ISO code iso_cell = table.find('a', title='ISO 4217') # Check if the code was found - if not, it's not a regular currency. if not iso_cell: continue cur_code = iso_cell.parent.parent.contents[3].text.strip() cur_name ='#firstHeading')[0].text.strip() # Save the code c_symbols[symbol] = [cur_code, cur_name] # Create list from c_symbols c_list = [] for symbol, (code, name) in c_symbols.items(): c_list.append([code, symbol, name]) # Prepare header header = ['currency code', 'currency symbol', 'currency name'] c_list.insert(0, header) # Write list to file tw = TextWriter() tw.write_file(c_list, 'currency_symbols_raw', ';')
def parse_d_level(text): d_levels = [x.strip().encode("utf-8") for x in",")] r_bc = True if "bakalářský" in d_levels else False r_ing = True if "magisterský navazující" in d_levels else False r_phd = True if "doktorský" in d_levels else False return r_bc, r_ing, r_phd # Read file and get studies f_obj ="studies_in.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") for line in f_obj: # Parse line result = reg_exp.match(line) # Parse degree level (l_bc, l_ing, l_phd) = parse_d_level( # Save data row = [,,, str(l_bc), str(l_ing), str(l_phd),] studies.append(row) # Prepare header header = ["study language", "field of study", "university", "bc", "ing", "phd", "capacity"] studies.insert(0, header) # Get path to the script directory. output_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Create a CSV file from the list. tw = TextWriter(output_dir) tw.write_studies_file("studies_out", studies)
class DocumentsExporter(object): """ Export documents for conversion to vectors and classification by machine learning algorithms. """ def __init__(self, file_paths): # DB model self.db_model = DocumentsExporterDbModel() # Path to output directory. self.file_paths = file_paths # Object for stock movements. self.stock_processor = StockPriceProcessor() # Define output document classes. self.doc_classes = {'up': '1', 'down': '2'} # Object for writing text files. self.text_writer = TextWriter(file_paths['output_dir']) # PUBLIC METHODS def process_documents_for_all_companies(self, doc_type, from_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes_for_company, docs_per_file=50000, only_one_file=True): print('===Processing %s===') % doc_type # Reset document counts. documents_count = 0 files_count = 0 # Create file name. f_number = '' if only_one_file else '_0' file_name = doc_type.replace('_', '-') + '_all_%s_%s_%s%s' % \ (price_type, str(days_delay), const_boundaries[1], f_number) # Process all companies. for comp in self.db_model.get_companies(): #print('===Company %d===') % comp[0] # Process and write data for one company. new_docs_count = self.process_documents_for_company(doc_type, comp[0], from_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes_for_company, file_name) documents_count += new_docs_count # Check if the file should be ended. if documents_count > docs_per_file: print('>>>NEW FILE') if only_one_file: break else: files_count += 1 documents_count = 0 file_name = re.sub('\d+$', str(files_count), file_name) # The end. print('>>>All %s for all companies exported. Total docs: %d ') % \ (doc_type, files_count * docs_per_file + documents_count) def process_companies_by_source(self, file_desc, doc_type, from_date, to_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes_for_company, docs_per_file=100000): # Get company IDs. company_ids = self.db_model.get_companies_by_doc_type(doc_type) c_ids_list = [x[0] for x in company_ids] # Process all selected companies. self.process_documents_for_selected_companies( c_ids_list, doc_type, from_date, to_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes_for_company, docs_per_file, file_desc) def process_documents_for_selected_companies(self, companies_ids, doc_type, from_date, to_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes_for_company, docs_per_file=100000, companies_filename=False, nonsearch_tweets_cids=False): print('===Processing %s===') % doc_type # Reset document counts. documents_count = 0 # Calculate number of documents per company. docs_per_company = int(round(docs_per_file / float(len(companies_ids)))) if doc_type == 'fb_comment': docs_per_company = 10000 elif doc_type == 'tweet': docs_per_company = 100000 # Choose file description string. if companies_filename: fs_comp = companies_filename else: if len(companies_ids) < 5: fs_comp = '-'.join(str(v) for v in companies_ids) else: fs_comp = 'm%s' % len(companies_ids) # Create file name. file_name = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % \ (doc_type.replace('_', '-'), fs_comp, price_type, str(days_delay), const_boundaries[1]) # Process all companies. for comp in self.db_model.get_selected_companies(companies_ids): #print('===Company %d===') % comp[0] # Process and write data for one company. new_docs_count = self.process_daily_documents_for_company( doc_type, comp[0], from_date, to_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes_for_company, docs_per_company, file_name, nonsearch_tweets_cids) #print new_docs_count # Increment docs count. documents_count += new_docs_count # Check if the file should be ended. if documents_count > docs_per_file: print('>>>END FILE') # The end. print('>>>All %s for selected companies exported. Total docs: %d ') % (doc_type, documents_count) def process_daily_documents_for_company(self, doc_type, company_id, from_date, to_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes, max_docs_per_company, total_file_name=False, nonsearch_tweets_cids=False): # Set stock prices for given company. prices = self.stock_processor.set_stock_prices(company_id, from_date, price_type) if not prices: return False # Calculate number of documents per day: n = docs_per_company / days(to_date - from_date) date_delta = to_date - from_date docs_per_day = int(round(max_docs_per_company / float(date_delta.days))) docs_per_day *= 2 # To get more documents, increase the count. if doc_type == 'tweet': docs_per_day = 200 # For Twitter if doc_type == 'fb_comment': docs_per_day = 40 # For Facebook # Example: 25 000 docs per company / 241 days = 104 docs per day #print ('>>Docs per company/days/per day: %d, %d, %d') % (max_docs_per_company, date_delta.days, docs_per_day) # Define variables. docs_query_limit = 400 # Do not change -- cached queries won't work. Original value: 400. total_doc_list = [] docs_counter = 0 processed_date = from_date day_plus = datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Choose if get only non search tweets. if doc_type == 'tweet' and company_id in nonsearch_tweets_cids: doc_type = 'tweet_nonsearch' # For every day, get documents from DB. while processed_date <= to_date: #print processed_date # Get documents for current date from DB. if doc_type == 'fb_post': daily_documents = self.db_model.get_daily_fb_posts_for_company(company_id, processed_date, docs_query_limit) elif doc_type == 'fb_comment': daily_documents = self.db_model.get_daily_fb_comments_for_company(company_id, processed_date, docs_query_limit) elif doc_type == 'article': daily_documents = self.db_model.get_daily_articles_for_company(company_id, processed_date, docs_query_limit) elif doc_type == 'tweet': daily_documents = self.db_model.get_daily_tweets_for_company(company_id, processed_date, docs_query_limit) elif doc_type == 'tweet_nonsearch': daily_documents = self.db_model.get_daily_nonsearch_tweets_for_company(company_id, processed_date, docs_query_limit) doc_type = 'tweet' # reset tweet doctype else: raise ValueError('Unknown document type.') # Process the documents. d_list = self._process_given_documents(daily_documents, doc_type, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, False) #print('Processed docs: %d') % d_length # Increment day. processed_date += day_plus # If there are no documents, continue with next date. if not d_list: continue # Check and edit number of available documents. if len(d_list) > docs_per_day: d_list = d_list[0:docs_per_day] #print('Saved docs: %d') % len(d_list) # Add documents to total list. total_doc_list.extend(d_list) docs_counter += len(d_list) # Check number of already saved documents. if docs_counter > max_docs_per_company: print('Max documents count (%d) for company reached.') % max_docs_per_company break # Stop and write documents to file. # Check if there are any documents. if not total_doc_list: return False # Write documents from all dates. self._write_docs_to_file(total_doc_list, doc_type, company_id, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, total_file_name) # Return some information. return len(total_doc_list) def process_documents_for_company(self, doc_type, company_id, from_date, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes, total_file_name=False): # Set stock prices for given company. prices = self.stock_processor.set_stock_prices(company_id, from_date, price_type) if not prices: return False # Get documents from DB. if doc_type == 'fb_post': documents = self.db_model.get_fb_posts_for_company(company_id, from_date) elif doc_type == 'fb_comment': documents = self.db_model.get_fb_comments_for_company(company_id, from_date) elif doc_type == 'article': documents = self.db_model.get_articles_for_company(company_id, from_date) elif doc_type == 'tweet': documents = self.db_model.get_tweets_for_company(company_id, from_date) else: raise ValueError('Unknown document type.') # Process the documents. d_list = self._process_given_documents(documents, doc_type, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes) # Check if there are were any documents. if not d_list: return False # Write documents to correct file. self._write_docs_to_file(d_list, doc_type, company_id, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, total_file_name) # Return some information. return len(d_list) def change_output_dir(self, new_dir): # Update object attributes. self.file_paths['output_dir'] = new_dir self.text_writer.output_dir = new_dir # Check if directory exists. If it doesn't, create it. if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.makedirs(new_dir) # PRIVATE METHODS def _process_given_documents(self, documents, doc_type, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, balance_classes): # Prepare counts for class balance. count_class_up = 0 count_class_down = 0 # Process documents - create a list for writing to a file. new_docs_list = [] for doc in documents: # Get document publication date if doc_type == 'fb_post' or doc_type == 'fb_comment': doc_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(doc['created_timestamp']).date() elif doc_type == 'article': doc_date = doc['published_date'].date() elif doc_type == 'tweet': doc_date = doc['created_at'].date() else: raise ValueError('Unknown document type.') # Get stock price movement direction. movement_direction = self.stock_processor.get_price_movement_with_delay(doc_date, days_delay, const_boundaries) # If the company was not on the stock exchange on this date, skip the post. if not movement_direction: continue # Skip documents with constant direction. if movement_direction == 'const': continue # Edit document text. if doc_type == 'fb_post' or doc_type == 'fb_comment' or doc_type == 'tweet': doc_text = self._process_facebook_text(doc['text']) elif doc_type == 'article': doc_text = self._process_article_text(doc['text']) # Check if the document is not empty (or too short). if len(doc_text) < 2: continue # Add created data to the list. new_docs_list.append([self.doc_classes[movement_direction], doc_text]) # Increment variables. if movement_direction == 'up': count_class_up += 1 elif movement_direction == 'down': count_class_down += 1 # If set, balance document classes. if balance_classes: min_class_count = min([count_class_up, count_class_down]) return self._balance_documents(new_docs_list, min_class_count) else: return new_docs_list def _balance_documents(self, docs_list, min_class_count): """ Create a new documents list, where each class will have the same number of documents. :param docs_list: list: (class, text). :param min_class_count: int: Provided minimal class count. :return: list """ # Class counts variables. c_1 = 0 c_2 = 0 new_docs_list = [] # Loop through all documents. for i, doc in enumerate(docs_list): if doc[0] == '1': c_1 += 1 if c_1 <= min_class_count: new_docs_list.append(doc) if doc[0] == '2': c_2 += 1 if c_2 <= min_class_count: new_docs_list.append(doc) # Edit documents return new_docs_list def _write_docs_to_file(self, docs_list, doc_type, company_id, days_delay, price_type, const_boundaries, total_file_name=False): # Choose the correct file name (bulk vs individual generating). if total_file_name: file_name = total_file_name file_mode = 'a' else: file_name = doc_type.replace('_', '-') + '_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (company_id, price_type, days_delay, const_boundaries[1]) file_mode = 'w' # Write data to the file. self.text_writer.write_file_for_vectorization(file_name, docs_list, file_mode) return file_name # TEXT processing def _process_facebook_text(self, text): # Remove hash tag symbols. text = text.replace('#', '') # Remove at symbols. text = text.replace('@', '') # Replace URL links. text = re.sub(r'https?://\S+', 'XURL', text) # Replace emoticons with descriptions. text = re.sub(r':\)|:-\)|:D|=\)', ' XyzPosEmoticon ', text) text = re.sub(r':\(|:-\(', ' XyzNegEmoticon ', text) # Remove whitespace. text = ' '.join(text.strip().split()) # Lowercase the text. text = text.lower() # Result return text def _process_article_text(self, text): # Remove URL links. #text = re.sub(r'(https?://\S+)|(www\.\w+\.\S+)', 'URL', text) text = re.sub(r'https?://\S+', 'XURL', text) # Remove paragraph tags. text = re.sub(r'<p>|</p>', '', text) # Lowercase the text. text = text.lower() # Result return text
current_date.strftime('%A'),, current_date.month, current_date.year, week_n, ] # Is it a weekend or workday? if week_day_n in [6, 7]: day_week_type = 'weekend' else: day_week_type = 'workday' # Save data day_data.append(day_week_type) total_data.append(day_data) # Increment current date by one day. current_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) pk += 1 # Prepare header header = [ 'DateKey', 'FullDateKey', 'DayNumberInWeek', 'DayName', 'DayNumber', 'MonthNumber', 'YearNumber', 'WeekNumber', 'DayWeekType' ] total_data.insert(0, header) # Get path to the script directory. output_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Create a CSV file from the list. tw = TextWriter(output_dir) tw.write_date_file('date_dim', total_data)