Beispiel #1
def readFromTimeStampSKR(firstTimeStampIn):

    # read the first line of QKDSequece.log
    line = datafile.readline()
    print("Reading SKR data from QKDSequence.log file...")

    # list to hold QBER data entries
    dataEntriesSKR = []

    # pass each line in file until program reaches first timestamp of interest
    while line != "":
        entryComps = line.split("INFO")

        # process timestamp of each entry
        timeStampComps = entryComps[0].split()
        calendarComps = timeStampComps[0].split("-")
        year = int(calendarComps[0])
        month = int(calendarComps[1])
        day = int(calendarComps[2])
        timeComps = timeStampComps[1].split(":")
        hour = int(timeComps[0])
        minute = int(timeComps[1])
        second = int(timeComps[2])

        entryTimestamp = TimeStamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

        if entryTimestamp.__str__() == enteredTimestamp.__str__():
        line = datafile.readline()

    # read each line until the end of the file
    while line != "":

        # split the entry into a timestamp and a message
        entryComps = line.split("INFO")

        # process timestamp of each entry
        timeStampComps = entryComps[0].split()
        calendarComps = timeStampComps[0].split("-")
        year = int(calendarComps[0])
        month = int(calendarComps[1])
        day = int(calendarComps[2])
        timeComps = timeStampComps[1].split(":")
        hour = int(timeComps[0])
        minute = int(timeComps[1])
        second = int(timeComps[2])

        entryTimestamp = TimeStamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

        # Not all message types follow the same structure. If the entry
        # components list is only of length 1, it is not SKR data and can be ignored
        if len(entryComps) > 1:
            # split the message into message type and message title/value
            messageComps = entryComps[1].split(":")

        # make sure that there is more than one component in the message
        if len(messageComps) > 1:
            # if the entry contains secret key rate data, record this entry
            if "Secret Key Rate" in messageComps[1]:
                # splits privacy amplification data into title of value and value
                type = "Secret Key Rate"

                # extract the SKR value from the entry
                titleAndValue = messageComps[1].split("=")
                valueAndUnit = titleAndValue[1].split()
                value = float(valueAndUnit[0])
                entrySKR = DataEntry(entryTimestamp, type, value)

        # read next line of data
        line = datafile.readline()


    # Create a file to store SKR Data
    SKRfile = open("SKR.txt", "w+")

    for entry in dataEntriesSKR:
        SKRfile.write(str(entry.timestamp.getRelativeSeconds(enteredTimestamp)) \
          + "\t" + str(entry.value) + "\n")

Beispiel #2
firstTimestamp = TimeStamp(inputYear, inputMonth, inputDay, inputHour, \
    inputMinute, inputSecond)

# read the first line of rawlogs
line = datafile.readline()
print("Reading QBER data from rawlogs file...")

# list to hold QBER data entries
dataEntries = []

# pass each line in rawlogs until program reaches first timestamp of interest
while line != "":
    dataEntryComps = line.split()
    dataTimestamp = dataEntryComps[0]
    if dataTimestamp.__str__() == firstTimestamp.__str__():
    line = datafile.readline()

# process each data entry following first timestamp of interest
while line != "":
    dataEntryComps = line.split()
    dataTimestampString = dataEntryComps[0]

    # extract timestamp data from each line
    calendarComps = dataTimestampString.split("-")
    year = int(calendarComps[0])
    month = int(calendarComps[1])
    day = int(calendarComps[2])
    timeComps = calendarComps[3].split(":")
    hour = int(timeComps[0])