def CreateWidgets(self): = StringVar(self) self.fontSize = StringVar(self) self.frameMain = Frame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=SUNKEN) self.messageInfo = Label(self.frameMain, text=self.message) entryName = Entry(self.frameMain,, width=30) frameButtons = Frame(self) self.buttonOk = Button(frameButtons, text='Ok', command=self.Ok) self.buttonCancel = Button(frameButtons, text='Cancel', command=self.Cancel) entryName.focus_set() self.frameMain.pack(side=TOP, expand=True, fill=BOTH) self.messageInfo.pack(padx=5, pady=5) entryName.pack(padx=5, pady=5) frameButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) self.buttonOk.pack(padx=1, pady=5, side=RIGHT) self.buttonCancel.pack(pady=5, padx=5, side=RIGHT) if TTK: self.messageInfo['padding'] = 5 frameButtons['style'] = 'RootColor.TFrame' else: self.messageInfo.configure(padx=5, pady=5)
def _init_components(self): self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) upper_pane = Frame(self) upper_pane.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) upper_pane.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.apex_list = ApexList(upper_pane, self._apex) self.apex_list.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nesw') self._scrollbar_x = Scrollbar(upper_pane, command=self.apex_list.xview, orient='horizontal') self._scrollbar_x.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='ews') self.apex_list['xscrollcommand'] = self._scrollbar_x.set self._scrollbar_y = Scrollbar(upper_pane, command=self.apex_list.yview) self._scrollbar_y.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nse') self.apex_list['yscrollcommand'] = self._scrollbar_y.set buttons_pane = Frame(self) self._expand_button = Button(buttons_pane, text="Expand all", command=self.apex_list.expand_all) self._expand_button.pack(side='left', expand=True, fill='x') self._reset_button = Button(buttons_pane, text="Reset", command=self.apex_list.reset) self._reset_button.pack() upper_pane.grid(sticky='nesw') buttons_pane.grid(row=1, sticky='nesw')
def __vidButtons(self): self.modtitle = Button(text='Modify titles', command=self.__modTitles) #self.modtitle.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W, columnspan=2, # padx=self.padx, pady=self.pady) self.getcaps = Button(text="Get captions", command=self.__getCaptions) self.getcaps.grid(row=5, column=2, columnspan=3, sticky=E, padx=self.padx, pady=self.pady)
def __init__(self, parent, title, action=None): self.action = action = Toplevel(parent) Label(, text=title).pack() if action: b = Button(, text="Cancel", command=self.cancel) b.pack(pady=5)
class encoderface(LabelFrame): def __init__(self, x): LabelFrame.__init__(self, x) # self.default_font = tkFont.nametofont("TkDefaultFont") # self.default_font.configure(family="Helvetica",size=12) self.config(relief=GROOVE) self.config(borderwidth=2, padx=5, pady=5) self.config(text = "Encoder") self.config(labelanchor = "n") self.INSTRUCTION = StringVar() self.INSTRUCTION.set("Instruction") self.machinecode = StringVar() self.machinecode.set("") self.codeEntry = Entry(self, textvariable=self.INSTRUCTION) #self.codeEntry.configure(font=("Helvetica", 12), width=40) self.codeEntry.configure(width=40) self.codeButton = Button(self, text="Compile") self.VHPL = Label(self, text="VHPL") self.codeButton.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=4, sticky="wens") self.VHPL.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="wens") self.VHPL.config(relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=2) self.codeEntry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="wens") self.codeEntry.config(fg="green", bg="black") self.pack()
class Example(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Color chooser") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.btn = Button(self, text="Choose Color", command=self.onChoose), y=30) self.frame = Frame(self, border=1, relief=SUNKEN, width=100, height=100), y=30) def onChoose(self): (rgb, hx) = tkColorChooser.askcolor() self.frame.config(bg=hx)
def create_option_buttons(self, right_answer, answers): # create buttons self.option_1 = Button(self.parent,width=7,height=3,fg='black', text=LETTERS[answers[0]][0]),y=140) self.option_2 = Button(self.parent,width=7,height=3,fg='black', text=LETTERS[answers[1]][0]),y=200) self.option_3 = Button(self.parent,width=7,height=3,fg='black', text=LETTERS[answers[2]][0]),y=140) self.option_4 = Button(self.parent,width=7,height=3,fg='black', text=LETTERS[answers[3]][0]),y=200) self.option_1.config(command=lambda: self.right_button(self.option_1) if answers[0] == right_answer else self.wrong_button(self.option_1)) self.option_2.config(command=lambda: self.right_button(self.option_2) if answers[1] == right_answer else self.wrong_button(self.option_2)) self.option_3.config(command=lambda: self.right_button(self.option_3) if answers[2] == right_answer else self.wrong_button(self.option_3)) self.option_4.config(command=lambda: self.right_button(self.option_4) if answers[3] == right_answer else self.wrong_button(self.option_4))
class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.createWidgets() def createWidgets(self): self.titleLabel = Label(self, text='please input number and digit !') self.titleLabel.pack() self.numberLabel = Label(self, text='number: ') self.numberLabel.pack() self.numberInput = Entry(self) self.numberInput.pack() self.digitLabel = Label(self, text='digit: ') self.digitLabel.pack() self.digitInput = Entry(self) self.digitInput.pack() self.runButton = Button(self, text='run', self.runButton.pack() self.quitButton = Button(self, text='quit', command=self.quit) self.quitButton.pack() # run Button def run(self): number = self.numberInput.get() digit = self.digitInput.get() with open('E:/pycharm/practice1/image/verify.txt', 'w') as f: verify = verify_str(number, digit) f.write(verify) tkMessageBox.showinfo('verify', verify)
def initialize(self): self.grid() self.entryVariable = StringVar() self.entry = Entry(self, textvariable=self.entryVariable) self.entry.grid(column=0,row=0,sticky='EW') self.entry.bind("<Return>", self.OnPressEnter) button = Button(self,text="SPI send", command=self.OnButtonClick) button.grid(column=1,row=0) #ramp = Button(self,text="RAMP", command=self.setlabvar) #ramp.grid(column=1,row=1) self.labelVariable = StringVar() label = Label(self,textvariable=self.labelVariable, anchor="w",fg="white",bg="blue") label.grid(column=0,row=1,columnspan=1,sticky='EW') self.labelVariable.set("Start..") self.slider = Scale(self, from_=0, to=80, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=self.setlabvar) self.slider.grid(column=0, row=2, columnspan=3, sticky='EW') self.PID = PIDTune(self) self.PID.grid(column=0, row=3, columnspan=3, sticky='EW') self.grid_columnconfigure(0,weight=1) self.update() #self.geometry(self.geometry()) # caused busy wait? self.entry.focus_set()
def __init__(self, root, prtr, settings, log, *arg): Toplevel.__init__(self, root, *arg) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.delTop) self.title("Macro Buttons") = root self.settings = settings self.printer = prtr self.log = log self.macroList = self.settings.getMacroList() fw = BUTTONWIDTH * 3 fh = BUTTONHEIGHT * 10 self.f = Frame(self, width = BUTTONWIDTH*3, height=BUTTONHEIGHT*10) for m in self.macroList: b = Button(self.f, text=m[MTEXT], width=BWIDTH, command=lambda macro=m[MNAME]: self.doMacro(macro)) x = (m[MCOL]-1) * BUTTONWIDTH y = (m[MROW]-1) * BUTTONHEIGHT, rely=0.0, y=y, x=x, anchor=NW) self.f.pack() geometry = "%dx%d+50+50" % (fw, fh) self.geometry(geometry)
def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent open_button = Button(self, text = 'Calculate', relief = 'raised', command=self._on_calculate, width = 23) open_button.pack()
def __init__(self, master): rows = 10 columns = 7 self.d = door(rows, columns) master.title("The Fridge") self.frame = Frame(master) controls = Frame(self.frame) self.start = Button(controls, text = "Restart", width = 6, command = self.restart ) self.start.grid(row = 0, column = 4, columnspan = 2, sticky = E) self.rowtext = Entry(controls, width = 4) self.rowtext.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = W) self.coltext = Entry(controls, width = 4) self.coltext.grid(row = 0, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = E) controls.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 7) self.bttns = [] for i in xrange(rows): for j in xrange(columns): cb = Button(self.frame, bg = "green" if self.d.plate[i][j].state else "red", text = " ", command =, self.d, i, j) # coolhack ) cb.grid(row = i+1, column = j) self.bttns.append(cb) self.frame.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.wm_title('PEP8 checker') self.master.resizable(False, True) self.frame = Frame(master) self.frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) home_dir = expanduser("~") = StringVar(value=home_dir) directory_frame = Frame(self.frame) directory_frame.grid() self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1) self.entry_directory = Entry(directory_frame, self.entry_directory.pack(anchor=W, side=LEFT) self.select_directory = Button(directory_frame, text="Select directory to scan", command=self.select_directory) self.select_directory.pack(anchor=E, side=RIGHT) self.run_button = Button(self.frame, text='Run PEP8!', command=self.run_pep) self.run_button.grid(sticky=W + E) self.errors_list = Listbox(self.frame) self.errors_list.grid(sticky=W + E) self.status_label = Label(self.frame)
def columnChooser( self ): self.root = Tk() self.root.title( "CSV Save Options" ) choiceNum = int(self.main.numSaveCols.get()) geomString = '300x'+str(30+(50*choiceNum))+'-80+80' self.root.geometry( geomString) Label( self.root, text="Choose the header you want in each slot.").grid( row=0, columnspan=2 ) axesTuple = tuple( self.axes ) self.main.saveChoiceList = [ None ]*choiceNum for i in range( choiceNum ): labelString = "Column "+str(i+1) rowNum = i+1 Label( self.root, text=labelString ).grid( row=rowNum, column=0 ) self.main.saveChoiceList[i] = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.saveChoiceList[i].set( self.axes[i] ) w = apply( OptionMenu, ( self.root, self.main.saveChoiceList[i] ) + axesTuple ) w.grid( row=rowNum, column=1 ) def callback(): self.root.destroy() self.main.writeCSVFile() b1 = Button( self.root, text="Confirm", command=callback ) buttonRow = choiceNum+1 b1.grid( row=buttonRow, columnspan=2 )
def __init__(self, fileloc, rng=5, sleeptime=2): # experiment with range rng self.rng = rng self.sleeptime = sleeptime self.fileloc = fileloc # list of points and coords of experiments self.pt_dict = {'1': '68,68', '2': '67,136','3': '138,68','4': '138,136','5': '197,68','6': '197,136','7': '259,68','8': '259,136','9': '327,68','10': '327,136','11': '366,25','12': '366,136','13': '353,204','14': '353,272','15': '295,204','16': '295,272','17': '353,348','18': '353,408','19': '353,476','20': '295,348','21': '295,408','22': '295,476'} self.make_pub() self.r = Tk() self.c = Canvas(self.r, width=400, height=600) self.c.pack() = [] self.smath = s_math.SonarMath() self.pts = [] self.ovals = [] = Button(self.r, text='run', self.reset = Button(self.r, text='reset', command=self.reset) self.reset.pack() for key in self.pt_dict: a = map(int, self.pt_dict[key].split(',')) self.pts.append(a) self.c.create_oval(a[0] -1, a[1] -1, a[0] + 1, a[1] + 1) self.c.bind("<Button-1>", self.path) self.r.mainloop()
def special1Case( self ): self.root = Tk() self.root.title('Choose Filter Options') filterCount = 2 winHeight = str(30+(130*filterCount)) self.root.geometry('500x'+winHeight+'-80+80') self.main.filterList = None subjectHeader = StringVar( self.root ) subjectHeader.set( "SubjectID" ) subjectField = StringVar( self.root ) imageHeader = StringVar( self.root ) imageHeader.set( "Image" ) imageField = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.colorUse = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.colorUse.set( "Number" ) self.main.sizeUse = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.sizeUse.set( "Duration" ) self.main.filterUse = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.filterUse.set( "Two" ) emptyFilter = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.axesToPlot = [ None, None ] self.main.axesToPlot[0] = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.axesToPlot[0].set( "x" ) self.main.axesToPlot[1] = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.axesToPlot[1].set( "y" ) Label(self.root, text="Choose a subject and image to view fixation results.").grid(row=0, columnspan=2) Label(self.root, text="Subject:").grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W) Label(self.root, text="Image:").grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.W) subjectText = Entry( self.root, textvariable=subjectField ) subjectText.grid(row=1, column=1) imageText = Entry( self.root, textvariable=imageField ) imageText.grid(row=2, column=1) subjectFieldList = [ subjectHeader, subjectText, emptyFilter, emptyFilter ] imageFieldList = [ imageHeader, imageText, emptyFilter, emptyFilter ] localFilterList = [ subjectFieldList, imageFieldList ] def callback(): """Handles the button press at the end of the filter function.""" for i in range( len( localFilterList ) ): for j in range( len( localFilterList[0] ) ): localFilterList[i][j] = localFilterList[i][j].get() self.main.filterList = localFilterList self.root.destroy() self.scatterBuild() b1 = Button( self.root, text="View Fixation Results", command=callback ) b1.grid( row=3, columnspan=2 )
def __init__( self, main, dataInstance, axes ): """Initializes the file saving dialog.""" self.main = main self.dataInstance = dataInstance self.axes = axes self.root = Tk() self.root.title( "Save As CSV" ) self.root.geometry( "350x200" ) Label( self.root, text="Choose options for save." ).grid( row=0, columnspan=2 ) Label(self.root, text="Filename").grid( row=1,column=0, sticky=tk.W ) self.main.saveFileName = StringVar( self.root ) fileNameField = Entry( self.root, textvariable=self.main.saveFileName ) fileNameField.grid(row=1, column=1) Label( self.root, text="Number of Columns" ).grid( row=2,column=0, sticky=tk.W ) self.main.numSaveCols = StringVar( self.root ) self.main.numSaveCols.set( "All" ) colNumTuple = ( "All", ) for i in range( len(axes) ): colNumTuple += ( str(i+1), ) w = apply( OptionMenu, ( self.root, self.main.numSaveCols ) + colNumTuple ) w.grid( row=2, column=1 ) def callback(): self.root.destroy() if self.main.numSaveCols.get() == "All": self.main.writeCSVFile() else: self.columnChooser() b1 = Button( self.root, text="Confirm", command=callback ) b1.grid( row=3, columnspan=2 )
class StarterWindow(Tk): def __init__(self): Tk.__init__(self) self.wm_title("FRCA QBase Reader - Start Menu") self.exambtn = Button(self, text="start an exam", command=self.startExam) self.exambtn.pack() self.maxquestvar = IntVar() self.maxquest = Spinbox(self, from_=1, to=1667, width=4, textvariable=self.maxquestvar) self.maxquest.pack() self.questbtn = Button(self, text="start single questions", command=self.startQuestions) self.questbtn.pack() = """User manual:\n Start either an exam or single questions\n Go to next question either with mouse or the <right arrow>\n Toggle checkboxes either with mouse or <keyboard buttons 1-5>\n In single question mode, show answer either with mouse or <return>\n In exam mode, results will display after the set question number\n Text can be made bigger/smaller with <Up> or <Down> keyboard arrows""" self.usermanual = Label(self,, justify=LEFT) self.usermanual.pack() def startExam(self): call(["python", "", str(self.maxquestvar.get())]) def startQuestions(self): call(["python", ""])
def clusterCase( self ): """Controls the window used to choose options for a new PCA and clustering visualization.""" self.scatterWin = Tk() self.scatterWin.title('Choose Options For Clustering') winHeight = 150+(self.axisNum.get()*20) sizeString = "300x"+str( winHeight )+"-80+80" self.scatterWin.geometry( sizeString ) self.main.clusterChoice = StringVar( self.scatterWin ) self.main.clusterChoice.set( "Normal" ) clusterChoiceTuple = ( "Normal", "PCA" ) Label(self.scatterWin, text="Data by which to Cluster").grid(row=0) w = apply( OptionMenu, (self.scatterWin, self.main.clusterChoice) + clusterChoiceTuple ) w.grid( row=0, column=1 ) self.main.clusterNum = IntVar( self.scatterWin ) self.main.clusterNum.set( 3 ) clusterNumTuple = () for i in range( 2, 15 ): clusterNumTuple += ( (i+1), ) Label(self.scatterWin, text="Number of Clusters").grid(row=1) k = apply( OptionMenu, (self.scatterWin, self.main.clusterNum) + clusterNumTuple ) k.grid( row=1, column=1 ) def callback(): self.scatterWin.destroy() self.dataInstance.prepareClusters() self.scatterBuild() b = Button( self.scatterWin, text="Continue", command=callback ) b.grid( row=2, columnspan=2 )
def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.parent = master self.parent.geometry("640x480") self.parent.title(os.getenv("NAME") + " - Stdout") self.textedit = Text(self.parent, font="mono 10") self.textedit.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH) buton = Button(self.parent, text="Close", command=self.quit) buton.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=False, padx=10, pady=10, ipadx=10) ysb = Scrollbar(self.textedit, orient='vertical', command=self.textedit.yview) xsb = Scrollbar(self.textedit, orient='horizontal', command=self.textedit.xview) self.textedit.configure(yscroll=ysb.set, xscroll=xsb.set) xsb.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, expand=False) ysb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y, expand=False) self.textedit.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.show_file()
def __init__ (self): = Tk()'Tic Tac Toe'), height=False) #width and hight of window w = 900 h = 1100 #width and hight of screen ws = hs = #calculate position x = ws/2 - w/2 y = hs/2 - h/2 #place window -> pramaters(visina, dolzina, pozicija x, pozicija y)"%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w,h, x, y)) #====================================== self.frame = Frame() #main frame self.frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True) self.label = Label(self.frame, text = 'Tic Tac Toe', height = 4, bg = 'white', fg = 'blue') self.label.pack(fill='both', expand = True) #self.label2 = Label(self.frame, text = 'here', height = 2, bg = 'white', fg = 'blue') odkomentiri samo za develop------------- #self.label2.pack(fill='both', expand = True) self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width = 900, height = 900) self.canvas.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True) self.framepod = Frame(self.frame)#sub frame self.framepod.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True) self.Single = Button(self.framepod, text = 'Start single player', height = 4, command = self.startsingle, bg = 'white', fg = 'blue') self.Single.pack(fill='both', expand = True, side=RIGHT) self.Multi = Button(self.framepod, text = 'Start double player', height = 4, command = self.double, bg = 'white', fg = 'blue') self.Multi.pack(fill='both', expand = True, side=RIGHT) self.board = AI() self.draw()
class ParamItem(Frame): def __init__(self, master, itemList, deleteCount): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.labelKey = Label(self, text = "Key:") self.labelValue = Label(self, text = "Value:") self.entryKey = Entry(self, width = 8) self.entryValue = Entry(self, width = 20) self.deleteCount = deleteCount self.itemList = itemList self.btnDelete = Button(self, text = "delete", \ command = self.__internalDelete, padx = 5) self.__boxComponents() def __boxComponents(self): self.labelKey.grid(row = 0, column = 0) self.entryKey.grid(row = 0, column = 1) self.labelValue.grid(row = 0, column = 2) self.entryValue.grid(row = 0, column = 3) self.btnDelete.grid(row = 0, column = 4) def __internalDelete(self): self.deleteCount.set(self.deleteCount.get() + 1) self.itemList.remove(self) self.destroy() def getKey(self): return self.entryKey.get() def getValue(self): return self.entryValue.get()
def CreateWidgets(self): = StringVar(self) self.path = StringVar(self) self.fontSize = StringVar(self) self.frameMain = Frame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE) labelMenu = Label(self.frameMain, anchor=W, justify=LEFT, text='Menu Item:') self.entryMenu = Entry(self.frameMain, labelPath = Label(self.frameMain, anchor=W, justify=LEFT, text='Help File Path: Enter URL or browse for file') self.entryPath = Entry(self.frameMain, textvariable=self.path, width=30) browseButton = Button(self.frameMain, text='Browse', width=8, command=self.browseFile) frameButtons = Frame(self) self.buttonOk = Button(frameButtons, text='OK', width=8, default=ACTIVE, command=self.Ok) self.buttonCancel = Button(frameButtons, text='Cancel', width=8, command=self.Cancel) self.entryMenu.focus_set() self.frameMain.pack(side=TOP, expand=True, fill=BOTH) labelMenu.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3) self.entryMenu.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3, fill=X) labelPath.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3) self.entryPath.pack(anchor=W, padx=5, pady=3, side=LEFT, fill=X) browseButton.pack(pady=3, padx=5, side=RIGHT) frameButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) self.buttonOk.pack(pady=5, side=RIGHT) self.buttonCancel.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT) if TTK: frameButtons['style'] = 'RootColor.TFrame'
class MyFirstGUI: LABEL_TEXT = [ "This is our first GUI!", "Actually, this is our second GUI.", "We made it more interesting...", " making this label interactive.", "Go on, click on it again.", ] def __init__(self, master): self.master = master master.title("A simple GUI") self.label_index = 0 self.label_text = StringVar() self.label_text.set(self.LABEL_TEXT[self.label_index]) self.label = Label(master, textvariable=self.label_text) self.label.bind("<Button-1>", self.cycle_label_text) self.label.pack() self.greet_button = Button(master, text="Greet", command=self.greet) self.greet_button.pack() self.close_button = Button(master, text="Close", command=master.quit) self.close_button.pack() def greet(self): print("Greetings!") def cycle_label_text(self, event): self.label_index += 1 self.label_index %= len(self.LABEL_TEXT) # wrap around self.label_text.set(self.LABEL_TEXT[self.label_index])
def __init__(self, master, text="Position", **options): LabelFrame.__init__(self, master, text=text, **options) self.tracker = master.tracker self.listbox = Listbox(self) self.listbox.widget.configure(selectmode=SINGLE) self.listbox.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=6) self.name_frame = LabelFrame(self, text="Name") self.name_field = Entry(self.name_frame) self.name_field.grid() self.name_frame.grid(row=0, column=1) self.save_button = Button(self, text="Save current", command=bg_caller(self.save_position)) self.save_button.grid(row=1, column=1) self.go_to_button = Button(self, text="Go to", command=bg_caller(self.go_to_position)) self.go_to_button.grid(row=2, column=1) self.delete_button = Button(self, text="Delete", command=self.delete_position) self.delete_button.grid(row=3, column=1) self.write_button = Button(self, text="Write to file", command=self.write_to_file) self.write_button.grid(row=4, column=1) self.load_button = Button(self, text="Load from file", command=self.load_from_file) self.load_button.grid(row=5, column=1)
def __init__(self): # UI self.root = Tk() self.root.resizable(0, 0) self.root.title('Sudoku Solver') # problem sets easy = self._load('problems/easy') hard = self._load('problems/hard') # frames and buttons self.sudoku_frame = Frame(self.root) self.control_frame = Frame(self.root) self.sudoku_frame.grid(row=0, column=0) self.control_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.buttons = self._create_buttons() self.clear_btn = Button(self.control_frame, text='Clear', command=lambda: self.clear()) self.solve_btn = Button(self.control_frame, text='Solve', command=lambda: self.attempt()) self.easy_btn = Button(self.control_frame, text='Easy', command=lambda: self.puzzle(easy, 81 - 36)) self.med_btn = Button(self.control_frame, text='Medium', command=lambda: self.puzzle(easy, 81 - 46)) self.hard_btn = Button(self.control_frame, text='Hard', command=lambda: self.puzzle(hard, 81 - 56)) self.easy_btn.grid(row=0, column=0) self.med_btn.grid(row=0, column=1) self.hard_btn.grid(row=0, column=2) self.clear_btn.grid(row=0, column=3) self.solve_btn.grid(row=0, column=4) # start self.root.mainloop()
def __init__(self, master): mainframe = Frame(master) mainframe.pack() self.quitb = Button(mainframe, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=self.daquit) self.quitb.pack(side=RIGHT) self.runb = Button(mainframe, text="Run 3color", command=self.runapp) self.runb.pack(side=LEFT) self.launchb = Button(mainframe, text="Open in Browser", command=self.launchsite) self.launchb.pack(side=LEFT) self.stopb = Button(mainframe, text="Stop 3color", command=self.stopapp) self.stopb.pack(side=TOP)
def initGUI(self): self.parent.title("Spark Core control") self.pack() # Initialize Entry widget for device_id and access_token self.frmDeviceId = Frame(self) self.frmDeviceId.pack() self.lblDeviceId = Label(self.frmDeviceId, text="Device ID") self.lblDeviceId.pack(side=LEFT) self.DeviceId = StringVar() self.entryDeviceId = Entry(self.frmDeviceId, textvariable=self.DeviceId) self.DeviceId.set("53ff70066678505553201467") self.entryDeviceId.pack() self.frmAccessToken = Frame(self) self.frmAccessToken.pack() self.lblDeviceId = Label(self.frmAccessToken, text="Access Token") self.lblDeviceId.pack(side=LEFT) self.AccessToken = StringVar() self.entryAccessToken = Entry(self.frmAccessToken, textvariable=self.AccessToken) self.AccessToken.set("f107f8f0fd642b56a2cdf0e88b3bf597761de556") self.entryAccessToken.pack() self.btnTurnOnLed = Button(self, text="LED ON", command=self.turnLedOn) self.btnTurnOnLed.pack() self.btnTurnOffLed = Button(self, text="LED OFF", command=self.turnLedOff) self.btnTurnOffLed.pack()
def save(squares): """ Handle the save key on the main window. """ def save_button_hit(): """ Save key (on local window) was hit. Save the file name entered. """ text_in = save_entry.get().strip() if len(text_in) == 0: showwarning('Error', 'File name specified is empty.') return outfile = os.path.join(savedir, text_in) with open(outfile, 'w') as fyle: for sqr_info in save_squares: fyle.write('%d:%d:%s\n' % tuple(save_squares[sqr_info])) top.destroy() top = Toplevel() top.geometry('180x80+800+200') top.title('Save a layout') save_squares = squares savedir = getdir() label1 = Label(top, text='File name') save_entry = Entry(top) label1.grid(row=0) save_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2) save_entry.focus_set() save_button = Button(top, text='SAVE', pady=3, command=save_button_hit) sspace = Label(top) sspace.grid(row=1) save_button.grid(row=2, column=1) top.mainloop()
class Game: def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.frame1 = None self.frame2 = None self.w = None self.scoreC = None self.score = 0 self.hor = True self.upid = self.downid = self.rightid = self.leftid = 0 self.head = -1 self.time = 700 def home(self): self.frame1 = Frame(self.root, width=750, height=350, padx=250, bg="black") self.frame2 = Frame(self.root, height=250, width=750, bg="black", padx=25) self.root.wm_minsize(width=750, height=666) self.root.configure(bg="black") self.frame1.pack_propagate(0) self.frame1.update() self.frame1.configure(pady=self.frame1.cget("height") / 2.5) logo = PhotoImage(file="logo.gif") starth = Button(self.frame1, text="Hard", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=5, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=10), command=lambda: self.callgame(40)) startm = Button(self.frame1, text="Medium", bg="teal", padx=25, pady=5, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=10), command=lambda: self.callgame(60)) starte = Button(self.frame1, text="Easy", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=5, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=10), command=lambda: self.callgame(75)) self.frame2.pack_propagate(0) exp = """ This is a game in which the arrow keys are used to move the snake around and to get points""" exf = Font(family="comic sans MS", size=20) Label(self.frame2, image=logo, bg="black", text=exp, padx=10).pack(side="right") Label(self.frame2, fg="white", bg="black", text=exp, justify="left", font=exf).pack(side="left") starte.grid(row=0, columnspan=2) startm.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, column=4, padx=18) starth.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, column=8) head = Font(family="comic sans MS", size=30) self.H = Label(self.root, text="SNAKES", font=head, fg="orange", bg="black", pady=10) self.H.pack() self.frame2.pack(expand=True) self.frame1.pack(expand=True) self.root.mainloop() def callgame(self, time): self.time = time def do_after_cancel(self, a, b): if a != 0: self.w.after_cancel(a) if b != 0: self.w.after_cancel(b) def calldown(self, key): if self.hor: self.do_after_cancel(self.leftid, self.rightid) self.down(0) def callup(self, key): if self.hor: self.do_after_cancel(self.leftid, self.rightid) self.up(0) def callright(self, key): if not self.hor: self.do_after_cancel(self.upid, self.downid) self.right(0) def callleft(self, key): if not self.hor: self.do_after_cancel(self.upid, self.downid) self.left(0) def game(self): self.score = 0 self.w = Canvas(self.root, width=750, height=500, relief="flat", highlightbackground="grey", highlightthickness=10) self.frame1.destroy() self.frame2.destroy() self.root.configure(width=1000, padx=10) self.root.pack_propagate(0) self.w.configure(background="black") self.w.pack(side="left") self.w.create_line(300, 250, 450, 250, width=10, fill="teal") self.scoreC = Label(self.root, text="Score\n" + str(self.score), bg="black", fg="teal", padx=25, pady=35, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=25)) self.head = self.w.create_line(450, 250, 455, 250, width=10, fill="white") self.scoreC.pack(side="top") self.root.bind("<Up>", self.callup) self.root.bind("<Down>", self.calldown) self.root.bind("<Right>", self.callright) self.root.bind("<Left>", self.callleft) self.createFood() self.right(0) def down(self, i): crd = self.w.coords(1) if len(crd) > 0: if crd[0] == crd[2]: if crd[1] > crd[3]: # print("inside if1") crd[1] -= 10 if crd[1] < crd[3]: # print("inside if2") crd[1] += 10 else: if crd[0] > crd[2]: crd[0] -= 10 if crd[0] < crd[2]: crd[0] += 10 crd[-1] += 10 if i == 0: crd.append(crd[-2]) crd.append(crd[-2]) crd[-3] -= 10 if crd[0] == crd[2] and crd[1] == crd[3]: crd = crd[2:] self.w.coords(1, *crd) self.w.delete(self.head) self.head = self.w.create_line(crd[-2], crd[-1], crd[-2], crd[-1] + 5, width=10, fill="orange") end = self.end() self.checkEaten() i += 1 self.hor = False if not end: self.downid = self.w.after(self.time, self.down, i) else: self.w.delete(1) self.w.delete(self.head) self.w.delete( self.start = Button(self.root, text="Start", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=25, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=15), command=lambda: self.callhome()) self.start.pack(side="bottom") def up(self, i): crd = self.w.coords(1) if len(crd) > 0: if crd[0] == crd[2]: if crd[1] > crd[3]: # print("inside if1") crd[1] -= 10 if crd[1] < crd[3]: # print("inside if2") crd[1] += 10 else: if crd[0] > crd[2]: crd[0] -= 10 if crd[0] < crd[2]: crd[0] += 10 crd[-1] -= 10 if i == 0: crd.append(crd[-2]) crd.append(crd[-2]) crd[-3] += 10 if crd[0] == crd[2] and crd[1] == crd[3]: crd = crd[2:] self.w.coords(1, *crd) self.w.delete(self.head) self.head = self.w.create_line(crd[-2], crd[-1], crd[-2], crd[-1] - 5, width=10, fill="orange") end = self.end() self.checkEaten() i += 1 self.hor = False if not end: self.upid = self.w.after(self.time, self.up, i) else: self.w.delete(1) self.w.delete(self.head) self.w.delete( self.start = Button(self.root, text="Start", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=25, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=15), command=lambda: self.callhome()) self.start.pack(side="bottom") def right(self, i): crd = self.w.coords(1) if len(crd) > 0: if crd[0] == crd[2]: if crd[1] > crd[3]: # print("inside if1") crd[1] -= 10 if crd[1] < crd[3]: # print("inside if2") crd[1] += 10 else: if crd[0] > crd[2]: crd[0] -= 10 if crd[0] < crd[2]: crd[0] += 10 crd[-2] += 10 if i == 0: crd.append(crd[-2]) crd.append(crd[-2]) crd[-4] -= 10 if crd[0] == crd[2] and crd[1] == crd[3]: crd = crd[2:] self.w.coords(1, *crd) self.w.delete(self.head) self.head = self.w.create_line(crd[-2], crd[-1], crd[-2] + 5, crd[-1], width=10, fill="orange") end = self.end() self.checkEaten() i += 1 self.hor = True if not end: self.rightid = self.w.after(self.time, self.right, i) else: self.w.delete(1) self.w.delete(self.head) self.w.delete( self.start = Button(self.root, text="Start", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=25, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=15), command=lambda: self.callhome()) self.start.pack(side="bottom") def left(self, i): crd = self.w.coords(1) if len(crd) > 0: if crd[0] == crd[2]: if crd[1] > crd[3]: # print("inside if1") crd[1] -= 10 if crd[1] < crd[3]: # print("inside if2") crd[1] += 10 else: if crd[0] > crd[2]: crd[0] -= 10 if crd[0] < crd[2]: crd[0] += 10 crd[-2] -= 10 if i == 0: crd.append(crd[-2]) crd.append(crd[-2]) crd[-4] += 10 if crd[0] == crd[2] and crd[1] == crd[3]: crd = crd[2:] self.w.coords(1, *crd) self.w.delete(self.head) self.head = self.w.create_line(crd[-2], crd[-1], crd[-2] - 5, crd[-1], width=10, fill="orange") end = self.end() self.checkEaten() i += 1 self.hor = True if not end: self.leftid = self.w.after(self.time, self.left, i) else: self.w.delete(1) self.w.delete(self.head) self.w.delete( self.start = Button(self.root, text="Start", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=25, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=15), command=lambda: self.callhome()) self.start.pack(side="bottom") def createFood(self): # self.w.delete( #deleting old food. crd = self.w.coords(1) ext = [] for i in crd: ext.append(i) for j in range(-50, 50): ext.append(i + j) randx = random.randrange(20, 730) randy = random.randrange(20, 480) while randx not in ext and randy not in ext: randx = random.randrange(20, 730) randy = random.randrange(20, 480) = self.w.create_line(randx, randy, randx + 12, randy, width=10, fill="yellow") def checkEaten(self): headcoords = self.w.coords(self.head) foodcoords = self.w.coords( # self.w.delete( flag = False # print(headcoords[-4]) # print(foodcoords[-4]) # print(foodcoords[-2]) if int(headcoords[-4]) in range( int(foodcoords[-4]) - 7, int(foodcoords[-2]) + 7) and int(headcoords[-3]) in range( int(foodcoords[-1]) - 10, int(foodcoords[-1] + 10)): flag = True if flag: self.grow() self.score += 10 self.scoreC.configure(text="Score\n" + str(self.score), bg="black", fg="teal", padx=25, pady=35, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=25)) self.w.delete( self.createFood() def grow(self): crd = self.w.coords(1) if crd[0] != crd[2]: # horizontal condition if crd[0] < crd[2]: crd[0] -= 20 else: crd[0] += 20 self.w.coords(1, *crd) else: if crd[3] < crd[1]: crd[1] += 20 else: crd[1] -= 20 self.w.coords(1, *crd) def end(self): crd = self.w.coords(1) h = self.w.coords(self.head) a = 0 while a < len(crd) - 2: if crd[a] == crd[a + 2]: if (h[0] == crd[a] and crd[a + 1] < h[1] < crd[a + 3]) or ( h[0] == crd[a] and crd[a + 1] > h[1] > crd[a + 3]): return True else: if (h[1] == crd[a + 1] and crd[a] < h[0] < crd[a + 2]) or ( h[1] == crd[a + 1] and crd[a] > h[0] > crd[a + 2]): return True a += 2 if (h[0] == 0 and 0 < h[1] < 500) or (h[1] == 0 and 0 < h[0] < 750) or ( h[1] == 510 and 0 < h[0] < 750) or (h[0] == 760 and 0 < h[1] < 500): return True return False def callhome(self): self.w.destroy() self.start.destroy() self.H.destroy() self.scoreC.destroy() self.home()
# "pilot": "GliderGeek", # "glider_id": "PH-790", # "glider_type": "LS4", # "logger_interval": 1, "waypoints": Flarm_waypoints, "task_name": _task_name } writer.write_flarm_task(writer, task_info) title = Label(root, text="Glider-task-converter", font=("Helvetica", 30), width=20) load_cup = Button(root, text="Load .cup file", command=get_cup_filename) cup_filename = Label(root, text="", width=20) write_flarm = Button(root, text="Destination folder", command=get_flarm_directory) flarm_directory_name = Label(root, text="", width=20) convert = Button(root, text="Convert", command=start_conversion, state="disabled") conversion_status = Label(root, text="") filler = Label(root, text="") title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=5) load_cup.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E) cup_filename.grid(row=1, column=1)
class DataAnnotationWindow(object): def __init__(self): self.img_Wid = 500 self.img_Hei = 500 self.win_wid = self.img_Wid + 200 self.win_Hei = self.img_Hei # init state control variable self.has_select_path = False # sign has select image path(to do data annotation) or not self.img_path = '' self.img_list = [] # create main window self.mainWin = Tkinter.Tk() self.mainWin.geometry(str(self.win_wid) + 'x' + str(self.win_Hei)) # init the size of window self.mainWin.title("data annotation tool")'package require Tix') # bind the key press event(space to pass, d to delete, q to quit) self.mainWin.bind('<KeyPress>', self._keyPressEvent) # create init image(a black background) self.img ="RGB", (self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei), (0, 0, 0)) self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img) # create Canvas control = Canvas(self.mainWin, bg='white', width=self.img_Wid, height=self.img_Hei), 0), anchor=Tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img), expand=True) # create total Frame to lay out all components self.frame = Frame(self.mainWin) self.frame.pack(fill=Tkinter.X, expand=Tkinter.YES, side=Tkinter.LEFT) # create text control root_save_path = './data_annotation_result' self.entry = Entry(self.frame, state='normal') self.entry.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X) self.entry.insert(0, root_save_path) # mkdir of annotation result self.categoryList = ['Pass', 'Remove'] self.category_savepath_list = [] for category in self.categoryList: cur_category_save_path = os.path.join(root_save_path, category) self.category_savepath_list.append(cur_category_save_path) if os.path.exists(cur_category_save_path) == False: os.mkdir(cur_category_save_path) # create 'START' button self.btn_start = Button(self.frame, text='START', command=self._selectPath, activeforeground='blue', activebackground='white', bg='blue', fg='white') self.btn_start.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=30) # create data annotation label button self.btn_dog = Button(self.frame, text='Pass', command=lambda: self._labelButtonClick('Pass'), activeforeground='black', activebackground='blue', bg='white', fg='black') self.btn_dog.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=10) # create data annotation label button self.btn_cat = Button(self.frame, text='Remove', command=lambda: self._labelButtonClick('Remove'), activeforeground='black', activebackground='blue', bg='white', fg='black') self.btn_cat.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=10) #NumericUpDown控件 self.num_count = Control(self.frame, integer=True, max=-1, min=-1, value=-1, step=1, label='current Image:', command=self._showImage) self.num_count.label.config(font='Helvetica -14 bold') self.num_count.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=50) # create 'QUIT' button self.btn_quit = Button(self.frame, text='QUIT', command=self.mainWin.quit, activeforeground='blue', activebackground='white', bg='red', fg='white') self.btn_quit.pack(side=Tkinter.BOTTOM, pady=10) def _keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.keycode == 32: self._labelButtonClick('Pass') elif event.keycode == 68: self._labelButtonClick('Remove') elif event.keycode == 81: self.mainWin.destroy() def _showImage(self, ev=None): if self.has_select_path: if int(self.num_count['value']) == -1: # create init image(a black background) self.img ="RGB", (self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei), (0, 0, 0)) self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img), 0), anchor=Tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img) return else: img_cur_path = self.img_list[int(self.num_count['value'])] self.img = (self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei)) self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img), 0), anchor=Tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img) def _labelButtonClick(self, label): cur_idx = int(self.num_count['value']) if cur_idx != -1: # save cur image's annotation result catgory_idx = self.categoryList.index(label) save_path = self.category_savepath_list[catgory_idx] cur_img_name = self.img_list[cur_idx].split('\\')[-1] save_path = os.path.join(save_path, cur_img_name) # check has next image or not if cur_idx + 1 < len(self.img_list): self.num_count['value'] = str(cur_idx + 1) else: tkMessageBox.showinfo( title='thanks', message='all the data annotation mission has finished~') def _selectPath(self): self.img_path = tkFileDialog.askdirectory() self.img_list = self._getImagList() if len(self.img_list) > 0: self.has_select_path = True self.num_count.config(max=len(self.img_list)) self.num_count['value'] = str(0) else: self.has_select_path = False self.num_count['value'] = str(-1) self.num_count.config(max=-1) tkMessageBox.showwarning( 'warning', 'No available images detected! please re-select image path and start' ) def _getImagList(self): img_list = [] img_suffix = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'bmp'] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.img_path): for file_name in files: suffix = file_name.split('.')[-1] if suffix in img_suffix: cur_img_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) img_list.append(cur_img_path) return img_list
def __init__(self, master, label=""): self.label = Label(master, text=label) self.entry = Entry(master) self.button = Button(master, text="Open", command=self.getLoadName) self.options = {}
def init_gui(self): # create root window self.rootWindow = Tk() self.statusText = StringVar(value=self.statusStr) self.set_status_str("Simulation not yet started") self.rootWindow.wm_title(self.titleText) self.rootWindow.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit_gui) self.rootWindow.geometry('550x700') self.rootWindow.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rootWindow.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frameSim = Frame(self.rootWindow) self.frameSim.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=5, side=TOP) self.status = Label(self.rootWindow, width=40, height=3, relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, textvariable=self.statusText) self.status.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=1, pady=1, expand=NO) self.runPauseString = StringVar() self.runPauseString.set("Run") self.buttonRun = Button(self.frameSim, width=30, height=2, textvariable=self.runPauseString, command=self.run_event) self.buttonRun.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) self.show_help( self.buttonRun, "Runs the simulation (or pauses the running simulation)") self.buttonStep = Button(self.frameSim, width=30, height=2, text="Step Once", command=self.step_once) self.buttonStep.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) self.show_help(self.buttonStep, "Steps the simulation only once") self.buttonReset = Button(self.frameSim, width=30, height=2, text="Reset", command=self.reset_model) self.buttonReset.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) self.show_help(self.buttonReset, "Resets the simulation") for param in self.model.params: var_text = self.param_gui_names.get(param, param) can = Canvas(self.frameSim) lab = Label(can, width=25, height=1 + var_text.count('\n'), text=var_text, anchor=W, takefocus=0) lab.pack(side='left') ent = Entry(can, width=11) val = getattr(self.model, param) if isinstance(val, bool): val = int(val) # Show 0/1 which can convert back to bool ent.insert(0, str(val)) ent.pack(side='left') can.pack(side='top') self.param_entries[param] = ent if self.param_entries: self.buttonSaveParameters = Button( self.frameSim, width=50, height=1, command=self.save_parameters_cmd, text="Save parameters to the running model", state=DISABLED) self.show_help( self.buttonSaveParameters, "Saves the parameter values.\n Not all values may take effect " "on a running model\n A model reset might be required.") self.buttonSaveParameters.pack(side='top', padx=5, pady=5) self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset = Button( self.frameSim, width=50, height=1, command=self.save_parameters_and_reset_cmd, text="Save parameters to the model and reset the model") self.show_help( self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset, "Saves the given parameter values and resets the model") self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset.pack(side='top', padx=5, pady=5) can = Canvas(self.frameSim) lab = Label(can, width=25, height=1, text="Step size ", justify=LEFT, anchor=W, takefocus=0) lab.pack(side='left') self.stepScale = Scale(can, from_=1, to=500, resolution=1, command=self.change_step_size, orient=HORIZONTAL, width=25, length=150) self.stepScale.set(self.stepSize) self.show_help( self.stepScale, "Skips model redraw during every [n] simulation steps\n" + " Results in a faster model run.") self.stepScale.pack(side='left') can.pack(side='top') can = Canvas(self.frameSim) lab = Label(can, width=25, height=1, text="Step visualization delay in ms ", justify=LEFT, anchor=W, takefocus=0) lab.pack(side='left') self.stepDelay = Scale(can, from_=0, to=max(2000, self.timeInterval), resolution=10, command=self.change_step_delay, orient=HORIZONTAL, width=25, length=150) self.stepDelay.set(self.timeInterval) self.show_help( self.stepDelay, "The visualization of each step is " + "delays by the given number of " + "milliseconds.") self.stepDelay.pack(side='left') can.pack(side='top')
class GUI: def __init__(self, model, title='PyCX Simulator', interval=0, step_size=1, param_gui_names=None): self.model = model self.titleText = title self.timeInterval = interval self.stepSize = step_size self.param_gui_names = param_gui_names if param_gui_names is None: self.param_gui_names = {} self.param_entries = {} self.statusStr = "" self.running = False self.modelFigure = None self.currentStep = 0 self.init_gui() def init_gui(self): # create root window self.rootWindow = Tk() self.statusText = StringVar(value=self.statusStr) self.set_status_str("Simulation not yet started") self.rootWindow.wm_title(self.titleText) self.rootWindow.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit_gui) self.rootWindow.geometry('550x700') self.rootWindow.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rootWindow.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frameSim = Frame(self.rootWindow) self.frameSim.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=5, side=TOP) self.status = Label(self.rootWindow, width=40, height=3, relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, textvariable=self.statusText) self.status.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=1, pady=1, expand=NO) self.runPauseString = StringVar() self.runPauseString.set("Run") self.buttonRun = Button(self.frameSim, width=30, height=2, textvariable=self.runPauseString, command=self.run_event) self.buttonRun.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) self.show_help( self.buttonRun, "Runs the simulation (or pauses the running simulation)") self.buttonStep = Button(self.frameSim, width=30, height=2, text="Step Once", command=self.step_once) self.buttonStep.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) self.show_help(self.buttonStep, "Steps the simulation only once") self.buttonReset = Button(self.frameSim, width=30, height=2, text="Reset", command=self.reset_model) self.buttonReset.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) self.show_help(self.buttonReset, "Resets the simulation") for param in self.model.params: var_text = self.param_gui_names.get(param, param) can = Canvas(self.frameSim) lab = Label(can, width=25, height=1 + var_text.count('\n'), text=var_text, anchor=W, takefocus=0) lab.pack(side='left') ent = Entry(can, width=11) val = getattr(self.model, param) if isinstance(val, bool): val = int(val) # Show 0/1 which can convert back to bool ent.insert(0, str(val)) ent.pack(side='left') can.pack(side='top') self.param_entries[param] = ent if self.param_entries: self.buttonSaveParameters = Button( self.frameSim, width=50, height=1, command=self.save_parameters_cmd, text="Save parameters to the running model", state=DISABLED) self.show_help( self.buttonSaveParameters, "Saves the parameter values.\n Not all values may take effect " "on a running model\n A model reset might be required.") self.buttonSaveParameters.pack(side='top', padx=5, pady=5) self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset = Button( self.frameSim, width=50, height=1, command=self.save_parameters_and_reset_cmd, text="Save parameters to the model and reset the model") self.show_help( self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset, "Saves the given parameter values and resets the model") self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset.pack(side='top', padx=5, pady=5) can = Canvas(self.frameSim) lab = Label(can, width=25, height=1, text="Step size ", justify=LEFT, anchor=W, takefocus=0) lab.pack(side='left') self.stepScale = Scale(can, from_=1, to=500, resolution=1, command=self.change_step_size, orient=HORIZONTAL, width=25, length=150) self.stepScale.set(self.stepSize) self.show_help( self.stepScale, "Skips model redraw during every [n] simulation steps\n" + " Results in a faster model run.") self.stepScale.pack(side='left') can.pack(side='top') can = Canvas(self.frameSim) lab = Label(can, width=25, height=1, text="Step visualization delay in ms ", justify=LEFT, anchor=W, takefocus=0) lab.pack(side='left') self.stepDelay = Scale(can, from_=0, to=max(2000, self.timeInterval), resolution=10, command=self.change_step_delay, orient=HORIZONTAL, width=25, length=150) self.stepDelay.set(self.timeInterval) self.show_help( self.stepDelay, "The visualization of each step is " + "delays by the given number of " + "milliseconds.") self.stepDelay.pack(side='left') can.pack(side='top') def set_status_str(self, new_status): self.statusStr = new_status self.statusText.set(self.statusStr) # model control functions def change_step_size(self, val): self.stepSize = int(val) def change_step_delay(self, val): self.timeInterval = int(val) def save_parameters_cmd(self): for param, entry in self.param_entries.items(): val = entry.get() if isinstance(getattr(self.model, param), bool): val = bool(int(val)) setattr(self.model, param, val) # See if the model changed the value (e.g. clipping) new_val = getattr(self.model, param) if isinstance(new_val, bool): new_val = int(new_val) entry.delete(0, END) entry.insert(0, str(new_val)) self.set_status_str("New parameter values have been set") def save_parameters_and_reset_cmd(self): self.save_parameters_cmd() self.reset_model() def run_event(self): if not self.running: self.running = True self.rootWindow.after(self.timeInterval, self.step_model) self.runPauseString.set("Pause") self.buttonStep.configure(state=DISABLED) if self.param_entries: self.buttonSaveParameters.configure(state=NORMAL) self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset.configure(state=DISABLED) else: self.stop_running() def stop_running(self): self.running = False self.runPauseString.set("Continue Run") self.buttonStep.configure(state=NORMAL) self.draw_model() if self.param_entries: self.buttonSaveParameters.configure(state=NORMAL) self.buttonSaveParametersAndReset.configure(state=NORMAL) def step_model(self): if self.running: if self.model.step() is True: self.stop_running() self.currentStep += 1 self.set_status_str("Step " + str(self.currentStep)) self.status.configure(foreground='black') if self.currentStep % self.stepSize == 0: self.draw_model() self.rootWindow.after(int(self.timeInterval * 1.0 / self.stepSize), self.step_model) def step_once(self): self.running = False self.runPauseString.set("Continue Run") self.model.step() self.currentStep += 1 self.set_status_str("Step " + str(self.currentStep)) self.draw_model() if self.param_entries: self.buttonSaveParameters.configure(state=NORMAL) self.currentStep += 1 def reset_model(self): self.running = False self.runPauseString.set("Run") self.model.reset() self.currentStep = 0 self.set_status_str("Model has been reset") self.draw_model() def get_point_color(self, data): point_colors = [] for i in data: point_colors.append([0, 0, 0, i / self.model.k]) return point_colors def draw_model(self): if self.modelFigure is None: self.modelFigure = plt.figure() ax = self.modelFigure.add_subplot(111) xax = ax.xaxis xax.tick_top() points = self.init_values() ax.axis([0, len(points[0]) + 1, 0, 100]) ax.invert_yaxis() plt.scatter(points[0], points[1], c=self.get_point_color(points[2]), s=5, marker='s') plt.gray() plt.ion() dpi = self.modelFigure.get_dpi() self.modelFigure.set_size_inches(550.0 / float(dpi), 550.0 / float(dpi)) self.modelFigure.canvas.manager.window.resizable("false", "false") if sys.platform == 'darwin': else: points = self.init_values() plt.scatter(points[0], points[1], c=self.get_point_color(points[2]), s=5, marker='s') self.modelFigure.canvas.manager.window.update() def init_values(self): data = self.model.draw() x = [] point_value = 1 for _ in data: x.append(point_value) point_value += 1 t = np.empty(len(x)) t.fill(self.currentStep) return [x, t, data] def start(self): if self.model.step.__doc__: self.show_help(self.buttonStep, self.model.step.__doc__.strip()) self.model.reset() self.draw_model() self.rootWindow.mainloop() def quit_gui(self): plt.close('all') self.rootWindow.quit() self.rootWindow.destroy() def show_help(self, widget, text): def set_text(self): self.statusText.set(text) self.status.configure(foreground='blue') def show_help_leave(self): self.statusText.set(self.statusStr) self.status.configure(foreground='black') widget.bind("<Enter>", lambda e: set_text(self)) widget.bind("<Leave>", lambda e: show_help_leave(self))
class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master = master # self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onWindowClose) # Load defaults from the config file self.configFilename = os.path.expanduser('~/.trainingparser') self.config = self.readConfig(self.configFilename) self.templateFileName = self.config['TemplateFile'] self.programFileName = self.config['ProgramFile'] self.maxFileName = self.config['MaxFile'] self.pack() self.createWidgets() # def onWindowClose(self): # if self.master: # print 'DESTROYING' # self.master.destroy() def readConfig(self, filename): config = {} if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename) as f: return json.load(f) else: return { 'TemplateFile': None, 'ProgramFile': None, 'MaxFile': None, 'OutputDirectory': os.path.expanduser('~'), } def writeConfig(self, config, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=2) def createWidgets(self): self.menuBar = Menu(self.master) self.fileMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.master.destroy) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.fileMenu) self.master.config(menu=self.menuBar) self.openProgramButton = Button(self, text='Open Program File', command=self.openProgramFile) self.openProgramButton.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.programLabelText = StringVar() self.programLabelText.set('No Program File' if self.programFileName is None else self.programFileName) self.programLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.programLabelText) self.programLabel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) self.openMaxButton = Button(self, text='Open Max File', command=self.openMaxFile) self.openMaxButton.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.maxLabelText = StringVar() self.maxLabelText.set('No Max File' if self.maxFileName is None else self.maxFileName) self.maxLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.maxLabelText) self.maxLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) self.openTemplateButton = Button(self, text='Open Template File', command=self.openTemplateFile) self.openTemplateButton.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.templateLabelText = StringVar() self.templateLabelText.set('No Template File' if self.templateFileName is None else self.templateFileName) self.templateLabel = Label(self, textvariable=self.templateLabelText) self.templateLabel.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W) self.programNameLabel = Label(self, text='Program Name') self.programNameLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) self.programNameField = Entry(self, width=60) self.programNameField.insert(END, "Waxman's Gym Programming") self.programNameField.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W) self.openMaxButton = Button(self, text='Generate!', command=self.generate) self.openMaxButton.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2) self.statusText = Text(self) self.statusText.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2) def quit(self): self.master.destroy() def generate(self): try: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Parsing max file...') with open(self.maxFileName) as maxFile: maxes = trainingparser.parseMaxes(maxFile) self.statusText.insert(END, 'Success!\n') except RuntimeError as e: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Failed!\n') self.statusText.insert(END, e.message) return except Exception as e: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Failed!\n') self.statusText.insert(END, 'Unknown Error! Please send Rand your input and max files, and the following message:\n') self.statusText.insert(END, str(e) + '\n') return try: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Parsing input file...') with open(self.programFileName) as programFile: program = trainingparser.parseTraining(programFile, maxes) self.statusText.insert(END, 'Success!\n') except RuntimeError as e: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Failed!\n') self.statusText.insert(END, e.message) return except Exception as e: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Failed!\n') self.statusText.insert(END, 'Unknown Error! Please send Rand your input and max files, and the following message:\n') self.statusText.insert(END, str(e) + '\n') return try: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Generating output HTML file...') outFileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(message='Output HTML') with open(outFileName, 'w') as outfile: trainingparser.writeJinja(program=program, out=outfile, template=self.templateFile) self.statusText.insert(END, 'Success!\n') except Exception as e: self.statusText.insert(END, 'Failed!\n') self.statusText.insert( END, 'Unknown Error! Please send Rand your input, template and max files, and the following message:\n') self.statusText.insert(END, str(e) + '\n') return def openProgramFile(self): Tk().withdraw() self.programFileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=self) self.config['ProgramFile'] = self.programFileName self.writeConfig(self.config, self.configFilename) self.programLabelText.set(self.programFileName) self.statusText.insert(END, 'Opened input file: {}\n'.format(self.programFileName)) def openTemplateFile(self): Tk().withdraw() self.templateFileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=self) self.config['TemplateFile'] = self.templateFileName self.writeConfig(self.config, self.configFilename) self.templateLabelText.set(self.templateFileName) self.statusText.insert(END, 'Opened template file: {}\n'.format(self.templateFileName)) def openMaxFile(self): Tk().withdraw() self.maxFileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=self) self.config['MaxFile'] = self.maxFileName self.writeConfig(self.config, self.configFilename) self.maxLabelText.set(self.maxFileName) self.statusText.insert(END, 'Opened max file: {}\n'.format(self.maxFileName))
def kali(): p = float(str1.get()) q = float(str2.get()) r = p * q L.config(text=r) def bagi(): p = float(str1.get()) q = float(str2.get()) r = p / q L.config(text=r) B1 = Button(my_app, text='+', command=tambah) B1.grid(row=2, column=0) B2 = Button(my_app, text='-', command=kurang) B2.grid(row=2, column=1) B3 = Button(my_app, text='x', command=kali) B3.grid(row=2, column=2) B4 = Button(my_app, text=':', command=bagi) B4.grid(row=2, column=3) L3 = Label(my_app, text='Hasil') L3.grid(row=3, column=1) L = Label(my_app, text='0') L.grid(row=3, column=2) my_app.mainloop()
class File_Entry(Frame): ''' Quite self explanatoy... creates a row in which is possible to search for a file''' def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): # this was a nice frame, but considering that needs # from popup import FilePopUp, was moved elsewere # meaning this is not as low level as tk_lib #if not master and options.get('parent'): # master = options['parent'] self.master = master Frame.__init__(self, master) self.entries_txt = None self.entries_val = None if 'e_txt' in kwargs.keys(): self.entries_txt = kwargs['e_txt'] if 'e_val' in kwargs.keys(): self.entries_val = kwargs['e_val'] # File extension if 'f_ext' in kwargs.keys(): self.file_ext = kwargs['f_ext'] else: self.file_ext = [ '.' + self.entries_val.split('.')[-1], ] # File extension description if 'f_ext_d' in kwargs.keys(): self.fex_description = kwargs['f_ext_d'] else: self.fex_description = [ self.entries_txt, ] # file icon image, part of the master's personal library self.file_img = self.master.img['file'] # inner class object container self._entry = [] self._button = [] self._strvar = StringVar() self.createWidgets() def createWidgets(self): '''creates the row content and stores the objects ''' # INIT file_row = Frame(self) fi_text = self.entries_txt _def_file_ = self.entries_val f_ext_txt = () for i in range(len(self.file_ext)): f_ext_txt += ((self.fex_description[i], self.file_ext[i]), ) # Building _f_labels = format_dec([file_row, fi_text], _pack_=False) self._entry = Entry(file_row, width=13, textvariable=self._strvar) self._entry.insert('end', _def_file_) self._entry.bind("<Key>", lambda e: "break") # Magic self._entry.xview_moveto(1) self._button = Button( file_row, image=self.file_img, command=(lambda El=self._entry: self.browsefile(El, f_ext_txt))) # Just packing format_dec(_f_labels, _create_=False) self._entry.pack(side='left', expand='yes', fill='x') self._button.pack(side='right', padx=0, pady=0) file_row.pack(side='top', fill='x', pady=3) def browsefile(self, entry, ext=None): '''Browse a file <button> action binder''' pop = FilePopUp(master=self) if ext <> None and isinstance(ext, tuple): #print '--- ', ext, type(ext) pop.filetypes['filetypes'] = ext #(("All","*"),) # filepath = pop.getfilepath() try: fito = open(filepath, "r") fito.close() entry.delete(0, 'end') entry.insert(0, filepath) entry.xview_moveto(1) except: if filepath not in ['', ()]: print "Could not open File: ", filepath print exc_info()[1] def setter(self, value): if value: self.enable_entr() else: self.disable_entr() def disable_entr(self): self._entry.configure(state='disabled') self._button.configure(state='disabled') def enable_entr(self): self._entry.configure(state='normal') self._button.configure(state='normal')
def popupControls(self, tl=None): """ Popup control panel for interval. """ from direct.showbase import TkGlobal import math # I moved this here because Toontown does not ship Tk from Tkinter import Toplevel, Frame, Button, LEFT, X import Pmw from direct.tkwidgets import EntryScale if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Interval Controls') outerFrame = Frame(tl) def entryScaleCommand(t, s=self): s.setT(t) s.pause() = es = EntryScale.EntryScale( outerFrame, text=self.getName(), min=0, max=math.floor(self.getDuration() * 100) / 100, command=entryScaleCommand) es.set(self.getT(), fCommand=0) es.pack(expand=1, fill=X) bf = Frame(outerFrame) # Jump to start and end def toStart(s=self, es=es): s.clearToInitial() es.set(0, fCommand=0) def toEnd(s=self): s.pause() s.setT(s.getDuration()) es.set(s.getDuration(), fCommand=0) s.pause() jumpToStart = Button(bf, text='<<', command=toStart) # Stop/play buttons def doPlay(s=self, es=es): s.resume(es.get()) stop = Button(bf, text='Stop', command=lambda s=self: s.pause()) play = Button(bf, text='Play', command=doPlay) jumpToEnd = Button(bf, text='>>', command=toEnd) jumpToStart.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) play.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) stop.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) jumpToEnd.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) bf.pack(expand=1, fill=X) outerFrame.pack(expand=1, fill=X) # Add function to update slider during setT calls def update(t, es=es): es.set(t, fCommand=0) if not hasattr(self, "setTHooks"): self.setTHooks = [] self.setTHooks.append(update) # Clear out function on destroy def onDestroy(e, s=self, u=update): if u in s.setTHooks: s.setTHooks.remove(u) tl.bind('<Destroy>', onDestroy)
class Processor: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master master.geometry('500x500') master.title("Operation Processor") """ Prima problema """ self.prob1 = Label(master, text="PROBLEMA 1:", font=("Helvetica bold", 10)) self.prob1.pack() self.add_button = Button(master, text="Determine smallest number", fg = "blue", bg="white", command=lambda: self.update("prec")) self.min_no = IntVar() self.min_label = Label(master, textvariable=self.min_no) self.min_label.pack() """ A doua problema """ self.prob2 = Label(master, text="PROBLEMA 2.1:", font=("Helvetica bold", 10)) self.prob2.pack() self.add_button2 = Button(master, text="Check sum associativity", fg="blue", bg="white", command=lambda: self.update("assoc")) self.min_no2 = IntVar() self.min_label2 = Label(master, textvariable=self.min_no2) self.min_label2.pack() """ Al doilea subpunct - Problema 2""" self.prob22 = Label(master, text="PROBLEMA 2.2:", font=("Helvetica bold", 10)) self.prob22.pack() self.add_button22 = Button(master, text="Determine element", fg="blue", bg="white", command=lambda: self.update("el")) self.min_no3 = IntVar() self.min_label3 = Label(master, textvariable=self.min_no3) self.min_label3.pack() """ A treia problema """ self.prob3 = Label(master, text="PROBLEMA 3:", font=("Helvetica bold", 10)) self.prob3.pack() self.prob31 = Label(master, text="Input n value:", font=("Helvetica bold", 10)) self.prob31.pack() self.n_min = Entry(master) self.n_min.pack() # LAYOUT self.prob1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W, pady = (20, 20)) self.add_button.grid(row=0, column=1) self.min_label.grid(row=0, column=2) self.prob2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W, pady = (20, 20)) self.add_button2.grid(row=2, column=1) self.min_label2.grid(row=2, column=2) self.prob22.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W, pady = (20, 20)) self.add_button22.grid(row=4, column=1) self.min_label3.grid(row=4, column=2) self.prob3.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W, pady = (5, 5)) self.prob31.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky=W) self.n_min.grid(row=7, column=1, sticky=W) def update(self, method): if method == "prec": self.min_no.set(machine_precision_sum()[1]) if method == "assoc": self.min_no2.set(check_non_associativity()) if method == "el": self.min_no3.set(check_multiplication_associativity()[0])
REGU = 'regu' SIGNS = { 'do not enter ': CRIT, 'railroad crossing': WARN, '55\nspeed limit': REGU, 'wrong way': CRIT, 'merging traffic': WARN, 'one way': REGU } critCB = lambda: showerror('Error', "Error Button Pressed!") warnCB = lambda: showwarning('Warnning', 'Warnning Button Pressed!') infoCB = lambda: showinfo('Info', 'Info Button Pressed!') top = Tk() top.title('Road Signs') Button(top, text='QUIT', command=top.quit, bg='red', fg='black').pack() MyButton = pto(Button, top) CritButton = pto(MyButton, command=critCB, bg='white', fg='red') WarnButton = pto(MyButton, command=warnCB, bg='goldenrod1') ReguButton = pto(MyButton, command=infoCB, bg='white') for eachSign in SIGNS: signType = SIGNS[eachSign] cmd = '%sButton(text=%r%s).pack(fill=X,expand=True)' % (signType.title( ), eachSign, '.upper()' if signType == CRIT else '.title()') eval(cmd) top.mainloop()
def __init__(self, master): def center(win): win.update_idletasks() width = win.winfo_width() height = win.winfo_height() x = (win.winfo_screenwidth() // 4) - (width // 2) + 40 y = (win.winfo_screenheight() // 4) - (height // 2) + 40 win.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(width, height, x, y)) def callback(event): event.widget.focus_set() print "clicked at", event.x, event.y if self.add_tasks_flg.get() == 1: self.enter_task(event) master.title("Map Interface") master.minsize(width=1000, height=750) master.maxsize(width=1000, height=750) master.config(bg=BKG_COLOUR) self.master = master # Canvas for overlaying map self.map_canvas = Canvas(master, width=CANVAS_W, height=CANVAS_H, bg='gray85', highlightthickness=0) self.map_canvas.pack(side='right',padx=50) self.map_canvas.bind("<Button-1>", callback) global CANVAS_PTR CANVAS_PTR = self.map_canvas self.master.update() w = self.map_canvas.winfo_width() h = self.map_canvas.winfo_height() # Overlay a grid for i in range(0,w,SQ_SIZE): if i != 0: self.map_canvas.create_line(i,0,i,h,dash=1) for i in range(0,h,SQ_SIZE): if i != 0: self.map_canvas.create_line(0,i,w,i,dash=1) # Load in flame icon from flame.gif self.flame_icon = PhotoImage(file="flame.gif") # Load in the drone icon from drone.gif global DRONE_ICON DRONE_ICON = PhotoImage(file="drone.gif") buttons_frame = Canvas(master, width=163, height=140, bg=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground='dim grey'),y=230) # Define UI buttons self.add_tasks_flg = IntVar() self.add_tasks_b = Checkbutton(master, text="Add Tasks", variable=self.add_tasks_flg, highlightbackground=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR, background=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR),y=270) self.clear_wp_b = Button(master, text='Clear Tasks', command=self.clear_wp, highlightbackground=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR) self.clear_wp_b.config(width=10), y=300) ''' self.gen_wp_file_b = Button(master, text='Generate Waypoints File', command=self.gen_wp_file, highlightbackground=BKG_COLOUR) self.gen_wp_file_b.config(width=20), y=250) ''' ''' self.land_b = Button(master, text='Land',, highlightbackground=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR) self.land_b.config(width=10), y=350) ''' # Set up coordinate system conversion and display corners of room: file_obj = open('antenna_locations.txt', 'r') anchors = [] for line in file_obj: cur_anchors = map(float, line.split()) anchors.append(cur_anchors) file_obj.close() anchors = (np.array(anchors)).T # Find largest (abs) x and y values to use a reference for conversion ratio x_vals = anchors[0] largest_x_val = x_vals[np.argmax(abs(x_vals))] y_vals = anchors[1] largest_y_val = y_vals[np.argmax(abs(y_vals))] if largest_x_val > largest_y_val: largest_y_val = largest_x_val else: largest_x_val = largest_y_val global m_per_pixel_x m_per_pixel_x = float(largest_x_val/(CANVAS_W/2)) global m_per_pixel_y m_per_pixel_y = float(largest_y_val/(CANVAS_H/2)) # Place antenna (anchors) on UI anchors = anchors.T for cur_anchor in anchors: x_pixel_loc = cur_anchor[0] / m_per_pixel_x + CANVAS_W/2 y_pixel_loc = -1*(cur_anchor[1] / m_per_pixel_y) + CANVAS_H/2 # Draw antenna @ location global ANTENNA_LIST antenna_id = self.map_canvas.create_oval(x_pixel_loc-15,y_pixel_loc-15,x_pixel_loc+15,y_pixel_loc+15,fill='red') self.master.update()
def __init__(self,master,position,onClick): self.master=master self.position = position = PhotoImage(file="Assets/circle.gif") self.UiOption = Button(self.master,, background="white", command=lambda: onClick(position)) self.UiOption.grid(row=position.Row, column=position.Column)
def __init__(self, port, pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4, pin5): # Setting up Arduino self.arduino = Arduino(port) self.servo1 = pin1 self.servo2 = pin2 self.servo3 = pin3 self.servo4 = pin4 self.servo5 = pin5[self.servo1].mode = SERVO[self.servo2].mode = SERVO[self.servo3].mode = SERVO[self.servo4].mode = SERVO[self.servo5].mode = SERVO # Setting up Database Connect path = 'C:/Users/Mohamad/Desktop/db/servo_2d.db' self.Connect = lite.connect(path) self.servo1OldVal = 0 self.servo2OldVal = 0 self.servo3OldVal = 0 self.servo4OldVal = 0 self.servo5OldVal = 0 self.root = Tkinter.Tk() self.root.geometry('600x600') # GUI variables self.servo1Val = IntVar() self.servo2Val = IntVar() self.servo3Val = IntVar() self.servo4Val = IntVar() self.servo5Val = IntVar() self.pointName = StringVar() # GUI Components servo1_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 1', length=400, from_=0, to_=360, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo1Val) servo1_slider.grid(column=1, row=2) servo2_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 2', length=400, from_=0, to_=180, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo2Val) servo2_slider.grid(column=2, row=2) servo3_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 3', length=400, from_=0, to_=180, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo3Val) servo3_slider.grid(column=3, row=2) servo4_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 4', length=400, from_=0, to_=180, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo4Val) servo4_slider.grid(column=4, row=2) servo5_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 5', length=400, from_=0, to_=60, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo5Val) servo5_slider.grid(column=5, row=2) self.btnSave = Button(self.root, text='Save', command=self.onSaveClicked) self.btnSave.grid(column=1, row=0) self.btnGet = Button(self.root, text='Get', command=self.onGetClicked) self.btnGet.grid(column=6, row=0) self.pName = Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.pointName) self.pName.grid(column=0, row=0) self.root.after(100, self.onSliderChange) self.root.mainloop()
if sys.version_info < (3, 0): from Tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, LEFT, RIGHT else: from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, LEFT, RIGHT def exit_btn_callback(evt): """Callback function to handle the button click event. :param Event evt: the instance of class Event from tkinter module. """ print("Inside exit_btn_callback. Event object is: {0}".format(evt)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Create the main window or Tk instance mainwin = Tk() mainwin.geometry("140x40") # Create a label widget and 'pack' it in a row (or column) lbl = Label(mainwin, text="Hello World!", bg='yellow') lbl.pack(side=LEFT) exit_button = Button(mainwin, text='Exit') # Bind the button click event to function exit_btn_callback exit_button.bind("<Button-1>", exit_btn_callback) exit_button.pack(side=RIGHT) mainwin.mainloop()
def xit(): root.destroy() exit(0) root = Tk() root.geometry("320x240") root.title("RESULTS GENERATOR V2 -- KAILASH RAMESH") dl = Label(root, text="Enter DOB: ") de = Entry(root) ll = Label(root, text="Enter the Lower Limit: ") le = Entry(root) ul = Label(root, text="Enter the Upper Limit: ") ue = Entry(root) sub = Button(root, text="GENERATE!", command=operation) xyt = Button(root, text="EXIT", command=xit) mod = Button(root, text="Adjust Delays", command=dly), y=40), y=40), y=80), y=80), y=120), y=120), y=170), y=170), y=170) root.mainloop()
class MapUI: def __init__(self, master): def center(win): win.update_idletasks() width = win.winfo_width() height = win.winfo_height() x = (win.winfo_screenwidth() // 4) - (width // 2) + 40 y = (win.winfo_screenheight() // 4) - (height // 2) + 40 win.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(width, height, x, y)) def callback(event): event.widget.focus_set() print "clicked at", event.x, event.y if self.add_tasks_flg.get() == 1: self.enter_task(event) master.title("Map Interface") master.minsize(width=1000, height=750) master.maxsize(width=1000, height=750) master.config(bg=BKG_COLOUR) self.master = master # Canvas for overlaying map self.map_canvas = Canvas(master, width=CANVAS_W, height=CANVAS_H, bg='gray85', highlightthickness=0) self.map_canvas.pack(side='right',padx=50) self.map_canvas.bind("<Button-1>", callback) global CANVAS_PTR CANVAS_PTR = self.map_canvas self.master.update() w = self.map_canvas.winfo_width() h = self.map_canvas.winfo_height() # Overlay a grid for i in range(0,w,SQ_SIZE): if i != 0: self.map_canvas.create_line(i,0,i,h,dash=1) for i in range(0,h,SQ_SIZE): if i != 0: self.map_canvas.create_line(0,i,w,i,dash=1) # Load in flame icon from flame.gif self.flame_icon = PhotoImage(file="flame.gif") # Load in the drone icon from drone.gif global DRONE_ICON DRONE_ICON = PhotoImage(file="drone.gif") buttons_frame = Canvas(master, width=163, height=140, bg=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground='dim grey'),y=230) # Define UI buttons self.add_tasks_flg = IntVar() self.add_tasks_b = Checkbutton(master, text="Add Tasks", variable=self.add_tasks_flg, highlightbackground=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR, background=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR),y=270) self.clear_wp_b = Button(master, text='Clear Tasks', command=self.clear_wp, highlightbackground=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR) self.clear_wp_b.config(width=10), y=300) ''' self.gen_wp_file_b = Button(master, text='Generate Waypoints File', command=self.gen_wp_file, highlightbackground=BKG_COLOUR) self.gen_wp_file_b.config(width=20), y=250) ''' ''' self.land_b = Button(master, text='Land',, highlightbackground=BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR) self.land_b.config(width=10), y=350) ''' # Set up coordinate system conversion and display corners of room: file_obj = open('antenna_locations.txt', 'r') anchors = [] for line in file_obj: cur_anchors = map(float, line.split()) anchors.append(cur_anchors) file_obj.close() anchors = (np.array(anchors)).T # Find largest (abs) x and y values to use a reference for conversion ratio x_vals = anchors[0] largest_x_val = x_vals[np.argmax(abs(x_vals))] y_vals = anchors[1] largest_y_val = y_vals[np.argmax(abs(y_vals))] if largest_x_val > largest_y_val: largest_y_val = largest_x_val else: largest_x_val = largest_y_val global m_per_pixel_x m_per_pixel_x = float(largest_x_val/(CANVAS_W/2)) global m_per_pixel_y m_per_pixel_y = float(largest_y_val/(CANVAS_H/2)) # Place antenna (anchors) on UI anchors = anchors.T for cur_anchor in anchors: x_pixel_loc = cur_anchor[0] / m_per_pixel_x + CANVAS_W/2 y_pixel_loc = -1*(cur_anchor[1] / m_per_pixel_y) + CANVAS_H/2 # Draw antenna @ location global ANTENNA_LIST antenna_id = self.map_canvas.create_oval(x_pixel_loc-15,y_pixel_loc-15,x_pixel_loc+15,y_pixel_loc+15,fill='red') self.master.update() global SQ_SIZE SQ_SIZE = 20 global BKG_COLOUR BKG_COLOUR = 'gray95' global BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR BUTTONS_BKG_COLOUR = 'grey66' global CANVAS_W CANVAS_W = 700 global CANVAS_H CANVAS_H = 700 global TASK_LIST TASK_LIST = None global m_per_pixel_x m_per_pixel_x = None global m_per_pixel_y m_per_pixel_y = None global NEW_TASK_FLAG NEW_TASK_FLAG = False global ANTENNA_LIST ANTENNA_LIST = None global DRONE_ICON DRONE_ICON = None flame_icon = None ui_wp_list = None add_wp_flag = False task_id = 0 add_tasks_flg = None def add_tasks(self): print "adding tasks" # function imp here self.add_wp_flag = True self.map_canvas.config(cursor='pencil') def clear_wp(self): print "clear tasks" global TASK_LIST TASK_LIST = None for element_id in self.ui_wp_list: self.map_canvas.delete(element_id[0]) self.ui_wp_list = None ''' def gen_wp_file(self): print "generate wp file" # function imp here ''' def land(self): # Send a new task with position (0,0,0) z=0 tells drone to land print("land") def enter_task(self, event): # Determine square (top left corner coords): w_start = event.x - event.x%SQ_SIZE h_start = event.y - event.y%SQ_SIZE #Translate pixel location to physical location x_pixel = event.x y_pixel = event.y # Find out how many pixels from center: x_pixel = x_pixel - CANVAS_W/2 x_physical = x_pixel*m_per_pixel_x #vertical case, note this is flipped y_pixel = y_pixel - CANVAS_W/2 y_pixel = -1*y_pixel y_physical = y_pixel*m_per_pixel_y try: # Add to task list global TASK_LIST if TASK_LIST == None: TASK_LIST = [[self.task_id, x_physical, y_physical]] TASK_LIST = [[self.task_id, x_physical, y_physical]] global NEW_TASK_FLAG NEW_TASK_FLAG = True else: TASK_LIST.append([self.task_id, x_physical, y_physical]) global NEW_TASK_FLAG NEW_TASK_FLAG = True # Indicate task in UI element_id = self.map_canvas.create_image(event.x, event.y, image=self.flame_icon) if self.ui_wp_list == None: self.ui_wp_list = [[element_id]] else: self.ui_wp_list.append([element_id]) except: print("Invalid Task Entry") self.map_canvas.config(cursor='arrow') self.add_wp_flag = False print(TASK_LIST) self.task_id = self.task_id + 1 def cancel_task(self):
# remove unnecessary folders and files shutil.rmtree(foldername) shutil.rmtree('build') shutil.rmtree('dist') os.remove("main.spec") root.quit() def incorrect_version(): print 'Build process is cancelled because of incorrect version number' root.quit() version_title = Label(root, text='Glider-task-converter %s' % version, font=("Helvetica", 30)) question = Label(root, text="Is this the correct version number?", font=("Helvetica", 12)) stop = Button(root, command=incorrect_version, text='no') go_on = Button(root, command=correct_version, text='yes') version_title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) question.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2) stop.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=E) go_on.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W) root.mainloop()
class App: def __init__(self, port, pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4, pin5): # Setting up Arduino self.arduino = Arduino(port) self.servo1 = pin1 self.servo2 = pin2 self.servo3 = pin3 self.servo4 = pin4 self.servo5 = pin5[self.servo1].mode = SERVO[self.servo2].mode = SERVO[self.servo3].mode = SERVO[self.servo4].mode = SERVO[self.servo5].mode = SERVO # Setting up Database Connect path = 'C:/Users/Mohamad/Desktop/db/servo_2d.db' self.Connect = lite.connect(path) self.servo1OldVal = 0 self.servo2OldVal = 0 self.servo3OldVal = 0 self.servo4OldVal = 0 self.servo5OldVal = 0 self.root = Tkinter.Tk() self.root.geometry('600x600') # GUI variables self.servo1Val = IntVar() self.servo2Val = IntVar() self.servo3Val = IntVar() self.servo4Val = IntVar() self.servo5Val = IntVar() self.pointName = StringVar() # GUI Components servo1_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 1', length=400, from_=0, to_=360, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo1Val) servo1_slider.grid(column=1, row=2) servo2_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 2', length=400, from_=0, to_=180, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo2Val) servo2_slider.grid(column=2, row=2) servo3_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 3', length=400, from_=0, to_=180, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo3Val) servo3_slider.grid(column=3, row=2) servo4_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 4', length=400, from_=0, to_=180, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo4Val) servo4_slider.grid(column=4, row=2) servo5_slider = Tkinter.Scale(self.root, label='Servo 5', length=400, from_=0, to_=60, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, variable=self.servo5Val) servo5_slider.grid(column=5, row=2) self.btnSave = Button(self.root, text='Save', command=self.onSaveClicked) self.btnSave.grid(column=1, row=0) self.btnGet = Button(self.root, text='Get', command=self.onGetClicked) self.btnGet.grid(column=6, row=0) self.pName = Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.pointName) self.pName.grid(column=0, row=0) self.root.after(100, self.onSliderChange) self.root.mainloop() #def OnSliderChange(self): # check(val, oldval, pin) #def check(self, val, oldVal, pin): # if (val != oldVal): #[pin].write(val) # sleep(0.01) # oldVal = val def onSliderChange(self): if self.servo1Val.get() != self.servo1OldVal:[self.servo1].write(self.servo1Val.get()) sleep(0.01) self.servo1OldVal = self.servo1Val.get() if self.servo2Val.get() != self.servo2OldVal:[self.servo2].write(self.servo2Val.get()) sleep(0.01) self.servo2OldVal = self.servo2Val.get() if self.servo3Val.get() != self.servo3OldVal:[self.servo3].write(self.servo3Val.get()) sleep(0.01) self.servo3OldVal = self.servo3Val.get() if self.servo4Val.get() != self.servo4OldVal:[self.servo4].write(self.servo4Val.get()) sleep(0.01) self.servo4OldVal = self.servo4Val.get() if self.servo5Val.get() != self.servo5OldVal:[self.servo5].write(self.servo5Val.get()) sleep(0.01) self.servo5OldVal = self.servo5Val.get() self.root.after(123, self.onSliderChange) def onSaveClicked(self): with self.Connect: cur = self.Connect.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO test VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)" cur.execute(sql, (self.servo1Val.get(), self.servo2Val.get(), self.servo3Val.get(), self.servo4Val.get(), self.servo5Val.get(), self.pointName.get())) def onGetClicked(self): with self.Connect: cur = self.Connect.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE point=?" cur.execute(sql, [self.pointName.get()]) points = cur.fetchone() #print(points[0]) print('Servo1: {0} Servo2: {1}Servo1: {2} Servo2: {3}Servo1: {4}'.format(str(points[0]), str(points[1]), str(points[2]), str(points[3]), str(points[4]))) self.servo1Val.set(points[0]) sleep(0.1) self.servo2Val.set(points[1]) sleep(0.1) self.servo3Val.set(points[2]) sleep(0.1) self.servo4Val.set(points[3]) sleep(0.1) self.servo5Val.set(points[4])
def __init__(self, master): ##Inititilize Main self.master = master ##Define master master.title ("GUI Name") ##Create Title for GUI Window master.geometry("816x504") ##Define Window Size master.resizable (width = False, height = False)##Disable Max Button on Window master.columnconfigure(0,minsiz=187,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) master.columnconfigure(1,minsiz=306,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) master.columnconfigure(2,minsiz=160.3536,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) master.columnconfigure(3,minsiz=160.3536,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) master.rowconfigure(0,minsiz=98.2464,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) master.rowconfigure(1,minsiz=323.2512,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) master.rowconfigure(2,minsiz=56.6784,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) master.rowconfigure(3,minsiz=39.3216,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) self.projectNameLabel=projectNameLabel=Label(master,text='Project Name:',font=('BoldCourier',16)) ##Label Widget for projectNameEntry Box projectNameLabel.grid(row=0,column=0) ##Grid Label self.projectNameEntry=projectNameEntry=Entry(master,text='Enter Name Of Project',font=('Courier',16)) ##Entry Widget for Entering Name Of Project projectNameEntry.grid(row=0,column=1) ##Gid Entry Widget projectNameEntry.focus() ##Set Curser To Entry Widget self.includeStartingFilesVariable=includeStartingFilesVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.includeStartingFiles=includeStartingFiles=Checkbutton(master,text='Include\nStarting Files',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',variable=includeStartingFilesVariable,font=('Courier',16)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Including Starting Files includeStartingFiles.grid(row=0,column=2, columnspan=2) ##Grid Checkbutton Widget self.folderFrame=folderFrame=Frame(master,width=462, height=342, borderwidth=2,relief='groove') ##Frame Widget to Create Better GUI Layout folderFrame.grid(row=1,column=0,rowspan=2,columnspan=2) ##Grid Frame Widget folderFrame.columnconfigure(0,minsize=156,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) folderFrame.columnconfigure(1,minsize=12.9984,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) folderFrame.columnconfigure(2,minsize=149.0016,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) folderFrame.columnconfigure(3,minsize=144,weight=1) ##Column Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(0,minsize=36,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(1,minsize=34.6656,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(2,minsize=42,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(3,minsize=12.9984,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(4,minsize=42,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(5,minsize=12.9984,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(6,minsize=42,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(7,minsize=12.9984,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(8,minsize=42,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(9,minsize=12.9984,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) folderFrame.rowconfigure(10,minsize=49.872,weight=1) ##Row Definition (size) self.folderFrameLabel=folderFrameLabel=Label(folderFrame,text='Folders To Include',font=('BoldCourier',16)) ##Label Widget for Frame folderFrameLabel.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=4) ##Grid Label Widget self.mainFolderLabel=mainFolderLabel=Label(folderFrame,text='Main Folders',font=('BoldCourier',12)) ##Label Widget for Main Folders mainFolderLabel.grid(row=1,column=0) ##Grid Label Widget self.divider0=divider0=Frame(folderFrame,width=2,height=280,borderwidth=1,relief='sunken') ##Frame to act as Divider for Better GUI Layout divider0.grid(row=1,column=1,rowspan=10) ##Grid Divider self.subFolderLabel=subFolderLabel=Label(folderFrame,text='Sub-Folders',font=('BoldCourier',12)) ##Label Widget for Sub-Folders subFolderLabel.grid(row=1,column=2,columnspan=2) ##Grid Label Widget self.firmwareMainVariable=firmwareMainVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.firmwareMain=firmwareMain=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=10,text='Firmware',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=firmwareMainVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Firmware Main Folder firmwareMain.grid(row=2,column=0) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.firmwareResourcesVariable=firmwareResourcesVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.firmwareResources=firmwareResources=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=12,text='Resources',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=firmwareResourcesVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Firmware-Resources Sub-Folder firmwareResources.grid(row=2,column=2) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.firmwareArchiveVariable=firmwareArchiveVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.firmwareArchive=firmwareArchive=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=8,text='Archive',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=firmwareArchiveVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Firmware-Archive Sub-Folder firmwareArchive.grid(row=2,column=3) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.divider1=divider1=Frame(folderFrame,width=400,height=2,borderwidth=1,relief='sunken') ##Frame to act as Divider for Better GUI Layout divider1.grid(row=3,column=0,columnspan=4) ##Grid Divider self.hardwareMainVariable=hardwareMainVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.hardwareMain=hardwareMain=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=10,text='Hardware',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=hardwareMainVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Hardware Main Folder hardwareMain.grid(row=4,column=0) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.hardwarePartsVariable=hardwarePartsVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.hardwareParts=hardwareParts=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=12,text='Parts',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=hardwarePartsVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Hardware-Parts Sub-Folder hardwareParts.grid(row=4,column=2) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.hardwareArchiveVariable=hardwareArchiveVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.hardwareArchive=hardwareArchive=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=8,text='Archive',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=hardwareArchiveVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Hardware-Archive Sub-Folder hardwareArchive.grid(row=4,column=3) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.divider2=divider2=Frame(folderFrame,width=400,height=2,borderwidth=1,relief='sunken') ##Frame to act as Divider for Better GUI Layout divider2.grid(row=5,column=0,columnspan=4) ##Grid Divider self.resourcesMainVariable=resourcesMainVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.resourcesMain=resourcesMain=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=10,text='Resources',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=resourcesMainVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Resources Main Folder resourcesMain.grid(row=6,column=0) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.resourcesDatasheetsVariable=resourcesDatasheetsVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.resourcesDatasheets=resourcesDatasheets=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=12,text='Datasheets',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=resourcesDatasheetsVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Resources-Datasheets Sub-Folder resourcesDatasheets.grid(row=6,column=2) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.resourcesArchiveVariable=resourcesArchiveVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.resourcesArchive=resourcesArchive=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=8,text='Archive',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=resourcesArchiveVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Resources-Archive Sub-Folder resourcesArchive.grid(row=6,column=3) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.divider3=divider3=Frame(folderFrame,width=400,height=2,borderwidth=1,relief='sunken') ##Frame to act as Divider for Better GUI Layout divider3.grid(row=7,column=0,columnspan=4) ##Grid Divider self.softwareMainVariable=softwareMainVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.softwareMain=softwareMain=Checkbutton(folderFrame,text='Software',width=10,borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=softwareMainVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Software Main Folder softwareMain.grid(row=8,column=0) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.softwareResourcesVariable=softwareResourcesVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.softwareResources=softwareResources=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=12,text='Resources',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=softwareResourcesVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Software-Resources Sub-Folder softwareResources.grid(row=8,column=2) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.softwareArchiveVariable=softwareArchiveVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.softwareArchive=softwareArchive=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=8,text='Archive',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=softwareArchiveVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Software-Archive Sub-Folder softwareArchive.grid(row=8,column=3) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.divider4=divider4=Frame(folderFrame,width=400,height=2,borderwidth=1,relief='sunken') ##Frame to act as Divider for Better GUI Layout divider4.grid(row=9,column=0,columnspan=4) ##Grid Divider self.archiveMainVariable=archiveMainVariable=BooleanVar() ##Boolean to Hold Value of Checkbutton self.archiveMain=archiveMain=Checkbutton(folderFrame,width=10,text='Archive',borderwidth=2,relief='groove',anchor='w',variable=archiveMainVariable,font=('Courier',12)) ##Checkbutton Widget for Archive Main Folder archiveMain.grid(row=10,column=0) ##Grid Ceckbutton Widget self.instructionFrame=instructionFrame=Frame(master,width=300,height=288,borderwidth=2,relief='groove') ##Frame for Instructions instructionFrame.grid(row=1,column=2,columnspan=2) ##Grid Frame self.instuctionLabel=instructionLabel=Label(instructionFrame,text='Project Name will\nbe used as Folder Name.\r\nFolder can be found on\nDesktop after Creation.',font=('BoldCourier',16)) ##Label Holding Instructions instructionLabel.grid(row=0,column=0,pady=80,padx=30) ##Grid Label self.cancelButton=cancelButton=Button(master,text='Cancel', width=42,height=108,font=('BoldCourier',16),foreground='red',command=self.CancelCommand) ##Button Widget to Cancel/Close Program cancelButton.grid(row=2,column=2,padx=10) ##Grid Button Widget self.createButton=createButton=Button(master,text='Create',width=42,height=108,font=('BoldCourier',16),foreground='green',command=self.CreateCommand) ##Button Widget to Create Folder Structure createButton.grid(row=2,column=3,padx=10) ##Grid Button Widget self.versionNumber=versionNumber=Label(text='Ver. 0.1') ##Label to Display Version Number versionNumber.grid(row=3,column=3) ##Grid Label Widget
f = open(fn, 'U') except IOError, e: from cStringIO import StringIO f = StringIO(DEMO) en.delete(0, 'end') if fn.lower() == 'demo': en.insert(0,fn) else: import os en.insert(0,r"DEMO (can't open %s: %s)" % (os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fn), str(e))) en.update_idletasks() txt2ppt(line.rstrip() for line in f) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': tk = Tk() lb = Label(tk, text='Enter file [or "DEMO"]:') lb.pack() en = Entry(tk) en.bind('<Return>', _start) en.pack() en.focus_set() quit = Button(tk, text='QUIT', command=tk.quit, fg='white', bg='red') quit.pack(fill='x', expand=True) tk.mainloop()
def _init_widgets(self): ## CEBALERT: now we can have multiple operations at the same time, ## status bar could be improved to show all tasks? # CEBALERT self.messageBar = self.status self.some_area = DockManager(self) self.some_area.pack(fill="both", expand=1) ### Balloon, for pop-up help self.balloon = tk.Balloon(self.content) ### Top-level (native) menu bar #self.menubar = tk.ControllableMenu(self.content) self.configure(menu=self.menubar) #self.menu_balloon = Balloon(topo.tkgui.root) # no menubar in tile yet # self.__simulation_menu() self.__create_plots_menu() self.refresh_plots_menu() self.__help_menu() ### Running the simulation run_frame = Frame(self.content) run_frame.pack(side='top', fill='x', padx=4, pady=8) self.run_frame = run_frame Label(run_frame, text='Run for: ').pack(side=LEFT) self.run_for_var = DoubleVar() self.run_for_var.set(1.0) run_for = tk.TaggedSlider(run_frame, variable=self.run_for_var, tag_width=11, slider_length=150, bounds=(0, 20000)) self.balloon.bind( run_for, "Duration to run the simulation, e.g. 0.0500, 1.0, or 20000.") run_for.pack(side=LEFT, fill='x', expand=YES) run_for.tag.bind("<Return>", self.run_simulation) # When return is pressed, the TaggedSlider updates itself...but we also want to run # the simulation in this case. run_frame.optional_action = self.run_simulation go_button = Button(run_frame, text="Go", command=self.run_simulation) go_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.balloon.bind(go_button, "Run the simulation for the specified duration.") self.step_button = Button(run_frame, text="Step", command=self.run_step) self.balloon.bind( self.step_button, "Run the simulation through the time at which the next events are processed." ) self.step_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.sizeright()
class BatchSolver: """Displays the progress of CapSim for the simulation.""" def __init__(self, master, systems, type): """Constructor method.""" self.sizeflag = 0 self.master = master self.tframe = Frame(master.tframe) self.frame = Frame(master.frame) self.bframe = Frame(master.bframe) self.version = systems[0].version self.fonttype = systems[0].fonttype = None self.output = None self.progress = StringVar(value='') #percent complete self.remaintime = StringVar(value='') #percent complete self.abort = IntVar() #abort flag self.type = type self.parameters = [] self.outputs = [] for system in systems: self.parameters.append(Parameters(system)) #input system def make_widgets(self): """Makes widgets for the progress window while CapSim evaluates the system.""" self.instructions1 = Label( self.frame, text='Please choose from the following options:') self.instructions2 = Label( self.frame, text= 'Please wait while CapSim simulates transport through the system...' ) self.blank1 = Label(self.frame, text=' ' * 51) self.blank2 = Label(self.frame, text=' ' * 51) self.blank3 = Label(self.frame, text='') self.blank4 = Label(self.frame, text='') self.blank5 = Label(self.frame, text='') self.blank6 = Label(self.frame, text='') self.progresswidget = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.progress) self.timewidget = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.remaintime) self.postwidget = Label(self.frame, text='Postprocessing...') self.startbutton = Button(self.frame, text='Begin Simulation', command=self.solve_system, width=20) self.abortbutton = Button(self.frame, text='Abort Run', command=self.abortrun, width=20) #show the widgets on the grid self.instructions1.grid(row=0, columnspan=2) self.blank1.grid(row=1, column=0) self.blank2.grid(row=1, column=1) self.blank3.grid(row=2) self.blank4.grid(row=3) self.startbutton.grid(row=4, columnspan=2, pady=1) #bind the buttons to the appropriate commands self.startbutton.bind('<Return>', self.solve_system) self.abortbutton.bind('<Return>', self.abortrun) self.focusbutton = self.startbutton def solve_system(self, event=0): """Makes the finite difference matrices to step forward in time, pre- allocates memory for the output information, clears the "run" screen, directs the system to the appropriate solver, and grids the "run progress" information and "abort" button.""" #clear the screen and start the progress bar self.instructions1.grid_forget() self.startbutton.grid_forget() self.instructions2.grid(row=0, columnspan=2) self.progresswidget.grid(row=2, columnspan=2) self.blank3.grid(row=3) self.timewidget.grid(row=4, columnspan=2) self.blank4.grid(row=5) self.abortbutton.grid(row=6, columnspan=2) self.blank5.grid(row=7, columnspan=2) self.blank6.grid(row=8, columnspan=2) self.master.canvas.update() self.master.buttonframe.grid_forget() self.output = [] start = timer.time() #real time at t = 0 for parameters in self.parameters: if self.abort.get() <> 1: if self.type == 'Separate': start = timer.time() sorp = parameters.sorp cons = parameters.con dep = parameters.dep tidal = parameters.tidal reac = parameters.reac bio = biomix = parameters.biomix variable_list = ['Cn', 'Fi', 'F', 'q', 'qm', 'W', 'Cw'] Temp = {} for variable in variable_list: Temp[variable] = [] #determine the grid, time step size, and set up the equations for the #finite differencing parameters.make_uniform_grid() if bio == 1: parameters.update_bioturbation() parameters.make_grid_Dbiops() Fis, FisL, FisM = parameters.get_initial_component_fractions() Cn = parameters.get_initial_concentrations() Fis_plus_1 = {} FisL_plus_1 = {} FisM_plus_1 = {} for component in parameters.components: Fis_plus_1[] = [ Fi for Fi in Fis[] ] FisL_plus_1[] = [ Fi for Fi in FisL[] ] FisM_plus_1[] = [ Fi for Fi in FisM[] ] parameters.make_matrix_parameter_vectors(Cn, Fis, FisL) parameters.make_transport_parameter_vectors() parameters.make_reaction_parameter_vectors(Cn, Fis) parameters.update_time_dependents() parameters.make_matrices() output = Output(parameters) if output.sizeflag == 1: self.show_size_error() t = parameters.tstart n = 0 if sorp == 1 or reac == 1: parameters.update_nonlinear(Cn, Fis, FisL) results = output.converter(parameters, Cn, FisL) for variable in variable_list: Temp[variable].append( results[variable_list.index(variable)]) t_start = 0 t_end = 0 while t < (parameters.tfinal_ori + parameters.delt * (2 + parameters.steps) ): #loop through time to the simulation end if dep == 1: Cn, Fis_plus_1, FisL_plus_1, FisM_plus_1 = parameters.update_deposition( Cn, Fis, FisL, FisM, t + parameters.delt) parameters.update_time_dependents() if cons == 1: parameters.update_consolidation( t + parameters.delt, parameters.Vdar) if tidal == 1: parameters.update_tidal(t + parameters.delt, parameters.U_plus_1) if biomix == 1: parameters.make_components_matrices() Fis_plus_1, FisL_plus_1, FisM_plus_1 = parameters.get_Fis_plus_1( Fis_plus_1, FisL_plus_1, FisM_plus_1) parameters.make_matrix_parameter_vectors( Cn, Fis_plus_1, FisL_plus_1) parameters.make_reaction_parameter_vectors( Cn, Fis_plus_1) if (cons + tidal + biomix) > 0: parameters.make_transport_parameter_vectors() if (cons + tidal + dep + biomix + reac + sorp) > 0: parameters.make_matrices() if sorp == 1 or reac == 1: Cn_plus_1 = parameters.non_linear_solver( Cn, Fis_plus_1, FisL_plus_1) else: Cn_plus_1 = parameters.get_Cn_plus_1(Cn) #collect the pertinent data from the time step if parameters.averageoption == 'Instaneous': if output.n < len(output.times) and round( output.times[output.n], 8) < round( t + parameters.delt, 8): output.store_no_dep(Cn, Cn_plus_1, t, t + parameters.delt, parameters, FisL, FisL_plus_1) else: new_results = output.converter(parameters, Cn_plus_1, FisL_plus_1) for variable in variable_list: Temp[variable].append( new_results[variable_list.index(variable)]) if len(Temp['Cn']) >= parameters.steps: results_plus_1 = [] for variable in variable_list: results_plus_1.append(Temp[variable][0]) for temp in Temp[variable][1:]: results_plus_1[ -1] = results_plus_1[-1] + temp results_plus_1[-1] = results_plus_1[-1] / len( Temp['Cn']) t_middle = (t + parameters.delt - t_end) / 2 + t_end, t_middle, parameters, results, results_plus_1) Temp = {} for variable in variable_list: Temp[variable] = [] results = results_plus_1 t_start = t_middle t_end = t + parameters.delt t = t + parameters.delt Cn = [C for C in Cn_plus_1] if biomix == 1: Fis = {} FisL = {} FisM = {} for component in parameters.components: Fis[] = [ Fi for Fi in Fis_plus_1[] ] FisL[] = [ Fi for Fi in FisL_plus_1[] ] FisM[] = [ Fi for Fi in FisM_plus_1[] ] if self.type == 'Continuous': self.progress.set( 'Simulation Progress: ' + str(int(t)) + ' / ' + str(int(self.parameters[-1].tfinal_ori)) + ' ' + self.parameters[-1].timeunit) self.remaintime.set( 'Approximate Remaining Time: %d Seconds' % ((timer.time() - start) * (self.parameters[-1].tfinal - t) / (t - self.parameters[0].tstart))) else: self.progress.set( 'Simulation Progress: ' + str(self.parameters.index(parameters)) + ' / ' + str(len(self.parameters))) self.remaintime.set( 'Approximate Remaining Time: %d Seconds' % ((timer.time() - start) * (parameters.tfinal - t) / (t))) self.frame.update() if self.abort.get() == 1: break if self.abort.get() <> 1: self.outputs.append(output) if self.abort.get() == 0: #checks if the abort button was invoked self.progresswidget.grid_forget() self.postwidget.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3) self.frame.update() self.frame.quit() def abortrun(self, event=0): """Used to abort run.""" if tkmb.askyesno(self.version, 'Do you really want to abort?') == 1: self.abort.set(1) self.output = None self.outputs = None self.frame.quit() def show_size_error(self): """Shows ann error if the user specifies an overly complicated system that requires too much memory allocation.""" tkmb.showerror(title='Memory Error', message='The parameters ' + 'you have specified require too much memory to be ' + 'computed. Please decrease the simulation time ' + 'and/or the transport rates to rectify this issue.') self.frame.quit()
def __init__(self, master): self.initComplete = 0 self.master = master self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = -1, -1, -1, -1 # bind master to <Configure> in order to handle any resizing, etc. # postpone self.master.bind("<Configure>", self.Master_Configure) self.master.bind('<Enter>', self.bindConfigure) self.master.title("PyHatch GUI") self.master.resizable(0, 0) # Linux may not respect this dialogframe = Frame(master, width=810, height=630) dialogframe.pack() self.Shortdesc_Labelframe = LabelFrame( dialogframe, text="Short Description (1-liner)", height="90", width="718"), y=127) helv20 = tkFont.Font(family='Helvetica', size=20, weight='bold') self.Buildproject_Button = Button(dialogframe, text="Build Project", width="15", font=helv20), y=10, width=263, height=68) self.Buildproject_Button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.Buildproject_Button_Click) self.Selectdir_Button = Button(dialogframe, text="<Select Directory>", width="15"), y=585, width=672, height=31) self.Selectdir_Button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.Selectdir_Button_Click) self.Author_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=424, width=187, height=21) self.Author_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Author_Entry.configure(textvariable=self.Author_Entry_StringVar) self.Author_Entry_StringVar.set("John Doe") self.Classname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=73, width=165, height=21) self.Classname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Classname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Classname_Entry_StringVar) self.Classname_Entry_StringVar.set("MyClass") self.Copyright_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=478, width=461, height=21) self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Copyright_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar) self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar.set("Copyright (c) 2013 John Doe") self.Email_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, relief="sunken", width="15"), y=505, width=458, height=21) self.Email_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Email_Entry.configure(textvariable=self.Email_Entry_StringVar) self.Email_Entry_StringVar.set("*****@*****.**") self.GithubUserName_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, relief="sunken", width="15"), y=539, width=458, height=21) self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.GithubUserName_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar) self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar.set("github_user_name") self.Funcname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=100, width=157, height=21) self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Funcname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar) self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar.set("my_function") # License values should be correct format LICENSE_OPTIONS = tuple(sorted(CLASSIFIER_D.keys())) self.License_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.License_Entry = OptionMenu(dialogframe, self.License_Entry_StringVar, *LICENSE_OPTIONS), y=424, width=184, height=21) self.License_Entry_StringVar.set(LICENSE_OPTIONS[0]) self.Mainpyname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=37, width=196, height=21) self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Mainpyname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar) self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar.set("") self.Projname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=10, width=194, height=21) self.Projname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Projname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Projname_Entry_StringVar) self.Projname_Entry_StringVar.set("MyProject") self.Shortdesc_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=150, width=688, height=48) self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Shortdesc_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar) self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar.set("My project does this") # Status must be correct format self.Status_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Status_Entry = OptionMenu(dialogframe, self.Status_Entry_StringVar, *DEV_STATUS_OPTIONS), y=451, width=183, height=21) self.Status_Entry_StringVar.set(DEV_STATUS_OPTIONS[0]) self.Version_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=451, width=184, height=21) self.Version_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Version_Entry.configure(textvariable=self.Version_Entry_StringVar) self.Version_Entry_StringVar.set("0.1.1") self.Author_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Author", width="15"), y=424, width=112, height=22) self.Classname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Class Name", width="15"), y=73, width=112, height=22) self.Copyright_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Copyright", width="15"), y=478, width=113, height=23) self.Email_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Email", width="15"), y=505, width=113, height=23) self.GithubUserName_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="GithubUserName", width="15"), y=539, width=113, height=23) self.Funcname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Function Name", width="15"), y=100, width=112, height=22) self.License_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="License", width="15"), y=424, width=113, height=23) self.Longdesc_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Paragraph Description", width="15"), y=220, width=376, height=22) self.Mainpyname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Main Python File", width="15"), y=37, width=112, height=22) self.Projname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Project Name", width="15"), y=10, width=112, height=22) self.Selectdir_Label = Label( dialogframe, text="Select the Directory Below Which to Place Your Project", width="15"), y=567, width=536, height=24) self.Status_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Status", width="15"), y=451, width=114, height=24) self.Version_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Version", width="15"), y=451, width=113, height=23) self.Isclass_Radiobutton = Radiobutton(dialogframe, text="Class Project", value="Class Project", width="15", anchor=W), y=73, width=135, height=27) self.RadioGroup1_StringVar = StringVar() self.RadioGroup1_StringVar.set("Class Project") self.RadioGroup1_StringVar_traceName = \ self.RadioGroup1_StringVar.trace_variable("w", self.RadioGroup1_StringVar_Callback) self.Isclass_Radiobutton.configure(variable=self.RadioGroup1_StringVar) self.Isfunction_Radiobutton = Radiobutton(dialogframe, text="Function Project", value="Function Project", width="15", anchor=W), y=100, width=135, height=27) self.Isfunction_Radiobutton.configure( variable=self.RadioGroup1_StringVar) lbframe = Frame(dialogframe) self.Text_1_frame = lbframe scrollbar = Scrollbar(lbframe, orient=VERTICAL) self.Text_1 = Text(lbframe, width="40", height="6", yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.Text_1.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.Text_1.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1), y=250, width=665, height=160) # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "top_of_init" self.dirname = '<Select Directory>' self.Funcname_Entry.config(state=DISABLED) h = Hatch(projName='MyProject', mainDefinesClass='N') if self.Author_Entry_StringVar.set( if h.proj_license: self.License_Entry_StringVar.set(h.proj_license) if h.proj_copyright: self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar.set(h.proj_copyright) if self.Email_Entry_StringVar.set( if h.github_user_name: self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar.set(h.github_user_name) del h
class QRReturnMainWindow(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.serial_num = StringVar() self.master = master self.results = StringVar() self.__initUi() #=========================================================================== # Initialize and reset GUI #=========================================================================== def __initUi(self): self.master.title('Shine Production') self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) Style().configure("TFrame", background="#333") #Status of Test frame self.status_frame = LabelFrame(self, text='Status', relief=RIDGE, width=800, height=500), y=20) #QR SERIAL # Frame self.path_frame = LabelFrame(self, text='QR Serial Code', relief=RIDGE, height=60, width=225), y=550) entry = Entry(self.path_frame, bd=5, textvariable=self.serial_num), y=5) #TEST RESULTS LABEL w = Label(self.status_frame, textvariable=self.results), y=50) #START Button self.start_button = Button(self, text="Start", command=self.start, height=4, width=20), y=550) def start(self): self.start_button.config(state=DISABLED) self.start_button.update() self.results.set("") self.__setStatusLabel(2) uiText = "" self.results.set(uiText) results = executeQRSerialSequence(self.serial_num.get()) self.parseResults(results) self.serial_num.set("") self.start_button.config(state=ACTIVE) self.start_button.update() def parseResults(self, results): uiText = '' success = 1 print results if results == -1: success = 3 uiText += "Something wrong with connection to source meter." else: if results[SCAN_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Couldn't find Shine \n" if results[CHECK_FW_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Invalid firmware version. \n" if results[ACCEL_STREAM_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Acceleromete data not correct. \n" if results[SN_DEFAULT_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "This serial # is 9876543210.\n" if results[SN_MISMATCH_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Serial # scanned does not match internal (bt) serial #. \n" if results[TIMEOUT_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Bluetooth connection timeout. \n" if results[AVG_CURRENT_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Average operating current falls outside accepted range for this firmware. \n" if results[SN_DUPLICATE_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "This Shine is a duplicate serial number. \n" if results[RECENTLY_SYNCED_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "A Shine with this SN was synced in the past month. \n" if results[BATTERY_PLOT_FAIL] == 1: success = 0 uiText += "Human determined battery plots failed." if success: uiText = "This Shine is in good condition!\n" self.results.set(uiText) self.__setStatusLabel(success) def __setStatusLabel(self, success): if success == 1: self.status_frame.config(text='SUCCESS', bg=STATUS_OK_COLOR) elif success == 2: self.status_frame.config(text='Status', bg='yellow') elif success == 3: self.status_frame.config(text='Something Wrong', bg='blue') else: self.status_frame.config(text='FAIL', bg=STATUS_ERROR_COLOR) self.update()
def __init__(self): self.img_Wid = 500 self.img_Hei = 500 self.win_wid = self.img_Wid + 200 self.win_Hei = self.img_Hei # init state control variable self.has_select_path = False # sign has select image path(to do data annotation) or not self.img_path = '' self.img_list = [] # create main window self.mainWin = Tkinter.Tk() self.mainWin.geometry(str(self.win_wid) + 'x' + str(self.win_Hei)) # init the size of window self.mainWin.title("data annotation tool")'package require Tix') # bind the key press event(space to pass, d to delete, q to quit) self.mainWin.bind('<KeyPress>', self._keyPressEvent) # create init image(a black background) self.img ="RGB", (self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei), (0, 0, 0)) self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img) # create Canvas control = Canvas(self.mainWin, bg='white', width=self.img_Wid, height=self.img_Hei), 0), anchor=Tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img), expand=True) # create total Frame to lay out all components self.frame = Frame(self.mainWin) self.frame.pack(fill=Tkinter.X, expand=Tkinter.YES, side=Tkinter.LEFT) # create text control root_save_path = './data_annotation_result' self.entry = Entry(self.frame, state='normal') self.entry.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, fill=Tkinter.X) self.entry.insert(0, root_save_path) # mkdir of annotation result self.categoryList = ['Pass', 'Remove'] self.category_savepath_list = [] for category in self.categoryList: cur_category_save_path = os.path.join(root_save_path, category) self.category_savepath_list.append(cur_category_save_path) if os.path.exists(cur_category_save_path) == False: os.mkdir(cur_category_save_path) # create 'START' button self.btn_start = Button(self.frame, text='START', command=self._selectPath, activeforeground='blue', activebackground='white', bg='blue', fg='white') self.btn_start.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=30) # create data annotation label button self.btn_dog = Button(self.frame, text='Pass', command=lambda: self._labelButtonClick('Pass'), activeforeground='black', activebackground='blue', bg='white', fg='black') self.btn_dog.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=10) # create data annotation label button self.btn_cat = Button(self.frame, text='Remove', command=lambda: self._labelButtonClick('Remove'), activeforeground='black', activebackground='blue', bg='white', fg='black') self.btn_cat.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=10) #NumericUpDown控件 self.num_count = Control(self.frame, integer=True, max=-1, min=-1, value=-1, step=1, label='current Image:', command=self._showImage) self.num_count.label.config(font='Helvetica -14 bold') self.num_count.pack(side=Tkinter.TOP, pady=50) # create 'QUIT' button self.btn_quit = Button(self.frame, text='QUIT', command=self.mainWin.quit, activeforeground='blue', activebackground='white', bg='red', fg='white') self.btn_quit.pack(side=Tkinter.BOTTOM, pady=10)
class TopoConsole(tk.AppWindow, tk.TkParameterized): """ Main window for the Tk-based GUI. """ def _getmenubar(self): return self.master.menubar menubar = property(_getmenubar) def __getitem__(self, menu_name): """Allow dictionary-style access to the menu bar.""" return self.menubar[menu_name] def __init__(self, root, exit_on_quit=True, **params): tk.AppWindow.__init__(self, root, status=True) tk.TkParameterized.__init__(self, root, **params) # Instead of displaying tracebacks on the commandline, try to display # them on the originating window. # CEBALERT: on destroy(), ought to revert this Tkinter.Misc._report_exception = _tkinter_report_exception self.exit_on_quit = exit_on_quit self.auto_refresh_panels = [] self._init_widgets() self.title( ) # If -g passed *before* scripts on commandline, this is useless. # So topo.misc.commandline sets the title as its last action (if -g) # catch click on the 'x': offers choice to quit or not self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit_topographica) ########## ### Make cascade menus open automatically on linux when the mouse ### is over the menu title. ### [Tkinter-discuss] Cascade menu issue ### if topo.tkgui.system_platform is 'linux': activate_cascade = """\ if {[%W cget -type] != {menubar} && [%W type active] == {cascade}} { %W postcascade active } """ self.bind_class("Menu", "<<MenuSelect>>", activate_cascade) ########## # Install warning and message handling from param.parameterized import Parameterized self.__orig_P_warning = Parameterized.warning #self.__orig_P_message = Parameterized.message type.__setattr__(Parameterized, 'warning', self.gui_warning) #type.__setattr__(Parameterized,'message',self.gui_message) def gui_warning(self, *args): stat = self.__get_status_bar() s = string.join(args, ' ') stat.warn(s) self.__orig_P_warning(self, *args) def gui_message(self, *args): stat = self.__get_status_bar() s = string.join(args, ' ') stat.message(s) self.__orig_P_message(self, *args) def title(self, t=None): newtitle = "Topographica" if t: newtitle += ": %s" % t tk.AppWindow.title(self, newtitle) def _init_widgets(self): ## CEBALERT: now we can have multiple operations at the same time, ## status bar could be improved to show all tasks? # CEBALERT self.messageBar = self.status self.some_area = DockManager(self) self.some_area.pack(fill="both", expand=1) ### Balloon, for pop-up help self.balloon = tk.Balloon(self.content) ### Top-level (native) menu bar #self.menubar = tk.ControllableMenu(self.content) self.configure(menu=self.menubar) #self.menu_balloon = Balloon(topo.tkgui.root) # no menubar in tile yet # self.__simulation_menu() self.__create_plots_menu() self.refresh_plots_menu() self.__help_menu() ### Running the simulation run_frame = Frame(self.content) run_frame.pack(side='top', fill='x', padx=4, pady=8) self.run_frame = run_frame Label(run_frame, text='Run for: ').pack(side=LEFT) self.run_for_var = DoubleVar() self.run_for_var.set(1.0) run_for = tk.TaggedSlider(run_frame, variable=self.run_for_var, tag_width=11, slider_length=150, bounds=(0, 20000)) self.balloon.bind( run_for, "Duration to run the simulation, e.g. 0.0500, 1.0, or 20000.") run_for.pack(side=LEFT, fill='x', expand=YES) run_for.tag.bind("<Return>", self.run_simulation) # When return is pressed, the TaggedSlider updates itself...but we also want to run # the simulation in this case. run_frame.optional_action = self.run_simulation go_button = Button(run_frame, text="Go", command=self.run_simulation) go_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.balloon.bind(go_button, "Run the simulation for the specified duration.") self.step_button = Button(run_frame, text="Step", command=self.run_step) self.balloon.bind( self.step_button, "Run the simulation through the time at which the next events are processed." ) self.step_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.sizeright() def __simulation_menu(self): """Add the simulation menu options to the menubar.""" simulation_menu = ControllableMenu(self.menubar, tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label='Simulation', menu=simulation_menu) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Run script', command=self.run_script) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Save script', command=self.save_script_repr) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Load snapshot', command=self.load_snapshot) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Save snapshot', command=self.save_snapshot) #simulation_menu.add_command(label='Reset',command=self.reset_network) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Test Pattern', command=self.open_test_pattern) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Model Editor', command=self.open_model_editor) simulation_menu.add_command(label='Quit', command=self.quit_topographica) def open_test_pattern(self): return open_plotgroup_panel(TestPattern) def __create_plots_menu(self): """ Add the plot menu to the menubar, with Basic plots on the menu itself and others in cascades by category (the plots come from plotgroup_templates). """ plots_menu = ControllableMenu(self.menubar, tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label='Plots', menu=plots_menu) # CEBALERT: should split other menus in same way as plots (create/refresh) def refresh_plots_menu(self): plots_menu = self['Plots'] plots_menu.delete(0, 'end') # create menu entries, and get list of categories entries = OrderedDict( ) # keep the order of plotgroup_templates (which is also KL) categories = [] for label, plotgroup in plotgroups.items(): entries[label] = PlotsMenuEntry(plotgroup) categories.append(plotgroup.category) categories = sorted(set(categories)) # The Basic category items appear on the menu itself. assert 'Basic' in categories, "'Basic' is the category for the standard Plots menu entries." for label, entry in entries.items(): if entry.plotgroup.category == 'Basic': plots_menu.add_command(label=label, command=entry.__call__) categories.remove('Basic') plots_menu.add_separator() # Add the other categories to the menu as cascades, and the plots of each category to # their cascades. for category in categories: category_menu = ControllableMenu(plots_menu, tearoff=0) plots_menu.add_cascade(label=category, menu=category_menu) # could probably search more efficiently than this for label, entry in entries.items(): if entry.plotgroup.category == category: category_menu.add_command(label=label, command=entry.__call__) plots_menu.add_separator() plots_menu.add_command( label="Help", command=(lambda x=plotting_help_locations: self.open_location(x))) def __help_menu(self): """Add the help menu options.""" help_menu = ControllableMenu(self.menubar, tearoff=0, name='help') self.menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu=help_menu) help_menu.add_command(label='About', command=self.new_about_window) help_menu.add_command( label="User Manual", command=(lambda x=user_manual_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command( label="Tutorials", command=(lambda x=tutorials_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command(label="Examples", command=self.run_example_script) help_menu.add_command( label="Reference Manual", command=( lambda x=reference_manual_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command( label="", command=(lambda x=topo_www_locations: self.open_location(x))) help_menu.add_command( label="Python documentation", command=(lambda x=python_doc_locations: self.open_location(x))) def quit_topographica(self, check=True, exit_status=0): """Quit topographica.""" if not check or (check and tk.askyesno("Quit Topographica", "Really quit?")): self.destroy() # matplotlib's tk backend starts its own Tk instances; we # need to close these ourselves (at least to avoid error # message about 'unusual termination' in Windows). try: # not that there should be an error, but just in case... import matplotlib._pylab_helpers for figman in matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers( ): figman.destroy() except: pass self.message("Quit selected%s" % ("; exiting" if self.exit_on_quit else "")) # Workaround for obscure problem on some UNIX systems # as of 4/2007, probably including Fedora Core 5. # On these systems, if Topographica is started from a # bash prompt and then quit from the Tkinter GUI (as # opposed to using Ctrl-D in the terminal), the # terminal would suppress echoing of all future user # input. stty sane restores the terminal to sanity, # but it is not clear why this is necessary. # For more info: # if topo.tkgui.system_platform == "linux" and os.getenv( 'EMACS') != 't': try: os.system("stty sane") except: pass # CEBALERT: re. above. Shouldn't we be able to store the # output of "stty --save" before starting the gui, then # ensure that when the gui exits (however badly it # happens) run "stty saved_settings"? # CEBALERT: there was no call to self.master.destroy() if self.exit_on_quit: sys.exit(exit_status) def run_script(self): """ Dialog to run a user-selected script The script is exec'd in __main__.__dict__ (i.e. as if it were specified on the commandline.) """ script = askopenfilename(initialdir=normalize_path(), filetypes=SCRIPT_FILETYPES) if script in ( '', (), None ): # (representing the various ways no script was selected in the dialog) self.messageBar.response('Run canceled') else: execfile(script, __main__.__dict__) self.messageBar.response('Ran ' + script) sim_name_from_filename(script) self.title( # CEBALERT: duplicates most of run_script() def run_example_script(self): script = askopenfilename( initialdir=topo.misc.genexamples.find_examples(), filetypes=SCRIPT_FILETYPES) if script in ( '', (), None ): # (representing the various ways no script was selected in the dialog) self.messageBar.response('No example opened') else: execfile(script, __main__.__dict__) self.messageBar.response('Ran ' + script) sim_name_from_filename(script) self.title( def save_script_repr(self): script_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=SCRIPT_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=topo.sim.basename() + "_script_repr.ty") if script_name: topo.command.save_script_repr(script_name) self.messageBar.response('Script saved to ' + script_name) def load_snapshot(self): """ Dialog to load a user-selected snapshot (see topo.command.load_snapshot() ). """ snapshot_name = askopenfilename(initialdir=normalize_path(), filetypes=SAVED_FILETYPES) if snapshot_name in ('', (), None): self.messageBar.response('No snapshot loaded.') else: self.messageBar.dynamicinfo( 'Loading snapshot (may take some time)...') self.update_idletasks() topo.command.load_snapshot(snapshot_name) self.messageBar.response('Loaded snapshot ' + snapshot_name) self.title( self.auto_refresh() def save_snapshot(self): """ Dialog to save a snapshot (see topo.command.save_snapshot() ). Adds the file extension .typ if not already present. """ snapshot_name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=SAVED_FILETYPES, initialdir=normalize_path(), initialfile=topo.sim.basename() + ".typ") if snapshot_name in ('', (), None): self.messageBar.response('No snapshot saved.') else: if not snapshot_name.endswith('.typ'): snapshot_name = snapshot_name + SAVED_FILE_EXTENSION self.messageBar.dynamicinfo( 'Saving snapshot (may take some time)...') self.update_idletasks() topo.command.save_snapshot(snapshot_name) self.messageBar.response('Snapshot saved to ' + snapshot_name) def auto_refresh(self, update=True): """ Refresh all windows in auto_refresh_panels. Panels can add and remove themselves to the list; those in the list will have their refresh() method called whenever this console's autorefresh() is called. """ for win in self.auto_refresh_panels: win.refresh(update) self.set_step_button_state() self.update_idletasks() ### CEBERRORALERT: why doesn't updatecommand("display=True") for an ### orientation preference map measurement work with the ### hierarchical example? I guess this is the reason I thought the ### updating never worked properly (or I really did break it ### recently - or I'm confused)... def refresh_activity_windows(self): """ Update any windows with a plotgroup_key ending in 'Activity'. Used primarily for debugging long scripts that present a lot of activity patterns. """ for win in self.auto_refresh_panels: if re.match('.*Activity$', win.refresh() self.update_idletasks() def open_model_editor(self): """Start the Model editor.""" return ModelEditor(self) def new_about_window(self): win = tk.AppWindow(self) win.withdraw() win.title("About Topographica") text = Label(win, text=topo.about(display=False), justify=LEFT) text.pack(side=LEFT) win.deiconify() #self.messageBar.message('state', 'OK') def open_location(self, locations): """ Try to open one of the specified locations in a new window of the default browser. See webbrowser module for more information. locations should be a tuple. """ # CB: could have been a list. This is only here because if locations is set # to a string, it will loop over the characters of the string. assert isinstance(locations, tuple), "locations must be a tuple." for location in locations: try: existing_location = resolve_path(location), new=2, autoraise=True) self.messageBar.response('Opened local file ' + existing_location + ' in browser.') return ### except: pass for location in locations: if location.startswith('http'): try:, new=2, autoraise=True) self.messageBar.response('Opened remote location ' + location + ' in browser.') return ### except: pass self.messageBar.response("Could not open any of %s in a browser." % locations) # CEBALERT: need to take care of removing old messages automatically? # (Otherwise callers might always have to pass 'ok'.) def status_message(self, m): self.messageBar.response(m) def run_simulation(self, event=None): # event=None allows use as callback """ Run the simulation for the duration specified in the 'run for' taggedslider. """ fduration = self.run_for_var.get() self.open_progress_window(timer=topo.sim.timer) topo.sim.run_and_time(fduration) self.auto_refresh() # CEBERRORALERT: Step button does strange things at time==0. # E.g. for lissom_oo_or, nothing appears to happen. For # hierarchical, runs to time==10. def run_step(self): if not # JP: step button should be disabled if there are no events, # but just in case... return # JPALERT: This should really use .run_and_time() but it doesn't support # run(until=...)[0].time) self.auto_refresh() def set_step_button_state(self): if self.step_button.config(state=NORMAL) else: self.step_button.config(state=DISABLED) def __get_status_bar(self, i=2): # Hack to find appropriate status bar: Go back through frames # until a widget with a status bar is found, and return it. try: while True: f = sys._getframe(i) if hasattr(f, 'f_locals'): if 'self' in f.f_locals: o = f.f_locals['self'] # (temporary hack til ScrolledFrame cleaned up) if o.__class__.__name__ != 'ScrolledFrame': if hasattr(o, 'messageBar'): return o.messageBar elif hasattr(o, 'status'): return o.status i += 1 except: pass #print "GUI INTERNAL WARNING: failed to determine window on which to display message." return self.messageBar def open_progress_window(self, timer, title=None): """ Provide a convenient link to progress bars. """ stat = self.__get_status_bar() return stat.open_progress_window(timer=timer, sim=topo.sim)
class _Hatch_GUI(object): """ create a Hatch object from hatch_supt and to then create a skeleton python project. """ def __init__(self, master): self.initComplete = 0 self.master = master self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = -1, -1, -1, -1 # bind master to <Configure> in order to handle any resizing, etc. # postpone self.master.bind("<Configure>", self.Master_Configure) self.master.bind('<Enter>', self.bindConfigure) self.master.title("PyHatch GUI") self.master.resizable(0, 0) # Linux may not respect this dialogframe = Frame(master, width=810, height=630) dialogframe.pack() self.Shortdesc_Labelframe = LabelFrame( dialogframe, text="Short Description (1-liner)", height="90", width="718"), y=127) helv20 = tkFont.Font(family='Helvetica', size=20, weight='bold') self.Buildproject_Button = Button(dialogframe, text="Build Project", width="15", font=helv20), y=10, width=263, height=68) self.Buildproject_Button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.Buildproject_Button_Click) self.Selectdir_Button = Button(dialogframe, text="<Select Directory>", width="15"), y=585, width=672, height=31) self.Selectdir_Button.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.Selectdir_Button_Click) self.Author_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=424, width=187, height=21) self.Author_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Author_Entry.configure(textvariable=self.Author_Entry_StringVar) self.Author_Entry_StringVar.set("John Doe") self.Classname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=73, width=165, height=21) self.Classname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Classname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Classname_Entry_StringVar) self.Classname_Entry_StringVar.set("MyClass") self.Copyright_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=478, width=461, height=21) self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Copyright_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar) self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar.set("Copyright (c) 2013 John Doe") self.Email_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, relief="sunken", width="15"), y=505, width=458, height=21) self.Email_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Email_Entry.configure(textvariable=self.Email_Entry_StringVar) self.Email_Entry_StringVar.set("*****@*****.**") self.GithubUserName_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, relief="sunken", width="15"), y=539, width=458, height=21) self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.GithubUserName_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar) self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar.set("github_user_name") self.Funcname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=100, width=157, height=21) self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Funcname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar) self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar.set("my_function") # License values should be correct format LICENSE_OPTIONS = tuple(sorted(CLASSIFIER_D.keys())) self.License_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.License_Entry = OptionMenu(dialogframe, self.License_Entry_StringVar, *LICENSE_OPTIONS), y=424, width=184, height=21) self.License_Entry_StringVar.set(LICENSE_OPTIONS[0]) self.Mainpyname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=37, width=196, height=21) self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Mainpyname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar) self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar.set("") self.Projname_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=10, width=194, height=21) self.Projname_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Projname_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Projname_Entry_StringVar) self.Projname_Entry_StringVar.set("MyProject") self.Shortdesc_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=150, width=688, height=48) self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Shortdesc_Entry.configure( textvariable=self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar) self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar.set("My project does this") # Status must be correct format self.Status_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Status_Entry = OptionMenu(dialogframe, self.Status_Entry_StringVar, *DEV_STATUS_OPTIONS), y=451, width=183, height=21) self.Status_Entry_StringVar.set(DEV_STATUS_OPTIONS[0]) self.Version_Entry = Entry(dialogframe, width="15"), y=451, width=184, height=21) self.Version_Entry_StringVar = StringVar() self.Version_Entry.configure(textvariable=self.Version_Entry_StringVar) self.Version_Entry_StringVar.set("0.1.1") self.Author_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Author", width="15"), y=424, width=112, height=22) self.Classname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Class Name", width="15"), y=73, width=112, height=22) self.Copyright_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Copyright", width="15"), y=478, width=113, height=23) self.Email_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Email", width="15"), y=505, width=113, height=23) self.GithubUserName_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="GithubUserName", width="15"), y=539, width=113, height=23) self.Funcname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Function Name", width="15"), y=100, width=112, height=22) self.License_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="License", width="15"), y=424, width=113, height=23) self.Longdesc_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Paragraph Description", width="15"), y=220, width=376, height=22) self.Mainpyname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Main Python File", width="15"), y=37, width=112, height=22) self.Projname_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Project Name", width="15"), y=10, width=112, height=22) self.Selectdir_Label = Label( dialogframe, text="Select the Directory Below Which to Place Your Project", width="15"), y=567, width=536, height=24) self.Status_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Status", width="15"), y=451, width=114, height=24) self.Version_Label = Label(dialogframe, text="Version", width="15"), y=451, width=113, height=23) self.Isclass_Radiobutton = Radiobutton(dialogframe, text="Class Project", value="Class Project", width="15", anchor=W), y=73, width=135, height=27) self.RadioGroup1_StringVar = StringVar() self.RadioGroup1_StringVar.set("Class Project") self.RadioGroup1_StringVar_traceName = \ self.RadioGroup1_StringVar.trace_variable("w", self.RadioGroup1_StringVar_Callback) self.Isclass_Radiobutton.configure(variable=self.RadioGroup1_StringVar) self.Isfunction_Radiobutton = Radiobutton(dialogframe, text="Function Project", value="Function Project", width="15", anchor=W), y=100, width=135, height=27) self.Isfunction_Radiobutton.configure( variable=self.RadioGroup1_StringVar) lbframe = Frame(dialogframe) self.Text_1_frame = lbframe scrollbar = Scrollbar(lbframe, orient=VERTICAL) self.Text_1 = Text(lbframe, width="40", height="6", yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.Text_1.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.Text_1.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1), y=250, width=665, height=160) # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "top_of_init" self.dirname = '<Select Directory>' self.Funcname_Entry.config(state=DISABLED) h = Hatch(projName='MyProject', mainDefinesClass='N') if self.Author_Entry_StringVar.set( if h.proj_license: self.License_Entry_StringVar.set(h.proj_license) if h.proj_copyright: self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar.set(h.proj_copyright) if self.Email_Entry_StringVar.set( if h.github_user_name: self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar.set(h.github_user_name) del h def build_result_dict(self): """Takes user inputs from GUI and builds a dictionary of results""" # pylint: disable=W0201 self.result = {} # return a dictionary of results self.result["author"] = self.Author_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["status"] = self.Status_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["proj_license"] = self.License_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["version"] = self.Version_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["proj_copyright"] = self.Copyright_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["email"] = self.Email_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result[ "github_user_name"] = self.GithubUserName_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["main_py_name"] = self.Mainpyname_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["proj_name"] = self.Projname_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["class_name"] = self.Classname_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["func_name"] = self.Funcname_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["short_desc"] = self.Shortdesc_Entry_StringVar.get() self.result["para_desc"] = self.Text_1.get(1.0, END) self.result["parent_dir"] = self.dirname if self.RadioGroup1_StringVar.get() == "Class Project": self.result["is_class_project"] = 'Y' else: self.result["is_class_project"] = 'N' def Buildproject_Button_Click(self, event): """When clicked, this method gathers all the user inputs and builds the project skeleton in the directory specified. """ # tkinter requires arguments, but I don't use them # pylint: disable=W0613 # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "compID=29" # replace, delete, or comment-out the following #print "executed method Buildproject_Button_Click" if not os.path.isdir(self.dirname): ShowError( title='Need Parent Directory', message= 'You need to choose a directory in which to place your project.' ) else: self.build_result_dict() # builds self.result dict r = self.result h = Hatch(projName=r["proj_name"], mainDefinesClass=r["is_class_project"], mainPyFileName=r["main_py_name"], mainClassName=r["class_name"], mainFunctionName=r["func_name"], author=r["author"], proj_copyright=r["proj_copyright"], proj_license=r["proj_license"], version=r["version"], email=r["email"], status=r["status"], github_user_name=r["github_user_name"], simpleDesc=r["short_desc"], longDesc=r["para_desc"]) call_result = h.save_project_below_this_dir(self.dirname) if call_result == 'Success': if AskYesNo(title='Exit Dialog', message='Do you want to leave this GUI?'): self.master.destroy() else: ShowWarning( title='Project Build Error', message='Project did NOT build properly.\n'+\ 'Warning Message = (%s)'%call_result) # return a string containing directory name def AskDirectory(self, title='Choose Directory', initialdir="."): """Simply wraps the tkinter function of the "same" name.""" dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=self.master, initialdir=initialdir, title=title) return dirname # <-- string def Selectdir_Button_Click(self, event): # I don't care what the exception is, if there's a problem, bail # Also, I want to redefine the dirname attribute here # pylint: disable=W0702, W0201 # tkinter requires arguments, but I don't use them # pylint: disable=W0613 """Selects the directory in which to build project.""" dirname = self.AskDirectory(title='Choose Directory For Nose Tests', initialdir='.') if dirname: try: dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) except: self.dirname = '<Select Directory>' return # let Alarm force dir selection self.dirname = dirname self.Selectdir_Button.config(text=self.dirname) def RadioGroup1_StringVar_Callback(self, varName, index, mode): # tkinter requires arguments, but I don't use them # pylint: disable=W0613 """Responds to changes in RadioGroup1_StringVar.""" if self.RadioGroup1_StringVar.get() == "Class Project": self.Funcname_Entry.config(state=DISABLED) self.Classname_Entry.config(state=NORMAL) else: self.Classname_Entry.config(state=DISABLED) self.Funcname_Entry.config(state=NORMAL) # tk_happy generated code. DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING. section "Master_Configure" def bindConfigure(self, event): """bindConfigure and Master_Configure help stabilize GUI""" # tkinter requires arguments, but I don't use them # pylint: disable=W0613 if not self.initComplete: self.master.bind("<Configure>", self.Master_Configure) self.initComplete = 1 def Master_Configure(self, event): """bindConfigure and Master_Configure help stabilize GUI""" # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "Master_Configure" # replace, delete, or comment-out the following if event.widget != self.master: if self.w != -1: return x = int(self.master.winfo_x()) y = int(self.master.winfo_y()) w = int(self.master.winfo_width()) h = int(self.master.winfo_height()) if (self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) == (-1, -1, -1, -1): self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h if self.w != w or self.h != h: print "Master reconfigured... make resize adjustments" self.w = w self.h = h
def home(self): self.frame1 = Frame(self.root, width=750, height=350, padx=250, bg="black") self.frame2 = Frame(self.root, height=250, width=750, bg="black", padx=25) self.root.wm_minsize(width=750, height=666) self.root.configure(bg="black") self.frame1.pack_propagate(0) self.frame1.update() self.frame1.configure(pady=self.frame1.cget("height") / 2.5) logo = PhotoImage(file="logo.gif") starth = Button(self.frame1, text="Hard", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=5, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=10), command=lambda: self.callgame(40)) startm = Button(self.frame1, text="Medium", bg="teal", padx=25, pady=5, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=10), command=lambda: self.callgame(60)) starte = Button(self.frame1, text="Easy", bg="orange", padx=25, pady=5, font=Font(family="comic sans MS", size=10), command=lambda: self.callgame(75)) self.frame2.pack_propagate(0) exp = """ This is a game in which the arrow keys are used to move the snake around and to get points""" exf = Font(family="comic sans MS", size=20) Label(self.frame2, image=logo, bg="black", text=exp, padx=10).pack(side="right") Label(self.frame2, fg="white", bg="black", text=exp, justify="left", font=exf).pack(side="left") starte.grid(row=0, columnspan=2) startm.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, column=4, padx=18) starth.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, column=8) head = Font(family="comic sans MS", size=30) self.H = Label(self.root, text="SNAKES", font=head, fg="orange", bg="black", pady=10) self.H.pack() self.frame2.pack(expand=True) self.frame1.pack(expand=True) self.root.mainloop()
class Recherche(Vue): """ Vue principal """ def __init__(self, fenetre): """ Constructeur de la fenetre """ self.parent = fenetre self.frame = Frame(self.parent, borderwidth=1, relief='groove', width=100) self.frame.pack_configure(side='top', fill='both') self.frame.pack() self.titre = Label(self.frame, text=GT_('Url'), font=(20)) self.titre.pack() self.img = PhotoImage(file="%slogo.gif" % RESSOURCES_PATH) self.logo = Label(self.frame, image=self.img) self.logo.pack(pady=(0, 20), side="left") self.brand = Label(self.frame, text=GT_('WebForge %s' % VERSION), font=(20)) self.brand.pack(pady=(10, 20), padx=(0, 20), side="left") self.txt_recherche = Entry(self.frame, font=(22)) self.txt_recherche.pack(pady=(0, 20), expand='yes', fill='both', side='left') self.btn_go = Button(self.frame, text="GO") self.btn_go.pack(pady=(0, 20), side='right') self.btn_erase = Button(self.frame, text="X") self.btn_erase.pack(pady=(0, 20), side='right') def set_url(self, url): """ Set a new url value to the field """ self.txt_recherche.insert(0, url)