Beispiel #1
    def street_rating(sym):
        reads street quote page for rating
        :return: float(rating)
        STREET_QUOTE = ""

        url = STREET_QUOTE + sym + ".html"
        html_soup = TurtleSoup.getSoup(url)
            rating = html_soup.find('span', {'class': 'rating'}).text
        except AttributeError:
            rating = 0.0
        if rating == '':
            rating = 0.0
        return float(rating)
Beispiel #2
 def street_rating(sym):
     reads street quote page for rating
     :return: float(rating)
     STREET_QUOTE = ""
     rating_label = 'FEDCBA'
     url = STREET_QUOTE + sym + ".html"
     html_soup = TurtleSoup.getSoup(url)
         rating_txt = html_soup.find('span', {'class': 'quote-nav-rating-qr-rating hold'}).text[0]
         rating = rating_label.index(rating_txt)
     except AttributeError:
         rating = 0.0
     except ValueError:
         rating = 0.0
     if rating == '':
         rating = 0.0
     return float(rating)
Beispiel #3
    def getPrice(web_url):
        Uses amazon weblink to find the price
        Does only wildcard search on priceblock, can improve as it fails more
        :param web_url: Weblink
        :return: Sale Price Tag
        html_soup = TurtleSoup.getSoup(web_url)
        price_all = html_soup.findAll("span", {"id": re.compile("priceblock.*")}) # improve as it fails

        price_tag = float(-1.01)  # initialization
        if len(price_all) == 0:
            raise Exception("no \'priceblock\' attribute found")
        elif len(price_all) == 1:
            price_tag = price_all[0].text[1:]  # remove $
            price_tag = float(price_tag.replace(",", ""))  # remove , from strings to convert to floats
            raise Exception("more than one price tag found")
            #TODO: loop under results to extract exact match if it fails

        return price_tag
Beispiel #4
    def html_table_2_dict(web_url, table_names):
        static method to grab the data from websites in form of tables
        :param web_url: URL of the website
        :param table_names: table name to grab data
        :return: dictionary form of the web table data
        # Read and make a html soup

        html_soup = TurtleSoup.getSoup(web_url)

        # Initialize and update output dictionary
        data_out = {}
        for stockgroup in table_names:
            table = html_soup.find('table', {'id': table_names[stockgroup]})
            for trow in table.tbody.findAll('tr'):
                data_out.setdefault('exchange', []).append(stockgroup)
                for tcol in trow.findAll('td'):
                    theaders = str(tcol.get('headers'))
                    data_out.setdefault(theaders, []).append(str(tcol.getText()))

        return data_out