def main(nb_images=5): """Spot-check `nb_images` images.""" data = DataSet() model = load_model('data/checkpoints/inception.057-1.16.hdf5') #replaced by your model name # Get all our test images. images = glob.glob('./data/test/**/*.jpg') for _ in range(nb_images): print('-'*80) # Get a random row. sample = random.randint(0, len(images) - 1) image = images[sample] # Turn the image into an array. print(image) image_arr = process_image(image, (299, 299, 3)) image_arr = np.expand_dims(image_arr, axis=0) # Predict. predictions = model.predict(image_arr) # Show how much we think it's each one. label_predictions = {} for i, label in enumerate(data.classes): label_predictions[label] = predictions[0][i] sorted_lps = sorted(label_predictions.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for i, class_prediction in enumerate(sorted_lps): # Just get the top five. if i > 4: break print("%s: %.2f" % (class_prediction[0], class_prediction[1])) i += 1
def main(nb_images=5): """Spot-check `nb_images` images.""" data = DataSet() # load the trained model that has been saved in checkpoint = sorted( os.listdir('data/checkpoints/'))[-1] # get the last checkpoint filename = os.path.join('data/checkpoints/', checkpoint) model = load_model(filename) # Get all our test images. images = glob.glob('./data/test/**/*.jpg') for _ in range(nb_images): print('-' * 80) # Get a random row. sample = random.randint(0, len(images) - 1) image = images[sample] # Turn the image into an array. print(image) image_arr = process_image(image, (299, 299, 3)) image_arr = np.expand_dims(image_arr, axis=0) # Predict. predictions = model.predict(image_arr) # Show how much we think it's each one. label_predictions = {} for i, label in enumerate(data.classes): label_predictions[label] = predictions[0][i] sorted_lps = sorted(label_predictions.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for i, class_prediction in enumerate(sorted_lps): # Just get the top five. if i > 4: break print("%s: %.2f" % (class_prediction[0], class_prediction[1])) i += 1
from UCFdata import DataSet import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from keras.utils import np_utils import cv2 as cv data = DataSet() all_labels = range(101) def read_video_data(cap): video_data = [] for _ in range(100): ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) video_data.append(frame) else: video_data.append(np.zeros(shape=(240, 320))) return video_data all_labels = range(101) def load_data_batch(data, all_labels, begin, batch_size): train_data_load = list() train_label_load = list() for i in range(begin, begin + batch_size): filename = 'data/' +[i][0] + '/' +[i][
extract all 101 classes. For instance, set class_limit = 8 to just extract features for the first 8 (alphabetical) classes in the dataset. Then set the same number when training models. """ import numpy as np import os.path from UCFdata import DataSet from extractor import Extractor from tqdm import tqdm # Set defaults. seq_length = 40 #You can modify it according to your own needs class_limit = None # Number of classes to extract. Can be 1-101 or None for all. # Get the dataset. data = DataSet(seq_length=seq_length, class_limit=class_limit) # get the model. model = Extractor() # Loop through data. pbar = tqdm(total=len( for video in # Get the path to the sequence for this video. path = os.path.join('data', 'sequences', video[2] + '-' + str(seq_length) + \ '-features') # numpy will auto-append .npy # Check if we already have it. if os.path.isfile(path + '.npy'): pbar.update(1)
def train(data_type, seq_length, model, saved_model=None, class_limit=None, image_shape=None, load_to_memory=False, batch_size=32, nb_epoch=100): # Save the model. checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint( filepath=os.path.join('data', 'checkpoints', model + '-' + data_type + \ '.{epoch:03d}-{val_loss:.3f}.hdf5'), verbose=1, save_best_only=True) # TensorBoard tb = TensorBoard(log_dir=os.path.join('data', 'logs', model)) #Stop when we stop learning. early_stopper = EarlyStopping(patience=50) # Helper: Save results. timestamp = time.time() csv_logger = CSVLogger(os.path.join('data', 'logs', model + '-' + 'training-' + \ str(timestamp) + '.log')) # Get the data and process it. if image_shape is None: #LSTM and MLp data = DataSet(seq_length=seq_length, class_limit=class_limit) else: #other models data = DataSet(seq_length=seq_length, class_limit=class_limit, image_shape=image_shape) # Get samples per epoch. # Multiply by 0.7 to attempt to guess how much of is the train set. steps_per_epoch = (len( * 0.7) // batch_size if load_to_memory: # Get data. print("Get data from sequences ") X, y = data.get_all_sequences_in_memory('train', data_type) X_test, y_test = data.get_all_sequences_in_memory('test', data_type) else: # Get generators. print("Get data from generator") generator = data.frame_generator(batch_size, 'train', data_type) val_generator = data.frame_generator(batch_size, 'test', data_type) # Get the model. rm = ResearchModels(len(data.classes), model, seq_length, saved_model) # Fit! if load_to_memory: # Use standard fit. print("Use standard fit"), y, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), verbose=1, callbacks=[tb, early_stopper, csv_logger], epochs=nb_epoch) else: # Use fit generator. print("Use fit generator") rm.model.fit_generator( generator=generator, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=nb_epoch, verbose=1, callbacks=[tb, early_stopper, csv_logger, checkpointer], validation_data=val_generator, validation_steps=40, workers=4)