Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.employeeUI = EmployeeUI()
        self.destinationUI = DestinationUI()
        self.voyageUI = VoyageUI()
        self.airplaneUI = AirplaneUI()

    def startDisplayAirplaneType(self):
        '''Menu for displaying airplane types'''

        success = False
        airplane_types = AirplaneUI().getAirplaneTypes()

        while True:
                '\nWhat type would you like to list? Please choose one of the following:'
            counter = 1
            for airplane_type in airplane_types:
                print('{} - {}'.format(counter, airplane_type))
                counter += 1

            selection = input('\nPlease choose one of the above: ').strip()

            for i in range(1, counter + 1):
                if selection == str(i):
                    planeTypeId = airplane_types[i - 1].getplaneTypeID()
                    success = True
                    return AirplaneUI().showAirplanesByType(planeTypeId)

            if not success:
                print('\nInvalid selection!\n')
    def startDisplayAirplanes(self):
        '''Main display for airplanes'''
        print('{:^45}'.format('DISPLAY - Airplanes'))

        while True: 
            print('What would you like to display?')
            print('1 - List all airplanes')
            print('2 - List all airplane types and number of licensed pilots')
            print('3 - List airplanes by type')
            print('4 - List airplanes by date and time')
            print('m - Back to main menu')

            selection = input('\nPlease choose one of the above: ').strip()

            #Prints all airplanes owned by NaN Air
            if selection == '1':
                return AirplaneUI().showAllPlanes()
            elif selection == '2':
                return AirplaneUI().showAllAirplaneTypes()

            # Prints all airplanes that are a certain type, type is chosen on next screen
            elif selection == '3':
                return DisplayMenuAirplaneType().startDisplayAirplaneType()
            # Gets availability status on airplanes at an inputted date
            elif selection == '4':
                print('\nEnter the date you want to display')
                year_str = input('Year: ').strip()
                month_str = input('Month: ').strip()
                day_str = input('Day: ').strip()
                hour_str = input('Hour: ').strip()
                minute_str = input('Minute: ').strip()

                # check if date input is valid
                year_int,month_int,day_int = LL_API().verifyDate(year_str,month_str,day_str)

                # checks if time input is valid
                hour_int,minute_int = LL_API().verifyTime(hour_str,minute_str)

                # get datetime object of inputted time
                datetime_object = datetime.datetime(year_int,month_int,day_int,hour_int,minute_int)

                return AirplaneUI().showAirplanesByDateTime(datetime_object)

            #Goes back to main menu
            elif selection == 'm':
            # If none of the possibilities are chosen
                print('Invalid selection!')
Beispiel #4
    def startSubMenuRegister(self):
        # Header
        print('#' * 45)
        print('#' * 45)

        while True:
            print('-' * 45)
            print('{:^45}'.format('What would you like to do?'))
            print('-' * 45)
            print('1 - Add new Employee')
            print('2 - Add new Voyage')
            print('3 - Add new Airplane with an existing type')
            print('4 - Add new Airplane Type')
            print('5 - Add new Destination')

            print('m - Main menu')

            selection = input('Please choose one of the above: ').strip()

            if selection == '1':
                # Add new employee

                return CrewUI().addCrew()

            elif selection == '2':
                # Add new voyage

                return VoyageUI().addVoyage()

            elif selection == '3':
                # Add new Airplane

                return AirplaneUI().addAirplane()

            elif selection == '4':

                return AirplaneUI().addAirplaneType()

            elif selection == '5':
                # Add new destination

                return DestinationUI().addDestination()

            elif selection == 'm':
                # Back to main menu

                print("\nInvalid selection!\n")
Beispiel #5
    def addAircraftToVoyage(self, voyage):
        '''Adds aircraft to voyage'''
        depart_datetime_object = self.revertDatetimeStrtoDatetime(
        arrival_datetime_object = self.revertDatetimeStrtoDatetime(

        aircraft_ID = AirplaneUI().getAirplaneInput(depart_datetime_object,
        print('\n' + '~' * 45)
        print('Airplane has been added to voyage {}'.format(
        print('~' * 45 + '\n')
        return LL_API().change_voyage(voyage)
    def startDisplayLicensedPilots(self):
        '''Display menu for licensed pilots'''

        success = False
        airplane_types = AirplaneUI().getAirplaneTypes()

        while True:
            print('\nPlease pick one license of the following:\n')

            counter = 1
            for airplane_type in airplane_types:
                print('{} - {}'.format(counter, airplane_type))
                counter += 1

            selection = input('\nPlease choose one of the above: ').strip()

            for i in range(1, counter + 1):
                if selection == str(i):
                    license_ID = airplane_types[i - 1].getplaneTypeID()
                    success = True
                    return CrewUI().showByLicense(license_ID)

            if not success:
                print('\nInvalid selection!\n')
Beispiel #7
class User(Page):
    def __init__(self):
        self.employeeUI = EmployeeUI()
        self.destinationUI = DestinationUI()
        self.voyageUI = VoyageUI()
        self.airplaneUI = AirplaneUI()


    def Home(self):

        options = ["1. Staff manager", "2. Planning manager", "3. Exit"]

        user_input = input().strip()

        chose_back = False
        while not chose_back:
            self.first_pick = user_input
            if user_input == "1":  # Staff manager
                chose_back = self.Staff_manager()
            elif user_input == "2":  # Planning manager
                chose_back = self.Planning_manager()
            elif user_input == "3":  # Exit
                # Return "True" to end the outside loop (in this case the loop in the main program)
                return True
            else:  # Invalid input
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False  #Continue outside loop

    def Staff_manager(self):
        Displays the option screen for a staff manager.

        Options: Man flights, lists of work force and manage work force


        header = "Staff manager"
        options = [
            "1. Man flights", "2. Workforce information",
            "3. Manage workforce", "4. Back"

        self.show_page(options, header)

        user_input = input().strip()

        chose_back = False
        while not chose_back:

            if user_input == "4":  # Back
                # return "True" so the loop displaying the screen ends.
                return True
            elif user_input == "1":  # Man flights
                chose_back = self.voyageUI.man_voyage_SM()
            elif user_input == "2":  # Workforce information
                chose_back = self.Workforce_information()
            elif user_input == "3":  # Manage workforce
                chose_back = self.manage_workforce()
            else:  # Invalid input
                # set valid to false to display an error message
                self.valid = False
                return False
        # Return "False" to display this screen again
        return False

    def manage_workforce(self):

        header = "Manage workforce"
        options = [
            "1. Register a new airplane", "2. Register a new employee",
            "3. Edit employee", "4. Back"

        self.show_page(options, header)

        user_input = input().strip()

        chose_back = False

        if not chose_back:

            if user_input == "4":  # Back
                return True
            elif user_input == "1":  # Register new airplane
                chose_back == self.airplaneUI.register_airplane()
            elif user_input == "2":  # Register a new employee
                chose_back == self.employeeUI.register_employee()
            elif user_input == "3":  # Edit employee
                chose_back == self.employeeUI.edit_employee()
            else:  # Invalid input
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False

    def Planning_manager(self):

        header = "Planning manager"
        options = [
            "1. Manage voyages", "2. Voyage informations",
            "3. Manage destinations", "4. Back"
        self.show_page(options, header)

        user_input = input().strip()

        chose_back = False
        if not chose_back:

            if user_input == "4":  # Back
                return True
            elif user_input == "1":  # Manage voyages
                chose_back = self.manage_voyages()

            elif user_input == "2":  # Voyage information
                chose_back = self.list_of_voyages()

            elif user_input == "3":  # Manage destinations
                chose_back = self.manage_destinations()
            else:  # Invalid input
                # set valid to false to display a "... valid input..." message
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False

    def manage_voyages(self):
        header = "Manage voyages"
        options = [
            "1. Register a new voyage", "2. Edit a voyage",
            "3. Cancel a voyage", "4. Back"
        self.show_page(options, header)

        voyage_pick = input().strip()

        chose_back = False
        if not chose_back:
            if voyage_pick == "4":  # Back
                return True

            elif voyage_pick == "1":  # Register a new voyage
                chose_back = self.voyageUI.register_voyage_PM()

            elif voyage_pick == "2":  # Edit a voyage
                chose_back = self.edit_voyage_information()

            elif voyage_pick == "3":  # Cancel a voyage
                chose_back = self.voyageUI.cancel_voyage()
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False

    def edit_voyage_information(self):
        edit_header = "Edit voyage"
        edit_options = [
            "1. Edit voyage date", "2. Edit destination", "3. Back"
        self.show_page(edit_options, edit_header)
        user_input_str = input().strip()

        chooseBack = False
        if not chooseBack:
            if user_input_str == "1":  # edit voyage date
                chooseBack = self.voyageUI.edit_voyage_date()

            elif user_input_str == "2":  # edit destination
                """ þarf að klára """
                chooseBack == self.destinationUI.edit_destination()

            elif user_input_str == "3":
                chooseBack == True

                self.valid = False
        return True

    def list_of_voyages(self):

        options = [
            "1. List all voyages", "2. List by day", "3. List by week",
            "4. Back"

        user_input = input().strip()
        chose_back = False

        if not chose_back:
            if user_input == "4":
                return True

            elif user_input == "1":

                chose_back = self.voyageUI.print_all_voyages()

            elif user_input == "2":

                chose_back = self.voyageUI.list_voyage_day()

            elif user_input == "3":
                chose_back = self.voyageUI.print_list_voyage_by_week()
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False

    def manage_destinations(self):
        header = "Manage destinations"
        options = [
            "1. Voyage repetions", "2. Edit contact information",
            "3. Register destination", "4. Back "

        self.show_page(options, header)
        user_input = input().strip()

        chose_back = False
        while not chose_back:
            if user_input == "4":
                return True
            elif user_input == "1":

            elif user_input == "2":
                chose_back = self.destinationUI.edit_destination()

            elif user_input == "3":
                chose_back = self.destinationUI.register_destination(
                )  # Endalaus loopa
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False

    def Workforce_information(self):

        header = "Workforce information"
        options = [
            "1. List of all airplanes", "2. List of all employees",
            "3. List of all flight attendants", "4. List of all pilots",
            "5. List of all available employees at a given time",
            "6. List of all busy employees at a given time",
            "7. Print week of employee", "8. Back"

        self.show_page(options, header)

        user_input = input().strip()

        chose_back = False
        while not chose_back:

            if user_input == "8":
                return True
            elif user_input == "1":
                chose_back = self.airplaneUI.list_all_airplanes()
            elif user_input == "2":
                chose_back = self.employeeUI.get_all_employees(
                )  # Endalaus loopa
            elif user_input == "3":
                chose_back = self.employeeUI.list_all_flight_attendants(
                )  # Endalaus loopa
            elif user_input == "4":
                chose_back = self.employeeUI.list_all_pilots(
                )  # Endalaus loopa
            elif user_input == "5":
                chose_back = self.employeeUI.available_employees(
                )  # Festist inní
            elif user_input == "6":
                chose_back = self.employeeUI.busy_employees()  # Festist inní
            elif user_input == "7":
                chose_back = self.employeeUI.print_week_of_employee(
                )  # Festist hérna inni, ekki hægt að fara til baka
                self.valid = False
                return False

        return False
Beispiel #8
    def addVoyage(self):
        '''Gets input from user to add voyage to file'''
        print('\n' + '-' * 45)
        print('{:^45}'.format('Add new voyage'))
        print('-' * 45)

        dest = self.getDest()

        # put selection as 2 so while loop is entered
        selection = '2'

        # while user chooses to redo input
        while selection == '2':
            # get datetime input
            departure_datetime = self.getDateWithTime()

            print('Are you sure you want to add this voyage?')
            print('-' * 45)
            print('1 - Confirm input')
            print('2 - Redo input')
            print('3 - Cancel voyage registration')
            selection = input('Please choose one of the above: ').strip()

        # if user confirms input
        if selection == '1':
            while True:
                if departure_datetime != None:
                    # arrival time found from departure time
                    arrival_time = LL_API().getArrivalTime(
                        departure_datetime, dest)

                    # if date is taken by another voyage
                    while LL_API().checkIfTakenDate(
                            departure_datetime) == True:
                            'Another voyage is departing or arriving at that time. Please choose another date.'
                        departure_datetime = self.getDateWithTime()

                        if departure_datetime != 'c':

                        'Would you like to assign an airplane to this voyage?')
                    print('(You can also do this later)')
                    selection = input(
                        'Input your selection (Y/N): ').lower().strip()

                    # while input is neither y or n
                    while selection != 'y' and selection != 'n':
                        selection = input(
                            'Please enter Y or N to make your choice: ').lower(

                    # if chosen to add airplane
                    if selection == 'y':
                        plane_name = AirplaneUI().getAirplaneInput(
                            departure_datetime, arrival_time)
                    # if chosen to add airplane later
                        plane_name = 'empty'

                    LL_API().add_voyage(dest, departure_datetime, plane_name)

                    print('~' * 45)
                    print('{:^45}'.format('New voyage succesfully added!'))
                    print('~' * 45)
                    departure_datetime = self.getDateWithTime()

        # user cancels registration
        elif selection == '3':
        # if nothing else is chosen
            print('\nInvalid input!\n')