Beispiel #1
 def test_fixedSizeChunkGenerator_perform_copy(self):
     d1 = self.data1.copy()
     d2 = self.data1.copy()
     # perform_copy=True should be the default.
     vals = evaluateGeneratorFunction(fixedSizeChunkGenerator(d1, 3, 10), as_list=True)
     vals[0][0] = -1000  # Change value ...
     assert_array_equal(d1, d2)  # ... should not have any effect
     # Do the same without copy
     vals = evaluateGeneratorFunction(fixedSizeChunkGenerator(d1, 3, 10, perform_copy=False), as_list=True)
     vals[0][0] = -1000  # Change value ...
     d2[0] = -1000  # Should make d2 equal to d1
     assert_array_equal(d1, d2)  # ... should have an effect
Beispiel #2
 def test_fixedSizeChunkGenerator(self):
     # Odd-sized array
     vals = evaluateGeneratorFunction(fixedSizeChunkGenerator(self.data1, 3, 3), as_list=True)
     expected = np.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     assert_array_equal(vals, expected)
     # Even-sized array
     vals = evaluateGeneratorFunction(fixedSizeChunkGenerator(self.data2, 3, 3), as_list=True)
     expected = np.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]])
     assert_array_equal(vals, expected)
     # Array which is too long
     vals = evaluateGeneratorFunction(fixedSizeChunkGenerator(self.data2, 25, 3), as_list=True)
     expected = np.asarray([])
     assert_array_equal(vals, expected)