def get_page(self, params):
        """Handle parameters for changing the password.
        param params: A dictionary that is expected to contain user_id and password entries.
        TypeError will be thrown when params is None.
        ValueError will be thrown if user_id or password are None/empty.
        def validate():
            if params is None:
                raise TypeError
            def throw_if_empty(x):
                if params.get(x, "") =="": raise ValueError(x)

            ps = ["user_id", "password"]
            list(map(throw_if_empty, ps))            

        interactor = self.interactor_factory.create("ChangePasswordInteractor")
        interactor.interactor_factory = self.interactor_factory
        u = User()
        u.user_id = params["user_id"]
        u.password = params["password"]
 def __get_user(self, user_id="user", password="******", id="id"):
     u = User()
     u.user_id = user_id
     u.password = password = id
     return u