Beispiel #1
def moveDown(editorObj):
    Moves down one line
    y = editorObj.editorscr.getyx()[0]
    if editorObj.currentLine.nextNode is None:  # we don't have any more nodes
    currentLineHeight = editorUtil.lineHeight(editorObj.editorscr,
    if y + currentLineHeight < editorObj.editorscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 2:
        editorObj.currentLine = editorObj.currentLine.nextNode

    elif editorObj.currentLine.nextNode is not None:
        editorObj.currentLine = editorObj.currentLine.nextNode
        amountToMoveDown = editorUtil.lineHeight(editorObj.editorscr,
        while amountToMoveDown > 0:
            amountToMoveDown -= editorUtil.lineHeight(editorObj.editorscr,
            editorObj.topLine = editorObj.topLine.nextNode
            editorObj.topLineCount += 1

    if editorObj.currentLineIndex > len(editorObj.currentLine.value) - 2:
        editorObj.currentLineIndex = len(editorObj.currentLine.value) - 2
    if editorObj.currentLineIndex < 0:
        editorObj.currentLineIndex = 0
Beispiel #2
def moveUp(fileNavObj, y):
    Move up one step
    y -= editorUtil.lineHeight(fileNavObj.filenavscr, fileNavObj.currentDir.lastNode)
    # remember you have ' -' at the start of every dir
    if y < 0:
        temp = fileNavObj.topDir
        fileNavObj.topDir = fileNavObj.topDir.lastNode
        if fileNavObj.topDir is None:
            fileNavObj.topDir = temp
            fileNavObj.currentDir = fileNavObj.currentDir.nextNode
        y += editorUtil.lineHeight(fileNavObj.filenavscr, fileNavObj.currentDir.lastNode)
    if fileNavObj.currentDir is not fileNavObj.dirs.start:
        fileNavObj.currentDir = fileNavObj.currentDir.lastNode
    return y
Beispiel #3
def moveDown(fileNavObj, y):
    Move down one step
    y += editorUtil.lineHeight(fileNavObj.filenavscr, fileNavObj.currentDir)

    if fileNavObj.currentDir.nextNode is None:
        # if we are at the end
        y -= editorUtil.lineHeight(fileNavObj.filenavscr, fileNavObj.currentDir)

    if y > fileNavObj.filenavscr.getmaxyx()[0]-2:
        y -= editorUtil.lineHeight(fileNavObj.filenavscr, fileNavObj.currentDir)
        fileNavObj.topDir = fileNavObj.topDir.nextNode

    if fileNavObj.currentDir is not fileNavObj.dirs.end:
        fileNavObj.currentDir = fileNavObj.currentDir.nextNode

    return y
Beispiel #4
def drawLineNumbers(editorObj):
    Draws the line numbers on editorscr, using the corresponding linenumscr.
    Only relevant for use by linenumscr.
    # clear old data off the screen

    (moveY, moveX) = (0, 0)

    # draw line numbers
    lineToDraw = editorObj.topLine
    y = 0
    lineIndex = editorObj.topLineCount
    editorObj.linenumscr.move(0, 0)
    while y < editorObj.linenumscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1:

        if lineToDraw == editorObj.currentLine:
            moveY = y + editorObj.currentLineIndex // editorObj.editorscr.getmaxyx(
            for i in range(editorObj.currentLineIndex):
                c = editorObj.currentLine.value[i]
                if c == '\t':
                    moveX += 8
                    moveX += 1
                if moveX > editorObj.editorscr.getmaxyx()[1]:
                    moveX -= editorObj.editorscr.getmaxyx()[1]
                moveX = moveX % editorObj.editorscr.getmaxyx()[1]

            editorObj.currentLineCount = lineIndex
            if moveX <= -1:
                moveX = 0

        y += editorUtil.lineHeight(editorObj.editorscr, lineToDraw)

        if lineToDraw.nextNode is None:  # ran out of nodes
        lineToDraw = lineToDraw.nextNode
        lineIndex += 1

        if y > editorObj.linenumscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1:
        editorObj.linenumscr.move(y, 0)

    editorObj.editorscr.move(moveY, moveX)
Beispiel #5
def drawLines(editorObj, scr, topLine):
    Takes in a scr object from which it draws on

    Draws the line numbers and the lines themselves onto the ui
    O(n) where n is the number of blocks that can fit onto the terminal,
    but since n is very small and theta(n) is a fraction of
    n usually < n/2 this is fine.
    # clear the old data off of the screen

    # draw the lines themselves
    lineToDraw = topLine
    scr.move(0, 0)
    cursorY = 0

    while lineToDraw is not None:

        if scr.getyx()[0] + editorUtil.lineHeight(
                editorObj.editorscr, lineToDraw) > scr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1:
            # handle no space at bottom when scrolling up
        i = 0
        for c in lineToDraw.value:
            colorToDraw = lineToDraw.colors[i]
            scr.addstr(c, curses.color_pair(colorToDraw))
            currentX = scr.getyx()[1]
            if currentX + 1 > scr.getmaxyx()[1] - 1:
                # if we have reached the end of the line horizontally
                cursorY += 1
                scr.move(cursorY, 0)
            i += 1

        if scr.getyx()[0] + 1 > scr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1:
        scr.move(cursorY + 1, 0)
        cursorY += 1
        lineToDraw = lineToDraw.nextNode

    # move cursor to where it should be as
    # specified by currentLine and currentLineIndex, refresh and move on
def setColors(editorObj, colorMap):
    Sets the colors of the editorObj for every line
    in editorObj.lineLinkedList.

    Assumes every file is a python file, need to use
    different lexers later (possibly check with something
    else then pass it in as an argument).

    colorMap is a dictionary which maps the kind of syntax
    to a certain color.

    Use this with editorscr only!

    Notice that this won't work perfectly; there will be times that
    the syntax highlighting won't be perfect. This is a decided tradeoff;
    the popular text editors don't seem to have a solution.
    pylex = Python3Lexer(stripnl=False, stripall=False)
    # lets build the string to parse

    syntax = ''
    walk = editorObj.lineLinkedList.start
    y = 0
    increaseY = False
    while walk is not None:
        if walk == editorObj.currentLine:
            increaseY = True
        syntax += walk.value
        if increaseY:
            y += editorUtil.lineHeight(editorObj.editorscr, walk)
        if y > editorObj.editorscr.getmaxyx()[0]:
        walk = walk.nextNode

    walk = editorObj.lineLinkedList.start
    i = 0  # index of where i am walking through the string

    #for token in pylex.get_tokens(syntax):
    #    print(token,end='\r\n')

    for token in pylex.get_tokens(syntax):

        if token[1] == '\n':
            walk = walk.nextNode
            #i = -1
            i = 0
            if walk is None:

        tokenType = colorMap[
            'TEXT']  # assume everything is text and find contradiction

        if pygments.token.Comment.Single is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['COMMENT']

        if pygments.token.Keyword.Namespace is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['NAMESPACE']

        if pygments.token.Keyword is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['KEYWORD']

        if pygments.token.Name.Builtin is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['BUILTIN']

        if pygments.token.Name.Function is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['FUNCTION']

        if pygments.token.Literal.Number.Integer is token[
                0] or pygments.token.Literal.Number.Float is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['LITERAL']

        if pygments.token.Operator is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['OPERATOR']

        if (pygments.token.Literal.String.Single is token[0]
                or pygments.token.Literal.String.Double is token[0]):
            tokenType = colorMap['STRING_LITERAL']

        if pygments.token.Literal.String.Doc is token[0]:
            tokenType = colorMap['STRING_LITERAL']

        if token[0] is pygments.token.Literal.String.Doc:
            for tok in token[1].split('\n'):
                for c in tok:
                        walk.colors[i] = tokenType
                        a = 1  # do nothing
                    i += 1
                i = 0
                walk = walk.nextNode

            # if we were at the end break
            if walk is None:

            # set everything back to the way it was before
            walk = walk.lastNode
            i = -1

        for c in token[1]:
                walk.colors[i] = tokenType
                i += 1
                a = 1  # do nothing