def netProfitMargin(self, plrow): if (plrow['Total Revenue'] == 0): return 0 else: return ffmt( (plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] / plrow['Total Revenue']) * 100)
def debtToEquity(self, balancerow): totalLiabilities = balancerow[ 'Total Non-Current Liabilities'] + balancerow[ 'Total Current Liabilities'] shareholdersEquity = balancerow['Total Shareholders Funds'] return 0 if (shareholdersEquity == 0) else ffmt(totalLiabilities / shareholdersEquity)
def pbditMargin(self, plrow): pbdit = plrow['Profit/Loss Before Tax'] + plrow[ 'Finance Costs'] + plrow['Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses'] if (plrow['Total Operating Revenues'] == 0): return 0 else: return ffmt((pbdit / plrow['Total Operating Revenues']) * 100)
def currentRatio(self, balancerow): return 0 if (balancerow['Total Current Liabilities'] == 0) else ffmt( (balancerow['Total Current Assets'] / balancerow['Total Current Liabilities']))
def roce(self, plrow, balancerow): ebit = plrow['Profit/Loss Before Tax'] + plrow['Finance Costs'] capitalEmployed = balancerow['Total Assets'] - balancerow[ 'Total Current Liabilities'] return 0 if (capitalEmployed == 0) else ffmt(ebit / capitalEmployed * 100)
def roe(self, plrow, balancerow): if (balancerow['Total Shareholders Funds'] == 0): return 0 else: return ffmt((plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] / balancerow['Total Shareholders Funds']) * 100)
def earningsRetentionRatio(self, plrow): return 0 if (plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] == 0) else ffmt( (plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] - plrow['Equity Share Dividend']) / plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] * 100)
def dividendPayoutRatio(self, plrow): return 0 if (plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] == 0) else ffmt(plrow['Equity Share Dividend'] / plrow['Profit/Loss For The Period'] * 100)