Beispiel #1
def ana1(w1, w2, lamb):
    data = load('./Result/')
    # bot_ids = ab_traf_bot_det(data['adj_mats'], w1=10, w2=0.001, lamb=0)
    bot_ids = ab_traf_bot_det(data['adj_mats'], w1=w1, w2=w2, lamb=lamb)
    bot_ips = [data['ips'][i] for i in bot_ids]
# print('bot_ips', bot_ips)

    ddos_ips = data['ddos_ips']
    stat = get_quantitative(ddos_ips, bot_ips,
                            data['ips'], show=True)
    return stat, bot_ips
Beispiel #2
# flows.txt // the normal IP Address. We can stored it separately.

# this is used to get All ddos ip addresses. This tool should only deal with
# SIGs. botnet data should be converted to SIGs first.

def get_ips(data, format_=None):
    nnx = NetworkXGraph(data=data)
    if format_ is not None:
        return [format_(ip) for ip in nnx.get_vertices()]
    return nnx.get_vertices()

# GetAdjacent Matrix
ab_ids = range(200, 230)
sigs = load('./Result/')
adj_mats = [nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(sigs[i]) for i in ab_ids]

#### Identify the Pivot Nodes ######
tr = load('./Result/')
weights = tr['solution']
p_nodes = ident_pivot_nodes(adj_mats, weights, 0.8)

# select *SN* Nodes together with p_nodes
N = adj_mats[0].shape[0]
perm = np.random.permutation(N - len(p_nodes))
SN = 100
selected_nodes = perm[:(SN - len(p_nodes))]
selected_nodes = np.concatenate([selected_nodes, p_nodes])

# get Adjacent matrix for the selected subgraph
Beispiel #3
    # CSV Dataset Read and Flushed
    """rd = ReadDataSet("Data/Dataset")

    # Create Graph and save
    """rd = ReadDataSet("Data/Slashdot0811")
    G = nx.Graph()
    for ln in rd.readTxt():
        a, b = map(int, ln.split())
        G.add_edge(a, b)"""

    # Save Graph

    # Load Graph
    G = load()

    # Print Node Contents
    """for item in G.nodes(data=True):
        print item"""

    # Get Friends of node
    node = '2014BCS072'
    print G.node[node]
    print ""
    pairL = ProcessNetwork(G, node)
    for item in pairL:
        print item, G.node[item]

    # Calculate accuracies
    """lst = []
    def getAll(datasave=True):
        return [index, time, num1, num1delta, num2, num2delta]
        print('Local Data 수집 시작')

        MGLocalFetchBot.old = load('localdata.bin')
        #[url, num1, num2, index]
        bundle = [[
            'body > div.layout > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > div.status.clearfix > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)',
            'body > div.layout > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > div.status.clearfix > table:nth-child(2) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)',
            'body > div.layout > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > div.status.clearfix > div'
                      '', '#value01', '#value03',
                      '#corona_page > div.corona_page_top > div > div.contents_all > span'

        threads = []

        i = 0
        idx_ls = [0, 2]
        for data in bundle:
                                 args=(data, idx_ls[i])))
            i += 1



        start = time.time()
        for x in threads:

        for x in threads:
        end = time.time()

        datals = []
        if datasave:
            numls = []
        for k, v in sorted(MGLocalFetchBot.local_data.items()):
            if datasave:
                if len(v) == 0:
                    numls.append([v[2], v[4]])

        # print(numls)
        if datasave:
            MGLocalFetchBot.newls = numls

        print('Local Data 수집 끝', end - start)
        return datals
Beispiel #5
# // sigs stored in networkx format
# // solution --> this is unecessary, we will use equal weights
# flows.txt // the normal IP Address. We can stored it separately.

# this is used to get All ddos ip addresses. This tool should only deal with
# SIGs. botnet data should be converted to SIGs first.

def get_ips(data, format_=None):
    nnx = NetworkXGraph(data=data)
    if format_ is not None:
        return [format_(ip) for ip in nnx.get_vertices()]
    return nnx.get_vertices()

# GetAdjacent Matrix
ab_ids = range(200, 230)
sigs = load('./Result/')
adj_mats = [nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(sigs[i]) for i in ab_ids]

#### Identify the Pivot Nodes ######
tr = load('./Result/')
weights = tr['solution']
p_nodes = ident_pivot_nodes(adj_mats, weights, 0.8)

# select *SN* Nodes together with p_nodes
N = adj_mats[0].shape[0]
perm = np.random.permutation(N - len(p_nodes))
SN = 100
selected_nodes = perm[:(SN-len(p_nodes))]
selected_nodes = np.concatenate([selected_nodes, p_nodes])

# get Adjacent matrix for the selected subgraph