Beispiel #1
    def _shutdown(self, *args):
        """ Teardown all components and a graceful shutdown """
        with self.shutdownLock:
            if self.closed:
            self.closed = True"Shutdown called")

        processes = []
        peers = self.peers.values() if hasattr(self, "peers") else []
        for peer in peers:
            processes += peer.shutdown()

        while any(process.is_alive() for process in processes if process):

        if hasattr(self, "httpServer"):
            os.killpg(, signal.SIGTERM)
        for component in ["udpServer", "resultWorker"]:
            if not hasattr(self, component):
            getattr(self, component).shutdown()

        if os.path.exists(self.tmpDir):

Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self):
     ''' @param filterName: the name of the filter XML configuration '''
     self.attr = ''
     self.direction = self.FilterDirection.INCLUDE
     self.values = []
     self.configurationManager = ConfigurationManager()
     self.config = self.configurationManager.getConfiguration('filters')
     self.__filterString = ""
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self):
        ''' @param filterName: The name of the filter XML configuration '''
        self.configurationManager = ConfigurationManager()
        self.config = self.configurationManager.getConfiguration('filters')
        self.__filterString = ""

        if not hasattr(self.config.getConfiguration(), 'PriorityFilter'):
            self.enabled = False

        self.priorityFilterCfg = self.config.getConfiguration().PriorityFilter
        if self.priorityFilterCfg.enabled != "true":
            self.enabled = False
        else: self.enabled = True
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, output = sys.stdout):
        self.output = output
        self.configLoc = None
        self.monitor = False

        if '--monitor' in sys.argv:
            self.monitor = True

        if '--config' in sys.argv:
            index = sys.argv.index('--config') + 1
            self.configLoc = sys.argv[index]
            del sys.argv[index]
            del sys.argv[index - 1]

        self.configManager = ConfigurationManager(self.configLoc)
Beispiel #5
class ArgumentParser(object):
    def __init__(self, output = sys.stdout):
        self.output = output
        self.configLoc = None
        self.monitor = False

        if '--monitor' in sys.argv:
            self.monitor = True

        if '--config' in sys.argv:
            index = sys.argv.index('--config') + 1
            self.configLoc = sys.argv[index]
            del sys.argv[index]
            del sys.argv[index - 1]

        self.configManager = ConfigurationManager(self.configLoc)

    def parse_args(self):
        configs = self.configManager.configurationNames()
        configs = [ self.configManager.getConfiguration(n) for n in configs ]
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

        for config in configs:
            paths = self._process_path(config.configuration)
            for ns, value in paths or []:
                parser.add_argument('--%s' % ns)

        parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', help ='Configuration directory location')
        parser.add_argument('--monitor', '-m', help = 'Monitor UDP broadcasts for slave heartbeats', action="store_true")

        for key, value in vars(parser.parse_args()).items():
            if value == None or key == 'monitor': continue
            xml_name, path_parts = key.split('.', 1)
            path_parts = path_parts.split('.')
            config = self.configManager.getConfiguration(xml_name)
            self.__processOverride(config.configuration, path_parts, value)

    def _process_path(self, root_conf, namespace = None):
        if isinstance(root_conf, unicode):
            return [(namespace, str(root_conf))]
        elif not namespace:
            namespace = root_conf.__class__.__name__[4:]

        # Gather objects to process
        objs = [ (name, getattr(root_conf, name))
            for name in dir(root_conf)
            if self._filter_objs(root_conf, name) ]
        if len(objs) == 0: return

        results = []
        for name, obj in objs: # Update namespace and iterate
            nm = "%s.%s" % (namespace, name) if name != "PCDATA" else namespace
            results += self._process_path(obj, nm) or []
        return results

    def _filter_objs(self, root_conf, name):
        obj = getattr(root_conf, name)

        if '_' in (name[0], name[-1]): return False
        elif name.startswith('xmlns') or name.startswith('xsi'): return False
        if name == "parent": return False

        isCorrectType = isinstance(obj, _XO_) or isinstance(obj, unicode)
        return isCorrectType

    def __processOverride(self, root, path, value):
        element_name = path.pop(0)
        new_root = getattr(root, element_name, None) 

        if not new_root:
            raise Exception("Invalid configuration")
        elif len(path) > 0:
            return self.__processOverride(new_root, path, value)

        value = unicode(value)
        if isinstance(new_root, _XO_): setattr(root, 'PCDATA', value)
        elif isinstance(new_root, unicode): setattr(root, element_name, value)
        else: raise Exception("Invalid configuration")
Beispiel #6
class TestFilter(object):
    Test filter performs the filtering of the tests in the groups
    It may leave the specified tests in the list or exclude those
    from the list depending on the direction specified

    class FilterDirection(object):
        The enumeration class, which specifies the direction of the
        filtering. EXCLUDE defines that the tests which contain
        filtering values will be removed from the test list. INCLUDE
        value defines that only tests which contain filtering values
        will be left in the test list
        EXCLUDE = False
        INCLUDE = True

    def __init__(self):
        ''' @param filterName: the name of the filter XML configuration '''
        self.attr = ''
        self.direction = self.FilterDirection.INCLUDE
        self.values = []
        self.configurationManager = ConfigurationManager()
        self.config = self.configurationManager.getConfiguration('filters')
        self.__filterString = ""

    def filterTests(self, source):
        Filters the tests in the source object.
        @param source: the source object
        @return: the source object with filtered test list

        if not hasattr(self.config.getConfiguration(),
            return source

        for testFilter in self.config.getConfiguration().TestFilter:
            if testFilter.enabled == self.CONFIG_ENABLED_FALSE:

            if not hasattr(testFilter.values, 'value'):

            self.attr = testFilter.parameter.PCDATA
            direct = testFilter.direction.PCDATA

            self.__filterString += "Filter: %s, Direction: %s, Values:" % (self.attr, direct)
            self.values = []

            if direct == self.CONFIG_DIRECTION_EXCLUDE:
                self.direction = self.FilterDirection.EXCLUDE
            else: self.direction = self.FilterDirection.INCLUDE

            self.globalFilter = self.__matchesLiteral
            if hasattr(testFilter.values, 'type') and \
            testFilter.values.type == 'regex':
                self.globalFilter = self.__matchesRegex

            for val in testFilter.values.value:
                self.__filterString += " %s" % (val.PCDATA)
            self.__filterString += "\n"

            for group in source.groups:
                group.tests = filter(self.__filterContent, group.tests)

        return source

    def isEnabled(self):
        if not hasattr(self.config.getConfiguration(),
            return False

        for testFilter in self.config.getConfiguration().TestFilter:
            if testFilter.enabled == 'true':
                return True
        return False

    def __filterContent(self, test):
        """ Filter content based on the values """
        matches = []
        for value in self.values:
            matches.append(self.__getResult(value, test))

        if True in matches: return self.direction
        return not self.direction

    def __getResult(self, value, test):
        """ Test if a test attribute matches a value """
        content = getattr(test, self.attr, "")
        if hasattr(value, 'type'): # Use the value filter type
            return self.__getFilter(value.type)(value, test, content)
        return self.globalFilter(value, test, content)

    def __getFilter(self, name):
        """ Get the filter by name """
        if name == 'regex': return self.__matchesRegex
        return self.__matchesLiteral

    def __matchesLiteral(self, value, test, content):
        Method is used for filter() function
        @return: True or False depending on whether the test attribute value
            is in the configured value list
        return str(content) == str(value.PCDATA)

    def __matchesRegex(self, value, test, content):
        """ Matches the value against a regex pattern """
        if re.match(str(value.PCDATA), str(content)):
            return True
        return False

    def getAppliedFilterDescription(self):
        return self.__filterString
Beispiel #7
class PriorityFilter(object):
    Priority filter performs the division of list of tests into
    priority groups, or a simple sorting

    class PriorityDirection(object):
        ''' Enumeration class which defines the direction of sorting '''
        DESCENDING = 1
        ASCENDING = 0

    def __init__(self):
        ''' @param filterName: The name of the filter XML configuration '''
        self.configurationManager = ConfigurationManager()
        self.config = self.configurationManager.getConfiguration('filters')
        self.__filterString = ""

        if not hasattr(self.config.getConfiguration(), 'PriorityFilter'):
            self.enabled = False

        self.priorityFilterCfg = self.config.getConfiguration().PriorityFilter
        if self.priorityFilterCfg.enabled != "true":
            self.enabled = False
        else: self.enabled = True

    def filterTests(self, source):
        If the values of priority are specified in the configuration, then
        the method divides the default group into priority groups according
        to specified values. If the values are not specified, then the
        method performs sorting of the existing groups
        @param source: the source object
        @return the modified source object with applied priority 
        if not self.enabled:
            return source

        self.__filterString = self.__createDescription(self.priorityFilterCfg)
        self.attr = self.priorityFilterCfg.parameter.PCDATA

        self.__sort(source, self.attr, self.priorityFilterCfg.direction.PCDATA)
        if hasattr(self.priorityFilterCfg.values, 'value'):
            self.__group(source, self.attr, self.priorityFilterCfg.values)
        return source

    def isEnabled(self):
        return self.enabled

    def __createDescription(self, priorityFilterCfg):
        direct = priorityFilterCfg.direction.PCDATA
        attr = priorityFilterCfg.parameter.PCDATA

        descBuffer = StringIO()
        descBuffer.write('Priority Filter: %s, Direction: %s' % (attr, direct))

        if not hasattr(priorityFilterCfg.values, 'value'):
            result = "%s\n" % descBuffer.getvalue()
            return result

        descBuffer.write(', Values:')
        for val in priorityFilterCfg.values.value:
            descBuffer.write(' ')

        result = descBuffer.getvalue()
        return result

    def __group(self, source, attr, valuesNode):
        Performs the grouping of the tests by priority. If more than
        one group exists, then no modifications applied
        @param groups: the list of source groups (expected 1 default group)
        @param attr: the attribute by which divide into priorities
        @param values: the list of values, of priorities
        defGroup = source.groups[0]
        if len(source.groups) != 1 or != 'DefaultGroup':

        defaultFilter = self.__literalFilter
        if hasattr(valuesNode, 'type') and valuesNode.type == 'regex':
            defaultFilter = self.__regexFilter

        values = valuesNode.value
        if not isinstance(values, list):
            values = [values]

        for value in values:
            tests = self.__filterTests(value, defGroup, attr, defaultFilter)
            if len(tests) == 0: continue

            newGroup = Group(value, '%s priority group' % attr)
            newGroup.tests = tests
            source.groups.insert(0, newGroup)

        if len(defGroup.tests) == 0:

    def __filterTests(self, value, defaultGroup, attr, defaultFilter):
        tests = []
        for test in defaultGroup.tests[:]:
            content = getattr(test, attr, '')

            if hasattr(value, 'type'):
                result = self.__getFilter(value.type)(value.PCDATA, content)
            else: result = defaultFilter(value.PCDATA, content)

            if not result: continue
        return tests

    def __getFilter(self, name):
        if name != 'regex': return self.__literalFilter
        return self.__regexFilter

    def __literalFilter(self, value, content):
        return value == content

    def __regexFilter(self, value, content):
        return re.match(value, content) != None

    def __sort(self, source, attr, direction):
        Performs the sorting of the tests in the group. Method is used
        when no priority values are specified.
        @param tests: the list of tests in the group
        @param attr: the attribute by which the sorting should be applied
        @param direction: ascending or descending direction
        @return: the sorted list of tests
        if direction != 'ascending':
            direction = self.PriorityDirection.DESCENDING
        else: direction = self.PriorityDirection.ASCENDING

        for group in source.groups:
            tests = sorted(group.tests,
                key = lambda test: getattr(test, attr, None),
                reverse = direction)
            group.tests = tests

    def getAppliedFilterDescription(self):
        return self.__filterString