Beispiel #1
def listDiskUsageOverThreshold(config, updateDB):
    check whether disk usage is over threshold,
    return list of disk paths
    if updateDB is True update the aux couch db value.
    This function contains both check an update to avoide multiple db calls.
    defaultDiskThreshold = 85
    defaultIgnoredDisks = []
    if hasattr(config, "Tier0Feeder"):
        # get the value from config.
        ignoredDisks = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "ignoreDisks", defaultIgnoredDisks)
        diskUseThreshold = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "diskUseThreshold", defaultDiskThreshold)
        t0Flag = True
        reqMgrAux = ReqMgrAux(config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL)
        agentConfig = reqMgrAux.getWMAgentConfig(config.Agent.hostName)
        diskUseThreshold = agentConfig.get("DiskUseThreshold", defaultDiskThreshold)
        ignoredDisks = agentConfig.get("IgnoreDisks", defaultIgnoredDisks)
        t0Flag = False

    # Disk space warning
    diskUseList = diskUse()
    overThresholdDisks = []
    for disk in diskUseList:
        if (float(disk['percent'].strip('%')) >= diskUseThreshold and
                    disk['mounted'] not in ignoredDisks):

    if updateDB and not t0Flag:
        agentDrainMode = bool(len(overThresholdDisks))
        if agentConfig and (agentDrainMode != agentConfig["AgentDrainMode"]):
            reqMgrAux.updateAgentConfig(config.Agent.hostName, "AgentDrainMode", agentDrainMode)

    return overThresholdDisks
Beispiel #2
 def testDiskUse(self):
     Test the `diskUse` function.
     data = diskUse()
     # assuming nodes will always have at least 3 partitions/mount points
     self.assertTrue(len(data) > 2)
Beispiel #3
def listDiskUsageOverThreshold(config, updateDB):
    check whether disk usage is over threshold,
    return list of disk paths
    if updateDB is True update the aux couch db value.
    This function contains both check an update to avoide multiple db calls.
    reqMgrAux = ReqMgrAux(config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL)
    agentConfig = reqMgrAux.getWMAgentConfig(config.Agent.hostName)
    diskUseThreshold = agentConfig["DiskUseThreshold"]
    ignoredDisks = agentConfig["IgnoreDisks"]
    # Disk space warning
    diskUseList = diskUse()
    overThresholdDisks = []
    for disk in diskUseList:
        if (float(disk['percent'].strip('%')) >= diskUseThreshold and
                        disk['mounted'] not in ignoredDisks):

    if updateDB:
        agentDrainMode = bool(len(overThresholdDisks))
        if agentDrainMode != agentConfig["AgentDrainMode"]:
            reqMgrAux.updateAgentDrainingMode(config.Agent.hostName, agentDrainMode)

    return overThresholdDisks
Beispiel #4
def listDiskUsageOverThreshold(config, updateDB):
    check whether disk usage is over threshold,
    return list of disk paths
    if updateDB is True update the aux couch db value.
    This function contains both check an update to avoide multiple db calls.
    reqMgrAux = ReqMgrAux(config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL)
    agentConfig = reqMgrAux.getWMAgentConfig(config.Agent.hostName)
    diskUseThreshold = agentConfig["DiskUseThreshold"]
    ignoredDisks = agentConfig["IgnoreDisks"]
    # Disk space warning
    diskUseList = diskUse()
    overThresholdDisks = []
    for disk in diskUseList:
        if (float(disk['percent'].strip('%')) >= diskUseThreshold
                and disk['mounted'] not in ignoredDisks):

    if updateDB:
        agentDrainMode = bool(len(overThresholdDisks))
        if agentDrainMode != agentConfig["AgentDrainMode"]:

    return overThresholdDisks
Beispiel #5
def listDiskUsageOverThreshold(config, updateDB):
    check whether disk usage is over threshold,
    return list of disk paths
    if updateDB is True update the aux couch db value.
    This function contains both check an update to avoide multiple db calls.
    defaultDiskThreshold = 85
    defaultIgnoredDisks = []
    if hasattr(config, "Tier0Feeder"):
        # get the value from config.
        ignoredDisks = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "ignoreDisks",
        diskUseThreshold = getattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher,
                                   "diskUseThreshold", defaultDiskThreshold)
        t0Flag = True
        reqMgrAux = ReqMgrAux(config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL)
        agentConfig = reqMgrAux.getWMAgentConfig(config.Agent.hostName)
        diskUseThreshold = agentConfig.get("DiskUseThreshold",
        ignoredDisks = agentConfig.get("IgnoreDisks", defaultIgnoredDisks)
        t0Flag = False

    # Disk space warning
    diskUseList = diskUse()
    overThresholdDisks = []
    for disk in diskUseList:
        if (float(disk['percent'].strip('%')) >= diskUseThreshold
                and disk['mounted'] not in ignoredDisks):

    if updateDB and not t0Flag:
        agentDrainMode = bool(len(overThresholdDisks))
        if agentConfig and (agentDrainMode != agentConfig["AgentDrainMode"]):
                                          {"AgentDrainMode": agentDrainMode},

    return overThresholdDisks
Beispiel #6
def listDiskUsageOverThreshold(config, updateDB):
    check whether disk usage is over threshold,
    return list of disk paths
    if updateDB is True update the aux couch db value.
    This function contains both check an update to avoide multiple db calls.
    if hasattr(config, "Tier0Feeder"):
        ignoredDisks = []
        diskUseThreshold = 85
        # get the value from config.
        if hasattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "ignoreDisks"):
            ignoredDisks = config.AgentStatusWatcher.ignoreDisks
        if hasattr(config.AgentStatusWatcher, "diskUseThreshold"):
            diskUseThreshold = config.AgentStatusWatcher.diskUseThreshold
        t0Flag = True
        reqMgrAux = ReqMgrAux(config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL)
        agentConfig = reqMgrAux.getWMAgentConfig(config.Agent.hostName)
        diskUseThreshold = agentConfig["DiskUseThreshold"]
        ignoredDisks = agentConfig["IgnoreDisks"]
        t0Flag = False

    # Disk space warning
    diskUseList = diskUse()
    overThresholdDisks = []
    for disk in diskUseList:
        if (float(disk['percent'].strip('%')) >= diskUseThreshold
                and disk['mounted'] not in ignoredDisks):

    if updateDB and not t0Flag:
        agentDrainMode = bool(len(overThresholdDisks))
        if agentDrainMode != agentConfig["AgentDrainMode"]:

    return overThresholdDisks