Beispiel #1
def EmailAlertAlways(nodeId, current, previous):
    name = getNodeName(nodeId)
    alarmState = getCurrentAlarmState()
    subject = "[" + str(alarmState) + "] " + str(name) + " is " + getSensorState(current.value) + " at " + str(current.time)
    body = name + " had been " + getSensorState(previous.value) + " for " + getTimeElapsed_HHMMSS(previous.time) + ".\n\n"
    body += "Current: " + str(current) + "\n"
    body += "Previous: " + str(previous) + "\n"
    body += getNodeReport(nodeId)
    sendEmail(mailto, subject, body);
Beispiel #2
from LoggerUtils import setupSecurityLogger
from NotificationHandler import getNCB,NodeControlBlock,getEarliestNotificationOfCurrentState
from ConfUtils import getNodes,getNodeName
from Utils import getTimeElapsed_HHMMSS
import cgi, cgitb
from controlpanel import getBaseUrl

logger = setupSecurityLogger()

print 'Content-Type: text/html'
print # HTTP says you have to have a blank line between headers and content
print '<html>'
print '  <head>'
print '    <title> Node Report </title>'
print '  </head>' 
print '  <body>'
print '  <h1> Node Report </h1>'
for nodeId in getNodes():
    ncb = getNCB(nodeId)
    notification = getEarliestNotificationOfCurrentState(nodeId)
    nodeName = getNodeName(nodeId)
    print '<h2>' + nodeName + '</h2>'
    if ncb:
        print '<h3>' + nodeName + ' has been ' + ncb.state + ' for ' + getTimeElapsed_HHMMSS(notification.time) + '</h3>' 
        print '<p> Current State: ' + ncb.state + ' since ' + str(notification.time) + '</p>' 
        print '<p> Battery Level: ' + str(ncb.batteryValue) + '</p>' 
print '      <button onClick="window.location=\'' + getBaseUrl() + '/raspwave/\'" style="font: bold 60px Arial">Back to Control Panel</button><br><br>'
print '  </body>'
print '</html>'
Beispiel #3
from Utils import getTimeElapsed_HHMMSS
import cgi, cgitb
from controlpanel import getBaseUrl

logger = setupSecurityLogger()

print 'Content-Type: text/html'
print  # HTTP says you have to have a blank line between headers and content
print '<html>'
print '  <head>'
print '    <title> Node Report </title>'
print '  </head>'
print '  <body>'
print '  <h1> Node Report </h1>'
for nodeId in getNodes():
    ncb = getNCB(nodeId)
    notification = getEarliestNotificationOfCurrentState(nodeId)
    nodeName = getNodeName(nodeId)
    print '<h2>' + nodeName + '</h2>'
    if ncb:
        print '<h3>' + nodeName + ' has been ' + ncb.state + ' for ' + getTimeElapsed_HHMMSS(
            notification.time) + '</h3>'
        print '<p> Current State: ' + ncb.state + ' since ' + str(
            notification.time) + '</p>'
        print '<p> Battery Level: ' + str(ncb.batteryValue) + '</p>'
print '      <button onClick="window.location=\'' + getBaseUrl(
) + '/raspwave/\'" style="font: bold 60px Arial">Back to Control Panel</button><br><br>'
print '  </body>'
print '</html>'