Beispiel #1
 def setLastLog(self,log):
     """Save an edit log message, if provided."""
     if log and string.strip(log):
         log = string.strip(log)
         get_transaction().note('"%s"' % self.toencoded(log))
         self.last_log = log
         self.last_log = ''
Beispiel #2
 def revertEditsEverywhereBy(self, username, REQUEST=None, batch=0):
     Revert all the most recent edits by username throughout the wiki.
     batch = int(batch)
     n = 0
     for p in self.pageObjects():
         if p.last_editor == username:
             n += 1
             except (IndexError, AttributeError):
                 # IndexError - we don't have a version that old
                 # AttributeError - new object, no history yet,
                 # due to creation of page in unit tests
                 # - doesn't really happen in real use I guess
                 BLATHER('failed to revert edits by %s at %s: %s' \
                         % (username,,formattedTraceback()))
             if batch and n % batch == 0:
                 BLATHER('committing after %d reverts' % n)
Beispiel #3
    def expungeEditsEverywhereBy(self, username, REQUEST=None, batch=0): # -> none
        # depends on: all pages, revisions ; modifies: all pages, revisions
        """Expunge all the most recent edits by username throughout the wiki.

        This is a powerful spam repair tool for managers. It removes all
        recent consecutive edits by username from each page in the
        wiki. The corresponding revisions will disappear from the page
        history.  See #1157.

        Should this use the catalog ? Currently uses a more expensive and
        failsafe brute force ZODB search.
        batch = int(batch)
        for n,p in izip(count(1),
                        [p for p in self.pageObjects() if p.last_editor==username]):
            except IndexError:
                BLATHER('failed to expunge edits by %s at %s: %s' \
                        % (username,,formattedTraceback()))
            if batch and (n % batch)==0:
                BLATHER('committing after %d expunges' % n)
Beispiel #4
    def upgradeAll(self, render=1, batch=0, REQUEST=None):  # -> none
        # depends on: wiki
        # modifies: wiki (folder, pages, dtml methods, catalog, outline, revisions..)
        Update, upgrade, pre-render and re-index all pages and data structures.

        Normally individual pages are upgraded and pre-rendered on
        demand, when viewed. An administrator may want to do this for
        all pages ahead of time, particularly after a zwiki upgrade,
        to ensure all pages have the latest properties and have been
        rendered by the latest code, minimizing delay and possible
        problems later on.

        Also installs a wiki catalog if not present, re-indexes each
        page, validates page parents, and rebuilds the wiki outline
        cache. Also installs the index_html and standard_error_message
        dtml methods. XXX split ? 

        You can set render=0 to skip the page pre-rendering part,
        completing much faster on large wikis.

        The optional batch argument forces a commit every N pages.
        This may be useful to get a complete run in large/busy wikis,
        which can be difficult due to conflict errors or memory usage.

        Requires 'Manage properties' permission on the folder.
        if not self.checkPermission(Permissions.manage_properties,
            raise Unauthorized, (
             _('You are not authorized to upgrade all pages.') + \
             _('(folder -> Manage properties)'))

        batch = int(batch)
        if render: BLATHER('upgrading/reindexing/pre-rendering all pages:')
        else: BLATHER('upgrading/reindexing all pages:')
        starttime = clock()
        n, total = 0, self.pageCount()
        for p in self.pageObjects():  # poor caching (not a problem here)
            n += 1
                if render:
                    msg = 'upgraded and pre-rendered page'
                    msg = 'upgraded page'
                # make sure every page is cataloged - slow but thorough
                BLATHER('%s %d/%d %s' % (msg, n, total,
                BLATHER('failed to upgrade page %d/%d %s: %s' \
                     % (n,total,,formattedTraceback()))
            if batch and n % batch == 0:
        endtime = clock()
        BLATHER('upgrade complete, %d pages processed in %fs, %.1f pages/s' \
                %(n, endtime-starttime, n/(endtime-starttime)))
Beispiel #5
    def upgradeAll(self,render=1,batch=0,REQUEST=None):
        Update, upgrade, pre-render and re-index all pages and data structures.

        Normally individual pages are upgraded and pre-rendered on
        demand, when viewed. An administrator may want to do this for
        all pages ahead of time, particularly after a zwiki upgrade,
        to ensure all pages have the latest properties and have been
        rendered by the latest code, minimizing delay and possible
        problems later on.

        Also installs a wiki catalog if not present, re-indexes each
        page, validates page parents, and rebuilds the wiki outline
        cache. Also installs the index_html and standard_error_message
        dtml methods. XXX split ? 

        You can set render=0 to skip the page pre-rendering part,
        completing much faster on large wikis.

        The optional batch argument forces a commit every N pages.
        This may be useful to get a complete run in large/busy wikis,
        which can be difficult due to conflict errors or memory usage.

        Requires 'Manage properties' permission on the folder.
        if not self.checkPermission(Permissions.manage_properties,
            raise 'Unauthorized', (
             _('You are not authorized to upgrade all pages.') + \
             _('(folder -> Manage properties)'))
        batch = int(batch)
        if render: BLATHER('upgrading/reindexing/pre-rendering all pages:')
        else: BLATHER('upgrading/reindexing all pages:')
        starttime = clock()
        n, total = 0, self.pageCount()
        for p in self.pageObjects(): # poor caching (not a problem here)
            n += 1
                if render:
                    msg = 'upgraded and pre-rendered page'
                    msg = 'upgraded page'
                # make sure every page is cataloged - slow but thorough
                BLATHER('%s %d/%d %s'%(msg,n,total,
                BLATHER('failed to upgrade page %d/%d %s: %s' \
                     % (n,total,,formattedTraceback()))
            if batch and n % batch == 0:

        endtime = clock()
        BLATHER('upgrade complete, %d pages processed in %fs, %f pages/s' \
                %(n, endtime-starttime, n/(endtime-starttime)))
Beispiel #6
    def create(self,page=None,text='',type=None,title='',REQUEST=None,log='',
               sendmail=1, parents=None, subtopics=None, pagename=None): # -> string; ...
        """Create a new wiki page, and optionally do extra stuff. Normally
        called via edit().

        The page name arguments are confusing. Here's the situation as I
        understand it: XXX cleanup

        - page:     the "original" name of the page we are to create.
        - pagename: an alternate spelling of the above, to ease page 
                    management form implementation. Pass one or the other.
        - title:    optional "new" name to rename to after creation.
                    This allows us to handle the zwiki and CMF/plone
                    edit forms smoothly, supporting rename during creation.

        Page names are assumed to come url-quoted. For the new page id, we use
        a url-safe canonical id derived from the name. (This name and id are
        assumed to be available, or Zwiki would not be calling create.)

        Other arguments:

        - text:      initial content for the new page
        - type:      id of the page type to use (rst, html...)
        - REQUEST:   standard zope argument, pass this to preserve any
                     user authentication. Also, may include file upload
                     data in which case the file is uploaded to the wiki.
        - log:       optional note for edit history and mail-out subject
        - sendmail:  sends mail-out to wiki subscribers, unless disabled
        - parents:   the names of the new page's parent(s), if any
        - subtopics: if non-None, sets the subtopics display property

        Other features:

        - checks the edit_needs_username property as well as permissions
        - redirects to the new page, or to the denied view
        - returns the new page's name, or None
        - if old revisions with this name exist, takes the next revision number
        if not self.checkPermission(Permissions.Add, self.folder()):
            raise Unauthorized, (
                _('You are not authorized to add pages in this wiki.'))
        if not self.checkSufficientId(REQUEST):
            if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.pageUrl()+'/denied')
            return None
        # here goes.. sequence is important
        name  = self.tounicode(self.urlunquote(page or pagename or REQUEST.form.get('title')))
        title = title and self.tounicode(self.urlunquote(title))
        text  = text and self.tounicode(text)
        log   = log and self.tounicode(log)
        id    = self.canonicalIdFrom(name)
        if not name:
            return self.genericerror(shorttitle=_('No Page Name'),
            messagetitle=_('Please enter a Page Name'),
            messages=[_('You did not enter a name for your new page. Please go Back and enter a name in the form.'), _('Your browser should still have your edits.')])
        p = self.__class__(__name__=id)
        p.title = name # because manage_afterAdd adds this to the wiki outline
        p = self.folder()[self.folder()._setObject(id,p)] # place in folder
        p.checkForSpam(text) # now we're acquiring wiki options, check for spam
        # now really update the wiki outline
        # XXX should reuse reparent code to do parents validation etc.
        p.parents = (parents==None) and [self.pageName()] or parents
        self.wikiOutline().add(p.pageName(), p.parents) 
        p.setPageType(type or self.defaultPageType())
        if p.autoSubscriptionEnabled(): p.subscribeThisUser(REQUEST)
        # allow users to alter the page name in the creation form.  We do
        # a full rename after all the above to make sure everything gets
        # handled properly, such as updating backlinks.  We must first
        # commit though, to get p.cb_isMoveable().
        if title and title != p.pageName():
            get_transaction().note('rename during creation')
        else: # reindex now all attributes are set. handleRename does it too.
        if sendmail:
      , REQUEST=REQUEST, subjectSuffix='', subject=log,
        if REQUEST:
                u = (REQUEST.get('redirectURL',None) or
                     REQUEST['URL2']+'/'+ self.urlquote(
            except KeyError: pass
        return name