Beispiel #1
 def computeLoads(self):
     """ Computes the load of each link in the target net """
     loads = {}
     for link in self.links.values():
         loads[str(link)] = str(createQuantity(link.computeLoad("direct"))) + "b/s, direct. " + str(createQuantity(link.computeLoad("inverse"))) + "b/s, inverse."
         printIfVerbose(str(link) + " carries " + loads[str(link)] + " over the flows: " + str([str(s) for s in link.flows]))
     return loads
Beispiel #2
 def isDirectWith(self, nodeA, nodeB):
     """ Returns true if nodeB comes after nodeA in the target's path, false otherwise """
     direct = None
     if nodeA == nodeB:
         print("ERROR: Tried to see if {0} was direct with respect to identical nodes {1}".format(self, nodeA))
         raise ValueError
     completePath = [self.source] + self.path # XML path does not contain the source
     for node in completePath:
         if node == nodeA:
             if direct == False:
                 return False
             elif direct == True:
                 print("ERROR: This is a circular path that does not contain node B?")
                 raise ValueError # Circular path that does not contain nodeB?
                 direct = True
         elif node == nodeB:
             if direct == True:
                 return True
             elif direct == False:
                 print("ERROR: This is a circular path that does not contain node B?")
                 raise ValueError # Circular path that does not contain nodeA?
                 direct = False
     if direct == True:
         print("ERROR: {0} does not contain node B: {1}".format(self, nodeB))
         printIfVerbose([str(k) for k in completePath])
     elif direct == False:
         print("ERROR: {0} does not contain node A: {1}".format(self, nodeA))
         printIfVerbose([str(k) for k in completePath])
         print("ERROR: {0} does not contain neither {1} nor {2}".format(self, nodeA, nodeB))
     raise ValueError 
Beispiel #3
 def stabilityPrint(thing, arrival):
     printIfVerbose("{0} has a transmission capacity {1}b/s and an arrival curve {2}b/s".format(thing, createQuantity(thing.transmission_capacity), createQuantity(arrival)))
Beispiel #4
 def computeTargetArrivalAffine(self, target):
     """ Computes target's output arrival affine curve, total delay up to this point, backlog, and total arrival curves incoming to this outgoing port of the node
     Relies on theorem 1 calculation to find the delay given a known arrival curve and a know service curve,
     and on theorem 2 to calculate the arrival curve at the output of a node knowing the maximum delay through
     that node and the input arrival curve.
     This calculation is highly recursive! It will call itself on all nodes within the paths of all flows using
     the same output link of this node as the one used by the given target.
     printIfVerbose("Calculating affine output arrival of {0} for flux {1}\n".format(str(self), str(target)))
     totalArrival = AffineCurve(0, 0)
     tempArrival = AffineCurve(0, 0)
     totalDelay = 0 # Stores the flow's delay bound up until this node
     link = target.findOutgoingLink(self) # Find out the outgoing link of this traffic
     linkDelayCalculated = self.delayBoundsPerLink[link] >= 0
     flows = link.getFlowsInSameDirection(target)
     # If source, 
     if self == target.source:
         for flow in flows.values():
             tempArrival = flow.computeArrivalAffine()
             if flow == target.parentFlow:
                 arrival = tempArrival
             totalArrival += tempArrival 
     # Otherwise as per theorem 2, we can obtain it by computing the output affine of the intervening nodes
         # Calculate the output arrival by recursively calling this function on said node
         for flow in flows.values():
             currentTarget = flow.findTargetPassingThroughNode(self)
             previousNode = currentTarget.findPreviousNode(self)
             if not linkDelayCalculated or flow == target.parentFlow:
                 tempOutput = previousNode.computeTargetArrivalAffine(currentTarget)
                 tempArrival = tempOutput["outputArrival"]
                 tempDelay = tempOutput["delay"]
                 if flow == target.parentFlow:
                     totalDelay += tempDelay # Add the delay up to this point
                     arrival = tempArrival
                 totalArrival += tempArrival
     printIfVerbose("Looking at node " + str(
     printIfVerbose("The input arrival curve to {0} for {1} is {2}".format(self, target.parentFlow, arrival))
     # Now we need to factor in how multiplexing flows affects the service curve of the node
     service = self.getWorstCaseService(target)      
     printIfVerbose("The adjusted service curve of {0} is {1}".format(link,service))
     printIfVerbose("The aggregate arrival curve to {0} for {1} is {2}".format(self, link, totalArrival))
     backlog = computeTheorem1Backlog(totalArrival, service)
     printIfVerbose("Backlog for {0} is {1}".format(self, backlog))
     # Next, calculate the incurred delay in this node given the new arrival and service curves 
     if not linkDelayCalculated:
         delay = computeTheorem1Delay(totalArrival, service)
         # Store values for future reference
         self.delayBoundsPerLink[link] = delay
         self.totalArrivalsPerLink[link] = totalArrival
         self.backlogsPerLink[link] = backlog
         delay = self.delayBoundsPerLink[link]
         totalArrival = self.totalArrivalsPerLink[link]
         backlog = self.backlogsPerLink[link] 
     totalDelay += delay
     printIfVerbose("Delay at node {0} is {1}s".format(, createQuantity(delay)))
     outputArrival = arrival.delayBy(delay)
     printIfVerbose("The output arrival curve of {0} for {1} is {2} \n".format(self, target.parentFlow, outputArrival))
     return {"outputArrival": outputArrival, "delay": totalDelay, "totalArrival": totalArrival, "backlog": backlog}
Beispiel #5
def parseXML(XMLPath):
    """ Parses an XML file with the appropriat format for the exercice and creates its data structure, returning a network object """
    tree = parse(XMLPath)
    root = tree.getroot()

    for child in root:

        # Parse the network first
        if child.tag == "network":
            printIfVerbose("Building a " + child.tag + " called " +
            name = ""
            overhead = 0
            transmission_capacity = 0
            x_type = ""
            for attributeName in child.attrib:
                if attributeName == "name":
                    name = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "overhead":
                    overhead = 8 * interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "transmission-capacity":
                    transmission_capacity = interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "x-type":
                    x_type = child.attrib[attributeName]
            net = Classes.Network(name, overhead, transmission_capacity,
            print("ERROR: Could not find a network node!")

    # All attribute assignation referring to network nodes are first done as strings, and then
    # the corresponding nodes are assigned AFTER we've ensured all the nodes have been created.
    for child in root:
        printIfVerbose("Building a " + child.tag + " called " +
        if child.tag == "station":
            name = ""
            transmission_capacity = 0
            x = 0
            y = 0
            for attributeName in child.attrib:
                if attributeName == "name":
                    name = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "transmission-capacity":
                    transmission_capacity = interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "x":
                    x = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "y":
                    y = child.attrib[attributeName]

            newStation = Classes.Station(name, transmission_capacity, x, y)
            net.stations[name] = newStation

        elif child.tag == "switch":
            name = ""
            transmission_capacity = 0
            x = 0
            y = 0
            redundancy = "Unspecified"
            for attributeName in child.attrib:
                if attributeName == "name":
                    name = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "transmission-capacity":
                    transmission_capacity = interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "x":
                    x = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "y":
                    y = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "redundancy":
                    redundancy = child.attrib[attributeName]

            newSwitch = Classes.Switch(name, transmission_capacity, x, y)
            if redundancy != "Unspecified":
            net.switches[name] = newSwitch

        elif child.tag == "link":
            name = ""
            start = ""
            startPort = ""
            end = ""
            endPort = ""
            transmission_capacity = 0
            for attributeName in child.attrib:
                if attributeName == "name":
                    name = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "from":
                    start = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "fromPort":
                    startPort = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "to":
                    end = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "toPort":
                    endPort = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "transmission-capacity":
                    transmission_capacity = interpretQuantity(

            newLink = Classes.Link(name, start, startPort, end, endPort,
            net.links[name] = newLink

        elif child.tag == "flow":
            deadline = 0
            jitter = 0
            max_payload = 0
            name = ""
            period = 0
            priority = 0
            source = ""
            redundancy = "MAIN"
            for attributeName in child.attrib:
                if attributeName == "deadline":
                    deadline = interpretQuantity(child.attrib[attributeName])
                elif attributeName == "jitter":
                    jitter = interpretQuantity(child.attrib[attributeName])
                elif attributeName == "max-payload":
                    max_payload = 8 * interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "name":
                    name = child.attrib[attributeName]
                elif attributeName == "period":
                    period = 1e-3 * interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "priority":
                    priorityString = child.attrib[attributeName]
                    if priorityString == "Low":
                        priority = 0
                    elif priorityString == "High":
                        priority = 1
                            "ERROR: The priority string for {0} is not admitted!"
                elif attributeName == "transmission-capacity":
                    transmission_capacity = interpretQuantity(
                elif attributeName == "source":
                    source = child.attrib[attributeName]
                    #Find the end system and add it to the targets list
            newFlow = Classes.Flow(deadline, jitter, max_payload, name, period,
                                   priority, source)
            net.flows[name] = newFlow

            for targetElement in child:
                # Gather attributes
                targetStationName = targetElement.attrib["name"]
                sourceStationName = child.attrib["source"]
                    redundancy = child.attrib["redundancy"]
                    redundancy = "Unspecified"
                # Create target
                target = Classes.Target(targetStationName, sourceStationName,
                # Assign redundancy
                if redundancy != "Unspecified":

                # Add target to flow targets
                newFlow.targets[targetStationName] = target

                # Build target's path
                for pathComponent in targetElement:
                    pathNodeName = pathComponent.attrib["node"]


    # Nodes have been asigned as names, correct to objects
    for link in net.links.values():
        link.start = net.getNode(link.start)
        link.end = net.getNode(link.end)

    for flow in net.flows.values():
        source = net.getNode(flow.source)
        flow.source = source
        for target in flow.targets.values():
   = net.getNode(
            target.source = net.getNode(target.source)
            for i in range(len(target.path)):
                target.path[i] = net.getNode(target.path[i])
            printIfVerbose("Path for target " + + " is " +
                           str([str(s) for s in target.path]))
            if not target.hasPath():
                print("ERROR: " + str(target) +
                      " path was not built correctly!")

    # Initializes some variables

    printIfVerbose("The network has been fully built!")

    return net