def check(msg): if audio_path: #print(len(msg[0:])) #print(audio_path) mixer.init() time.sleep(5) else: temp = path+msg+str(len(msg[0:]))+'.mp3' #print(len(msg[0:])) filename = os.path.join(dirname,temp) flag= sq.insert(msg,filename) speakmodule.speak([msg],len(msg[0:]),mixer) time.sleep(3)
def main(): mode = [] try: mode = sys.argv if mode[1][1:] == "text": msg = "Initializing Text Mode" speakmodule.speak([msg], len(msg[0:]), mixer) print(msg) start_text_prompt() if mode[1][1:] == "voice": print("Initializing Voice Mode") start_listening() if mode[1][1:] == "remote": print("Initializing Remote Mode") start_remote_prompt() except Exception: usage()
def check(self, message, mode): n = len(message) if ('goodbye') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['Goodbye Sir', 'Jarvis powering off in 3, 2, 1, 0', 'Bye'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(5) sys.exit(1) if ('hello' ) in message or ('hi') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = [ 'Wellcome to Jarvis virtual intelligence System. At your service sir.', 'Hi, How are You', 'At your service sir' ] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(5) return True if ('thanks') in message or ('tanks') in message or ( 'thank you') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = [ 'You are wellcome', 'no problem', "With Pleasure,Sir", "Anytime at your service, sir" ] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if message == ('jarvis'): rand = ['Yes Sir', 'What can I do for you sir'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('how are you') in message or ('and you') in message or ( 'are you okay') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['Fine thank you', 'Fine sir'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('*') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['Be polite please'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('your name') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['My name is Jarvis, at your service sir', 'jarvis'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('wi-fi') in message or ("check wi-fi") in message and ( 'search') not in message: REMOTE_SERVER = "" con = speakmodule.wifi() if con == True: rand = ['We are connected'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) else: rand = ['We are not connected'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('.com') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['Opening' + message] #Chrome = ("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s") msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) #cross platform'http://www.' + message) print('') return True if ('google maps') in message or ('google map') in message or ( 'maps' ) in message or ('map') in message and ('search') not in message: query = message stopwords = ['google', 'maps', 'map', 'on'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords)"" + result + "/") rand = [result + 'on google maps'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('install') in message and ('search') not in message: query = message stopwords = ['install'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) rand = [('installing ' + result)] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) os.system('python -m pip install ' + result) return True if ('music') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['playing music'] msg = self.random_text(rand) dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) if mode == "text": name = input("Enter File Name To Be Played\n") found = path = r"C:/Users/pratiksha shetty/Desktop/J.A.R.V.I.S-master/music/" + name.lower( ) + ".mp3" if found: filename = os.path.join(dirname, path) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(6) mixer.init() time.sleep(5) return True else: check_audio.check(msg) return True if mode == "voice": ok = True while ok: name = ears.listen("Say Music Name") name = name.replace(" ", "") confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") if confirm == 'Y' or confirm == 'y': ok = False found = path = r"C:/Users/pratiksha shetty/Desktop/J.A.R.V.I.S-master/music/" + name.lower( ) + ".mp3" if found: filename = os.path.join(dirname, path) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(6) mixer.init() time.sleep(5) return True else: check_audio.check(msg) return True if ('pause') in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ('stop') in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ('resume') in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ('shutdown') in message and ('search') not in message: os.system("shutdown /s /t 1") return True if ('restart') in message and ('search') not in message: os.system("shutdown /r /t 1") return True if ('sleep mode') in message and ('search') not in message: rand = ['good night'] speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) os.system('rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0') if ('what time') in message and ('search') not in message: tim = strftime("%X", localtime()) rand = [tim] msg = self.random_text(rand) #check_audio.check(msg) speakmodule.speek(rand, n, mixer) return True if ("send mail") in message and ('search') not in message: # ok = True # while ok : # to=ears.listen("Say Receiver mail") # to=to.replace(" ","") # print(to) # confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") # if confirm =='Y' or confirm == 'y': # break # while ok : # msg=ears.listen("Say Message to se Send") # #msg="".join(msg.replace(" ","")) # confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") # if confirm =='Y' or confirm == 'y': # break # while ok : # subject=ears.listen("Say Subject") # confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") # if confirm =='Y' or confirm == 'y': # break to = input("Enter Receiver Mail\n") body = input("Write Message\n") subject = input("Enter Subject\n") rand = ["sending mail", "please wait sending your mail"] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) mail.send_mail(to, body, subject) msg = "Your Mail Is Sent" check_audio.check(msg) time.sleep(5) return True if ("screenshot") in message and ('search') not in message: x = 1 while x < 2: filename = r'C:\Users\pratiksha shetty\Pictures\Screenshots\image1(' + str( x) + ').png' pyautogui.screenshot(filename) x += 1 time.sleep(3) if sys.platform == "win32": os.startfile(filename) else: opener = "open" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "xdg-open"[opener, filename]) return True if ("search") in message and ("file") not in message: query = message stopwords = ['search'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords)"" + result) return True if ("search") in message and ("file") in message: print("Select operation mode:") print("1 For Quick Search") print("2 For Full Search") if mode == "text": operate = input("Your choice:\n") name = input("Enter File or Folder Name To Be Searched\n") else: operate = ears.listen("Your choice:") name = ears.listen("Say File or Folder Name To Be Searched\n") if int(operate) == 1: files = sea_file.quick(name) elif int(operate) == 2: files = sea_file.file_op(name) else: rand = ['Enter correct input'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) i = 1 print() print("Search results total: " + str(len(files))) rand = [("Search results total: " + str(len(files)))] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) print() for f in files: print(str(i) + ".] " + f) i += 1 if ("create file") in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ("create directory") in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ("copy file") in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ("move file") in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ("delete file") in message and ('search') not in message: return True if ("delete directory") in message and ('search') not in message: return True
def check(self, message): n = len(message) if ('goodbye') in message: rand = ['Goodbye Sir', 'Jarvis powering off in 3, 2, 1, 0', 'Bye'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) time.sleep(5) sys.exit(1) if ('hello') in message or ('hi') in message: rand = [ 'Wellcome to Jarvis virtual intelligence project. At your service sir.', 'Hi, How are You?' ] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) time.sleep(5) return True if ('thanks') in message or ('tanks') in message or ( 'thank you') in message: rand = [ 'You are wellcome', 'no problem', "With Plesure,Sir", "Anytime at your service, sir" ] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if message == ('jarvis'): rand = ['Yes Sir?', 'What can I do for you sir?'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('how are you') in message or ('and you') in message or ( 'are you okay') in message: rand = ['Fine thank you'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('*') in message: rand = ['Be polite please'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('your name') in message: rand = ['My name is Jarvis, at your service sir', 'jarvis'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('wi-fi') in message: REMOTE_SERVER = "" speakmodule.wifi() rand = ['We are connected'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('.com') in message: rand = ['Opening' + message] Chrome = ( "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s" ) #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) webbrowser.get(Chrome).open('http://www.' + message) print('') return True if ('google maps') in message: query = message stopwords = ['google', 'maps'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) Chrome = ( "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s" ) webbrowser.get(Chrome).open("" + result + "/") rand = [result + 'on google maps'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if message != ('start music') and ('start') in message: query = message stopwords = ['start'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) os.system('start ' + result) rand = [('starting ' + result)] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if message != ('stop music') and ('stop') in message: query = message stopwords = ['stop'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) os.system('taskkill /im ' + result + '.exe /f') rand = [('stopping ' + result)] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('install') in message: query = message stopwords = ['install'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) rand = [('installing ' + result)] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) os.system('python -m pip install ' + result) return True if ('sleep mode') in message: rand = ['good night'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) os.system('rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0') return True if ('music') in message: mus = random.choice(glob.glob(doss + "\\music" + "\\*.mp3")) #os.system('chown -R user-id:group-id mus') os.system('start ' + mus) rand = ['start playing'] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ('what time') in message: tim = strftime("%X", localtime()) rand = [tim] #rand=random.choice(rand) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True
def check(self, message, mode): n = len(message) if ('goodbye') in message: rand = ['Goodbye Sir', 'Jarvis powering off in 3, 2, 1, 0', 'Bye'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(5) sys.exit(1) if ('hello') in message or ('hi') in message: print("i am here") rand = [ 'Wellcome to Jarvis virtual intelligence System. At your service sir.', 'Hi, How are You?', 'At your service sir' ] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(5) return True if ('thanks') in message or ('tanks') in message or ( 'thank you') in message: rand = [ 'You are wellcome', 'no problem', "With Pleasure,Sir", "Anytime at your service, sir" ] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if message == ('jarvis'): rand = ['Yes Sir?', 'What can I do for you sir?'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('how are you') in message or ('and you') in message or ( 'are you okay') in message: rand = ['Fine thank you', 'Fine sir'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('*') in message: rand = ['Be polite please'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('your name') in message: rand = ['My name is Jarvis, at your service sir', 'jarvis'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('wi-fi') in message or ("check wi-fi") in message: REMOTE_SERVER = "" speakmodule.wifi() rand = ['We are connected'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('.com') in message: rand = ['Opening' + message] #Chrome = ("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s") msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) #cross platform'http://www.' + message) print('') return True if ('google maps') in message or ('google map') in message or ( 'maps') in message or ('map') in message: query = message stopwords = ['google', 'maps', 'map'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords)"" + result + "/") rand = [result + 'on google maps'] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) return True if ('install') in message: query = message stopwords = ['install'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords) print(result) rand = [('installing ' + result)] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) os.system('python -m pip install ' + result) return True if ('music') in message: rand = ['playing music'] msg = self.random_text(rand) dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) if mode == "text": name = input("Enter File Name To Be Played\n") found = path = r"/root/Desktop/Jarvis/music/" + name.lower() + ".mp3" if found: filename = os.path.join(dirname, path) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(6) mixer.init() time.sleep(5) return True else: check_audio.check(msg) return True if mode == "voice": ok = True while ok: name = ears.listen("Say Music Name") name = name.replace(" ", "") confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") if confirm == 'Y' or confirm == 'y': ok = False found = path = r"/root/Desktop/Jarvis/music/" + name.lower() + ".mp3" if found: filename = os.path.join(dirname, path) check_audio.check(msg) #speakmodule.speak(rand,n,mixer) time.sleep(6) mixer.init() time.sleep(5) return True else: check_audio.check(msg) return True if ('pause') in message: return True if ('stop') in message: return True if ('resume') in message: return True if ('shutdown') in message: os.system("/sbin/shutdown now") return True if ('restart') in message: os.system("/sbin/shutdown -r now") return True if ('what time') in message: tim = strftime("%X", localtime()) rand = [tim] msg = self.random_text(rand) #check_audio.check(msg) speakmodule.speak(rand, n, mixer) return True if ("send mail") in message: # ok = True # while ok : # to=ears.listen("Say Receiver mail") # to=to.replace(" ","") # print(to) # confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") # if confirm =='Y' or confirm == 'y': # break # while ok : # msg=ears.listen("Say Message to se Send") # #msg="".join(msg.replace(" ","")) # confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") # if confirm =='Y' or confirm == 'y': # break # while ok : # subject=ears.listen("Say Subject") # confirm = input("Confirm Command Y/N \n") # if confirm =='Y' or confirm == 'y': # break to = input("Enter Receiver Mail\n") body = input("Write Message\n") subject = input("Enter Subject\n") rand = ["sending mail", "please wait sending your mail"] msg = self.random_text(rand) check_audio.check(msg) mail.send_mail(to, body, subject) msg = "Your Mail Is Sent" check_audio.check(msg) time.sleep(5) return True if ("take screenshot") in message: im = ImageGrab.grab() return True if ("search") in message: query = message stopwords = ['search'] querywords = query.split() resultwords = [ word for word in querywords if word.lower() not in stopwords ] result = ' '.join(resultwords)"" + result) return True if ("create file") in message: return True if ("create directory") in message: return True if ("copy file") in message: return True if ("move file") in message: return True if ("delete file") in message: return True if ("delete directory") in message: return True