def main():
    print "Looking for problematic inbox elements..."
    problemRequests = getProblematicRequests()
    print "Found %d bad elements:" % len(problemRequests)
    if not problemRequests:
        print "Nothing to fix, contact a developer if the problem persists..."
        return 0
    for request in problemRequests:
        print request["RequestName"]
    var = raw_input("Can we close these for new data in inbox elements: Y/N\n")
    if var == "Y":
        print "Updating them in global inbox, you need a WMAgent proxy for this."
        inboxDB = Database('workqueue_inbox', '')
        for request in problemRequests:
                                   fields={'OpenForNewData': false})
        print "Done with the deletions, this should fix the problem."
        return 0
        var = raw_input("Then can we delete these inbox elements: Y/N\n")
        if var == "Y":
            print "Deleting them from the global inbox, you need a WMAgent proxy for this."
            inboxDB = Database('workqueue_inbox',
            for request in problemRequests:
                inboxDB.delete_doc(request._id, request.rev)
            print "Done with the deletions, this should fix the problem."
            return 0
            print "Doing nothing as you commanded..."
        return 0
def main():
    print "Looking for problematic inbox elements..."
    problemRequests = getProblematicRequests()
    print "Found %d bad elements:" % len(problemRequests)
    if not problemRequests:
        print "Nothing to fix, contact a developer if the problem persists..."
        return 0
    for request in problemRequests:
        print request["RequestName"]
    var = raw_input("Can we close these for new data in inbox elements: Y/N\n")
    if var == "Y":
        print "Updating them in global inbox, you need a WMAgent proxy for this."
        inboxDB = Database('workqueue_inbox', '')
        for request in problemRequests:
            inboxDB.updateDocument(request._id, 'WorkQueue', 'in-place', fields={'OpenForNewData': false})
        print "Done with the deletions, this should fix the problem."
        return 0
        var = raw_input("Then can we delete these inbox elements: Y/N\n")
        if var == "Y":
            print "Deleting them from the global inbox, you need a WMAgent proxy for this."
            inboxDB = Database('workqueue_inbox', '')
            for request in problemRequests:
                inboxDB.delete_doc(request._id, request.rev)
            print "Done with the deletions, this should fix the problem."
            return 0
            print "Doing nothing as you commanded..."
        return 0
Beispiel #3
class database:
    logger = logfactory

    class DatabaseNotFoundException(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  db=''):
            self.db = str(db)
            database.logger.error('Database "%s" was not found.' % (self.db), level='critical')

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Database ',  self.db,  ' was not found.'

    class DatabaseAccessError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  db=''):
            self.db = str(db)
            database.logger.error('Could not access database "%s".' % (self.db), level='critical')

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Could not access database ',  self.db

    class DocumentNotFoundException(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  name=''):
   = name
            database.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found.' % (

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Document ',,  ' was not found.'

    class MapReduceSyntaxError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  query=''):
            self.query = query
            database.logger.error('Invalid query <%s>' % (self.query))

        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Invalid query "' + self.query + '"'

    class InvalidOperatorError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  op=''):
            self.op = str(op)
        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Operator "' + self.op + '" is invalid.'
    class InvalidParameterError(Exception):
        def __init__(self,  param=''):
            self.param = str(param)
        def __str__(self):
            return 'Error: Invalid Parameter: ' + self.param

    cache_dictionary = defaultdict(lambda: None)

    def __init__(self,  db_name='',url=None, cache=False):
        host = os.environ['HOSTNAME'] 
        if url == None:
            url =locator().dbLocation()
        #self.logger.log('I chose the url %s'%(url))
        if not db_name:
            raise self.DatabaseNotFoundException(db_name)
        self.db_name = db_name
        self.cache = cache
        if self.db_name in ['campaigns','chained_campaigns']:
            ## force cache for those.

            self.db = Database(db_name, url=url)
            #            self.db = Database(db_name, url='')
            #            self.db = Database(db_name) # for using private DB @localhost:5984
        except ValueError as ex:
            raise self.DatabaseAccessError(db_name)
        self.allowed_operators = ['<=',  '<',  '>=',  '>',  '==',  '~=']

    def __is_number(self, s):
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
    def get(self,  prepid=''):
        if self.cache:
            result = self.__get_from_cache(prepid)
            if result: return result

        self.logger.log('Looking for document "%s" in "%s"...' % (prepid,self.db_name))
            doc = self.db.document(id=prepid)
            if self.cache:
                self.__save_to_cache( prepid, doc)
            return doc
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found. Reason: %s' % (prepid, ex))
            return {}

    def __save_to_cache(self, key, value):
        from import locker
        with locker.lock(key):

    def __get_from_cache(self, key):
        from import locker
        with locker.lock(key):
            return self.cache_dictionary[key]

    def __document_exists(self,  doc):
        if not doc:
            self.logger.error('Trying to locate empty string.', level='warning')
            return False
        id = ''
        if 'prepid' not in doc:
            if '_id' not in doc:
                self.logger.error('Document does not have an "_id" parameter.', level='critical')
                return False
            id = doc['_id']
        elif '_id' not in doc:
            if 'prepid' not in doc:
                self.logger.error('Document does not have an "_id" parameter.', level='critical')
                return False
            id = doc['prepid']
        id = doc['_id']
        return self.__id_exists(prepid=id)

    def document_exists(self, prepid=''):
	self.logger.log('Checking existence of document "%s" in "%s"...' % (prepid,self.db_name))
        return self.__id_exists(prepid) 
    def __id_exists(self,  prepid=''):
            if self.cache and self.__get_from_cache(prepid) or self.db.documentExists(id=prepid):
                return True
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" does not exist.' % (prepid))
            return False  
        except CouchError as ex:
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found on CouchError Reason: %s trying a second time with a time out' % (prepid, ex))
            return self.__id_exists(prepid)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Document "%s" was not found. Reason: %s' % (prepid, ex))
            return False
    def delete(self, prepid=''):
        if not prepid:
            return False
        if not self.__id_exists(prepid):
            return False

        self.logger.log('Trying to delete document "%s"...' % (prepid))
            if self.cache:
                self.__save_to_cache(prepid, None)

            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not delete document: %s . Reason: %s ' % (prepid, ex))
            return False            

    def update(self,  doc={}):
        if '_id' in doc:
            self.logger.log('Updating document "%s" in "%s"' % (doc['_id'],self.db_name))
        if self.__document_exists(doc):
            if self.cache:
                ##JR the revision in the cache is not the one in the DB at this point
                # will be retaken at next get
                self.__save_to_cache(doc['_id'], None)
        self.logger.error('Failed to update document: %s' % (json.dumps(doc)))         
        return False
    def update_all(self,  docs=[]):
        if not docs:
            return False
        for doc in docs:
            if self.__document_exists(doc):
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not commit changes to database. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return False        
    def get_all(self, page_num=-1): 
            limit, skip = self.__pagify(page_num)
            if limit >= 0 and skip >= 0: 
                result = self.db.loadView(self.db_name, "all", options={'limit':limit,'skip':skip, 'include_docs':True})['rows']
                res = map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
                return res
            result = self.db.loadView(self.db_name, "all",options={'include_docs':True})['rows']
            res = map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
            return res
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not access view. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return []

    def query(self,  query='', page_num=0):
        if not query:
            result = self.get_all(page_num)
            #res =  map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
            return result
            result = self.__query(query, page=page_num)
            #res =  map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
            return result
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not load view for query: <%s> . Reason: %s' % (query, ex))
            return []

    def unique_res(self,query_result):
        docids = map(lambda doc : doc['_id'] , query_result)
        docids_s = list(set(docids))
        if len(docids) != len(docids_s):
            docids_s = []
            return_dict= copy.deepcopy( query_result )
            for doc in query_result:
                if not doc['_id'] in docids_s:
            return return_dict
        return query_result

    def queries( self, query_list):
        ##page_nume does not matter 
        if not len(query_list):
            return self.get_all(page_num=-1)

            ##make each query separately and retrieve only the doc with counting == len(query_list)
            for (i,query_item) in enumerate(query_list):
                res = self.query(query_item, page_num=-1)
                query_result = self.unique_res( res )
                if i!=0:
                    ## get only the one already in the intersection
                    id_list = map(lambda doc : doc['_id'], results_list)
                    results_list = filter(lambda doc : doc['_id'] in id_list, query_result)
                    results_list= query_result
            return results_list
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not load view for queris: <%s> . Reason: %s' % ('<br>'.join(query_list), ex))
            return []

    def __extract_operators(self,  query=''):

        if not query:
            self.logger.error('Empty query', level='warning')
            return ()
        clean = []
        tokens = []
        for op in self.allowed_operators:
            if op in query:
                tokens = query.rsplit(op)
                tokens.insert(1,  op)
            for tok in tokens:
                if len(tok) < 1:
            if len(clean) != 3:
                raise self.MapReduceSyntaxError(query)
            #if clean[0] not in self.request and clean[1] not in self.campaign:
            #    raise self.IllegalParameterError(clean[0])
            return clean
        raise self.MapReduceSyntaxError(query)
    def __pagify(self, page_num=0, limit=20):
        if page_num < 0:
            return -1,0
        skip = limit*page_num
        return limit, skip      
    def __execute_query(self, tokenized_query='', page=-1, limit=20):
            tokens = []
                tokens = self.__extract_operators(tokenized_query)
            except Exception as ex:
                self.logger.error('Could not parse query. Reason: %s' % (ex))
                return []
            if tokens:
                view_name, view_opts = self.__build_query(tokens)
                if not view_name or not view_opts:
                    return []
                if page > -1:
                result = self.db.loadView(self.db_name, view_name, options=view_opts)['rows']
                res =  map(lambda r : r['doc'], result)
                return res
                return []
    def raw_query(self,  view_name,  options={}):
        self.logger.error('Executing raw query to the database. Accessed view: %s' % (view_name), level='warning') 
        return self.db.loadView(self.db_name,  view_name,  options)['rows']
    def __get_op(self, oper):
        if oper == '>':
            return lambda x,y: x > y
        elif oper == '>=':
            return lambda x,y: x >= y
        elif oper == '<':
            return lambda x,y: x < y
        elif oper == '<=':
            return lambda x,y: x <= y
        elif oper == '==':
            return lambda x,y: x == y       
            return None     
    def __filter(self, tokenized_query=[], view_results=[]):
        if len(tokenized_query) != 3:
            return view_results
        prn = tokenized_query[0]
        op = tokenized_query[1]
        if self.__is_number(tokenized_query[2]):
            val = float(tokenized_query[2])
            val = tokenized_query[2]
        f = self.__get_op(op)
        return filter(lambda x: f(x[prn],val), view_results)    

    def __query(self, query='', page=0, limit=20):
        t_par = []
        results = []
        #what is that , split for ???
        #if ',' in query:
        #     t_par = query.rsplit(',')
        if not t_par:
             t_par = [query]
        if len(t_par) == 1:          
            return self.__execute_query(t_par[0], page, limit)#[page*limit:page*limit+limit]
        elif len(t_par) == 0:
            return []

        #temp = self.__execute_query(t_par[0])#[page*limit:page*limit+limit]
        res = self.__execute_query(t_par[0])
        #res = map(lambda x: x['value'], temp) 
        if len(res) == 0:
            return []
        for i in range(1,len(t_par)):
            tq = self.__extract_operators(t_par[i])
            res = self.__filter(tq, res)
        #return map(lambda x: {'value':x},res[page*limit:page*limit+20])
        return res[page*limit:page*limit+20]
    def __build_query(self,tokens=[]):
        if not tokens:
            return None,None
        if len(tokens) != 3:
            raise self.MapReduceSyntaxError(tokens)
        param = tokens[0]
        op = tokens[1]     
        kval = tokens[2]
            view_opts = self.__build_options(op, kval)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Value types are not compatible with operator %s value %s Error: %s' % (op, kval, str(ex))) 
            return None,None
        return param, view_opts
    def __build_options(self,op, val):
        def is_number(s):
                return True
            except ValueError:
                return False
        # options dictionary
        opts = {} 
        # default the composite key search
        #if '[' in val and ']' in val:
        if val.startswith('[') and val.endswith(']'):
            if op == '==':
                    opts['key'] = e
                    opts['key'] = val
            return opts
        # handle alphanumeric key ranges
        num_flag = False
        if is_number(val):
            num_flag = True
            kval = float(val)
            kval = val.decode('ascii')
        if '>' in op:
            if '=' in op:
                if num_flag:
            if num_flag:
                opts['endkey']=99999999 # assume its numeric
        elif '<' in op:
            if '=' in op:
                if num_flag:
            if num_flag:
        elif '==' == op:
        elif '~=' == op:
            if kval[-1] == '*':
        return opts
    def save_all(self,  docs=[]):
        if not docs:
            return False
        for doc in docs:
            return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not commit changes to database. Reason: %s' % (ex)) 
            return False

    def save(self, doc={}):
        if not doc:
            self.logger.error('Tried to save empty document.', level='warning')
            return False

	# TODO: Check if an object exists in the database and fail.

        #if '_id' in doc:
        #    self.logger.log('Using user-defined id: %s' % (doc['_id']))
        #if self.__document_exists(doc):
        #    self.logger.error('Failed to update document: %s' % (json.dumps(doc)))
        #    return False

            #self.logger.error('Document is %s %s'%(doc['_id'],doc))
            ## this is a change I just made (23/05/2013 13:31) because of the return value of update should be True/False
            saved = self.db.commitOne(doc)
            if 'error' in saved[0]:
                self.logger.error('Commit One says : %s'%(saved))
                return False
                return True
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not commit changes to database. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return False

    def count(self):
            return len(self.db.allDocs()) 
        except Exception as ex:
            self.logger.error('Could not count documents in database. Reason: %s' % (ex))
            return -1 
def main():
    It will either delete docs in couchdb for the workflow you
    have provided or it will loop over the final (or almost final)
    states and ask for your permission to delete them.
    wfName = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else []

    if 'WMAGENT_CONFIG' not in os.environ:
            'WMAGENT_CONFIG'] = '/data/srv/wmagent/current/config/wmagent/'

    config = loadConfigurationFile(os.environ["WMAGENT_CONFIG"])

    # Instantiating central services (couch stuff)
    #    print "Central Couch URL  : %s" % config.WorkloadSummary.couchurl
    #    print "Central ReqMgr URL  : %s\n" % config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL

    wfDBReader = RequestDBReader(

    # Central services
    wqBackend = WorkQueueBackend(config.WorkloadSummary.couchurl)
    wqInboxDB = Database('workqueue_inbox', config.WorkloadSummary.couchurl)

    # Local services
    localWQBackend = WorkQueueBackend(config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl,
    localWQInboxDB = Database('workqueue', config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl)

    statusList = [
        "failed", "epic-FAILED", "completed", "closed-out", "announced",
        "aborted", "aborted-completed", "rejected", "normal-archived",
        "aborted-archived", "rejected-archived"

    for stat in final_status:
        # retrieve list of workflows in each status
        if not wfName:
            #            options = {'include_docs': False}
            date_range = {
                'startkey': [2015, 5, 15, 0, 0, 0],
                'endkey': [2015, 5, 26, 0, 0, 0]
            #            finalWfs = wfDBReader.getRequestByCouchView("bydate", options, date_range)
            tempWfs = wfDBReader.getRequestByCouchView("bydate", date_range)
            #print "Found %d wfs in status: %s" %(len(finalWfs), stat)
            finalWfs = []
            for wf, content in tempWfs.iteritems():
                if content['RequestStatus'] in statusList:
            print "Found %d wfs in not in active state" % len(finalWfs)
            finalWfs = [wfName]
            tempWfs = wfDBReader.getRequestByNames(wfName, True)
            print "Checking %s with status '%s'." % (
                wfName, tempWfs[wfName]['RequestStatus'])

        wqDocs, wqInboxDocs = [], []
        localWQDocs, localWQInboxDocs = [], []
        for counter, wf in enumerate(finalWfs):
            if counter % 100 == 0:
                print "%d wfs queried ..." % counter
            # check whether there are workqueue docs
            wqDocIDs = wqBackend.getElements(WorkflowName=wf)
            if wqDocIDs:
                print "Found %d workqueue docs for %s, status %s" % (
                    len(wqDocIDs), wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                print wqDocIDs

            # check whether there are workqueue_inbox docs
            if wqInboxDB.documentExists(wf):
                print "Found workqueue_inbox doc for %s, status %s" % (
                    wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                # then retrieve the document
                wqInboxDoc = wqInboxDB.document(wf)

            # check local queue
            wqDocIDs = localWQBackend.getElements(WorkflowName=wf)
            if wqDocIDs:
                print "Found %d local workqueue docs for %s, status %s" % (
                    len(wqDocIDs), wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                print wqDocIDs
            if localWQInboxDB.documentExists(wf):
                print "Found local workqueue_inbox doc for %s, status %s" % (
                    wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                wqInboxDoc = localWQInboxDB.document(wf)
                print wqInboxDoc

    # TODO TODO TODO for the moment only deletes for a specific workflow
    if wfName:
        var = raw_input("\nCan we delete all these documents (Y/N)? ")
        if var == "Y":
            # deletes workqueue_inbox doc
            if wqInboxDoc:
                print "Deleting workqueue_inbox id %s and %s" % (
                    wqInboxDoc['_id'], wqInboxDoc['_rev'])
                wqInboxDB.delete_doc(wqInboxDoc['_id'], wqInboxDoc['_rev'])

            # deletes workqueue docs
            if wqDocIDs:
                print "Deleting workqueue docs %s" % wqDocIDs
                    *[x for x in wqDocIDs if x['RequestName'] in wfName])
            print "You are the boss, aborting it ...\n"
def main():
    It will either delete docs in couchdb for the workflow you
    have provided or it will loop over the final (or almost final)
    states and ask for your permission to delete them.
    wfName = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else []

    if 'WMAGENT_CONFIG' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['WMAGENT_CONFIG'] = '/data/srv/wmagent/current/config/wmagent/'

    config = loadConfigurationFile(os.environ["WMAGENT_CONFIG"])

    # Instantiating central services (couch stuff)
#    print "Central Couch URL  : %s" % config.WorkloadSummary.couchurl
#    print "Central ReqMgr URL  : %s\n" % config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL

    wfDBReader = RequestDBReader(config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, 
                                 couchapp = config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp)

    # Central services
    wqBackend = WorkQueueBackend(config.WorkloadSummary.couchurl)
    wqInboxDB = Database('workqueue_inbox', config.WorkloadSummary.couchurl)

    # Local services
    localWQBackend = WorkQueueBackend(config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, db_name = "workqueue_inbox")
    localWQInboxDB = Database('workqueue', config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl)

    statusList = ["failed", "epic-FAILED", "completed", "closed-out",
                  "announced", "aborted", "aborted-completed", "rejected",
                  "normal-archived", "aborted-archived", "rejected-archived"]

    for stat in final_status:
        # retrieve list of workflows in each status
        if not wfName:
#            options = {'include_docs': False}
            date_range = {'startkey': [2015,5,15,0,0,0], 'endkey': [2015,5,26,0,0,0]}
#            finalWfs = wfDBReader.getRequestByCouchView("bydate", options, date_range)
            tempWfs = wfDBReader.getRequestByCouchView("bydate", date_range)
            #print "Found %d wfs in status: %s" %(len(finalWfs), stat)
            finalWfs = []
            for wf, content in tempWfs.iteritems():
                if content['RequestStatus'] in statusList:
            print "Found %d wfs in not in active state" % len(finalWfs)
            finalWfs = [wfName]
            tempWfs = wfDBReader.getRequestByNames(wfName, True)
            print "Checking %s with status '%s'." % (wfName, tempWfs[wfName]['RequestStatus'])

        wqDocs, wqInboxDocs = [], []
        localWQDocs, localWQInboxDocs = [], []
        for counter, wf in enumerate(finalWfs):
            if counter % 100 == 0:
                print "%d wfs queried ..." % counter
            # check whether there are workqueue docs
            wqDocIDs = wqBackend.getElements(WorkflowName = wf)
            if wqDocIDs:
                print "Found %d workqueue docs for %s, status %s" % (len(wqDocIDs), wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                print wqDocIDs

            # check whether there are workqueue_inbox docs
            if wqInboxDB.documentExists(wf):
                print "Found workqueue_inbox doc for %s, status %s" % (wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                # then retrieve the document
                wqInboxDoc = wqInboxDB.document(wf)

            # check local queue
            wqDocIDs = localWQBackend.getElements(WorkflowName = wf)
            if wqDocIDs:
                print "Found %d local workqueue docs for %s, status %s" % (len(wqDocIDs), wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                print wqDocIDs
            if localWQInboxDB.documentExists(wf):
                print "Found local workqueue_inbox doc for %s, status %s" % (wf, tempWfs[wf]['RequestStatus'])
                wqInboxDoc = localWQInboxDB.document(wf)
                print wqInboxDoc

    # TODO TODO TODO for the moment only deletes for a specific workflow
    if wfName:
        var = raw_input("\nCan we delete all these documents (Y/N)? ")
        if var == "Y":
            # deletes workqueue_inbox doc
            if wqInboxDoc:
                print "Deleting workqueue_inbox id %s and %s" % (wqInboxDoc['_id'], wqInboxDoc['_rev'])
                wqInboxDB.delete_doc(wqInboxDoc['_id'], wqInboxDoc['_rev'])

            # deletes workqueue docs
            if wqDocIDs:
                print "Deleting workqueue docs %s" % wqDocIDs
                wqBackend.deleteElements(*[x for x in wqDocIDs if x['RequestName'] in wfName])
            print "You are the boss, aborting it ...\n"