Beispiel #1
class DBS3Reader(object):

    General API for reading data from DBS
    # cache all the datatiers known by DBS
    _datatiers = {}

    def __init__(self, url, **contact):

        # instantiate dbs api object
            self.dbsURL = url
            self.dbs = DbsApi(url, **contact)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader with DbsApi\n"
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        # connection to PhEDEx (Use default endpoint url)
        self.phedex = PhEDEx(responseType="json")
        self.siteDB = SiteDB()

    def _getLumiList(self, blockName=None, lfns=None, validFileOnly=1):
        currently only take one lfn but dbs api need be updated
            if blockName:
                lumiLists = self.dbs.listFileLumis(block_name=blockName, validFileOnly=validFileOnly)
            elif lfns:
                lumiLists = []
                for slfn in grouper(lfns, 50):
                    lumiLists.extend(self.dbs.listFileLumiArray(logical_file_name = slfn))
                # shouldn't call this with both blockName and lfns empty
                # but still returns empty dict for that case
                return {}
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFileLumiArray(%s)\n" % lfns
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        lumiDict = {}
        for lumisItem in lumiLists:
            lumiDict.setdefault(lumisItem['logical_file_name'], [])
            item = {}
            item["RunNumber"] = lumisItem['run_num']
            item['LumiSectionNumber'] = lumisItem['lumi_section_num']
        return lumiDict

    def checkDBSServer(self):
        check whether dbs server is up and running
        returns {"dbs_instance": "prod/global", "dbs_version": "3.3.144"}
            return self.dbs.serverinfo()
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBS server is not up: %s" % self.dbsURL
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

    def listPrimaryDatasets(self, match='*'):

        return a list of primary datasets, The full dataset name must be provided
        pattern based mathcing is no longer supported.
        If no expression is provided, all datasets are returned
            result = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets(primary_ds_name=match)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listPrimaryDataset(%s)\n" % match
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        result = [x['primary_ds_name'] for x in result]
        return result

    def matchProcessedDatasets(self, primary, tier, process):

        return a list of Processed datasets
        result = []
            datasets = self.dbs.listDatasets(primary_ds_name=primary, data_tier_name=tier, detail=True)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listProcessedDatasets(%s)\n" % primary
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        for dataset in datasets:
            dataset = remapDBS3Keys(dataset, processed_ds_name='Name')
            dataset['PathList'] = [dataset['dataset']]
            if dataset['Name'] == process:
        return result

    def listRuns(self, dataset=None, block=None):
        it gets list of DbsRun object but for our purpose
        only list of number is collected.
        DbsRun (RunNumber,
        runs = []
            if block:
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(block_name=block)
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=dataset)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listRuns(%s, %s)\n" % (dataset, block)
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)
        [runs.extend(x['run_num']) for x in results]
        return runs

    def listRunLumis(self, dataset=None, block=None):
        It gets a list of DBSRun objects and returns the number of lumisections per run
        DbsRun (RunNumber,
        # Pointless code in python3
        if isinstance(block, str):
            block = unicode(block)
        if isinstance(dataset, str):
            dataset = unicode(dataset)

            if block:
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(block_name=block)
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=dataset)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listRuns(%s, %s)\n" % (dataset, block)
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        # send runDict format as result, this format is for sync with dbs2 call
        # which has {run_number: num_lumis} but dbs3 call doesn't return num Lumis
        # So it returns {run_number: None}
        # TODO: After DBS2 is completely removed change the return format more sensible one

        runDict = {}
        for x in results:
            for runNumber in x["run_num"]:
                runDict[runNumber] = None
        return runDict

    def listProcessedDatasets(self, primary, dataTier='*'):

        return a list of Processed datasets for the primary and optional
        data tier value

            result = self.dbs.listDatasets(primary_ds_name=primary, data_tier_name=dataTier)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listProcessedDatasets(%s)\n" % primary
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        result = [x['dataset'].split('/')[2] for x in result]
        return result

    def listDatasetFiles(self, datasetPath):

        Get list of files for dataset

        return [x['logical_file_name'] for x in self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=datasetPath)]

    def listDatatiers(dbsUrl=None):

        Get a list of datatiers known by DBS.
        if dbsUrl is None:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listDatatiers(). DBS Url not set."
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        timenow = int(time.time())
        if DBS3Reader._datatiers and timenow - 7200 < DBS3Reader._datatiers['ts']:
            return DBS3Reader._datatiers['tiers']

            DBS3Reader._setDatatiersCache(timenow, dbsUrl)
        except Exception as ex:
            if not DBS3Reader._datatiers:
                msg = "Error in DBSReader.listDatatiers\n%s" % formatEx3(ex)
                raise DBSReaderError(msg)
        return DBS3Reader._datatiers['tiers']

    def _setDatatiersCache(ts, dbsUrl):
        Set a timestamp and update the list of datatiers cached in
        the class property
        dbs = DbsApi(dbsUrl)
        DBS3Reader._datatiers['ts'] = ts
        DBS3Reader._datatiers['tiers'] = [tier['data_tier_name'] for tier in dbs.listDataTiers()]


    def listDatasetFileDetails(self, datasetPath, getParents=False, validFileOnly=1):
        TODO: This is completely wrong need to be redone. or be removed - getting dataset altogether
        might be to costly


        Get list of lumis, events, and parents for each file in a dataset
        Return a dict where the keys are the files, and for each file we have something like:
            { 'NumberOfEvents': 545,
              'BlockName': '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#dd6e0796-cbcc-11e0-80a9-003048caaace',
              'Lumis': {173658: [8, 12, 9, 14, 19, 109, 105]},
              'Parents': [],
              'Checksum': '22218315',
              'Adler32': 'a41a1446',
              'FileSize': 286021145,
              'ValidFile': 1

        fileDetails = self.getFileListByDataset(dataset=datasetPath, validFileOnly=validFileOnly, detail=True)
        blocks = set()  # the set of blocks of the dataset
        # Iterate over the files and prepare the set of blocks and a dict where the keys are the files
        files = {}
        for f in fileDetails:
            files[f['logical_file_name']] = remapDBS3Keys(f, stringify=True)
            files[f['logical_file_name']]['ValidFile'] = f['is_file_valid']
            files[f['logical_file_name']]['Lumis'] = {}
            files[f['logical_file_name']]['Parents'] = []

        # Iterate over the blocks and get parents and lumis
        for blockName in blocks:
            # get the parents
            if getParents:
                parents = self.dbs.listFileParents(block_name=blockName)
                for p in parents:
                    if p['logical_file_name'] in files:  # invalid files are not there if validFileOnly=1
            # get the lumis
            file_lumis = self.dbs.listFileLumis(block_name=blockName)
            for f in file_lumis:
                if f['logical_file_name'] in files:  # invalid files are not there if validFileOnly=1
                    if f['run_num'] in files[f['logical_file_name']]['Lumis']:
                        files[f['logical_file_name']]['Lumis'][f['run_num']] = f['lumi_section_num']

        return files

    def crossCheck(self, datasetPath, *lfns):

        For the dataset provided, check that the lfns listed all exist
        in the dataset.

        Return the list of lfns that are in the dataset

        allLfns = self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=datasetPath, validFileOnly=1, detail=False)
        setOfAllLfns = set(allLfns)
        setOfKnownLfns = set(lfns)
        return list(setOfAllLfns.intersection(setOfKnownLfns))

    def crossCheckMissing(self, datasetPath, *lfns):

        As cross check, but return value is a list of files that
        are *not* known by DBS

        allLfns = self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=datasetPath, validFileOnly=1, detail=False)
        setOfAllLfns = set(allLfns)
        setOfKnownLfns = set(lfns)
        knownFiles = setOfAllLfns.intersection(setOfKnownLfns)
        unknownFiles = setOfKnownLfns.difference(knownFiles)
        return list(unknownFiles)

    def getDBSSummaryInfo(self, dataset=None, block=None):
        Get dataset summary includes # of files, events, blocks and total size
        # FIXME: Doesnt raise exceptions on missing data as old api did
        if dataset:
            if block:
                summary = self.dbs.listFileSummaries(block_name=block, validFileOnly=1)
            else:  # dataset case dataset shouldn't be None
                summary = self.dbs.listFileSummaries(dataset=dataset, validFileOnly=1)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.getDBSSummaryInfo(%s, %s)\n" % (dataset, block)
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)
        if not summary or summary[0].get('file_size') is None:  # appears to indicate missing dataset
            msg = "DBSReader.listDatasetSummary(%s, %s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % (dataset, block))
        result = remapDBS3Keys(summary[0], stringify=True)
        result['path'] = dataset if dataset else ''
        result['block'] = block if block else ''
        return result

    def getFileBlocksInfo(self, dataset, onlyClosedBlocks=False,
                          blockName=None, locations=True):
        args = {'dataset': dataset, 'detail': True}
        if blockName:
            args['block_name'] = blockName
            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(**args)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.getFileBlocksInfo(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        blocks = [remapDBS3Keys(block, stringify=True, block_name='Name') for block in blocks]
        # only raise if blockName not specified - mimic dbs2 error handling
        if not blocks and not blockName:
            msg = "DBSReader.getFileBlocksInfo(%s, %s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % (dataset, blockName))
        if locations:
            for block in blocks:
                block['PhEDExNodeList'] = [{'Name': x} for x in self.listFileBlockLocation(block['Name'])]

        if onlyClosedBlocks:
            return [x for x in blocks if str(x['OpenForWriting']) != "1"]

        return blocks

    def listFileBlocks(self, dataset, onlyClosedBlocks=False, blockName=None):

        Retrieve a list of fileblock names for a dataset

        args = {'dataset': dataset, 'detail': False}
        if blockName:
            args['block_name'] = blockName
        if onlyClosedBlocks:
            args['detail'] = True
            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(**args)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listFileBlocks(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if onlyClosedBlocks:
            result = [x['block_name'] for x in blocks if str(x['open_for_writing']) != "1"]

            result = [x['block_name'] for x in blocks]

        return result

    def listOpenFileBlocks(self, dataset):

        Retrieve a list of open fileblock names for a dataset

            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(dataset=dataset, detail=True)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listFileBlocks(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        result = [x['block_name'] for x in blocks if str(x['open_for_writing']) == "1"]

        return result

    def blockExists(self, fileBlockName):

        Check to see if block with name provided exists in the DBS

        Return True if exists, False if not


            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(block_name=fileBlockName)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.blockExists(%s)\n" % fileBlockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if len(blocks) == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def listFilesInBlock(self, fileBlockName, lumis=True, validFileOnly=1):

        Get a list of files in the named fileblock
        TODO: lumis can be false when lumi splitting is not required
        However WMBSHelper expect file['LumiList'] to get the run number
        so for now it will be always true.
        We need to clean code up when dbs2 is completely deprecated.
        calling lumis for run number is expensive.
        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.listFilesInBlock(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

            files = self.dbs.listFileArray(block_name=fileBlockName, validFileOnly=validFileOnly, detail=True)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlock(%s)\n" % fileBlockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if lumis:
            lumiDict = self._getLumiList(blockName=fileBlockName, validFileOnly=validFileOnly)

        result = []
        for fileInfo in files:
            if lumis:
                fileInfo["LumiList"] = lumiDict[fileInfo['logical_file_name']]
            result.append(remapDBS3Keys(fileInfo, stringify=True))
        return result

    def listFilesInBlockWithParents(self, fileBlockName, lumis=True, validFileOnly=1):

        Get a list of files in the named fileblock including
        the parents of that file.
        TODO: lumis can be false when lumi splitting is not required
        However WMBSHelper expect file['LumiList'] to get the run number
        so for now it will be always true.

        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

            # TODO: shoud we get only valid block for this?
            files = self.dbs.listFileParents(block_name=fileBlockName)
            fileDetails = self.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName, lumis, validFileOnly)

        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(%s)\n" % (
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        childByParents = defaultdict(list)
        for f in files:
            # Probably a child can have more than 1 parent file
            for fp in f['parent_logical_file_name']:
        parentsLFNs = childByParents.keys()
        if len(parentsLFNs) == 0:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(%s)\n There is no parents files" % (
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        parentFilesDetail = []
        # TODO: slicing parentLFNs util DBS api is handling that.
        # Remove slicing if DBS api handles
        for pLFNs in grouper(parentsLFNs, 50):
            parentFilesDetail.extend(self.dbs.listFileArray(logical_file_name=pLFNs, detail=True))

        if lumis:
            parentLumis = self._getLumiList(lfns=parentsLFNs)

        parentsByLFN = defaultdict(list)

        for pf in parentFilesDetail:
            parentLFN = pf['logical_file_name']
            dbsFile = remapDBS3Keys(pf, stringify=True)
            if lumis:
                dbsFile["LumiList"] = parentLumis[parentLFN]

            for childLFN in childByParents[parentLFN]:

        for fileInfo in fileDetails:
            fileInfo["ParentList"] = parentsByLFN[fileInfo['logical_file_name']]

        return fileDetails

    def lfnsInBlock(self, fileBlockName):

        LFN list only for block, details = False => faster query

        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.lfnsInBlock(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

            lfns = self.dbs.listFileArray(block_name=fileBlockName, validFileOnly=1, detail=False)
            return lfns
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlock(%s)\n" % fileBlockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

    def listFileBlockLocation(self, fileBlockNames, dbsOnly=False):

        Get origin_site_name of a block


        singleBlockName = None
        if isinstance(fileBlockNames, basestring):
            singleBlockName = fileBlockNames
            fileBlockNames = [fileBlockNames]

        for block in fileBlockNames:

        locations = {}
        node_filter = set(['UNKNOWN', None])

        if dbsOnly:
            blocksInfo = {}
                for block in fileBlockNames:
                    for blockInfo in self.dbs.listBlockOrigin(block_name=block):
                        if blockInfo:
                            # TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
                            blockInfo['origin_site_name'] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(blockInfo['origin_site_name'])
                            # upto this
                            blocksInfo[block] = blockInfo['origin_site_name']
            except dbsClientException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBS3Reader: self.dbs.listBlockOrigin(block_name=%s)\n" % fileBlockNames
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
                raise DBSReaderError(msg)

            if not blocksInfo:  # no data location from dbs
                return list()

            for name, node in blocksInfo.iteritems():
                valid_nodes = set(node) - node_filter
                if valid_nodes:  # dont add if only 'UNKNOWN' or None
                    locations[name] = list(valid_nodes)
                blocksInfo = self.phedex.getReplicaPhEDExNodesForBlocks(block=fileBlockNames, complete='y')
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = "Error while getting block location from PhEDEx for block_name=%s)\n" % fileBlockNames
                msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
                raise Exception(msg)

            for name, nodes in blocksInfo.iteritems():
                valid_nodes = set(nodes) - node_filter
                if valid_nodes:  # dont add if only 'UNKNOWN' or None then get with dbs
                    locations[name] = list(valid_nodes)

        # returning single list if a single block is passed
        if singleBlockName is not None:
            return locations[singleBlockName]

        return locations

    def getFileBlock(self, fileBlockName, dbsOnly=False):

        dbsOnly flag is mostly meant for StoreResults, since there is no
        data in TMDB.

        return a dictionary:
        { blockName: {
             "PhEDExNodeNames" : [<pnn list>],
             "Files" : { LFN : Events },

        # Pointless code in python3
        if isinstance(fileBlockName, str):
            fileBlockName = unicode(fileBlockName)
        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.getFileBlock(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

        result = {fileBlockName: {
            "PhEDExNodeNames": self.listFileBlockLocation(fileBlockName, dbsOnly),
            "Files": self.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName),
            "IsOpen": self.blockIsOpen(fileBlockName)
        return result

    def getFileBlockWithParents(self, fileBlockName):

        return a dictionary:
        { blockName: {
             "PhEDExNodeNames" : [<pnn list>],
             "Files" : dictionaries representing each file


        if isinstance(fileBlockName, str):
            fileBlockName = unicode(fileBlockName)

        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.getFileBlockWithParents(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

        result = {fileBlockName: {
            "PhEDExNodeNames": self.listFileBlockLocation(fileBlockName),
            "Files": self.listFilesInBlockWithParents(fileBlockName),
            "IsOpen": self.blockIsOpen(fileBlockName)
        return result

    def getFiles(self, dataset, onlyClosedBlocks=False):

        Returns a dictionary of block names for the dataset where
        each block constists of a dictionary containing the PhEDExNodeNames
        for that block and the files in that block by LFN mapped to NEvents

        result = {}
        blocks = self.listFileBlocks(dataset, onlyClosedBlocks)

        [result.update(self.getFileBlock(x)) for x in blocks]

        return result

    def listBlockParents(self, blockName):
        """Get parent blocks for block"""
        result = []
        blocks = self.dbs.listBlockParents(block_name=blockName)
        for block in blocks:
            toreturn = {'Name': block['parent_block_name']}
            toreturn['PhEDExNodeList'] = self.listFileBlockLocation(toreturn['Name'])
        return result

    def blockIsOpen(self, blockName):

        Return True if named block is open, false if not, or if block
        doenst exist

        blockInstance = self.dbs.listBlocks(block_name=blockName, detail=True)
        if len(blockInstance) == 0:
            return False
        blockInstance = blockInstance[0]
        isOpen = blockInstance.get('open_for_writing', 1)
        if isOpen == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def blockToDatasetPath(self, blockName):

        Given a block name, get the dataset Path associated with that

        Returns the dataset path, or None if not found

            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(block_name=blockName, detail=True)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.blockToDatasetPath(%s)\n" % blockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if blocks == []:
            return None

        pathname = blocks[-1].get('dataset', None)
        return pathname

    def listDatasetLocation(self, datasetName, dbsOnly=False):

        List the origin SEs where there is at least a block of the given

        locations = set()

        if dbsOnly:
                blocksInfo = self.dbs.listBlockOrigin(dataset=datasetName)
            except dbsClientException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSReader: dbsApi.listBlocks(dataset=%s)\n" % datasetName
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
                raise DBSReaderError(msg)

            if not blocksInfo:  # no data location from dbs
                return list()

            for blockInfo in blocksInfo:
                # TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
                blockInfo['origin_site_name'] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(blockInfo['origin_site_name'])
                # upto this

            locations.difference_update(['UNKNOWN', None])  # remove entry when SE name is 'UNKNOWN'
                blocksInfo = self.phedex.getReplicaPhEDExNodesForBlocks(dataset=[datasetName], complete='y')
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = "Error while getting block location from PhEDEx for dataset=%s)\n" % datasetName
                msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
                raise Exception(msg)

            if blocksInfo:
                for blockSites in blocksInfo.values():

        return list(locations)

    def checkDatasetPath(self, pathName):
        if pathName in ("", None):
            raise DBSReaderError("Invalid Dataset Path name: => %s <=" % pathName)
                result = self.dbs.listDatasets(dataset=pathName, dataset_access_type='*')
                if len(result) == 0:
                    raise DBSReaderError("Dataset %s doesn't exist in DBS %s" % (pathName, self.dbsURL))
            except (dbsClientException, HTTPError) as ex:
                msg = "Error in "
                msg += "DBSReader.checkDatasetPath(%s)\n" % pathName
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
                raise DBSReaderError(msg)

    def checkBlockName(self, blockName):
        if blockName in ("", "*", None):
            raise DBSReaderError("Invalid Block name: => %s <=" % blockName)

    def getFileListByDataset(self, dataset, validFileOnly=1, detail=True):


        Given a dataset, retrieves all blocks, lfns and number of events (among other
        not really important info).
        Returns a list of dict.

            fileList = self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=dataset, validFileOnly=validFileOnly, detail=detail)
            return fileList
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.getFileListByDataset(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

    def listDatasetParents(self, childDataset):
        list the the parents dataset path given childDataset
            parentList = self.dbs.listDatasetParents(dataset=childDataset)
            return parentList
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listDatasetParents(%s)\n" % childDataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)
Beispiel #2
class DBS3Reader:

    General API for reading data from DBS

    def __init__(self, url, **contact):

        # instantiate dbs api object
            self.dbs = DbsApi(url, **contact)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader with DbsApi\n"
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        # connection to PhEDEx (Use default endpoint url)
        self.phedex = PhEDEx(responseType="json")
        self.siteDB = SiteDB()

    def _getLumiList(self, blockName=None, lfns=None, validFileOnly=1):
        currently only take one lfn but dbs api need be updated
            if blockName:
                lumiLists = self.dbs.listFileLumis(block_name=blockName,
            elif lfns:
                lumiLists = []
                for slfn in grouper(lfns, 50):
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFileLumiArray(%s)\n" % lfns
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        lumiDict = {}
        for lumisItem in lumiLists:
            lumiDict.setdefault(lumisItem['logical_file_name'], [])
            item = {}
            item["RunNumber"] = lumisItem['run_num']
            item['LumiSectionNumber'] = lumisItem['lumi_section_num']
        return lumiDict

    def listPrimaryDatasets(self, match='*'):

        return a list of primary datasets, The full dataset name must be provided
        pattern based mathcing is no longer supported.
        If no expression is provided, all datasets are returned
            result = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets(primary_ds_name=match)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listPrimaryDataset(%s)\n" % match
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        result = [x['primary_ds_name'] for x in result]
        return result

    def matchProcessedDatasets(self, primary, tier, process):

        return a list of Processed datasets
        result = []
            datasets = self.dbs.listDatasets(primary_ds_name=primary,
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listProcessedDatasets(%s)\n" % primary
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        for dataset in datasets:
            dataset = remapDBS3Keys(dataset, processed_ds_name='Name')
            dataset['PathList'] = [dataset['dataset']]
            if dataset['Name'] == process:
        return result

    def listRuns(self, dataset=None, block=None):
        it gets list of DbsRun object but for our purpose
        only list of number is collected.
        DbsRun (RunNumber,
        runs = []
            if block:
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(block_name=block)
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=dataset)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listRuns(%s, %s)\n" % (dataset, block)
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)
        [runs.extend(x['run_num']) for x in results]
        return runs

    def listRunLumis(self, dataset=None, block=None):
        # Pointless code in python3
        if isinstance(block, str):
            block = unicode(block)
        if isinstance(dataset, str):
            dataset = unicode(dataset)
        It gets a list of DBSRun objects and returns the number of lumisections per run
        DbsRun (RunNumber,
            if block:
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(block_name=block)
                results = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=dataset)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listRuns(%s, %s)\n" % (dataset, block)
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        # send runDict format as result, this format is for sync with dbs2 call
        # which has {run_number: num_lumis} but dbs3 call doesn't return num Lumis
        # So it returns {run_number: None}
        # TODO: After DBS2 is completely removed change the return format more sensible one

        runDict = {}
        for x in results:
            for runNumber in x["run_num"]:
                runDict[runNumber] = None
        return runDict

    def listProcessedDatasets(self, primary, dataTier='*'):

        return a list of Processed datasets for the primary and optional
        data tier value

            result = self.dbs.listDatasets(primary_ds_name=primary,
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listProcessedDatasets(%s)\n" % primary
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        result = [x['dataset'].split('/')[2] for x in result]
        return result

    def listDatasetFiles(self, datasetPath):

        Get list of files for dataset

        return [
            for x in self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=datasetPath)

    def listDatatiers(self):

        Get a list of datatiers known by DBS.
        return [tier['data_tier_name'] for tier in self.dbs.listDataTiers()]

    def listDatasetFileDetails(self,
        TODO: This is completely wrong need to be redone. or be removed - getting dataset altogether
        might be to costly


        Get list of lumis, events, and parents for each file in a dataset
        Return a dict where the keys are the files, and for each file we have something like:
            { 'NumberOfEvents': 545,
              'BlockName': '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#dd6e0796-cbcc-11e0-80a9-003048caaace',
              'Lumis': {173658: [8, 12, 9, 14, 19, 109, 105]},
              'Parents': [],
              'Checksum': '22218315',
              'Adler32': 'a41a1446',
              'FileSize': 286021145,
              'ValidFile': 1

        fileDetails = self.getFileListByDataset(dataset=datasetPath,
        blocks = set()  #the set of blocks of the dataset
        #Iterate over the files and prepare the set of blocks and a dict where the keys are the files
        files = {}
        for f in fileDetails:
            files[f['logical_file_name']] = remapDBS3Keys(f, stringify=True)
            files[f['logical_file_name']]['ValidFile'] = f['is_file_valid']
            files[f['logical_file_name']]['Lumis'] = {}
            files[f['logical_file_name']]['Parents'] = []

        #Iterate over the blocks and get parents and lumis
        for blockName in blocks:
            #get the parents
            if getParents:
                parents = self.dbs.listFileParents(block_name=blockName)
                for p in parents:
                    if p['logical_file_name'] in files:  #invalid files are not there if validFileOnly=1
            #get the lumis
            file_lumis = self.dbs.listFileLumis(block_name=blockName)
            for f in file_lumis:
                if f['logical_file_name'] in files:  #invalid files are not there if validFileOnly=1
                    if f['run_num'] in files[f['logical_file_name']]['Lumis']:
                            f['run_num']] = f['lumi_section_num']

        return files

    def crossCheck(self, datasetPath, *lfns):

        For the dataset provided, check that the lfns listed all exist
        in the dataset.

        Return the list of lfns that are in the dataset

        allLfns = self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=datasetPath,
        setOfAllLfns = set(allLfns)
        setOfKnownLfns = set(lfns)
        return list(setOfAllLfns.intersection(setOfKnownLfns))

    def crossCheckMissing(self, datasetPath, *lfns):

        As cross check, but return value is a list of files that
        are *not* known by DBS

        allLfns = self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=datasetPath,
        setOfAllLfns = set(allLfns)
        setOfKnownLfns = set(lfns)
        knownFiles = setOfAllLfns.intersection(setOfKnownLfns)
        unknownFiles = setOfKnownLfns.difference(knownFiles)
        return list(unknownFiles)

    def getDBSSummaryInfo(self, dataset=None, block=None):
        Get dataset summary includes # of files, events, blocks and total size
        #FIXME: Doesnt raise exceptions on missing data as old api did
        if dataset:
            if block:
                summary = self.dbs.listFileSummaries(block_name=block,
            else:  # dataset case dataset shouldn't be None
                summary = self.dbs.listFileSummaries(dataset=dataset,
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.getDBSSummaryInfo(%s, %s)\n" % (dataset,
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)
        if not summary or summary[0].get(
                'file_size') is None:  # appears to indicate missing dataset
            msg = "DBSReader.listDatasetSummary(%s, %s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % (dataset, block))
        result = remapDBS3Keys(summary[0], stringify=True)
        result['path'] = dataset if not block else ''
        result['block'] = block if block else ''
        return result

    def getFileBlocksInfo(self,
        args = {'dataset': dataset, 'detail': True}
        if blockName:
            args['block_name'] = blockName
            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(**args)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.getFileBlocksInfo(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        blocks = [
            remapDBS3Keys(block, stringify=True, block_name='Name')
            for block in blocks
        # only raise if blockName not specified - mimic dbs2 error handling
        if not blocks and not blockName:
            msg = "DBSReader.getFileBlocksInfo(%s, %s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % (dataset, blockName))
        if locations:
            for block in blocks:
                block['PhEDExNodeList'] = [{
                    'Name': x
                } for x in self.listFileBlockLocation(block['Name'])]

        if onlyClosedBlocks:
            return [x for x in blocks if str(x['OpenForWriting']) != "1"]

        return blocks

    def listFileBlocks(self, dataset, onlyClosedBlocks=False, blockName=None):

        Retrieve a list of fileblock names for a dataset

        args = {'dataset': dataset, 'detail': False}
        if blockName:
            args['block_name'] = blockName
        if onlyClosedBlocks:
            args['detail'] = True
            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(**args)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listFileBlocks(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if onlyClosedBlocks:
            result = [
                x['block_name'] for x in blocks \
                  if str(x['open_for_writing']) != "1"

            result = [x['block_name'] for x in blocks]

        return result

    def listOpenFileBlocks(self, dataset):

        Retrieve a list of open fileblock names for a dataset

            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(dataset=dataset, detail=True)
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in DBSReader.listFileBlocks(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        result = [
            x['block_name'] for x in blocks \
            if str(x['open_for_writing']) == "1"

        return result

    def blockExists(self, fileBlockName):

        Check to see if block with name provided exists in the DBS

        Return True if exists, False if not


            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(block_name=fileBlockName)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.blockExists(%s)\n" % fileBlockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if len(blocks) == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def listFilesInBlock(self, fileBlockName, lumis=True, validFileOnly=1):

        Get a list of files in the named fileblock
        TODO: lumis can be false when lumi splitting is not required
        However WMBSHelper expect file['LumiList'] to get the run number
        so for now it will be always true.
        We need to clean code up when dbs2 is completely deprecated.
        calling lumis for run number is expensive.
        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.listFilesInBlock(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

            files = self.dbs.listFileArray(block_name=fileBlockName,
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlock(%s)\n" % fileBlockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if lumis:
            lumiDict = self._getLumiList(blockName=fileBlockName,

        result = []
        for fileInfo in files:
            if lumis:
                fileInfo["LumiList"] = lumiDict[fileInfo['logical_file_name']]
            result.append(remapDBS3Keys(fileInfo, stringify=True))
        return result

    def listFilesInBlockWithParents(self,

        Get a list of files in the named fileblock including
        the parents of that file.
        TODO: lumis can be false when lumi splitting is not required
        However WMBSHelper expect file['LumiList'] to get the run number
        so for now it will be always true.

        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

            #TODO: shoud we get only valid block for this?
            files = self.dbs.listFileParents(block_name=fileBlockName)
            fileDetails = self.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName, lumis,

        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlockWithParents(%s)\n" % (
                fileBlockName, )
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        childByParents = defaultdict(list)
        for f in files:
            # Probably a child can have more than 1 parent file
            for fp in f['parent_logical_file_name']:
        parentsLFNs = childByParents.keys()

        parentFilesDetail = []
        #TODO: slicing parentLFNs util DBS api is handling that.
        #Remove slicing if DBS api handles
        for pLFNs in grouper(parentsLFNs, 50):
                self.dbs.listFileArray(logical_file_name=pLFNs, detail=True))

        if lumis:
            parentLumis = self._getLumiList(lfns=parentsLFNs)

        parentsByLFN = defaultdict(list)

        for pf in parentFilesDetail:
            parentLFN = pf['logical_file_name']
            dbsFile = remapDBS3Keys(pf, stringify=True)
            if lumis:
                dbsFile["LumiList"] = parentLumis[parentLFN]

            for childLFN in childByParents[parentLFN]:

        for fileInfo in fileDetails:
            fileInfo["ParentList"] = parentsByLFN[

        return fileDetails

    def lfnsInBlock(self, fileBlockName):

        LFN list only for block, details = False => faster query

        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.lfnsInBlock(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

            lfns = self.dbs.listFileArray(block_name=fileBlockName,
            return lfns
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.listFilesInBlock(%s)\n" % fileBlockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

    def listFileBlockLocation(self, fileBlockNames, dbsOnly=False):

        Get origin_site_name of a block


        singleBlockName = None
        if isinstance(fileBlockNames, basestring):
            singleBlockName = fileBlockNames
            fileBlockNames = [fileBlockNames]

        for block in fileBlockNames:

        locations = {}
        node_filter = set(['UNKNOWN', None])

        if dbsOnly:
            blocksInfo = {}
                for block in fileBlockNames:
                    for blockInfo in self.dbs.listBlockOrigin(
                        if blockInfo:
                            #TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
                                'origin_site_name'] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(
                            #upto this
                            blocksInfo[block] = blockInfo['origin_site_name']
            except dbsClientException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBS3Reader: self.dbs.listBlockOrigin(block_name=%s)\n" % fileBlockNames
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
                raise DBSReaderError(msg)

            if not blocksInfo:  # no data location from dbs
                return list()

            for name, node in blocksInfo.iteritems():
                valid_nodes = set(node) - node_filter
                if valid_nodes:  # dont add if only 'UNKNOWN' or None
                    locations[name] = list(valid_nodes)
                blocksInfo = self.phedex.getReplicaPhEDExNodesForBlocks(
                    block=fileBlockNames, complete='y')
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = "Error while getting block location from PhEDEx for block_name=%s)\n" % fileBlockNames
                msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
                raise Exception(msg)

            for name, nodes in blocksInfo.iteritems():
                valid_nodes = set(nodes) - node_filter
                if valid_nodes:  # dont add if only 'UNKNOWN' or None then get with dbs
                    locations[name] = list(valid_nodes)

        #returning single list if a single block is passed
        if singleBlockName is not None:
            return locations[singleBlockName]

        return locations

    def getFileBlock(self, fileBlockName):

        return a dictionary:
        { blockName: {
             "PhEDExNodeNames" : [<pnn list>],
             "Files" : { LFN : Events },

        # Pointless code in python3
        if isinstance(fileBlockName, str):
            fileBlockName = unicode(fileBlockName)
        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.getFileBlock(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

        result = {
            fileBlockName: {
                "PhEDExNodeNames": self.listFileBlockLocation(fileBlockName),
                "Files": self.listFilesInBlock(fileBlockName),
                "IsOpen": self.blockIsOpen(fileBlockName)
        return result

    def getFileBlockWithParents(self, fileBlockName):

        return a dictionary:
        { blockName: {
             "PhEDExNodeNames" : [<pnn list>],
             "Files" : dictionaries representing each file


        if isinstance(fileBlockName, str):
            fileBlockName = unicode(fileBlockName)

        if not self.blockExists(fileBlockName):
            msg = "DBSReader.getFileBlockWithParents(%s): No matching data"
            raise DBSReaderError(msg % fileBlockName)

        result = {
            fileBlockName: {
                "PhEDExNodeNames": self.listFileBlockLocation(fileBlockName),
                "Files": self.listFilesInBlockWithParents(fileBlockName),
                "IsOpen": self.blockIsOpen(fileBlockName)
        return result

    def getFiles(self, dataset, onlyClosedBlocks=False):

        Returns a dictionary of block names for the dataset where
        each block constists of a dictionary containing the PhEDExNodeNames
        for that block and the files in that block by LFN mapped to NEvents

        result = {}
        blocks = self.listFileBlocks(dataset, onlyClosedBlocks)

        [result.update(self.getFileBlock(x)) for x in blocks]

        return result

    def listBlockParents(self, blockName):
        """Get parent blocks for block"""
        result = []
        blocks = self.dbs.listBlockParents(block_name=blockName)
        for block in blocks:
            toreturn = {'Name': block['parent_block_name']}
            toreturn['PhEDExNodeList'] = self.listFileBlockLocation(
        return result

    def blockIsOpen(self, blockName):

        Return True if named block is open, false if not, or if block
        doenst exist

        blockInstance = self.dbs.listBlocks(block_name=blockName, detail=True)
        if len(blockInstance) == 0:
            return False
        blockInstance = blockInstance[0]
        isOpen = blockInstance.get('open_for_writing', 1)
        if isOpen == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def blockToDatasetPath(self, blockName):

        Given a block name, get the dataset Path associated with that

        Returns the dataset path, or None if not found

            blocks = self.dbs.listBlocks(block_name=blockName, detail=True)
        except Exception as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.blockToDatasetPath(%s)\n" % blockName
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)

        if blocks == []:
            return None

        pathname = blocks[-1].get('dataset', None)
        return pathname

    def listDatasetLocation(self, datasetName, dbsOnly=False):

        List the origin SEs where there is at least a block of the given

        locations = set()

        if dbsOnly:
                blocksInfo = self.dbs.listBlockOrigin(dataset=datasetName)
            except dbsClientException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSReader: dbsApi.listBlocks(dataset=%s)\n" % datasetName
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
                raise DBSReaderError(msg)

            if not blocksInfo:  # no data location from dbs
                return list()

            for blockInfo in blocksInfo:
                #TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
                    'origin_site_name'] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(
                #upto this

                ['UNKNOWN', None])  # remove entry when SE name is 'UNKNOWN'
                blocksInfo = self.phedex.getReplicaPhEDExNodesForBlocks(
                    dataset=[datasetName], complete='y')
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = "Error while getting block location from PhEDEx for dataset=%s)\n" % datasetName
                msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
                raise Exception(msg)

            if blocksInfo:
                for blockSites in blocksInfo.values():

        return list(locations)

    def checkDatasetPath(self, pathName):
        if pathName in ("", None):
            raise DBSReaderError("Invalid Dataset Path name: => %s <=" %

    def checkBlockName(self, blockName):
        if blockName in ("", "*", None):
            raise DBSReaderError("Invalid Block name: => %s <=" % blockName)

    def getFileListByDataset(self, dataset, validFileOnly=1, detail=True):

        Given a dataset, retrieves all blocks, lfns and number of events (among other
        not really important info).
        Returns a list of dict.

            fileList = self.dbs.listFileArray(dataset=dataset,
            return fileList
        except dbsClientException as ex:
            msg = "Error in "
            msg += "DBSReader.getFileListByDataset(%s)\n" % dataset
            msg += "%s\n" % formatEx3(ex)
            raise DBSReaderError(msg)
Beispiel #3
class ResubmitBlock(StartPolicyInterface):
    """Split elements into blocks"""
    def __init__(self, **args):
        StartPolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
        self.args.setdefault('SliceType', 'NumberOfFiles')
        self.args.setdefault('SliceSize', 1)
        self.args.setdefault('SplittingAlgo', 'LumiBased')
        self.lumiType = "NumberOfLumis"

        # Define how to handle the different splitting algorithms
        self.algoMapping = {'Harvest' : self.singleChunk,
                            'ParentlessMergeBySize' : self.singleChunk,
                            'MinFileBased' : self.singleChunk,
                            'LumiBased' : self.singleChunk,
                            'EventAwareLumiBased' : self.singleChunk,
                            'EventBased' : self.singleChunk}
        self.unsupportedAlgos = ['WMBSMergeBySize', 'SiblingProcessingBased']
        self.defaultAlgo = self.fixedSizeChunk
        self.sites = []
        self.siteDB = SiteDB()

    def split(self):
        """Apply policy to spec"""
        # Prepare a site list in case we need it
        siteWhitelist = self.initialTask.siteWhitelist()
        siteBlacklist = self.initialTask.siteBlacklist()
        self.sites = makeLocationsList(siteWhitelist, siteBlacklist)

        for block in self.validBlocks(self.initialTask):
            if self.initialTask.parentProcessingFlag():
                parentFlag = True
                parentFlag = False
            self.newQueueElement(Inputs = {block['Name'] : block['Sites']},
                                 ParentFlag = parentFlag,
                                 NumberOfLumis = block[self.lumiType],
                                 NumberOfFiles = block['NumberOfFiles'],
                                 NumberOfEvents = block['NumberOfEvents'],
                                 Jobs = ceil(float(block[self.args['SliceType']]) /
                                 ACDC = block['ACDC'],

    def validate(self):
        """Check args and spec work with block splitting"""

    def validBlocks(self, task):
        """Return blocks that pass the input data restriction according
           to the splitting algorithm"""
        validBlocks = []

        acdcInfo = task.getInputACDC()
        if not acdcInfo:
            raise WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'No acdc section for %s' % task.getPathName())
        acdc = DataCollectionService(acdcInfo["server"], acdcInfo["database"])
            acdcBlockSplit = ACDCBlock.splitBlockName([0])
            # if is not passed, assume the the data is input dataset
            # from the spec
            acdcBlockSplit = False

        if acdcBlockSplit:
            dbsBlock = {}
            dbsBlock['Name'] =[0]
            block = acdc.getChunkInfo(acdcInfo['collection'],
                                      user = self.wmspec.getOwner().get("name"),
                                      group = self.wmspec.getOwner().get("group"))
            dbsBlock['NumberOfFiles'] = block['files']
            dbsBlock['NumberOfEvents'] = block['events']
            dbsBlock['NumberOfLumis'] = block['lumis']
            dbsBlock['ACDC'] = acdcInfo
            if task.inputLocationFlag():
                dbsBlock["Sites"] = self.sites
                #TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
                block["locations"] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(block["locations"])
                #upto this
                dbsBlock["Sites"] = self.siteDB.PNNstoPSNs(block["locations"])
            if self.args['SplittingAlgo'] in self.unsupportedAlgos:
                raise WorkQueueWMSpecError(self.wmspec, 'ACDC is not supported for %s' % self.args['SplittingAlgo'])
            splittingFunc = self.defaultAlgo
            if self.args['SplittingAlgo'] in self.algoMapping:
                splittingFunc = self.algoMapping[self.args['SplittingAlgo']]
            validBlocks = splittingFunc(acdc, acdcInfo, task)

        return validBlocks

    def fixedSizeChunk(self, acdc, acdcInfo, task):
        """Return a set of blocks with a fixed number of ACDC records"""
        fixedSizeBlocks = []
        chunkSize = 250
        acdcBlocks = acdc.chunkFileset(acdcInfo['collection'],
                                       user = self.wmspec.getOwner().get("name"),
                                       group = self.wmspec.getOwner().get("group"))
        for block in acdcBlocks:
            dbsBlock = {}
            dbsBlock['Name'] =,
                                              block['offset'], block['files'])
            dbsBlock['NumberOfFiles'] = block['files']
            dbsBlock['NumberOfEvents'] = block['events']
            dbsBlock['NumberOfLumis'] = block['lumis']
            if task.inputLocationFlag():
                dbsBlock["Sites"] = self.sites
                #TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
                block["locations"] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(block["locations"])
                #upto this
                dbsBlock["Sites"] = self.siteDB.PNNstoPSNs(block["locations"])
            dbsBlock['ACDC'] = acdcInfo
            if dbsBlock['NumberOfFiles']:
        return fixedSizeBlocks

    def singleChunk(self, acdc, acdcInfo, task):
        """Return a single block (inside a list) with all associated ACDC records"""
        result = []
        acdcBlock = acdc.singleChunkFileset(acdcInfo['collection'],
                                             user = self.wmspec.getOwner().get("name"),
                                             group = self.wmspec.getOwner().get("group"))
        dbsBlock = {}
        dbsBlock['Name'] =,
                                          acdcBlock['offset'], acdcBlock['files'])
        dbsBlock['NumberOfFiles'] = acdcBlock['files']
        dbsBlock['NumberOfEvents'] = acdcBlock['events']
        dbsBlock['NumberOfLumis'] = acdcBlock['lumis']
        if task.inputLocationFlag():
            dbsBlock["Sites"] = self.sites
            #TODO remove this line when all DBS origin_site_name is converted to PNN
            acdcBlock["locations"] = self.siteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(acdcBlock["locations"])
            #upto this
            dbsBlock["Sites"] = self.siteDB.PNNstoPSNs(acdcBlock["locations"])
        dbsBlock['ACDC'] = acdcInfo
        if dbsBlock['NumberOfFiles']:
        return result
Beispiel #4
class SiteDBTest(EmulatedUnitTestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def  __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
        super(SiteDBTest, self).__init__(methodName=methodName)

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        super(SiteDBTest, self).setUp()
        EmulatorHelper.setEmulators(phedex=False, dbs=False, siteDB=False, requestMgr=True)
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(SiteDBTest, self).tearDown()

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        #Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_Buffer', 'T1_US_FNAL_MSS']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode('T1_US_FNAL')
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = [u'T1_US_FNAL', u'T1_US_FNAL_Disk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("")
        self.assertTrue(results == target)
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN', u'T2_CH_CERN_HLT'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)
        target = sorted([u'T0_CH_CERN', u'T1_CH_CERN'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN_AI'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=jha/CN=618566/CN=Manoj Jha"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.assertTrue(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.assertTrue(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        seNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(seNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('' in seNames)

    def testPNNtoPSN(self):

        Test converting PhEDEx Node Name to Processing Site Name

        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Disk')
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T1_US_FNAL'])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Tape')
        self.assertTrue(result == [])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T2_UK_London_IC'])

    def testCMSNametoList(self):
        Test PNN to storage list
        result = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoList("T1_US*", "SE")
        self.assertItemsEqual(result, [u''])

    def testCheckAndConvertSENameToPNN(self):
        Test the conversion of SE name to PNN for single
        and multiple sites/PNNs using checkAndConvertSENameToPNN

        fnalSE = u''
        purdueSE = u''
        fnalPNNs = [u'T1_US_FNAL_Buffer', u'T1_US_FNAL_MSS', u'T1_US_FNAL_Disk']
        purduePNN = [u'T2_US_Purdue']

        pnnList = fnalPNNs + purduePNN
        seList = [fnalSE, purdueSE]

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(fnalSE), fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN([fnalSE]), fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(purdueSE), purduePNN)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN([purdueSE]), purduePNN)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(seList), purduePNN + fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(pnnList), pnnList)
Beispiel #5
class SiteDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_MSS','T1_US_FNAL_Buffer']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL")
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_Disk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode("T1_US_FNAL_Disk")
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testCmsNametoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = [u'', u'']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("T1_UK_RAL")
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testCmsNamePatterntoSE(self):
        Tests CmsNamePatterntoSE
        target = [u'', u'', u'', u'']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoSE("%T2_CH")
        print(target, results)
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = [u'T1_US_FNAL']
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("")
        self.assertTrue(results == target)
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN', u'T2_CH_CERN_HLT'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))
        target = sorted([u'T0_CH_CERN', u'T1_CH_CERN'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN_AI'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertTrue(sorted(results) == sorted(target))

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=gutsche/CN=582680/CN=Oliver Gutsche"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.assertTrue(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.assertTrue(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        seNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(seNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('' in seNames)

    def testPNNtoPSN(self):

        Test converting PhEDEx Node Name to Processing Site Name

        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Disk')
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T1_US_FNAL'])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Tape')
        self.assertTrue(result == [])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T2_UK_London_IC'])
    def testCMSNametoList(self):
        result = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoList("T1_US*", "SE")
        self.assertItemsEqual(result, [u'', u''])

    def testCheckAndConvertSENameToPNN(self):
        Test the conversion of SE name to PNN for single and multiple sites/PNNs using checkAndConvertSENameToPNN

        fnalSE = u''
        purdueSE = u''
        fnalPNNs = [u'T1_US_FNAL_Buffer', u'T1_US_FNAL_MSS']
        purduePNN = [u'T2_US_Purdue']

        pnnList = fnalPNNs + purduePNN
        seList = [fnalSE, purdueSE]

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(fnalSE), fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN([fnalSE]), fnalPNNs)

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(purdueSE), purduePNN)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN([purdueSE]), purduePNN)

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(seList), purduePNN + fnalPNNs)

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(pnnList), pnnList)

Beispiel #6
class SiteDBTest(EmulatedUnitTestCase):
    Unit tests for SiteScreening module

    def  __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
        super(SiteDBTest, self).__init__(methodName=methodName)

    def setUp(self):
        Setup for unit tests
        super(SiteDBTest, self).setUp()
        EmulatorHelper.setEmulators(phedex=False, dbs=False, siteDB=False, requestMgr=True)
        self.mySiteDB = SiteDBJSON()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(SiteDBTest, self).tearDown()

    def testCmsNametoPhEDExNode(self):
        #Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = ['T1_US_FNAL_Buffer', 'T1_US_FNAL_MSS']
        results = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoPhEDExNode('T1_US_FNAL')
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)

    def testSEtoCmsName(self):
        Tests CmsNametoSE
        target = [u'T1_US_FNAL', u'T1_US_FNAL_Disk']
        results = self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName("")
        self.assertTrue(results == target)
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN', u'T2_CH_CERN_HLT'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)
        target = sorted([u'T0_CH_CERN', u'T1_CH_CERN'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)
        target = sorted([u'T2_CH_CERN_AI'])
        results = sorted(self.mySiteDB.seToCMSName(""))
        self.assertItemsEqual(results, target)

    def testDNUserName(self):
        Tests DN to Username lookup
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=jha/CN=618566/CN=Manoj Jha"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.assertTrue(testUserName == userName)

    def testDNWithApostrophe(self):
        Tests a DN with an apostrophy in - will fail till SiteDB2 appears
        testDn = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=liviof/CN=472739/CN=Livio Fano'"
        testUserName = "******"
        userName = self.mySiteDB.dnUserName(dn=testDn)
        self.assertTrue(testUserName == userName)

    def testSEFinder(self):

        See if we can retrieve seNames from all sites

        seNames = self.mySiteDB.getAllSENames()
        self.assertTrue(len(seNames) > 1)
        self.assertTrue('' in seNames)

    def testPNNtoPSN(self):

        Test converting PhEDEx Node Name to Processing Site Name

        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Disk')
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T1_US_FNAL'])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T1_US_FNAL_Tape')
        self.assertTrue(result == [])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNtoPSN('T2_UK_London_IC')
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T2_UK_London_IC'])

    def testCMSNametoList(self):
        Test PNN to storage list
        result = self.mySiteDB.cmsNametoList("T1_US*", "SE")
        self.assertItemsEqual(result, [u''])

    def testCheckAndConvertSENameToPNN(self):
        Test the conversion of SE name to PNN for single
        and multiple sites/PNNs using checkAndConvertSENameToPNN

        fnalSE = u''
        purdueSE = u''
        fnalPNNs = [u'T1_US_FNAL_Buffer', u'T1_US_FNAL_MSS', u'T1_US_FNAL_Disk']
        purduePNN = [u'T2_US_Purdue']

        pnnList = fnalPNNs + purduePNN
        seList = [fnalSE, purdueSE]

        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(fnalSE), fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN([fnalSE]), fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(purdueSE), purduePNN)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN([purdueSE]), purduePNN)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(seList), purduePNN + fnalPNNs)
        self.assertItemsEqual(self.mySiteDB.checkAndConvertSENameToPNN(pnnList), pnnList)

    def testPNNstoPSNs(self):

        Test converting PhEDEx Node Names to Processing Site Names

        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNstoPSNs(['T1_US_FNAL_Disk', 'T1_US_FNAL_Buffer', 'T1_US_FNAL_MSS'])
        self.assertTrue(result == ['T1_US_FNAL'])
        result = self.mySiteDB.PNNstoPSNs(['T2_UK_London_IC', 'T2_US_Purdue'])
        self.assertItemsEqual(result, ['T2_UK_London_IC', 'T2_US_Purdue'])