def plot_frames(iom, blockid=0, view=None, imgsize=(12,9)):
    """Plot the phase of a wavefunction for a series of timesteps.
    :param iom: An ``IOManager`` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param view: The aspect ratio.
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()

    grid = iom.load_grid(blockid="global")
    timegrid = iom.load_wavefunction_timegrid(blockid=blockid)

    # Precompute eigenvectors for efficiency
    Potential = PotentialFactory().create_potential(parameters)
    eigenvectors = Potential.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(grid)

    for step in timegrid:
        print(" Plotting frame of timestep # " + str(step))

        wave = iom.load_wavefunction(blockid=blockid, timestep=step)
        values = [ wave[j,...] for j in xrange(parameters["ncomponents"]) ]

        # Transform the values to the eigenbasis
        # TODO: improve this:
        if parameters["algorithm"] == "fourier":
            ve = Potential.project_to_eigen(grid, values, eigenvectors)
            ve = values

        fig = figure(figsize=imgsize)

        for index, component in enumerate(ve):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(parameters["ncomponents"],1,index+1)
            ax.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(0,0), axis="y")

            # Plot the wavefunction
            ax.plot(grid, component*conj(component), color="gray")
            ax.set_ylabel(r"$\langle \varphi_"+str(index)+r"| \varphi_"+str(index)+r"\rangle$")

            # Compute the phase from the wavefunction restricted to "important" regions
            restr_grid = grid[component*conj(component) > 10e-8]
            restr_comp = component[component*conj(component) > 10e-8]

            # Plot the phase
            ax.plot(restr_grid, angle(restr_comp), "-", color="green")
            ax.plot(restr_grid, ComplexMath.continuate(angle(restr_comp)), ".", color="green")

            # Set the aspect window
            if view is not None:

        fig.suptitle(r"$\arg \Psi$ at time $"+str(step*parameters["dt"])+r"$")
        fig.savefig("wavefunction_phase_block"+str(blockid)+"_"+ (7-len(str(step)))*"0"+str(step) +GD.output_format)

    print(" Plotting frames finished")