def web_metadata(self):
     """ Retrieve all metadata keys with their type and possible values that are
       compatible with the metadata restriction. Accepts metadata condition:
       GET /filecatalogue/metadata -- retrieve all metadata keys with their type and possible values
           that are compatible with the metadata restriction. Accepts metadata condition
     :return: json with requested data
     if self.overpath:
         raise WErr(404, "Wrone way")
     cond = self.__decodeMetadataQuery()
     result = yield self.threadTask(self.__rpc.getMetadataFields)
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromError(result)
     data = result['Value']
     fields = {}
     for k in data['DirectoryMetaFields']:
         fields[k] = data['DirectoryMetaFields'][k].lower()
     result = yield self.threadTask(self.__rpc.getCompatibleMetadata, cond,
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromError(result)
     values = result['Value']
     data = {}
     for k in fields:
         if k not in values:
         data[k] = {'type': fields[k], 'values': values[k]}
    def web_file(self):
        """ Get the file information, use:
        GET /filecatalogue/file/<file>/attributes -- get the file information
        GET /filecatalogue/file/<file>/metadata -- get the file metadata

        optns = self.overpath.strip('/').split('/')
        if len(optns) > 2:
            raise WErr(404, "Wrone way")
        path = self.__decodePath()
        __obj = re.match("([a-z]+)?",
                         optns[1]).group() if len(optns) > 1 else None
        if __obj == "attributes":
            result = yield self.threadTask(self.rpc.getFileMetadata, path)
            if not result['OK'] or path not in result['Value']['Successful']:
                raise WErr.fromError(result)
        elif __obj == "metadata":
            result = yield self.threadTask(self.rpc.getFileUserMetadata, path)
            if not result['OK']:
                raise WErr.fromError(result)
            raise WErr(404, "WTF?")
 def web_directory(self):
     """ Retrieve contents of the specified directory, use:
     GET /filecatalogue/directory/<directory> -- retrieve contents of the specified directory.
         Set parameter verbose to true to get extended information.
     GET /filecatalogue/directory/<directory>/metadata -- retrieve metadata values for this directory compatible with the metadata condition.
         Accepts metadata condition
     GET /filecatalogue/directory/<directory>/search -- search from this directory subdirectories that match the requested metadata search.
         Each directory will also have the amount of files it contains and their total size. Accepts metadata condition
     optns = self.overpath.strip('/').split('/')
     if len(optns) > 2:
         raise WErr(404, "Wrone way")
     path = self.__decodePath()
     __obj = re.match("([a-z]+)?",
                      optns[1]).group() if len(optns) > 1 else None
     if not __obj:
             pageSize = max(0, int(self.request.arguments['page_size'][-1]))
         except (ValueError, KeyError):
             pageSize = 0
             verbose = bool(self.request.arguments['extra'][-1])
         except KeyError:
             verbose = False
         result = yield self.threadTask(self.rpc.listDirectory, path,
         if not result['OK']:
             self.log.error("Cannot list directory for %s:%s" %
                            (path, result['Message']))
             raise WErr.fromError(result)
         data = result['Value']
         if not path in data['Successful']:
             raise WErr(404, data['Failed'][path])
         contents = data['Successful'][path]
         ch = {}
         for kind in contents:
             ch[kind] = {}
             for sp in contents[kind]:
                 ch[kind][sp[len(path) + 1:]] = contents[kind][sp]
     elif 'metadata' == __obj:
         # Search compatible metadata for this directory
         cond = self.__decodeMetadataQuery()
         result = yield self.threadTask(self.rpc.getCompatibleMetadata,
                                        cond, path)
         if not result["OK"]:
             raise WErr.fromError(result)
     elif 'search' == __obj:
         # Search directories with metadata restrictions
         cond = self.__decodeMetadataQuery()
         result = yield self.threadTask(self.rpc.findDirectoriesByMetadata,
                                        cond, path)
         if not result['OK']:
             raise WErr.fromError(result)
         data = self.__filterChildrenOf(path, result['Value'])
         result = yield self.threadTask(self.rpc.getDirectorySize, data,
                                        False, False)
         if not result['OK']:
             raise WErr.fromError(result)
         tree = self.__buildDirTree(path, result['Value']['Successful'])
         raise WErr(404, "WTF?")