Beispiel #1
def MC_make_angles_(R,U,pVec,detectorGeom,planeData,omeMin,omeMax,tweak = False, stdev = rad(.1)):
    tmpDG = detector.DetectorGeomGE(detectorGeom, pVec=pVec)    
    recips = planeData.makeRecipVectors(R = R, U = U)
    wavelength = planeData.wavelength
    nvecs = recips.shape[1]
    from data_class import inv_dict
    allangs = inv_dict()
    for i in range(nvecs):
        rI = recips[:,i]
        angle_sols  = Get_LLNL_Angles(rI,wavelength)
        for key in angle_sols.keys():
            tth,eta,w = angle_sols[key]
            w = mapOme(w,-num.pi,num.pi)
            if eta!=num.pi and eta!=-num.pi:
                eta = mapOme(eta,-num.pi,num.pi)
            if w<omeMin.getVal('radians') or w>omeMax.getVal('radians'):
            if w is not None:
                #pred_angle_vector = num.array(detectorGeom.xyoToAng(*(px,py,w)))
                tmpX, tmpY, tmpO = tmpDG.angToXYO([tth,tth],[eta,eta],[w,w])
                tmpX = tmpX[0]
                tmpY = tmpY[0]
                tmpO = tmpO[0]
                if tweak:
                    tmpX = tmpX + num.random.normal(0,stdev)
                    tmpY = tmpY + num.random.normal(0,stdev)
                    tmpO = tmpO + num.random.normal(0,stdev)
                tmpTTh, tmpEta, tmpOme = detectorGeom.xyoToAng(tmpX, tmpY, tmpO)
                tmpAngs = num.vstack([tmpTTh, tmpEta, tmpOme])
    return allangs
Beispiel #2
def MC_make_angles_nrb(R,U,pVec,detectorGeom,planeData,omeMin,omeMax,tweak = False, stdev = rad(.1)):
    angl,axxx = Rotations.angleAxisOfRotMat(R)
    Rparams0 = (angl*axxx).flatten()
    #import uncertainty_analysis
    tmpDG = detector.DetectorGeomGE(detectorGeom, pVec=pVec)
    #print 'recip vects...',
    recips = planeData.makeRecipVectors(R = R, U = U)
    #print 'made'
    wavelength = planeData.wavelength
    nvecs = recips.shape[1]
    from data_class import inv_dict
    #allangs = inv_dict()
    allangs = []
    #import sys
    #print "nvecs",nvecs
    for j in range(10):
        print j,
    #print "done"
    for i in range(nvecs):
        #print i
        #sys.stdout.write(str(i)+ " ")
        rI = recips[:,i]
        #print "rI",rI,tweak
        if tweak:
            Rparams_tweak = numpy.random.normal([0,0,0],[stdev,stdev,stdev])
            #Rparams = Rparams0 + Rparams_tweak
            Rtweak = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams_tweak)
            #print Rparams0, Rparams
            rI =,rI)
        angle_sols  = Get_LLNL_Angles(rI,wavelength)
        #print rI, angle_sols
        for key in angle_sols.keys():
            tth,eta,w = angle_sols[key]
            w = mapOme(w,-num.pi,num.pi)
            if eta!=num.pi and eta!=-num.pi:
                eta = mapOme(eta,-num.pi,num.pi)
            if w<omeMin.getVal('radians') or w>omeMax.getVal('radians'):
            if w is not None:
                #pred_angle_vector = num.array(detectorGeom.xyoToAng(*(px,py,w)))
                tmpX, tmpY, tmpO = tmpDG.angToXYO([tth,tth],[eta,eta],[w,w])
                tmpX = tmpX[0]
                tmpY = tmpY[0]
                tmpO = tmpO[0]
                tmpTTh, tmpEta, tmpOme = detectorGeom.xyoToAng(tmpX, tmpY, tmpO)
                tmpAngs = num.vstack([tmpTTh, tmpEta, tmpOme])
    return num.array(allangs)