Beispiel #1
def database(db):
    """Load ZODB database from Python module or FileStorage file"""
    if type(db) is str:
        # Database name
        if db.endswith('.py'):
            # Python source, exec it
            globals = {}
            execfile(db, globals)
            if 'DB' in globals:
                db = globals['DB']
                storage = globals['Storage']
                from ZODB.DB import DB
                db = DB(storage, cache_size=4000)
        elif db.endswith(".fs"):
            from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
            from ZODB.DB import DB
            storage = FileStorage(db)
            db = DB(storage, cache_size=4000)

    # The following will fail unless the application has been configured.
    from zope.event import notify

    return db