def guard(container, value, index=None):
    if Containers(type(container)) and Containers(type(value)):
        # Simple type.  Short circuit.
    if getSecurityManager().validate(container, container, index, value):
def guarded_import(mname, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None, level=-1):
    if fromlist is None:
        fromlist = ()
    if '*' in fromlist:
        raise Unauthorized("'from %s import *' is not allowed")
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    if locals is None:
        locals = {}
    # Refs
    if level != -1:
        raise Unauthorized("Using import with a level specification isn't "
                           "supported by AccessControl: %s" % mname)

    mnameparts = mname.split('.')
    validate = getSecurityManager().validate
    module = load_module(None, None, mnameparts, validate, globals, locals)
    if module is None:
        raise Unauthorized("import of '%s' is unauthorized" % mname)
    if fromlist is None:
        fromlist = ()
    for name in fromlist:
        v = getattr(module, name, None)
        if v is None:
            v = load_module(module, mname, [name], validate, globals, locals)
        if not validate(module, module, name, v):
            raise Unauthorized
        return module  #__import__(mname, globals, locals, fromlist)
def guarded_import(mname, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None,
    if fromlist is None:
        fromlist = ()
    if '*' in fromlist:
        raise Unauthorized("'from %s import *' is not allowed")
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    if locals is None:
        locals = {}
    # Refs
    if level != -1:
        raise Unauthorized("Using import with a level specification isn't "
                           "supported by AccessControl: %s" % mname)

    mnameparts = mname.split('.')
    validate = getSecurityManager().validate
    module = load_module(None, None, mnameparts, validate, globals, locals)
    if module is None:
        raise Unauthorized("import of '%s' is unauthorized" % mname)
    if fromlist is None:
        fromlist = ()
    for name in fromlist:
        v = getattr(module, name, None)
        if v is None:
            v = load_module(module, mname, [name], validate,
                            globals, locals)
        if not validate(module, module, name, v):
            raise Unauthorized
        return module #__import__(mname, globals, locals, fromlist)
def guard(container, value, index=None):
    if Containers(type(container)) and Containers(type(value)):
        # Simple type.  Short circuit.
    if getSecurityManager().validate(container, container, index, value):
def guarded_filter(f, seq, skip_unauthorized=0):
    if type(seq) is type(''):
        return filter(f, seq)
    if f is None:
        def f(x): return x
    v = getSecurityManager().validate
    result = []
    a = result.append
    for el in seq:
        if v(seq, seq, None, el):
            if f(el): a(el)
        elif not skip_unauthorized:
            raise Unauthorized, 'unauthorized access to element'
    return result
def guarded_filter(f, seq, skip_unauthorized=0):
    if type(seq) is type(''):
        return filter(f, seq)
    if f is None:

        def f(x):
            return x

    v = getSecurityManager().validate
    result = []
    a = result.append
    for el in seq:
        if v(seq, seq, None, el):
            if f(el): a(el)
        elif not skip_unauthorized:
            raise Unauthorized, 'unauthorized access to element'
    return result
def guarded_getitem(object, index):
    if type(index) is SliceType:
        if index.step is not None:
            v = object[index]
            start = index.start
            stop = index.stop
            if start is None:
                start = 0
            if stop is None:
                v = object[start:]
                v = object[start:stop]
        # We don't guard slices.
        return v
    v = object[index]
    if Containers(type(object)) and Containers(type(v)):
        # Simple type.  Short circuit.
        return v
    if getSecurityManager().validate(object, object, None, v):
        return v
    raise Unauthorized('unauthorized access to element %s' % index)
def guarded_getitem(object, index):
    if type(index) is SliceType:
        if index.step is not None:
            v = object[index]
            start = index.start
            stop = index.stop
            if start is None:
                start = 0
            if stop is None:
                v = object[start:]
                v = object[start:stop]
        # We don't guard slices.
        return v
    v = object[index]
    if Containers(type(object)) and Containers(type(v)):
        # Simple type.  Short circuit.
        return v
    if getSecurityManager().validate(object, object, None, v):
        return v
    raise Unauthorized('unauthorized access to element %s' % index)