Beispiel #1
    def _cal_δ(self, θ2):
        """Calculate δ (mean utility) via contraction mapping"""
        v, D, X2 = self.v, self.D, self.X2
        nmkts, nsiminds, nbrands = self.nmkts, self.nsiminds, self.nbrands

        δ, ln_s_jt = self.δ, self.ln_s_jt  # initial values

        niter = 0

        ε = 1e-13  # tight tolerance

        μ = self.μ = _BLP.cal_mu(θ2, v.values, D.values, X2.values)

        while True:
            s = self._cal_s(δ, μ)
            #_BLP.cal_s(δ, μ, s)  # s gets updated

            diff = ln_s_jt - np.log(s)

            if np.isnan(diff).sum():
                raise Exception('nan in diffs')

            δ += diff

            if (abs(diff).max() < ε) and (abs(diff).mean() < 1e-3):

            niter += 1

        print('contraction mapping finished in {} iterations'.format(niter))

        return δ
Beispiel #2
    def cal_δ(self, θ2):
        """Calculate δ (mean utility) via contraction mapping"""
        v, D, X2 = self.v, self.D, self.X2
        nmkt, nsimind, nbrand = self.nmkt, self.nsimind, self.nbrand

        s, δ, ln_s_jt = self.s, self.δ_old, self.ln_s_jt

        θ2_v, θ2_D = θ2[:, 0], θ2[:, 1:]

        niter = 0

        μ = _BLP.cal_mu(θ2_v, θ2_D, v, D, X2, nmkt, nsimind, nbrand)

        while True:
            exp_Xb = np.exp(δ.reshape(-1, 1) + μ)

            _BLP.cal_s(exp_Xb, nmkt, nsimind, nbrand, s)  # s gets updated

            diff = ln_s_jt - np.log(s)

            if np.isnan(diff).sum():
                raise Exception('nan in diffs')

            δ += diff

            if (abs(diff).max() < self.etol) and (abs(diff).mean() < 1e-3):

            niter += 1

        print('contraction mapping finished in {} iterations'.format(niter))

        return δ
Beispiel #3
def test_cal_mu(data):
    BLP = pyBLP.BLP(data)

    v, D, X2 = BLP.v, BLP.D, BLP.X2

    θ20 = np.array([[0.3772, 3.0888, 0, 1.1859, 0],
                    [1.8480, 16.5980, -.6590, 0, 11.6245],
                    [-0.0035, -0.1925, 0, 0.0296, 0],
                    [0.0810, 1.4684, 0, -1.5143, 0]])

    mu_python = BLP._cal_mu(θ20)
    mu_cython = _BLP.cal_mu(θ20, v.values, D.values, X2.values)

    assert np.allclose(mu_python, mu_cython)
Beispiel #4
    def _cal_jacobian(self, θ2, δ):
        """calculate the Jacobian with the current value of δ"""
        v, D, X2 = self.v, self.D, self.X2
        nmkts, nsiminds, nbrands = self.nmkts, self.nsiminds, self.nbrands

        ind_choice_prob = self.ind_choice_prob 

        μ = _BLP.cal_mu(θ2, v.values, D.values, X2.values)

        _BLP.cal_ind_choice_prob(δ, μ, ind_choice_prob)
        ind_choice_prob_vec = ind_choice_prob.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, nsiminds)

        nk = len(X2.coords['vars'])
        nD = len(D.coords['vars'])
        f1 = np.zeros((δ.flatten().shape[0], nk * (nD + 1)))

        # cdid relates each observation to the market it is in
        cdid = np.arange(nmkts).repeat(nbrands)

        cdindex = np.arange(nbrands, nbrands * (nmkts + 1), nbrands) - 1

        # compute ∂share/∂σ
        for k in range(nk):
            X2v = X2[..., k].values.reshape(-1, 1) @ np.ones((1, nsiminds))
            X2v *= v[cdid, :, k].values

            temp = (X2v * ind_choice_prob_vec).cumsum(axis=0)
            sum1 = temp[cdindex, :]

            sum1[1:, :] = sum1[1:, :] - sum1[:-1, :]

            f1[:, k] = (ind_choice_prob_vec * (X2v - sum1[cdid, :])).mean(axis=1)

        # compute ∂share/∂pi
        for d in range(nD):
            tmpD = D[cdid, :, d].values

            temp1 = np.zeros((cdid.shape[0], nk))

            for k in range(nk):
                X2d = X2[..., k].values.reshape(-1, 1) @ np.ones((1, nsiminds)) * tmpD

                temp = (X2d * ind_choice_prob_vec).cumsum(axis=0)
                sum1 = temp[cdindex, :]

                sum1[1:, :] = sum1[1:, :] - sum1[:-1, :]

                temp1[:, k] = (ind_choice_prob_vec * (X2d - sum1[cdid, :])).mean(axis=1)

            f1[:, nk * (d + 1):nk * (d + 2)] = temp1

        # compute ∂δ/∂θ2
        rel = np.nonzero(θ2.T.ravel())[0]
        jacob = np.zeros((cdid.shape[0], rel.shape[0]))
        n = 0

        for i in range(cdindex.shape[0]):
            temp = ind_choice_prob_vec[n:cdindex[i] + 1, :]
            H1 = temp @ temp.T
            H = (np.diag(temp.sum(axis=1)) - H1) / nsiminds

            jacob[n:cdindex[i] + 1, :] = - solve(H, f1[n:cdindex[i] + 1, rel])

            n = cdindex[i] + 1

        return jacob
Beispiel #5
    def cal_jacobian(self, θ2, δ):
        """calculate the Jacobian with the current value of δ"""
        v, D, X2 = self.v, self.D, self.X2
        nmkt, nsimind, nbrand = self.nmkt, self.nsimind, self.nbrand

        μ = _BLP.cal_mu(
                 θ2[:, 0], θ2[:, 1:], v, D, X2, nmkt, nsimind, nbrand)

        exp_Xb = np.exp(δ.reshape(-1, 1) + μ)

        ind_choice_prob = _BLP.cal_ind_choice_prob(
                              exp_Xb, nmkt, nsimind, nbrand)

        nk = X2.shape[1]
        nD = θ2.shape[1] - 1
        f1 = np.zeros((δ.shape[0], nk * (nD + 1)))

        # cdid relates each observation to the market it is in
        cdid = np.arange(nmkt).repeat(nbrand)

        cdindex = np.arange(nbrand, nbrand * (nmkt + 1), nbrand) - 1

        # compute (partial share) / (partial sigma)
        for k in range(nk):
            xv = X2[:, k].reshape(-1, 1) @ np.ones((1, nsimind))
            xv *= v[cdid, nsimind * k:nsimind * (k + 1)]

            temp = (xv * ind_choice_prob).cumsum(axis=0)
            sum1 = temp[cdindex, :]

            sum1[1:, :] = sum1[1:, :] - sum1[:-1, :]

            f1[:, k] = (ind_choice_prob * (xv - sum1[cdid, :])).mean(axis=1)

        # If no demogr comment out the next part
        # computing (partial share)/(partial pi)
        for d in range(nD):
            tmpD = D[cdid, nsimind * d:nsimind * (d + 1)]

            temp1 = np.zeros((cdid.shape[0], nk))

            for k in range(nk):
                xd = X2[:, k].reshape(-1, 1) @ np.ones((1, nsimind)) * tmpD

                temp = (xd * ind_choice_prob).cumsum(axis=0)
                sum1 = temp[cdindex, :]

                sum1[1:, :] = sum1[1:, :] - sum1[0:-1, :]

                temp1[:, k] = (ind_choice_prob * (xd-sum1[cdid, :])).mean(axis=1)

            f1[:, nk * (d + 1):nk * (d + 2)] = temp1

        # computing (partial delta)/(partial theta2)
        rel = np.nonzero(θ2.T.ravel())[0]
        jacob = np.zeros((cdid.shape[0], rel.shape[0]))
        n = 0

        for i in range(cdindex.shape[0]):
            temp = ind_choice_prob[n:cdindex[i] + 1, :]
            H1 = temp @ temp.T
            H = (np.diag(temp.sum(axis=1)) - H1) / self.nsimind

            jacob[n:cdindex[i] + 1, :] = - solve(H, f1[n:cdindex[i] + 1, rel])

            n = cdindex[i] + 1

        return jacob