Beispiel #1
    def _execute_GRAPHCUT(self, roi, result):
        data = self.Input(roi.start, roi.stop).wait()
        data = vigra.taggedView(data, self.Input.meta.axistags)
        data_zyx = data[0, ..., 0]

        beta = self.GraphcutBeta.value
        ft = self.FinalThreshold.value

        # The segmentGC() function will implicitly threshold at 0.5,
        # but we want to respect the user's FinalThreshold setting.
        # Here, we scale from input pixels --> gc potentials in the following way:
        # 0.0..FT --> 0.0..0.5
        # 0.5..FT --> 0.5..1.0
        # For instance, input pixels that match the user's FT exactly will map to 0.5,
        # and graphcut will place them on the threshold border.

        above_threshold_mask = (data_zyx >= ft)
        below_threshold_mask = ~above_threshold_mask

        data_zyx[below_threshold_mask] *= 0.5 / ft
        data_zyx[above_threshold_mask] = 0.5 + (
            data_zyx[above_threshold_mask] - ft) / (1 - ft)

        binary_seg_zyx = segmentGC(data_zyx, beta).astype(np.uint8)
        del data_zyx
                                                     out=result[0, ..., 0])
Beispiel #2
        def processSingleObject(i):
            logger.debug("processing object {}".format(i))
            # maxs are inclusive, so we need to add 1
            xmin = max(mins[i][0] - margin[0], 0)
            ymin = max(mins[i][1] - margin[1], 0)
            zmin = max(mins[i][2] - margin[2], 0)
            xmax = min(maxs[i][0] + margin[0] + 1, cc.shape[0])
            ymax = min(maxs[i][1] + margin[1] + 1, cc.shape[1])
            zmax = min(maxs[i][2] + margin[2] + 1, cc.shape[2])
            ccbox = cc[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]
            resbox = resultXYZ[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]

            nVoxels = ccbox.size
            if nVoxels > MAXBOXSIZE:
                #problem too large to run graph cut, assign to seed
                logger.warn("Object {} too large for graph cut.".format(i))
                resbox[ccbox == i] = 1

            probbox = pred[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]
            gcsegm = segmentGC(probbox, beta)
            gcsegm = vigra.taggedView(gcsegm, axistags='xyz')
            ccsegm = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(

            # Extended bboxes of different objects might overlap.
            # To avoid conflicting segmentations, we find all connected
            # components in the results and only take the one, which
            # overlaps with the object "core" or "seed", defined by the
            # pre-thresholding
            seed = ccbox == i
            filtered = seed * ccsegm
            passed = vigra.analysis.unique(filtered)
            assert len(passed.shape) == 1
            if passed.size > 2:
                logger.warn("ambiguous label assignment for region {}".format(
                    (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)))
                resbox[ccbox == i] = 1
            elif passed.size <= 1:
                logger.warn("box {} segmented out with beta {}".format(
                    i, beta))
                # assign to the overlap region
                label = passed[1]  # 0 is background
                resbox[ccsegm == label] = 1
        def processSingleObject(i):
            logger.debug("processing object {}".format(i))
            # maxs are inclusive, so we need to add 1
            xmin = max(mins[i][0]-margin[0], 0)
            ymin = max(mins[i][1]-margin[1], 0)
            zmin = max(mins[i][2]-margin[2], 0)
            xmax = min(maxs[i][0]+margin[0]+1, cc.shape[0])
            ymax = min(maxs[i][1]+margin[1]+1, cc.shape[1])
            zmax = min(maxs[i][2]+margin[2]+1, cc.shape[2])
            ccbox = cc[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]
            resbox = resultXYZ[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]

            nVoxels = ccbox.size
            if nVoxels > MAXBOXSIZE:
                #problem too large to run graph cut, assign to seed
                logger.warn("Object {} too large for graph cut.".format(i))
                resbox[ccbox == i] = 1

            probbox = pred[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax]
            gcsegm = segmentGC(probbox, beta)
            gcsegm = vigra.taggedView(gcsegm, axistags='xyz')
            ccsegm = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(

            # Extended bboxes of different objects might overlap.
            # To avoid conflicting segmentations, we find all connected
            # components in the results and only take the one, which
            # overlaps with the object "core" or "seed", defined by the
            # pre-thresholding
            seed = ccbox == i
            filtered = seed*ccsegm
            passed = vigra.analysis.unique(filtered.astype(np.uint32))
            assert len(passed.shape) == 1
            if passed.size > 2:
                logger.warn("ambiguous label assignment for region {}".format(
                    (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)))
                resbox[ccbox == i] = 1
            elif passed.size <= 1:
                    "box {} segmented out with beta {}".format(i, beta))
                # assign to the overlap region
                label = passed[1]  # 0 is background
                resbox[ccsegm == label] = 1