Beispiel #1
    def get_authorize_url(self, **params):
        Returns a formatted authorize URL.

        :param \*\*params: Additional keyworded arguments to be added to the
            URL querystring.
        :type \*\*params: dict

        params.update({'client_id': self.client_id})
        return self.authorize_url + '?' + urlencode(params)
Beispiel #2
    def get_authorize_url(self, request_token, **params):
        Returns a formatted authorize URL.

        :param request_token: The request token as returned by
        :type request_token: str
        :param \*\*params: Additional keyworded arguments to be added to the
            request querystring.
        :type \*\*params: dict
        params.update({'oauth_token': request_token})
        return self.authorize_url + '?' + urlencode(params)
Beispiel #3
    def _normalize_request_parameters(self, oauth_params, req_kwargs):
        This process normalizes the request parameters as detailed in the OAuth
        1.0 spec.

        Additionally we apply a `Content-Type` header to the request of the
        `FORM_URLENCODE` type if the `Content-Type` was previously set, i.e. if
        this is a `POST` or `PUT` request. This ensures the correct header is
        set as per spec.

        Finally we sort the parameters in preparation for signing and return
        a URL encoded string of all normalized parameters.

        :param oauth_params: OAuth params to sign with.
        :type oauth_params: dict
        :param req_kwargs: Request kwargs to normalize.
        :type req_kwargs: dict
        normalized = []

        params = req_kwargs.get('params', {})
        data = req_kwargs.get('data', {})
        headers = req_kwargs.get('headers', {})

        # process request parameters
        for k, v in params.items():
            normalized += [(k, v)]

        # process request data
        if 'Content-Type' in headers and \
                headers['Content-Type'] == FORM_URLENCODED:
            for k, v in data.items():
                normalized += [(k, v)]

        # extract values from our list of tuples
        all_normalized = []
        for t in normalized:
            k, v = t
            all_normalized += [(k, v)]

        # add in the params from oauth_params for signing
        for k, v in oauth_params.items():
            if (k, v) in all_normalized:  # pragma: no cover
            all_normalized += [(k, v)]

        # sort the params as per the OAuth 1.0/a spec

        # finally encode the params as a string
        return urlencode(all_normalized, True).replace('+', '%20')