Beispiel #1
    def _remove_qs(self, url):
        Removes a query string from a URL before signing.

        :param url: The URL to strip.
        :type url: str
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)

        return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '', fragment))
Beispiel #2
    def sign(url, app_id, app_secret, hash_meth="sha1", **params):
        A signature method which generates the necessary Ofly parameters.

        :param app_id: The oFlyAppId, i.e. "application ID".
        :type app_id: str
        :param app_secret: The oFlyAppSecret, i.e. "shared secret".
        :type app_secret: str
        :param hash_meth: The hash method to use for signing, defaults to
        :type hash_meth: str
        :param \*\*params: Additional parameters.
        :type \*\*\params: dict
        hash_meth_str = hash_meth
        if hash_meth == "sha1":
            hash_meth = sha1
        elif hash_meth == "md5":
            hash_meth = md5
            raise TypeError('hash_meth must be one of "sha1", "md5"')

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        milliseconds = now.microsecond // 1000

        time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.{0}Z".format(milliseconds)
        ofly_params = {
            "oflyAppId": app_id,
            "oflyHashMeth": hash_meth_str.upper(),
            "oflyTimestamp": now.strftime(time_format),

        url_path = urlsplit(url).path

        signature_base_string = app_secret + url_path + "?"
        if len(params):
            signature_base_string += get_sorted_params(params) + "&"
        signature_base_string += get_sorted_params(ofly_params)

        if not isinstance(signature_base_string, bytes):
            signature_base_string = signature_base_string.encode("utf-8")

        ofly_params["oflyApiSig"] = hash_meth(signature_base_string).hexdigest()

        all_params = dict(tuple(ofly_params.items()) + tuple(params.items()))

        return get_sorted_params(all_params)