def chain_test(n: int64) -> None:
    This is the standard DeltaBlue benchmark. A long chain of equality
    constraints is constructed with a stay constraint on one end. An
    edit constraint is then added to the opposite end and the time is
    measured for adding and removing this constraint, and extracting
    and executing a constraint satisfaction plan. There are two cases.
    In case 1, the added constraint is stronger than the stay
    constraint and values must propagate down the entire length of the
    chain. In case 2, the added constraint is weaker than the stay
    constraint so it cannot be accomodated. The cost in this case is,
    of course, very low. Typical situations lie somewhere between these
    two extremes.
    planner = recreate_planner()
    prev: Variable | None = None
    first: Variable | None = None
    last: Variable | None = None

    # We need to go up to n inclusively.
    i: int64 = 0
    end: int64 = n + 1
    while i < n + 1:
        name = "v%s" % box(i)
        v = Variable(name)

        if prev is not None:
            EqualityConstraint(prev, v, REQUIRED)

        if i == 0:
            first = v

        if i == n:
            last = v

        prev = v

        i = i + 1

    first = cast(Variable, first)
    last = cast(Variable, last)

    StayConstraint(last, STRONG_DEFAULT)
    edit = EditConstraint(first, PREFERRED)
    edits: CheckedList[UrnaryConstraint] = []
    plan = planner.extract_plan_from_constraints(edits)

    i = 0
    while i < 100:
        first.value = i

        if last.value != i:
            print("Chain test failed.")

        i = i + 1
 def fn(self, pkt: Optional[Packet], r: TaskRec) -> Task:
     d: DeviceTaskRec = cast(DeviceTaskRec, r)
     if pkt is None:
         pkt = d.pending
         if pkt is None:
             return self.waitTask()
             d.pending = None
             return self.qpkt(pkt)
         d.pending = pkt
         if tracing:
         return cast(Task, self.hold())
Beispiel #3
    def test_cast_subtype(self):
        class Base:

        class Sub(Base):

        s = Sub()
        self.assertIs(cast(Base, s), s)
Beispiel #4
    def test_cast_generic_type(self):
        T = TypeVar("T")

        class G(Generic[T]):

        g = G()

        self.assertIs(cast(G[int], g), g)
 def fn(self, pkt: Packet | None, r: TaskRec) -> Task | None:
     i: IdleTaskRec = cast(IdleTaskRec, r)
     i.count -= 1
     if i.count == 0:
         return self.hold()
     elif i.control & 1 == 0:
         i.control //= 2
         return self.release(I_DEVA)
         i.control = i.control // 2 ^ 0xd008
         return self.release(I_DEVB)
 def fn(self, pkt: Optional[Packet], r: TaskRec) -> Optional[Task]:
     i: IdleTaskRec = cast(IdleTaskRec, r)
     i.count -= 1
     if i.count == 0:
         return self.hold()
     elif i.control & 1 == 0:
         i.control //= 2
         # TODO: We should automatically support an INVOKE_FUNCTION here
         # if we make IdleTask final, and support primitives in method calls
         return Task.release(self, int64(I_DEVA))
         i.control = i.control // 2 ^ 0xd008
         return Task.release(self, int64(I_DEVB))
def projection_test(n: int64) -> None:
    This test constructs a two sets of variables related to each
    other by a simple linear transformation (scale and offset). The
    time is measured to change a variable on either side of the
    mapping and to change the scale and offset factors.
    planner = recreate_planner()
    scale = Variable("scale", 10)
    offset = Variable("offset", 1000)
    src: Variable | None = None

    dests: CheckedList[Variable] = []

    i: int64 = 0
    while i < n:
        bi = box(i)
        src = Variable("src%s" % bi, i)
        dst = Variable("dst%s" % bi, i)
        StayConstraint(src, NORMAL)
        ScaleConstraint(src, scale, offset, dst, REQUIRED)
        i = i + 1

    src = cast(Variable, src)

    change(src, 17)

    if dst.value != 1170:
        print("Projection 1 failed")

    change(dst, 1050)

    if src.value != 5:
        print("Projection 2 failed")

    change(scale, 5)

    i = 0
    while i < n - 1:
        if dests[i].value != (i * 5 + 1000):
            print("Projection 3 failed")
        i = i + 1

    change(offset, 2000)

    i = 0
    while i < n - 1:
        if dests[i].value != (i * 5 + 2000):
            print("Projection 4 failed")
        i = i + 1
    def fn(self, pkt: Optional[Packet], r: TaskRec) -> Task:
        h: HandlerTaskRec = cast(HandlerTaskRec, r)
        if pkt is not None:
            if pkt.kind == int64(K_WORK):
        work: Optional[Packet] = h.work_in
        if work is None:
            return self.waitTask()
        count: int64 = work.datum
        if count >= int64(BUFSIZE):
            h.work_in =
            return self.qpkt(work)

        dev: Optional[Packet] = h.device_in
        if dev is None:
            return self.waitTask()

        h.device_in =
        dev.datum =[count]
        work.datum = count + 1
        return self.qpkt(dev)
    def fn(self, pkt: Packet | None, r: TaskRec) -> Task:
        h: HandlerTaskRec = cast(HandlerTaskRec, r)
        if pkt is not None:
            if pkt.kind == K_WORK:
        work = h.work_in
        if work is None:
            return self.waitTask()
        count = work.datum
        if count >= BUFSIZE:
            h.work_in =
            return self.qpkt(work)

        dev = h.device_in
        if dev is None:
            return self.waitTask()

        h.device_in =
        dev.datum =[count]
        work.datum = count + 1
        return self.qpkt(dev)
    def fn(self, pkt: Optional[Packet], r: TaskRec) -> Task:
        w: WorkerTaskRec = cast(WorkerTaskRec, r)
        if pkt is None:
            return self.waitTask()

        if w.destination == int64(I_HANDLERA):
            dest: int64 = int64(I_HANDLERB)
            dest = int64(I_HANDLERA)

        w.destination = dest
        pkt.ident = dest
        pkt.datum = 0

        i = 0
        while i < BUFSIZE:
            x: int64 = w.count + 1
            w.count = x
            if w.count > 26:
                w.count = 1
  [i] = int64(A) + w.count - 1
            i = i + 1

        return self.qpkt(pkt)
    def fn(self, pkt: Packet | None, r: TaskRec) -> Task:
        w: WorkerTaskRec = cast(WorkerTaskRec, r)
        if pkt is None:
            return self.waitTask()

        if w.destination == I_HANDLERA:
            dest = I_HANDLERB
            dest = I_HANDLERA

        w.destination = dest
        pkt.ident = dest
        pkt.datum = 0

        i = 0
        while i < BUFSIZE:
            x = w.count + 1
            w.count = x
            if w.count > 26:
                w.count = 1
  [i] = A + w.count - 1
            i = i + 1

        return self.qpkt(pkt)
Beispiel #12
 def findtcb(self, id) -> "Task":
     t = taskWorkArea.taskTab[id]
     if t is None:
     return cast(Task, t)
Beispiel #13
 def test_cast_type_too_complex(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"cast expects type or Optional\[T\]"):
         cast(Union[int, str], int)
 def findtcb(self, id: int64) -> Task:
     t = taskWorkArea.taskTab[id]
     return cast(Task, t)
Beispiel #15
 def test_cast_optional(self):
     self.assertIs(cast(Optional[int], None), None)
     self.assertIs(cast(int | None, None), None)
     self.assertIs(cast(None | int, None), None)
Beispiel #16
 def test_cast_fail(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "expected int, got str"):
         cast(int, "foo")
Beispiel #17
 def test_cast(self):
     self.assertIs(cast(int, 2), 2)