Beispiel #1
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        if self._oam_entries[index][2] == value:
        palette_updated = False
        if _gbio.is_color() and self._oam_indices[index] is not None:
            attributes = self._oam_entries[index][3]
            old_palette_index = attributes & 0x7
            new_palette = tile_to_colors[value]
            pt = self._gb._sprite_palettes
            new_palette_index = pt.get(new_palette)
            if new_palette_index == 0xff or old_palette_index != new_palette_index:
                if old_palette_index < 0xff:
                new_palette_index = pt.alloc(new_palette)
                self._oam_entries[index][3] = (attributes
                                               & 0xf8) | new_palette_index
                palette_updated = True

        print("map index set", self._oam_indices, index, value)
        self._oam_entries[index][2] = value
        if self._oam_indices[index] is not None:
            offset = self._compute_oam_address(index) + 2
            self._gb[offset] = value
            if palette_updated:
                self._gb[offset + 1] = self._oam_entries[index][3]
Beispiel #2
 def _hide(self):
     for i in range(self._width * self._height):
         oam_address = self._compute_oam_address(i)
         if _gbio.is_color():
             old_palette_index = self._oam_entries[i][3] & 0x7
         self._gb[oam_address:oam_address + 4] = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
         self._oam_indices[i] = None
Beispiel #3
    def _show(self, free_indices):
        if len(free_indices) < self._width * self._height:
            raise RuntimeError("Not enough sprites available")

        self._free_indices = free_indices
        for i in range(self._width * self._height):
            self._oam_indices[i] = free_indices.pop()
            oam_address = self._compute_oam_address(i)

            if _gbio.is_color():
                attributes = self._oam_entries[i][3]
                new_palette = tile_to_colors[self._oam_entries[i][2]]
                pt = self._gb._sprite_palettes
                new_palette_index = pt.alloc(new_palette)
                self._oam_entries[i][3] = (attributes
                                           & 0xf8) | new_palette_index
            self._gb[oam_address:oam_address + 4] = self._oam_entries[i]
Beispiel #4
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        if isinstance(index, tuple):
            index = index[0] * 32 + index[1]
        if _gbio.is_color():
            current_palette = self._tile_to_palette[index]
            palette = tile_to_colors[value]
            new_palette = self._palette_tracker.get(palette)
            if new_palette == 0xff or current_palette != new_palette:
                if current_palette < 0xff:
                new_palette = self._palette_tracker.alloc(palette)
                self._tile_to_palette[index] = new_palette

                # Set the background tile options to it
                self._gb[0xff4f] = 0x1  # Set vram bank to 1
                self._gb[0x9800 + index] = new_palette
                self._gb[0xff4f] = 0x0  # Set vram bank to 0
                #print("swap palette", index, new_palette)
            #print("map index set", index, value, new_palette, palette)
        self._gb[0x9800 + index] = value
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self):

        self._byte_buf = bytearray(6)
        self._byte_buf[0] = 0x00  # Noop to sync DMA to GB clock
        self._byte_buf[1] = 0x0e  # Load next value into C
        # Value into C
        self._byte_buf[3] = 0x3e  # Load next value into A
        # Value into A
        self._byte_buf[5] = 0xe2  # Load A into 0xff00 + C

        self._full_address = bytearray(6)
        self._full_address[0] = 0x21  # Load next value into HL
        # Value into C
        self._full_address[3] = 0x3e  # Load next value into A
        # Value into A
        self._full_address[5] = 0x22  # Load A into HL's address

        self._slice_buffer = bytearray(200)

        self.background = Background(self)
        self.tiles = Tiles(self)

        self._sprite_allocation = set()
        self._sprite_palettes = PaletteTracker(self, True)

        self._queued_oam_dma = False

        # DMA routine
        self[0xff80:0xff8b] = (
            b"\x3e\xc0"  # Load 0xc0 into A
            b"\xe0\x46"  # Trigger dma by writing A to DMA
            b"\x3e\x28"  # Load delay length (0x28) into A
            b"\x3d"  # Decrement a
            b"\xc2\x86\xff"  # Jump back to decrement if not zero
            b"\xc9")  # Return

        # Clear the OAM
        for i in range(40):
            oam_address = 0xfe00 + 4 * i
            self[oam_address:oam_address + 4] = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"

        self._color = _gbio.is_color()
        if self._color:
            # Set vram bank to 1
            self[0xff4f] = 0x1

            blank = b"\x00" * 32
            for i in range(32):
                start = 0x9800 + 32 * i
                self[start:start + 32] = blank
            # Set vram bank to 0
            self[0xff4f] = 0x0
            # Set the background palette
            self[0xff47] = 0b00011110

            # Set object palette 0
            self[0xff48] = 0b00011110

        self[0xff47] = 0b10001101


        self._group = None
Beispiel #6
import _gbio

class _SpeedStub:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0

if _gbio.is_color():
    tile_to_colors = None

    TO_GBC = (
        b"\x00\x00"  # 0 - 0x000000,
        b"\xa3\x28"  # 1 - 0x1d2b53,
        b"\x8f\x28"  # 2 - 0x7e2553,
        b"\x00\x2a"  # 3 - 0x008751,
        b"\x55\x19"  # 4 - 0xab5236,
        b"\x4b\x25"  # 5 - 0x5f574f,
        b"\x18\x63"  # 6 - 0xc2c3c7,
        b"\xdf\x77"  # 7 - 0xfff1e8,
        b"\x1f\x24"  # 8 - 0xff004d,
        b"\x9f\x02"  # 9 - 0xffa300,
        b"\xbf\x13"  # 10 - 0xffec27,
        b"\x80\x1b"  # 11 - 0x00e436,
        b"\xa5\x7e"  # 12 - 0x29adff,
        b"\xd0\x4d"  # 13 - 0x83769c,
        b"\xdf\x55"  # 14 - 0xff77a8,
        b"\x3f\x57"  # 15 - 0xffccaa