Beispiel #1
def get_instructions_to_add(
    This is the bytecode for something as:

        if _pydev_needs_stop_at_break():

    but with some special handling for lines.
    # Good reference to how things work regarding line numbers and jumps:
    label = Label()
    return [
        # -- if _pydev_needs_stop_at_break():
        Instr("LOAD_CONST", _pydev_needs_stop_at_break, lineno=stop_at_line),
        Instr("LOAD_CONST", stop_at_line, lineno=stop_at_line),
        Instr("CALL_FUNCTION", 1, lineno=stop_at_line),
        Instr("POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE", label, lineno=stop_at_line),

        #     -- _pydev_stop_at_break()
        # Note that this has line numbers -1 so that when the NOP just below
        # is executed we have a spurious line event.
        Instr("LOAD_CONST", _pydev_stop_at_break, lineno=stop_at_line - 1),
        Instr("LOAD_CONST", stop_at_line, lineno=stop_at_line - 1),
        Instr("CALL_FUNCTION", 1, lineno=stop_at_line - 1),
        Instr("POP_TOP", lineno=stop_at_line - 1),

        # Reason for the NOP: Python will give us a 'line' trace event whenever we forward jump to
        # the first instruction of a line, so, in the case where we haven't added a programmatic
        # breakpoint (either because we didn't hit a breakpoint anymore or because it was already
        # tracing), we don't want the spurious line event due to the line change, so, we make a jump
        # to the instruction right after the NOP so that the spurious line event is NOT generated in
        # this case (otherwise we'd have a line event even if the line didn't change).
        Instr("NOP", lineno=stop_at_line),
    def to_bytecode(self):

        # Copy instruction and remove extended args if any (in-place)
        c_instructions = self[:]

        # find jump targets
        jump_targets = set()
        offset = 0
        for instr in c_instructions:
            if isinstance(instr, SetLineno):
            target = instr.get_jump_target(offset)
            if target is not None:
            offset += instr.size

        # create labels
        jumps = []
        instructions = []
        labels = {}
        offset = 0
        ncells = len(self.cellvars)

        for lineno, instr in self._normalize_lineno(c_instructions, self.first_lineno):
            if offset in jump_targets:
                label = Label()
                labels[offset] = label

            jump_target = instr.get_jump_target(offset)
            size = instr.size

            arg = instr.arg
            # FIXME: better error reporting
            if instr.opcode in _opcode.hasconst:
                arg = self.consts[arg]
            elif instr.opcode in _opcode.haslocal:
                arg = self.varnames[arg]
            elif instr.opcode in _opcode.hasname:
                arg = self.names[arg]
            elif instr.opcode in _opcode.hasfree:
                if arg < ncells:
                    name = self.cellvars[arg]
                    arg = CellVar(name)
                    name = self.freevars[arg - ncells]
                    arg = FreeVar(name)
            elif instr.opcode in _opcode.hascompare:
                arg = Compare(arg)

            if jump_target is None:
                instr = Instr(, arg, lineno=lineno, offset=instr.offset)
                instr_index = len(instructions)
            offset += size

            if jump_target is not None:
                jumps.append((instr_index, jump_target))

        # replace jump targets with labels
        for index, jump_target in jumps:
            instr = instructions[index]
            # FIXME: better error reporting on missing label
            label = labels[jump_target]
            instructions[index] = Instr(, label, lineno=instr.lineno, offset=instr.offset)

        bytecode = _bytecode.Bytecode()

        nargs = bytecode.argcount + bytecode.kwonlyargcount
        if sys.version_info > (3, 8):
            nargs += bytecode.posonlyargcount
        if bytecode.flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS:
            nargs += 1
        if bytecode.flags & inspect.CO_VARKEYWORDS:
            nargs += 1
        bytecode.argnames = self.varnames[:nargs]
        _set_docstring(bytecode, self.consts)

        return bytecode