def testStringWidth(self):
     from _rl_accel import stringWidthU
     from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import _py_stringWidth, getFont, registerFont, _fonts 
     from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
     ttfn = 'Vera'
     t1fn = 'Times-Roman'
     registerFont(TTFont(ttfn, "Vera.ttf"))
     ttf = getFont(ttfn)
     t1f = getFont(t1fn)
     testCp1252 = 'copyright %s trademark %s registered %s ReportLab! Ol%s!' % (chr(169), chr(153),chr(174), chr(0xe9))
     senc = 'utf8'
     ts = 'ABCDEF\xce\x91\xce\xb2G'
     utext = 'ABCDEF\xce\x91\xce\xb2G'.decode('utf8')
     fontSize = 12
     stringWidthU(testCp1252,t1fn,fontSize,enc)      #avoid obscure startup initialization problems
     defns="ttfn t1fn ttf t1f testCp1252 enc senc ts utext fontSize ttf.face ttf.face.charWidths ttf.face.defaultWidth t1f.widths t1f.encName t1f.substitutionFonts _fonts"
     rcv = getrc(defns)  #first count
     def tfunc(ts,fn,fontSize,enc):
         w1 = stringWidthU(ts,fn,fontSize,enc)
         w2 = _py_stringWidth(ts,fn,fontSize,enc)
         assert abs(w1-w2)<1e-10,"stringWidthU(%r,%r,%s,%r)-->%r != _py_stringWidth(...)-->%r" % (ts,fn,fontSize,enc,w1,w2)
     rcc = checkrc(defns,rcv)    #second count and compare
     assert not rcc, "rc diffs (%s)" % rcc
 def tfunc(ts, fn, fontSize, enc):
     w1 = stringWidthU(ts, fn, fontSize, enc)
     w2 = _py_stringWidth(ts, fn, fontSize, enc)
     assert abs(
         w1 - w2
     ) < 1e-10, "stringWidthU(%r,%r,%s,%r)-->%r != _py_stringWidth(...)-->%r" % (
         ts, fn, fontSize, enc, w1, w2)
    def testStringWidth(self):
        from _rl_accel import stringWidthU
        from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import _py_stringWidth, getFont, registerFont, _fonts
        from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
        ttfn = 'Vera'
        t1fn = 'Times-Roman'
        registerFont(TTFont(ttfn, "Vera.ttf"))
        ttf = getFont(ttfn)
        t1f = getFont(t1fn)
        testCp1252 = 'copyright %s trademark %s registered %s ReportLab! Ol%s!' % (
            chr(169), chr(153), chr(174), chr(0xe9))
        enc = 'cp1252'
        senc = 'utf8'
        ts = 'ABCDEF\xce\x91\xce\xb2G'
        utext = 'ABCDEF\xce\x91\xce\xb2G'.decode('utf8')
        fontSize = 12
        stringWidthU(testCp1252, t1fn, fontSize,
                     enc)  #avoid obscure startup initialization problems
        defns = "ttfn t1fn ttf t1f testCp1252 enc senc ts utext fontSize ttf.face ttf.face.charWidths ttf.face.defaultWidth t1f.widths t1f.encName t1f.substitutionFonts _fonts"
        rcv = getrc(defns)  #first count

        def tfunc(ts, fn, fontSize, enc):
            w1 = stringWidthU(ts, fn, fontSize, enc)
            w2 = _py_stringWidth(ts, fn, fontSize, enc)
            assert abs(
                w1 - w2
            ) < 1e-10, "stringWidthU(%r,%r,%s,%r)-->%r != _py_stringWidth(...)-->%r" % (
                ts, fn, fontSize, enc, w1, w2)

        tfunc(testCp1252, t1fn, fontSize, enc)
        tfunc(ts, t1fn, fontSize, senc)
        tfunc(utext, t1fn, fontSize, senc)
        tfunc(ts, ttfn, fontSize, senc)
        tfunc(testCp1252, ttfn, fontSize, enc)
        tfunc(utext, ttfn, fontSize, senc)
        rcc = checkrc(defns, rcv)  #second count and compare
        assert not rcc, "rc diffs (%s)" % rcc
Beispiel #4
 def tfunc(ts,fn,fontSize,enc):
     w1 = stringWidthU(ts,fn,fontSize,enc)
     w2 = _py_stringWidth(ts,fn,fontSize,enc)
     assert abs(w1-w2)<1e-10,"stringWidthU(%r,%r,%s,%r)-->%r != _py_stringWidth(...)-->%r" % (ts,fn,fontSize,enc,w1,w2)
Beispiel #5
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import _py_stringWidth
from _rl_accel import stringWidthU
import time
testCp1252 = 'copyright %s trademark %s registered %s ReportLab! Ol%s!' % (chr(169), chr(153),chr(174), chr(0xe9))
assert stringWidthU('ABCDEF','Times-Roman',12)==_py_stringWidth('ABCDEF','Times-Roman',12)
assert stringWidthU(testCp1252,'Times-Roman',12,enc)==_py_stringWidth(testCp1252,'Times-Roman',12,enc)
def tim(N,msg,func,*args):
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        x = func(*args)
    t1 = time.time()
    return "%s N=%d t=%.3f\n%r" % (msg,N,t1-t0,x)

Beispiel #6
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import _py_stringWidth
from _rl_accel import stringWidthU
import time
testCp1252 = 'copyright %s trademark %s registered %s ReportLab! Ol%s!' % (
    chr(169), chr(153), chr(174), chr(0xe9))
enc = 'cp1252'
assert stringWidthU('ABCDEF', 'Times-Roman',
                    12) == _py_stringWidth('ABCDEF', 'Times-Roman', 12)
assert stringWidthU(testCp1252, 'Times-Roman', 12,
                    enc) == _py_stringWidth(testCp1252, 'Times-Roman', 12, enc)

def tim(N, msg, func, *args):
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        x = func(*args)
    t1 = time.time()
    return "%s N=%d t=%.3f\n%r" % (msg, N, t1 - t0, x)

    tim(1000000, '_py_stringWidth', _py_stringWidth, 'ABCDEF', 'Times-Roman',
print(tim(1000000, 'stringWidthU', stringWidthU, 'ABCDEF', 'Times-Roman', 12))
Beispiel #7
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import _py_stringWidth
from _rl_accel import stringWidthU
import time

testCp1252 = "copyright %s trademark %s registered %s ReportLab! Ol%s!" % (chr(169), chr(153), chr(174), chr(0xE9))
enc = "cp1252"
assert stringWidthU("ABCDEF", "Times-Roman", 12) == _py_stringWidth("ABCDEF", "Times-Roman", 12)
assert stringWidthU(testCp1252, "Times-Roman", 12, enc) == _py_stringWidth(testCp1252, "Times-Roman", 12, enc)

def tim(N, msg, func, *args):
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        x = func(*args)
    t1 = time.time()
    return "%s N=%d t=%.3f\n%r" % (msg, N, t1 - t0, x)

print tim(1000000, "_py_stringWidth", _py_stringWidth, "ABCDEF", "Times-Roman", 12)
print tim(1000000, "stringWidthU", stringWidthU, "ABCDEF", "Times-Roman", 12)