def twistEdVerify2(gen_point, pub_key, sig, hash, a, d, p, n): """Verify a signature, using an implementation compatible with twistEdSign2 :param gen_point: x, y of the generator point :param pub_key: :param sig: (r, s) (or (u,s)) that is the signature :param hash: the hash of the message to sign :param a: the constant 'a' as used for the twisted edwards curve :param d: the constant 'd' as used for the twisted edwards curve :param p: the prime field p as used for the prime field :param n: the order of the generator point (order of the subgroup generated by gen_point) :return: True if the signature is valid, False if not. """ u, s = sig P = pub_key sG = twistEdPointMultiply(gen_point, s, a, d, p) R = twistEdPointMultiply(gen_point, u, a, d, p) bytes_R = sha3_512(point_to_bytes(R)).digest() bytes_P = sha3_512(point_to_bytes(P)).digest() bytes_msg = int_to_bytes(hash) h = int_from_bytes(sha3_512(bytes_R + bytes_P + bytes_msg).digest()) % n hP = twistEdPointMultiply(pub_key, h, a, d, p) _sG = twistEdPointAdd(R, hP, a, d, p) valid = sG == _sG return valid
def twistEdSign2(gen_point, priv, hash, a, d, p, n): """A safer implementation of twistEdSign, using a different scheme but the same principles as the previous implementation :param gen_point: x1, y1 of the generator point :param priv: the private key to sign with :param hash: hash of the message to sign :param a: the constant 'a' as used for the twisted edwards curve :param d: the constant 'd' as used for the twisted edwards curve :param p: the prime field p as used for the prime field :param n: the order of the generator point (order of the subgroup generated by gen_point) :return: (R, s) that is the signature """ # The idea this time is we use S = R + hP, where 'S' and 'R' are given via the signature and P is the public key. # 'h' is the hash(P + R + z) where 'z' is the message (or message hash) # The client has full disclosure on constructing 'h' due to the given parameters {P, R, z} # This yields the equation sG = rG + hpG, where rG = R and pG = P # Note: this means 'p' must be kept entirely secret, which it is due to the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem # To keep the signature rigid, we make h = hash(hash(message)+bytes(R)+bytes(P)). This is a hard problem for someone trying to make a bogus signature # because the malicious entity would need to know private key (p) in order to calculate a bogus r', s' # via modular inverse and use the equation s'G = r'G + h'P # That (h'P) is essentially the ECDLP due to hP = h(pG) P = twistEdPointMultiply(gen_point, priv, a, d, p) bytes_msg = int_to_bytes(hash) r = int_from_bytes( sha3_512(sha3_512(int_to_bytes(priv)).digest() + bytes_msg).digest()) % n R = twistEdPointMultiply(gen_point, r, a, d, p) bytes_R = sha3_512(point_to_bytes(R)).digest() bytes_P = sha3_512(point_to_bytes(P)).digest() h = int_from_bytes(sha3_512(bytes_R + bytes_P + bytes_msg).digest()) % n s = (r + h * priv % n) % n return r, s # alternatively, return R, s
def post(self, request): try: resultpoolservice ='ResultPoolService') method = resultpoolservice['method'] method = method.lower() except: return Response(f"No method") if method == "getticket": ticket = sha3_512((str( + str(randint(1000, 3000))).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() a = ResultPoolService(r_ticket=ticket) return Response(f'Place for result has created.check ticket: {ticket}') elif method == "put": try: r_ticket = resultpoolservice["r_ticket"] result = resultpoolservice["result"] except: return Response(f"You need r_ticket and result") ResultPoolService.objects.filter(r_ticket=r_ticket).update(text=result, flag=1) return Response(f"{r_ticket} is ready") elif method == "get": try: r_ticket = resultpoolservice["r_ticket"] except: return Response(f"You need r_ticket") obj = ResultPoolService.objects.filter(r_ticket=r_ticket).get() result = obj.text return Response(f"{result} is your answer") elif method == "delete": try: r_ticket = resultpoolservice["r_ticket"] except: return Response(f"You need r_ticket") ResultPoolService.objects.filter(r_ticket=r_ticket).delete() return Response(f"{r_ticket} has successfully deleted") elif method == "subscribe": try: r_ticket = resultpoolservice["r_ticket"] endpoint = resultpoolservice["endpoint"] except: return Response(f"You need r_ticket and endpoint") a = Subscribtion(r_ticket = r_ticket, endpoint = endpoint) return Response(f"{r_ticket} has successfully subscribed") elif method == "unsubscribe": try: r_ticket = resultpoolservice["r_ticket"] except: return Response(f"You need r_ticket") Subscribtion.objects.filter(r_ticket=r_ticket).delete() return Response(f"{r_ticket} has successfully unsubscribed")
def register(endpoint, pool): if PoolServices.objects.filter(endpoint=endpoint): if PoolServices.objects.filter(endpoint=endpoint, pool=pool): ticket = PoolServices.objects.filter(endpoint=endpoint, pool=pool)[0] else: return 'error' else: ticket = sha3_512((endpoint + str(pool)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() q = PoolServices(ticket=ticket, endpoint=endpoint, pool=pool, timestamp=getNow()) return ticket
def setstate(self, state): state = deepcopy(state) if state['fast']: fast_state = state['fast_impl'] del state['fast_impl'] c = state['c'] if c == 448: state['fast_impl'] = _sha3.sha3_224() elif c == 512: state['fast_impl'] = _sha3.sha3_256() elif c == 768: state['fast_impl'] = _sha3.sha3_384() elif c == 1024: state['fast_impl'] = _sha3.sha3_512() elif c == 576: state['fast_impl'] = _sha3.sha3_0() else: raise TypeError('Malformed state') state['fast_impl'].state = fast_state for k, v in state.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v)
def handle_new_request( self, parameters: SpectralAnalysisParameters) -> SpectralAnalysisFlow: id = sha3_512( f'{parameters.youtube_url}' f'_{parameters.frame_size_power}_' f'{parameters.overlap_factor}'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() spectral_request = SpectralAnalysisFlow( id='result_' + id, parameters=parameters, status='requested', ) maybe_existing_request = self.orm.load_request_by_id( if maybe_existing_request is None or maybe_existing_request.status != 'finished': self.orm.save_request(spectral_request) self.message_publisher.publish( 'render-request', spectral_request.json().encode("utf-8")) else:'already computed...') return spectral_request
def __init__(self, r=1024,c=576,fixed_out=False,duplex=False,verbose=False): """Constructor: r: bitrate (default 1024) c: capacity (default 576) verbose: print the details of computations(default:False) r + c must be 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 or 1600 (recommended 1600) see """ if fixed_out and duplex: raise ValueError('It is nonsense to try to instantiate a fixed output, duplex Keccak') self.fixed_out = fixed_out self.duplex = duplex self.verbose = verbose if (r<0) or (r%8!=0): raise ValueError('r must be a multiple of 8 in this implementation') self.r = r self.c = c self.b = b = r+c if b not in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600]: raise ValueError('b value not supported - use 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 or 1600') self.w = b//25 self.l=(self.w-1).bit_length()*self.l self.done_absorbing = False if has_fast and not duplex: if fixed_out and b == 1600 and c == 448: = True self.fast_impl = _sha3.sha3_224() return elif fixed_out and b == 1600 and c == 512: = True self.fast_impl = _sha3.sha3_256() return elif fixed_out and b == 1600 and c == 768: = True self.fast_impl = _sha3.sha3_384() return elif fixed_out and b == 1600 and c == 1024: = True self.fast_impl = _sha3.sha3_512() return elif not fixed_out and b == 1600 and c == 576: = True self.fast_impl = _sha3.sha3_0() return = False if verbose: print "Create a Keccak function with (r=%d, c=%d (i.e. w=%d))" % (r,c,(r+c)//25) # Initialisation of state self.S = ((0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,0)) self.P = '' self.output_cache = ''
def post(self, request): try: poolservice ='PoolService') method = poolservice['method'] method = method.lower() except: return Response(f"No method") if method == "get": services = PoolServices.objects.all() serializer = PoolServicesSerializer(services, many=True) return Response({"PoolServices":}) elif method == "register": try: endpoint = poolservice['endpoint'] pool = poolservice['pool'] except: return Response(f"You need endpoint and pool") if PoolServices.objects.filter(endpoint=endpoint): if PoolServices.objects.filter(endpoint=endpoint, pool=pool): obj = PoolServices.objects.filter(endpoint=endpoint, pool=pool)[0] ticket = obj.getTicket() q = self.update(ticket, 'SA') else: return Response({"Error"}) else: ticket = sha3_512((endpoint + str(pool)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() q = PoolServices(ticket=ticket, endpoint=endpoint, pool=pool, timestamp=getNow()) serializer = self.serialize(q) if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True): poolservice_saved = ticket = poolservice_saved.ticket return Response(f"PoolService created succesfully. Ticket: {ticket}") elif method == "update": #ticket; state, timestamp try: ticket = poolservice['ticket'] pool = poolservice['pool'] except: return Response(f"You need ticket and pool") saved_pool = get_object_or_404(PoolServices.objects.all(), pk=ticket) serializer = PoolServicesSerializer(instance=saved_pool, data={"pool": pool, "timestamp":getNow()}, partial=True) if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True): pool_saved = return Response(f"success: PoolService {pool_saved.endpoint} updated successfully") elif method == "unregister": try: ticket = poolservice['ticket'] except: return Response(f"You need ticket") PoolServices.objects.filter(pk=ticket).delete() return Response(f"success: PoolService {ticket} deleted successfully") elif method == "getwork": try: pool = poolservice['pool'] except: return Response(f"You need pool") if PoolServices.objects.filter(pool=pool, state='SA').count() < 1: return Response(f"No available pool service") else: obj = PoolServices.objects.filter(pool=pool, state='SA').first() print(obj) ticket = obj.getTicket() self.update(ticket, 'SP') a = PoolPending(ticket=obj, timer=getNow()) return Response(f"Pool servie {obj.endpoint} is busy now")
def put(text, pool, ticket=''): if ticket == '': ticket = sha3_512((text + str(pool)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() a = ResultPoolService(ticket=ticket, text=text, pool=pool)