def test_basic(self, tmpdir, deterministic_uuid, image_tests):

        # A test that uses all the types of layers. This includes an optional
        # pixel-by-pixel image test that is enabled when using the --image-tests
        # command-line argument.

        figure = InteractiveTimeSeriesFigure()
        figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux', label='Markers')
        figure.add_line(time_series=self.ts, column='flux', label='Line')
        figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux', error='error', label='Markers with Errors')
        figure.add_vertical_line(self.ts.time[3], label='Vertical Line')
        figure.add_vertical_range(self.ts.time[0], self.ts.time[-1], label='Vertical Range')
        figure.add_horizontal_line(3, label='Horizontal Line')
        figure.add_horizontal_range(5, 6, label='Horizontal Range')
        figure.add_range(time_series=self.ts, column_lower='flux', column_upper='error', label='Range')
        figure.add_text(time=self.ts.time[2], value=float(self.ts['flux'][0]), text='My Label', label='Range')
        figure.ylabel = 'Intensity'

        json_file = tmpdir.join('figure.json').strpath
        plot_prefix = tmpdir.join('figure').strpath
        if image_tests:
            interactive_screenshot(json_file, plot_prefix)
            figure.save_static(plot_prefix + '_mpl', format='png')

        compare_to_reference_json(tmpdir, 'basic', image_tests=image_tests)
Beispiel #2
    def test_views(self, tmpdir):

        # Make sure that views contain the right layers

        filename = tmpdir.join('figure.json').strpath

        figure = InteractiveTimeSeriesFigure()

        markers = figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts,
        line = figure.add_line(time_series=self.ts,

        # By default views inherit all layers from base figure
        view1 = figure.add_view('Test1')
        assert figure.layers == [markers, line]
        assert view1.layers == [markers, line]

        # And we can add view-specific layers to them
        vertical = view1.add_vertical_line(self.ts.time[3],
                                           label='Vertical Line')
        assert figure.layers == [markers, line]
        assert view1.layers == [markers, line, vertical]

        # But adding layers to the figure after the view is created doesnt' cause
        # them to get added to the view
        horizontal = figure.add_horizontal_line(3., label='Horizontal Line')
        assert figure.layers == [markers, line, horizontal]
        assert view1.layers == [markers, line, vertical]

        # We can use include to specify which initial layers to include
        view2 = figure.add_view('Test1', include=[markers])
        assert view2.layers == [markers]

        # and exclude to, well, exclude layers
        view3 = figure.add_view('Test1', exclude=[markers])
        assert view3.layers == [line, horizontal]

        # We also provide an 'empty' shortcut that means include=[]
        view4 = figure.add_view('Test1', empty=True)
        assert view4.layers == []

        # We tell the user if the include or exclude list contain invalid values
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            figure.add_view('Test1', exclude=[vertical])
        assert 'does not exist in base figure' in exc.value.args[0]
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
            figure.add_view('Test1', include=[vertical])
        assert 'does not exist in base figure' in exc.value.args[0]

class TestUnit:

    # Make sure that things work as expected when units are present, and that
    # the correct errors are raised when mixing data with and without units.

    def setup_method(self, method):

        self.ts = TimeSeries(time_start='2016-03-22T12:30:31', time_delta=3 * u.s, n_samples=5)
        self.ts['flux'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        self.ts['error'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        self.ts['flux_with_unit'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * u.Jy
        self.ts['error_with_unit'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * u.mJy

        self.figure = InteractiveTimeSeriesFigure()

    def test_basic(self, tmpdir):
        # Make sure things work for a simple example with just one layer
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')

    def test_all_markers(self, tmpdir):
        # A test with all the layer types and convertible units
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.add_line(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Line')
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', error='error_with_unit', label='Markers with Errors')
        self.figure.add_vertical_line(self.ts.time[3], label='Vertical Line')
        self.figure.add_vertical_range(self.ts.time[0], self.ts.time[-1], label='Vertical Range')
        self.figure.add_horizontal_line(3 * u.MJy, label='Horizontal Line')
        self.figure.add_horizontal_range(5000 * u.mJy, 6 * u.Jy, label='Horizontal Range')
        self.figure.add_range(time_series=self.ts, column_lower='flux_with_unit', column_upper='error_with_unit', label='Range')
        self.figure.add_text(time=self.ts.time[2], value=self.ts['flux_with_unit'][0], text='My Label', label='Range')

    def test_compatible_limits(self, tmpdir):
        # Set the limits using compatible units
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.ylim = (1e-6 * u.MJy, 6000 * u.mJy)
        view = self.figure.add_view('my view')
        view.ylim = (2e-6 * u.MJy, 4000 * u.mJy)

    def test_incompatible_limits(self, tmpdir):
        # Set the limits using incompatible units
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.ylim = 1, 6
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args[0] == 'Limits for y axis are dimensionless but expected units of Jy'

    def test_incompatible_limits_view(self, tmpdir):
        # Set the limits using incompatible units (with a view)
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        view = self.figure.add_view('my view')
        view.ylim = 1, 6
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args[0] == "Limits for y axis are dimensionless but expected units of Jy"

    def test_two_marker_layer_incompatible(self, tmpdir):
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux', label='Markers')
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args[0] == "Cannot convert the units '' of column 'flux' to the required units of 'Jy'"

    def test_incompatible_overlays(self, tmpdir):
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux', label='Markers')
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args[0] == "Cannot convert the units '' of column 'flux' to the required units of 'Jy'"

    def test_custom_yunit(self, tmpdir):
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.yunit = u.MJy
        self.figure.yunit = 'mJy'  # with a string

    def test_custom_incompatible_yunit(self, tmpdir):
        self.figure.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')
        self.figure.yunit = u.m
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args[0] == "Cannot convert the units 'Jy' of column 'flux_with_unit' to the required units of 'm'"

    def test_empty_base_figure(self, tmpdir):
        # Check that things work fine if the only layer is in a view
        view = self.figure.add_view('my view')
        view.add_markers(time_series=self.ts, column='flux_with_unit', label='Markers')

    def test_no_data_layers(self, tmpdir):
        # In the case where there are no layers that depend on data, the default
        # assumed unit is so adding a line with a unit will raise an error.
        # In future we might want to consider making this work.
        self.figure.add_horizontal_line(3 * u.mJy, label='Line')
        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args[0] == "'mJy' (spectral flux density) and '' (dimensionless) are not convertible"