def srt_to_audacity(data, force_endtime=False):
    """docstring for srt_to_audacity"""
    # FIXME: UnicodeDecodeError...
    pattern = re.compile(DATETIMECODE_HEADER_RE, re.I | re.M | re.X)

    stack = []
    for t in spliterator(pattern, data, returnLeading=0):
        m = pattern.match(t[0]).groupdict()

        if force_endtime:
            if len(stack) and stack[-1]["end"] == "":
                stack[-1]["end"] = timecode_tosecs(m["start"])
            end = timecode_tosecs(m["end"]) or ""
            end = timecode_tosecs(m["end"]) or timecode_tosecs(m["start"])

        stack.append({"start": timecode_tosecs(m["start"]), "end": end, "body": t[1].strip("\n")})

    template = "{e[start]}\t{e[end]}\t{e[body]}\n"
    return "".join([template.format(e=e) for e in stack])
def annotation_export(request, slug, section, _format="audacity",
    context = {}
    name = dewikify(slug)
    page = Page.objects.get(name=name)

    section = sectionalize(page.content)[int(section)]

    # TODO: Regex should not be defined more once within active archives
    TIME_RE = r'(\d\d:)?(\d\d):(\d\d)([,.]\d{1,3})?'
    TIMECODE_RE = r'(?P<start>%(TIME_RE)s)[ \t]*-->([ \t]*(?P<end>%(TIME_RE)s))?' % locals()
    OTHER_RE = r'.+'
    TIMECODE_HEADER_RE = r'^%(TIMECODE_RE)s(%(OTHER_RE)s)?$' % locals()

    pattern = re.compile(TIMECODE_HEADER_RE, re.I | re.M | re.X)

    stack = []
    for t in spliterator(pattern, section['header'] + section['body']):
        m = pattern.match(t['header']).groupdict()

        if force_endtime:
            if len(stack) and stack[-1]['end'] == '':
                stack[-1]['end'] = timecode_tosecs(m['start'])
            end = timecode_tosecs(m['end']) or ''
            end = timecode_tosecs(m['end']) or timecode_tosecs(m['start'])

            'start': timecode_tosecs(m['start']),
            'end': end,
            'body': t['body'].strip('\n'),

    context = {'sections': stack}

    return render_to_response("aawiki/annotation_export.audacity", context, 