def links(user): try: if request.args.get('sort') == 'desc': # getting links for the user links = User.my_links(user) # keys = User.get_keys(user) links = dumps(links) links = json.loads(links) elif request.args.get('sort') == 'asc': # getting links for the user links = User.my_links_asc(user) # keys = User.get_keys(user) links = dumps(links) links = json.loads(links) else: # getting links for the user links = User.my_links(user) # keys = User.get_keys(user) links = dumps(links) links = json.loads(links) return jsonify({"status": True, "linkData": links}) except: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "UNKNOWN_ERROR"}), 400
def signup(): # instantiationg the form form = RegistrationForm() # defining the site title site_title = "Abbrefy | Power With Every Link" # handling form validation if form.validate_on_submit(): new_user = User(,, response = new_user.signup() # sending flased message if response == True: flash("Welcome to Abbrefy", "success") return redirect(url_for('users.dashboard')) else: # sending flased message flash("Sign Up Failed. Please Try Again", "danger") return render_template('signup.html', datetime=datetime, form=form, site_title=site_title)
def un(user): links = User.my_links(user) keys = User.get_keys(user) return render_template('dashboard.html', datetime=datetime, site_title=site_title, links=links, len=len, keys=keys)
def dashboard(user): site_title = "Abbrefy | Grow As You Abbrefy" links = User.my_links(user['public_id']) keys = User.get_keys(user['public_id']) return render_template('dashboard.html', datetime=datetime, site_title=site_title, links=links, len=len, keys=keys)
def signin(): # instantiationg the form form = LoginForm() # defining the site title site_title = "Abbrefy | Power With Every Link" # handling form validation if form.validate_on_submit(): data = { "identifier":, "password": } user = User().signin(data) if user == False: flash('Invalid Signin Details', "danger") else: username = user['username'] flash(f'Welcome back {username}', "success") return redirect(url_for('users.dashboard')) return render_template('signin.html', datetime=datetime, site_title=site_title, form=form)
def reset(): # instantiationg the form form = ResetPassword() # defining the site title site_title = "Abbrefy | You're Almost In" # getting the finder query parameter finder = request.args.get('finder') # checking if the query parameter was passed if not finder: flash('Your reset link is invalid', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('users.forgot')) # checking if the query parameter matches any user user = find_user(finder) if not user: flash('Your reset link is invalid', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('users.forgot')) # handling form validation if form.validate_on_submit(): password = status = User().update_password(user, password) if status: return redirect(url_for('users.signin')) flash('Something went wrong', 'danger') return render_template('reset.html', site_title=site_title, form=form, datetime=datetime)
def profile(user): try: # getting the request data data = request.get_json() # validating the data was sent if not data: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "DATA_ERROR"}), 400 # validating the username character context if not validate_username(data['usernameData']): return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR" }), 400 # validating the username length if len(data['usernameData']) > 10 or len(data['usernameData']) < 3: return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "CHARACTER_LIMIT_ERROR" }), 400 # creating the URL object and abbrefying it if not "current_user" in session: return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "AUTHORIZATION_ERROR" }), 401 user = session['current_user']['public_id'] response = User().update_profile(user, data) if response == False: return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "PASSWORD_MATCH_ERROR" }), 400 if response == True: return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "SECURE_PASSWORD_ERROR" }), 400 if response['status'] == False: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "UNKNOWN_ERROR"}), 400 return jsonify({ "status": True, "message": "UPDATE_SUCCESS", "data": response }), 200 # handling errors except KeyError: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "DATA_ERROR"}), 400 except: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "UNKNOWN_ERROR"}), 400
def bulk_abbrefy(): # getting the request data data = request.form csvFile = request.files # validating a file was uploaded if not csvFile or not 'csv' in csvFile: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "FILE_ERROR"}), 400 # validating that the file was sent with the right identifier if csvFile['csv'].filename.split('.')[-1] != 'csv': return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "FILE_TYPE_ERROR"}), 400 if not "current_user" in session: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "AUTHORIZATION_ERROR"}), 401 author = session['current_user']['public_id'] # collecting the user's apiKey key = User.get_key(author) # generating a new file name for the uploaded file to = str(floor(time() * 1000)) + uuid4().hex[0:7] + '.csv' # saving the csv file to firebase and disk storage if csvFile['csv'].filename == '': return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "FILE_ERROR"}), 400 diskLoc = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, 'static/csv', str(floor(time())) + csvFile['csv'].filename) csvFile['csv'].save(diskLoc) origin, fileName = upload_file(diskLoc, to, download=True) if data and 'type' in data and data['type'] == 'unordered': # running an unordered bulk abbrefy based on user request. status = q.enqueue(unordered_bulk_abbrefy, fileName, key) # unordered_bulk_abbrefy(fileName, key) return jsonify({'status': True, 'message': 'Bulk Abbrefy Initiated'}) # running an ordered bulk abbrefy based on user request. status = q.enqueue(ordered_bulk_abbrefy, fileName, author, origin) # uploading the newly created csv to firebase # slug, _ = upload_file(path, name) # # saving the information to the database # new_link = Link(author=author) # response = new_link.bulk_abbrefy(location=slug, origin=origin) return jsonify({'status': True, 'message': 'Bulk Abbrefy Initiated'})
def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if not "apiKey" in request.headers: return f(None, *args, **kwargs) apiKey = request.headers.get('apiKey') user = User.get_key_owner(apiKey) if not user: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "Invalid API key provided."}) return f(user, *args, **kwargs)
def forgot(): # instantiationg the form form = ForgotPassword() # defining the site title site_title = "Abbrefy | Let's Get You Back In" # handling form validation if form.validate_on_submit(): email = User().reset_password(email) flash('Please Check Your Mail to Finish Your Password Reset', 'success') return redirect(url_for('users.signin')) return render_template('forgot.html', site_title=site_title, form=form, datetime=datetime)
def create(user): try: # getting the request data data = request.get_json() # validating the data was sent if not data: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "DATA_ERROR"}), 400 # creating the URL object and abbrefying it if not "current_user" in session: return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "AUTHORIZATION_ERROR" }), 401 user = user['public_id'] response = User().generate_api_key(user) if response == False: return jsonify({ "status": False, "error": "KEY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" }), 400 if response['status'] == False: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "UNKNOWN_ERROR"}), 400 return jsonify({ "status": True, "message": "CREATE_SUCCESS", "data": response }), 200 # handling errors except KeyError: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "DATA_ERROR"}), 400 except: return jsonify({"status": False, "error": "UNKNOWN_ERROR"}), 400
def signout(user): response = User.signout() if response: return redirect(url_for('main.home'))
def validate_email(self, email): if not User.check_email( raise ValidationError('No Account Exists for that Email')
def validate_email(self, email): if User.check_email( raise ValidationError('That Email Has Been Taken')
def validate_username(self, username): if User.check_username( raise ValidationError('That Username Has Been Taken')