def test(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.03, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.1, N1])
        graph1 = Normal([B1, N2])
        graph2 = Normal([1, N2])

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        sampler = RejectionABC([graph1, graph2],
                               [distance_calculator, distance_calculator],

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1)


        y_sim = sampler.simulate(1, rng=rng)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(y_sim, list))

        self.assertTrue(len(y_sim) == 2)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(y_sim[0][0], np.ndarray))
    def test_DefaultKernel(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([B1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        kernel = DefaultKernel([N1, N2, B1])
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[2, 0.27, 0.097], [3, 0.32, 0.012]],
                                 np.array([1, 1]),
                                 accepted_cov_mats=[[[0.01, 0], [0, 0.01]],

        kernel_parameters = []
        for krnl in kernel.kernels:


        rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
        perturbed_values_and_models = kernel.update(Manager, 1, rng)
                         [(N1, [0.17443453636632419]),
                          (N2, [0.25882435863499248]), (B1, [3])])
    def setUp(self):
        class Mockobject(Normal):
            def __init__(self, parameters):
                super(Mockobject, self).__init__(parameters)

            def pdf(self, input_values, x):
                return x

        self.N1 = Uniform([[1.3], [1.55]], name='n1')
        self.N2 = Uniform([[self.N1], [1.60]], name='n2')
        self.N3 = Uniform([[2], [4]], name='n3')
        self.graph1 = Uniform([[self.N1], [self.N2]], name='graph1')
        self.graph2 = Uniform([[.5], [self.N3]])

        self.graph = [self.graph1, self.graph2]

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        self.sampler1 = RejectionABC([self.graph1], [distance_calculator],
        self.sampler2 = RejectionABC([self.graph2], [distance_calculator],
        self.sampler3 = RejectionABC(
            self.graph, [distance_calculator, distance_calculator], backend)

        self.pdf1 = self.sampler1.pdf_of_prior(self.sampler1.model,
                                               [1.32088846, 1.42945274])
        self.pdf2 = self.sampler2.pdf_of_prior(self.sampler2.model, [3])
        self.pdf3 = self.sampler3.pdf_of_prior(self.sampler3.model,
                                               [1.32088846, 1.42945274, 3])
Beispiel #4
    def setUp(self):
        # define prior and model
        sigma = Uniform([[10], [20]])
        mu = Normal([0, 1])
        self.Y = Normal([mu, sigma])

        # define backend
        self.backend = Backend()

        # define statistics
        self.statistics_cal = Identity(degree=3, cross=False)

        if has_torch:
            # Initialize statistics learning
            self.statisticslearning = SemiautomaticNN([self.Y],
            # with sample scaler:
            self.statisticslearning_with_scaler = SemiautomaticNN(
Beispiel #5
def infer_parameters():
    # define observation for true parameters mean=170, std=15
    y_obs = [
        160.82499176, 167.24266737, 185.71695756, 153.7045709, 163.40568812,
        140.70658699, 169.59102084, 172.81041696, 187.38782738, 179.66358934,
        176.63417241, 189.16082803, 181.98288443, 170.18565017, 183.78493886,
        166.58387299, 161.9521899, 155.69213073, 156.17867343, 144.51580379,
        170.29847515, 197.96767899, 153.36646527, 162.22710198, 158.70012047,
        178.53470703, 170.77697743, 164.31392633, 165.88595994, 177.38083686,
        146.67058471763457, 179.41946565658628, 238.02751620619537,
        206.22458790620766, 220.89530574344568, 221.04082532837026,
        142.25301427453394, 261.37656571434275, 171.63761180867033,
        210.28121820385866, 237.29130237612236, 175.75558340169619,
        224.54340549862235, 197.42448680731226, 165.88273684581381,
        166.55094082844519, 229.54308602661584, 222.99844054358519,
        185.30223966014586, 152.69149367593846, 206.94372818527413,
        256.35498655339154, 165.43140916577741, 250.19273595481803,
        148.87781549665536, 223.05547559193792, 230.03418198709608,
        146.13611923127021, 138.24716809523139, 179.26755740864527,
        141.21704876815426, 170.89587081800852, 222.96391329259626,
        188.27229523693822, 202.67075179617672, 211.75963110985992,

    # define prior
    from abcpy.distributions import Uniform
    prior = Uniform([150, 5], [200, 25])

    # define the model
    model = Gaussian(prior)

    # define statistics
    from abcpy.statistics import Identity
    statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)

    # define distance
    from abcpy.distances import LogReg
    distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)

    # define kernel
    from abcpy.distributions import MultiStudentT
    mean, cov, df = np.array([.0, .0]), np.eye(2), 3.
    kernel = MultiStudentT(mean, cov, df)

    # define backend
    from abcpy.backends import BackendDummy as Backend
    backend = Backend()

    # define sampling scheme
    from abcpy.inferences import PMCABC
    sampler = PMCABC(model, distance_calculator, kernel, backend)

    # sample from scheme
    T, n_sample, n_samples_per_param = 3, 250, 10
    eps_arr = np.array([.75])
    epsilon_percentile = 10
    journal = sampler.sample(y_obs, T, eps_arr, n_sample, n_samples_per_param,

    return journal
    def setUp(self):
        self.B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        self.N1 = Normal([0.03, 0.01])
        self.N2 = Normal([0.1, self.N1])
        self.graph = Normal([self.B1, self.N2])

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        self.sampler = PMCABC([self.graph], [distance_calculator], backend)

        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(1)


        kernel = DefaultKernel([self.N1, self.N2, self.B1])
        self.sampler.kernel = kernel

            self.sampler.backend, [[3, 0.11, 0.029], [4, 0.098, 0.031]],
            accepted_cov_mats=[[[1, 0], [0, 1]]],
            accepted_weights=np.array([1, 1]))

        kernel_parameters = []
        for kernel in self.sampler.kernel.kernels:
            self.sampler.backend, kernel_parameters)
Beispiel #7
def setup_backend():
    from abcpy.backends import BackendMPI as Backend
    backend = Backend()
    # The above line is equivalent to:
    # backend = Backend(process_per_model=1)
    # Notice: Models not parallelized by MPI should not be given process_per_model > 1
    return backend
Beispiel #8
def setup_backend():
    global backend

    import pyspark
    sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
    from abcpy.backends import BackendSpark as Backend
    backend = Backend(sc, parallelism=4)
    def test(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([B1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[2,3,4],[0.27,0.32,0.28],[0.97,0.12,0.99]])

        values = Manager.get_accepted_parameters_bds_values([B1,N2,N1])
        values_expected = [np.array(x).reshape(-1,) for x in [[2,3,4],[0.27,0.32,0.28],[0.97,0.12,0.99]]]

        self.assertTrue(all([all(a == b) for a, b in zip(values, values_expected)]))
    def setUp(self):

        # define prior and model
        sigma = Uniform([[10], [20]])
        mu = Normal([0, 1])
        Y = Normal([mu, sigma])

        # define backend
        self.backend = Backend()

        # define statistics
        self.statistics_cal = Identity(degree = 3, cross = False)
        # Initialize summaryselection
        self.summaryselection = Semiautomatic([Y], self.statistics_cal, self.backend, n_samples = 1000, n_samples_per_param = 1, seed = 1)
Beispiel #11
    def setUp(self):
        self.stat_calc = Identity(degree = 1, cross = 0)
        # define prior and model
        prior = Uniform([150, 5],[200, 25])
        self.model = Gaussian(prior, seed = 1)

        # define backend
        self.backend = Backend()

        # define statistics
        self.statistics_cal = Identity(degree = 2, cross = False)
        #Initialize summaryselection
        self.summaryselection = Semiautomatic(self.model, self.statistics_cal, self.backend, n_samples = 1000, seed = 1)
Beispiel #12
    def test(self):
        N1 = Normal([1, 0.1])
        N2 = Normal([N1, 0.1])
        N2.visited = True
        N1.visited = True

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        sampler = RejectionABC([N2], [distance_calculator], backend)


Beispiel #13
    def setUp(self):
        self.B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        self.N1 = Normal([0.03, 0.01])
        self.N2 = Normal([0.1, self.N1])
        self.graph = Normal([self.B1, self.N2])

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        self.sampler = RejectionABC([self.graph], [distance_calculator],

        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(1)

    def test_return_value_Student_T(self):
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([N1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        kernel = JointPerturbationKernel([MultivariateStudentTKernel([N1, N2], df=2)])
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[0.4, 0.09], [0.2, 0.008]], np.array([0.5, 0.2]))
        kernel_parameters = []
        for krnl in kernel.kernels:
        Manager.update_kernel_values(backend, kernel_parameters)
        mapping, mapping_index = Manager.get_mapping(Manager.model)
        covs = [[[1, 0], [0, 1]], []]
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, accepted_cov_mats=covs)
        pdf = kernel.pdf(mapping, Manager, Manager.accepted_parameters_bds.value()[1], [0.3, 0.1])
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pdf, float))
Beispiel #15
    def test(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.03, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.1, N1])
        graph = Normal([B1, N2])

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        sampler = RejectionABC([graph], [distance_calculator], backend)

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1)

    def test_return_value(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([B1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        kernel = DefaultKernel([N1, N2, B1])
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[2, 0.4, 0.09], [3, 0.2, 0.008]], np.array([0.5, 0.2]))
        kernel_parameters = []
        for krnl in kernel.kernels:
        Manager.update_kernel_values(backend, kernel_parameters)
        mapping, mapping_index = Manager.get_mapping(Manager.model)
        covs = [[[1,0],[0,1]],[]]
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, accepted_cov_mats=covs)
        pdf = kernel.pdf(mapping, Manager, 1, [2,0.3,0.1])
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pdf, float))
Beispiel #17
    def setUp(self):
        # define observation for true parameters mean=170, std=15
        self.y_obs = [160.82499176]
        self.model_array = [None] * 2
        #Model 1: Gaussian
        # define prior
        prior = Uniform([150, 5], [200, 25])
        # define the model
        self.model_array[0] = Gaussian(prior, seed=1)
        #Model 2: Student t
        # define prior
        prior = Uniform([150, 1], [200, 30])
        # define the model
        self.model_array[1] = Student_t(prior, seed=1)

        # define statistics
        self.statistics_calc = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        # define backend
        self.backend = Backend()
    def test_Student_T(self):
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([N1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        kernel = JointPerturbationKernel([MultivariateStudentTKernel([N1, N2], df=2)])
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[0.27, 0.097], [0.32, 0.012]], np.array([1, 1]))

        kernel_parameters = []
        for krnl in kernel.kernels:
        Manager.update_kernel_values(backend, kernel_parameters)

        covs = kernel.calculate_cov(Manager)
        self.assertTrue(len(covs) == 1)

        self.assertTrue(len(covs[0]) == 2)
Beispiel #19
    def test(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.03, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.1, N1])
        graph1 = Normal([B1, N2])
        graph2 = Normal([1, N2])

        statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)
        backend = Backend()

        sampler = RejectionABC([graph1, graph2],
                               [distance_calculator, distance_calculator],

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1)


        mapping, index = sampler._get_mapping()
        self.assertTrue(mapping == [(B1, 0), (N2, 1), (N1, 2)])
Beispiel #20
    def setUp(self):
        # define observation for true parameters mean=170, std=15
        self.y_obs = [160.82499176]
        self.model_array = [None] * 2
        # Model 1: Gaussian
        # define prior
        self.mu1 = Uniform([[150], [200]], name='mu1')
        self.sigma1 = Uniform([[5.0], [25.0]], name='sigma1')
        # define the model
        self.model_array[0] = Normal([self.mu1, self.sigma1])
        # Model 2: Student t
        # define prior
        self.mu2 = Uniform([[150], [200]], name='mu2')
        self.sigma2 = Uniform([[1], [30.0]], name='sigma2')
        # define the model
        self.model_array[1] = StudentT([self.mu2, self.sigma2])

        # define statistics
        self.statistics_calc = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)
        # define backend
        self.backend = Backend()
    def setUp(self):
        # define prior and model
        sigma = Uniform([[10], [20]])
        mu = Normal([0, 1])
        self.Y = Normal([mu, sigma])

        # define backend
        self.backend = Backend()

        # define statistics
        self.statistics_cal = Identity(degree=3, cross=False)

        if has_torch:
            # Initialize statistics learning
            self.statisticslearning = TripletDistanceLearning(
    def test(self):
        B1 = Binomial([10, 0.2])
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([B1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        kernel = DefaultKernel([N1, N2, B1])
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[2, 0.27, 0.097], [3, 0.32, 0.012]], np.array([1, 1]))

        kernel_parameters = []
        for krnl in kernel.kernels:
        Manager.update_kernel_values(backend, kernel_parameters)

        covs = kernel.calculate_cov(Manager)


def infer_model():
    # define observation for true parameters mean=170, std=15
    y_obs = [160.82499176]

    ## Create a array of models
    from abcpy.continuousmodels import Uniform, Normal, StudentT
    model_array = [None] * 2

    #Model 1: Gaussian
    mu1 = Uniform([[150], [200]], name='mu1')
    sigma1 = Uniform([[5.0], [25.0]], name='sigma1')
    model_array[0] = Normal([mu1, sigma1])

    #Model 2: Student t
    mu2 = Uniform([[150], [200]], name='mu2')
    sigma2 = Uniform([[1], [30.0]], name='sigma2')
    model_array[1] = StudentT([mu2, sigma2])

    # define statistics
    from abcpy.statistics import Identity
    statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=2, cross=False)

    # define backend
    from abcpy.backends import BackendDummy as Backend
    backend = Backend()

    # Initiate the Model selection scheme
    modelselection = RandomForest(model_array,

    # Choose the correct model
    model = modelselection.select_model(y_obs,

    # Compute the posterior probability of each of the models
    model_prob = modelselection.posterior_probability(y_obs)
    def test_Student_T(self):
        N1 = Normal([0.1, 0.01])
        N2 = Normal([0.3, N1])
        graph = Normal([N1, N2])

        Manager = AcceptedParametersManager([graph])
        backend = Backend()
        kernel = JointPerturbationKernel([MultivariateStudentTKernel([N1, N2], df=2)])
        Manager.update_broadcast(backend, [[0.27, 0.097], [0.32, 0.012]], np.array([1, 1]),
                                 accepted_cov_mats=[[[0.01, 0], [0, 0.01]], []])

        kernel_parameters = []
        for krnl in kernel.kernels:

        Manager.update_kernel_values(backend, kernel_parameters=kernel_parameters)

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
        perturbed_values_and_models = kernel.update(Manager, 1, rng)
                         [(N1, [0.2107982411716391]), (N2, [-0.049106838502166614])])
Beispiel #25
def setup_backend():
    global backend

    from abcpy.backends import BackendMPI as Backend
    backend = Backend()
from abcpy.inferences import APMCABC
from abcpy.continuousmodels import Uniform
from Model import TIP4PGromacsOOOH as Water

# Define Graphical model
theta1 = Uniform([[.281] , [.53]],name='theta1')
theta2 = Uniform([[0.2] , [0.9]],name='theta2')
water = Water([theta1, theta2, 2500000])

# Define distance and statistics
statistics_calculator = Identity(degree = 1, cross = False)
distance_calculator = Abserror(statistics_calculator)

# Define kernel
from abcpy.backends import BackendMPI as Backend
backend = Backend()
from abcpy.perturbationkernel import DefaultKernel
kernel = DefaultKernel([theta1, theta2])

######### Inference for simulated data ###############
water_obs = [np.load('Data/obs_data.npy')]

sampler = APMCABC([water], [distance_calculator], backend, kernel, seed = 1)
steps, n_samples, n_samples_per_param, alpha, acceptance_cutoff, covFactor, full_output, journal_file =10, 100, 1, 0.1, 0.03, 2.0, 1, None

print('TIP4P: APMCABC Inferring for simulated data')
journal_apmcabc = sampler.sample([water_obs], steps, n_samples, n_samples_per_param, alpha, acceptance_cutoff, covFactor, full_output, journal_file)
print('TIP4P: APMCABC done for simulated data')'Result/MD_GROMACS_APMCABC_obs.jrnl')
def infer_parameters(steps=2, n_sample=50, n_samples_per_param=1, logging_level=logging.WARN):
    """Perform inference for this example.

    steps : integer, optional
        Number of iterations in the sequential PMCABC algorithm ("generations"). The default value is 3
    n_samples : integer, optional
        Number of posterior samples to generate. The default value is 250.
    n_samples_per_param : integer, optional
        Number of data points in each simulated data set. The default value is 10.

        A journal containing simulation results, metadata and optionally intermediate results.
    # define backend
    # Note, the dummy backend does not parallelize the code!
    from abcpy.backends import BackendDummy as Backend
    backend = Backend()

    # define observation for true parameters mean=170, std=15
    height_obs = [160.82499176, 167.24266737, 185.71695756, 153.7045709, 163.40568812, 140.70658699, 169.59102084,
                  172.81041696, 187.38782738, 179.66358934, 176.63417241, 189.16082803, 181.98288443, 170.18565017,
                  183.78493886, 166.58387299, 161.9521899, 155.69213073, 156.17867343, 144.51580379, 170.29847515,
                  197.96767899, 153.36646527, 162.22710198, 158.70012047, 178.53470703, 170.77697743, 164.31392633,
                  165.88595994, 177.38083686, 146.67058471763457, 179.41946565658628, 238.02751620619537,
                  206.22458790620766, 220.89530574344568, 221.04082532837026, 142.25301427453394, 261.37656571434275,
                  171.63761180867033, 210.28121820385866, 237.29130237612236, 175.75558340169619, 224.54340549862235,
                  197.42448680731226, 165.88273684581381, 166.55094082844519, 229.54308602661584, 222.99844054358519,
                  185.30223966014586, 152.69149367593846, 206.94372818527413, 256.35498655339154, 165.43140916577741,
                  250.19273595481803, 148.87781549665536, 223.05547559193792, 230.03418198709608, 146.13611923127021,
                  138.24716809523139, 179.26755740864527, 141.21704876815426, 170.89587081800852, 222.96391329259626,
                  188.27229523693822, 202.67075179617672, 211.75963110985992, 217.45423324370509]

    # define prior
    from abcpy.continuousmodels import Uniform
    mu = Uniform([[150], [200]], name="mu")
    sigma = Uniform([[5], [25]], name="sigma")

    # define the model
    from abcpy.continuousmodels import Normal
    height = Normal([mu, sigma], )

    # 1) generate simulations from prior
    from abcpy.inferences import DrawFromPrior
    draw_from_prior = DrawFromPrior([height], backend=backend)

    # notice the use of the `.sample_par_sim_pairs` method rather than `.sample` to obtain data suitably formatted
    # for the summary statistics learning routines
    parameters, simulations = draw_from_prior.sample_par_sim_pairs(100, n_samples_per_param=1)
    # if you want to use the test loss to do early stopping in the training:
    parameters_val, simulations_val = draw_from_prior.sample_par_sim_pairs(100, n_samples_per_param=1)
    # discard the mid dimension (n_samples_per_param, as the StatisticsLearning classes use that =1)
    simulations = simulations.reshape(simulations.shape[0], simulations.shape[2])
    simulations_val = simulations_val.reshape(simulations_val.shape[0], simulations_val.shape[2])

    # 2) now train the NNs with the different methods with the generated data
    from abcpy.statistics import Identity
    identity = Identity()  # to apply before computing the statistics"semiNN")
    from abcpy.statisticslearning import SemiautomaticNN, TripletDistanceLearning
    semiNN = SemiautomaticNN([height], identity, backend=backend, parameters=parameters,
                             simulations=simulations, parameters_val=parameters_val, simulations_val=simulations_val,
                             early_stopping=True,  # early stopping
                             seed=1, n_epochs=10, scale_samples=False, use_tqdm=False)"triplet")
    triplet = TripletDistanceLearning([height], identity, backend=backend, parameters=parameters,
                                      simulations=simulations, parameters_val=parameters_val,
                                      early_stopping=True,  # early stopping
                                      seed=1, n_epochs=10, scale_samples=True, use_tqdm=False)

    # 3) save and re-load NNs:
    # get the statistics from the already fit StatisticsLearning object 'semiNN':
    learned_seminn_stat = semiNN.get_statistics()
    learned_triplet_stat = triplet.get_statistics()

    # this has a save net method:
    # if you used `scale_samples=True` in learning the NNs, need to provide a path where pickle stores the scaler too:
    learned_triplet_stat.save_net("triplet_net.pth", path_to_scaler="scaler.pkl")

    # to reload: need to use the Neural Embedding statistics fromFile; this needs to know which kind of NN it is using;
    # need therefore to pass either the input/output size (it data size and number parameters) or the network class if
    # that was specified explicitly in the StatisticsLearning class. Check the docstring for NeuralEmbedding.fromFile
    # for more details.
    from abcpy.statistics import NeuralEmbedding
    learned_seminn_stat_loaded = NeuralEmbedding.fromFile("seminn_net.pth", input_size=1, output_size=2)
    learned_triplet_stat_loaded = NeuralEmbedding.fromFile("triplet_net.pth", input_size=1, output_size=2,

    # 4) you can optionally rescale the different summary statistics be their standard deviation on a reference dataset
    # of simulations. To do this, it is enough to pass at initialization the reference dataset, and the rescaling will
    # be applied every time the statistics is computed on some simulation or observation.
    learned_triplet_stat_loaded = NeuralEmbedding.fromFile("triplet_net.pth", input_size=1, output_size=2,

    # 5) perform inference
    # define distance
    from abcpy.distances import Euclidean
    distance_calculator = Euclidean(learned_seminn_stat_loaded)

    # define kernel
    from abcpy.perturbationkernel import DefaultKernel
    kernel = DefaultKernel([mu, sigma])

    # define sampling scheme
    from abcpy.inferences import PMCABC
    sampler = PMCABC([height], [distance_calculator], backend, kernel, seed=1)

    eps_arr = np.array([500])  # starting value of epsilon; the smaller, the slower the algorithm.
    # at each iteration, take as epsilon the epsilon_percentile of the distances obtained by simulations at previous
    # iteration from the observation
    epsilon_percentile = 10
    journal = sampler.sample([height_obs], steps, eps_arr, n_sample, n_samples_per_param, epsilon_percentile)

    return journal
Beispiel #28
def infer_parameters():
    # define backend
    # Note, the dummy backend does not parallelize the code!
    from abcpy.backends import BackendDummy as Backend
    backend = Backend()

    # define observation for true parameters mean=170, std=15
    height_obs = [
        160.82499176, 167.24266737, 185.71695756, 153.7045709, 163.40568812,
        140.70658699, 169.59102084, 172.81041696, 187.38782738, 179.66358934,
        176.63417241, 189.16082803, 181.98288443, 170.18565017, 183.78493886,
        166.58387299, 161.9521899, 155.69213073, 156.17867343, 144.51580379,
        170.29847515, 197.96767899, 153.36646527, 162.22710198, 158.70012047,
        178.53470703, 170.77697743, 164.31392633, 165.88595994, 177.38083686,
        146.67058471763457, 179.41946565658628, 238.02751620619537,
        206.22458790620766, 220.89530574344568, 221.04082532837026,
        142.25301427453394, 261.37656571434275, 171.63761180867033,
        210.28121820385866, 237.29130237612236, 175.75558340169619,
        224.54340549862235, 197.42448680731226, 165.88273684581381,
        166.55094082844519, 229.54308602661584, 222.99844054358519,
        185.30223966014586, 152.69149367593846, 206.94372818527413,
        256.35498655339154, 165.43140916577741, 250.19273595481803,
        148.87781549665536, 223.05547559193792, 230.03418198709608,
        146.13611923127021, 138.24716809523139, 179.26755740864527,
        141.21704876815426, 170.89587081800852, 222.96391329259626,
        188.27229523693822, 202.67075179617672, 211.75963110985992,

    # define prior
    from abcpy.continuousmodels import Uniform
    mu = Uniform([[150], [200]], )
    sigma = Uniform([[5], [25]], )

    # define the model
    from abcpy.continuousmodels import Normal
    height = Normal([mu, sigma], )

    # define statistics
    from abcpy.statistics import Identity
    statistics_calculator = Identity(degree=3, cross=True)

    # Learn the optimal summary statistics using Semiautomatic summary selection
    from abcpy.summaryselections import Semiautomatic
    summary_selection = Semiautomatic([height],

    # Redefine the statistics function
    statistics_calculator.statistics = lambda x, f2=summary_selection.transformation, \
                                              f1=statistics_calculator.statistics: f2(f1(x))

    # define distance
    from abcpy.distances import LogReg
    distance_calculator = LogReg(statistics_calculator)

    # define kernel
    from abcpy.perturbationkernel import DefaultKernel
    kernel = DefaultKernel([mu, sigma])

    # define sampling scheme
    from abcpy.inferences import PMCABC
    sampler = PMCABC([height], [distance_calculator], backend, kernel, seed=1)

    # sample from scheme
    T, n_sample, n_samples_per_param = 3, 250, 10
    eps_arr = np.array([.75])
    epsilon_percentile = 10
    journal = sampler.sample([height_obs], T, eps_arr, n_sample,
                             n_samples_per_param, epsilon_percentile)

    return journal
def setup_backend():
    global backend

    from abcpy.backends import BackendMPI as Backend
    backend = Backend(process_per_model=2)
Beispiel #30
import numpy as np
from abcpy.continuousmodels import Uniform
from Model import AshDispersal

u0 = Uniform([[100], [300]], name='u0')
l0 = Uniform([[30], [100]], name='l0')
AD = AshDispersal([u0, l0], name='AD')

from abcpy.backends import BackendDummy as Backend
backend = Backend(process_per_model=2)

from abcpy.perturbationkernel import DefaultKernel
kernel = DefaultKernel([u0, l0])

from Distance import DepositionDistance
distance_calculator = DepositionDistance()

print(distance_calculator.distance("test.h5", "test.h5"))

from abcpy.inferences import SABC
sampler = SABC([AD], [distance_calculator], backend, kernel, seed=1)
#steps, epsilon, n_samples, n_samples_per_param, beta, delta, v, ar_cutoff, resample, n_update, adaptcov, full_output = 3, [50], 50, 1, 2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, None, None, 1, 1
steps, epsilon, n_samples, n_samples_per_param, beta, delta, v, ar_cutoff, resample, n_update, adaptcov, full_output = 3, [
], 1, 1, 2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, None, None, 1, 1
print('SABC Inferring')
journal_sabc = sampler.sample("test.h5", steps, epsilon, n_samples,
                              n_samples_per_param, beta, delta, v, ar_cutoff,
                              resample, n_update, adaptcov, full_output)
print('SABC done')