Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the filter.

        signal        : signal to filter (tensorflow.Tensor of rank 1 to 3)
        cutoff        : cutoff frequency (or frequencies) of the filter, in Hz
                        (positive int or list, array or Tensor of such values)
        learnable     : whether the cutoff frequency may be adjusted, e.g. in
                        backpropagation procedures (bool, default True)
        sampling_rate : sampling rate of the signal, in Hz (int, default 200)
        window        : half-size of the filtering window (int, default 5)

        Note: three-dimensional signals are treated as a batch of 2-D
              signals stacked along the first dimension, and are filtered
              as such, i.e. independently.
        check_positive_int(sampling_rate, 'sampling_rate')
        check_positive_int(window, 'window')
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(
            self, input_data, layers_shape, batch_sizes=None,
            cell_type='lstm', activation='tanh', name='rnn', keep_prob=None
        """Instantiate the recurrent neural network.

        input_data   : input data of the network (tensorflow.Tensor),
                       either of shape [n_batches, max_time, input_size]
                       or [len_sequence, input_size]
        layers_shape : number of units per layer (int or tuple of int)
        batch_sizes  : true lengths of the batched sequences
                       (for input tensors of rank 3 only)
        cell_type    : type of recurrent cells to use (short name (str)
                       or tensorflow.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell subclass,
                       default 'lstm', i.e. LSTMCell)
        activation   : activation function of the cell units (function
                       or function name, default 'tanh')
        name         : name of the stack (using the same name twice
                       will cause tensorflow to raise an exception)
        keep_prob    : optional Tensor recording a keep probability
                       used as a dropout parameter

        This needs overriding by subclasses to actually build the network
        out of the pre-validated arguments. The `weights` argument should
        also be filled in by subclasses.
        # Arguments serve modularity; pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        # Check name validity.
        check_type_validity(name, str, 'name') = name
        # Check input data valitidy.
        check_type_validity(input_data, tf.Tensor, 'input_data')
        if len(input_data.shape) == 2:
            self.input_data = tf.expand_dims(input_data, 0)
            self.batch_sizes = None
            self._batched = False
        elif len(input_data.shape) == 3:
            self.input_data = input_data
            if batch_sizes is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "With rank 3 'input_data', 'batch_sizes' is mandatory.")
            self.batch_sizes = batch_sizes
            self._batched = True
            raise TypeError("Invalid 'input_data' rank: should be 2 or 3.")
        # Check layers shape validity.
        check_type_validity(layers_shape, (tuple, int), 'layers_shape')
        if isinstance(layers_shape, int):
            layers_shape = (layers_shape,)
        for value in layers_shape:
            check_positive_int(value, "layer's number of units")
        self.layers_shape = layers_shape
        # Check keep_prob validity.
        check_type_validity(keep_prob, (tf.Tensor, type(None)), 'keep_prob')
        self.keep_prob = keep_prob
        # Set up the RNN cell type and activation function.
        self.cell_type = setup_rnn_cell_type(cell_type)
        self.activation = setup_activation_function(activation)
        # Set up an argument that needs assigning by subclasses.
        self.weights = None
Beispiel #3
 def _validate_args(self):
     """Process the initialization arguments of the instance."""
     # Control arguments common the any multilayer perceptron.
     # Control n_components argument and compute n_parameters.
     check_positive_int(self.n_components, 'n_components')
     self.n_parameters = self.n_components * (1 + 2 * self.n_targets)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the fully-connected neural layer.

        input_data : tensorflow variable or placeholder to use as input
        n_units    : number of units of the layer
        activation : activation function or activation function name
                     (default 'relu', i.e. `tensorflow.nn.relu`)
        bias       : whether to add a bias constant to the transformed data
                     passed to the activation function (bool, default True)
        name       : optional name to give to the layer's inner operations
        keep_prob  : optional Tensor recording a keep probability to use
                     as a dropout parameter
        # Arguments serve modularity; pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        # Check the arguments' validity.
        check_type_validity(input_data, tf.Tensor, 'input_data')
        if len(input_data.shape) not in (2, 3):
            raise TypeError("`input_data` must be of rank 2 or 3.")
        check_positive_int(n_units, 'n_units')
        check_type_validity(bias, bool, 'bias')
        check_type_validity(name, str, 'name')
        check_type_validity(keep_prob, (tf.Tensor, type(None)), 'keep_prob')
        # Set up the layer's activation function.
        self.activation = setup_activation_function(activation)
        # Set up the layer's weights, adjusting their initial value.
        # note: design loosely based on Glorot, X. & Bengio, Y. (2010)
        if self.activation is tf.nn.relu:
            stddev = np.sqrt(2 / n_units)
        elif self.activation in [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.softmax]:
            stddev = np.sqrt(3 / n_units)
            stddev = .1
        initial = tf.truncated_normal([input_data.shape[-1].value, n_units],
        self.weights = tf.Variable(initial, name=name + '_weight')
        # Optionally set up a learnable bias term.
        if bias:
            self.bias = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_units]),
                                    name=name + '_bias')
            self.bias = None
        # Build the layer's processing of the inputs.
        if len(input_data.shape) == 2:
            self.output = self._feed_tensor(input_data)
            self.output = run_along_first_dim(self._feed_tensor, input_data)
        # Optionally set up dropout on top of the layer.
        self.keep_prob = keep_prob
        if self.keep_prob is not None:
            self.output = tf.nn.dropout(self.output, keep_prob=keep_prob)
Beispiel #5
def sequences_to_batch(sequences, length=None):
    """Batch a set of data sequences into a three-dimensional array.

    sequences : list of array of two-dimensional numpy arrays sharing
                the same shape on their last dimension
    length    : optional size of the batched array's second dimension
                (otherwise, maximum sample length is used)

    Return a numpy.array of shape [n_sequences, length, sequences_width].
    # Check sequences argument validity.
    check_type_validity(sequences, (list, np.ndarray), 'sequences')
    if isinstance(sequences, np.ndarray):
        if len(sequences.shape) == 2:
            sequences = [sequences]
        elif len(sequences.shape) != 1:
            raise TypeError(
                "'sequences' must be a list or a flat numpy array.")
    width = sequences[0].shape[1]
    valid = all(
        isinstance(sequence, np.ndarray) and len(sequence.shape) == 2
        and sequence.shape[1] == width for sequence in sequences)
    if not valid:
        raise TypeError(
            "All sequences must be 2-D numpy arrays of same number of columns."
    # Gather the length of each and every sequence, truncated if needed.
    if length is None:
        batch_sizes = np.array([len(sequence) for sequence in sequences])
        length = np.max(batch_sizes)
        check_positive_int(length, 'length')
        batch_sizes = np.array(
            [min(len(sequence), length) for sequence in sequences])
    # Zero-pad the sequences and concatenate them.
    batched = np.array([
             np.zeros((length - seq_length, seq.shape[1]))])
        for seq, seq_length in zip(sequences, batch_sizes)
    # Return the batched sequences and the true sequence lengths.
    return batched, batch_sizes
Beispiel #6
    def abx_from_features(features,
        """Run the ABXpy pipeline on a set of pre-extracted {0} features.

        features     : name of a h5 file of {0} features created with
                       the `extract_h5_features` function (str)
        fileset      : optional name of a fileset whose utterances'
                       features to use (str)
        byspeaker    : whether to discriminate pairs from the same
                       speaker only (bool, default True)
        limit_phones : whether to aggregate some phonemes, using
                       the 'ipa_reduced' column of the {0} symbols
                       file as mapping (bool, default False)
        n_jobs       : number of CPU cores to use (positive int, default 1)
        nonlocal abx_folder, corpus, make_abx_task
        check_type_validity(features, str, 'features')
        check_type_validity(fileset, (str, type(None)), 'fileset')
        check_positive_int(n_jobs, 'n_jobs')
        # Declare the path to the task file.
        task_name = get_task_name(fileset, limit_phones)
        task_name += 'byspk_' * byspeaker
        task_file = os.path.join(abx_folder, task_name + 'task.abx')
        # Declare paths to the input features and output scores files.
        features_file = os.path.join(abx_folder, features + '.features')
        scores_file = features + '_' + task_name.split('_', 1)[1] + 'abx.csv'
        scores_file = os.path.join(abx_folder, scores_file)
        # Check that the features file exists.
        if not os.path.exists(features_file):
            raise FileNotFoundError("No such file: '%s'." % features_file)
        # Build the ABX task file if necessary.
        if not os.path.isfile(task_file):
            make_abx_task(fileset, byspeaker, limit_phones)
            print('Using found %s file.' % task_file)
        # Run the ABXpy pipeline.
        abxpy_pipeline(features_file, task_file, scores_file, n_jobs)
        # Replace phone symbols with IPA ones in the scores file.
Beispiel #7
def abxpy_distance(features_file, task_file, output, n_jobs=1):
    """Run the ABXpy distance module.

    features_file : path to a h5 file containing the features to evaluate
    task_file     : path to a task file output by the ABXpy task module
    output        : path to the output file to write
    n_jobs        : number of CPU cores to use (positive int, default 1)
    check_positive_int(n_jobs, 'n_jobs')
    distance = os.path.join(ABXPY_FOLDER, '')
    distance += ' -n 1 -j %s' % n_jobs
    cmd = ' '.join(('python2', distance, features_file, task_file, output))
    status = os.system(cmd)
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("ABXpy ended with status code %s." %
    print('ABXpy distance module was successfully run.')
Beispiel #8
 def _validate_args(self):
     """Process the initialization arguments of the instance."""
     # Validate the model's input layer shape.
     check_type_validity(self.input_shape, (tuple, list, tf.TensorShape),
     if len(self.input_shape) not in [2, 3]:
         raise TypeError("'input_shape' must be of length 2 or 3.")
     if self.input_shape[-1] is None:
         raise ValueError("Last 'input_shape' dimension must be fixed.")
     # Validate the model's layers configuration.
     check_type_validity(self.layers_config, list, 'layers_config')
     for i, config in enumerate(self.layers_config):
         self.layers_config[i] = validate_layer_config(config)
     # Validate the model's optional top layer configuration.
     if self.top_filter is not None:
         self._init_arguments['top_filter'] = (validate_layer_config(
     # Validate the model's number of targets and their specification.
     check_positive_int(self.n_targets, 'n_targets')
     check_type_validity(self.use_dynamic, bool, 'use_dynamic')
     check_type_validity(self.binary_tracks, (list, type(None)),
     if self.binary_tracks is not None:
         if self.binary_tracks:
             invalid = not all(
                 isinstance(track, int) and 0 <= track < self.n_targets
                 for track in self.binary_tracks)
             if invalid:
                 raise TypeError(
                     "'binary_tracks' should be a list of int in [0, %s]" %
                     (self.n_targets - 1))
             self._init_arguments['binary_tracks'] = None
     # Validate the model's normalization parameters.
     norm_params = self.norm_params
     check_type_validity(norm_params, (np.ndarray, type(None)),
     if norm_params is not None and norm_params.shape != (self.n_targets, ):
         raise TypeError("Wrong 'norm_params' shape: %s instead of (%s,)" %
                         (norm_params.shape, self.n_targets))
Beispiel #9
    def control_arguments(audio_forms, n_coeff, articulators_list,
                          ema_sampling_rate, audio_frames_time):
        """Control the arguments provided to extract some features.

        Build the necessary subfolders so as to store the processed data.

        Replace `audio_forms` and `articulators_list` with their
        default values when they are passed as None.

        Return the definitive values of the latter two arguments.
        nonlocal default_articulators, new_folder
        # Check positive integer arguments.
        check_positive_int(ema_sampling_rate, 'ema_sampling_rate')
        check_positive_int(audio_frames_time, 'audio_frames_time')
        # Check audio_forms argument validity.
        valid_forms = ['lpc', 'lsf', 'mfcc', 'mfcc_']
        if audio_forms is None:
            audio_forms = valid_forms[:-1]
            if isinstance(audio_forms, str):
                audio_forms = [audio_forms]
            elif isinstance(audio_forms, tuple):
                audio_forms = list(audio_forms)
                check_type_validity(audio_forms, list, 'audio_forms')
            invalid = [name for name in audio_forms if name not in valid_forms]
            if invalid:
                raise ValueError("Unknown audio representation(s): %s." %
        # Check n_coeff argument validity.
        check_type_validity(n_coeff, (int, tuple, list), 'n_coeff')
        if isinstance(n_coeff, int):
            check_positive_int(n_coeff, 'single `n_coeff` value')
            n_coeff = [n_coeff] * len(audio_forms)
        elif len(n_coeff) != len(audio_forms):
            raise TypeError(
                "'n_coeff' sequence should be of same length as 'audio_forms'."
        # Build necessary folders to store the processed data.
        for name in audio_forms + ['ema', 'voicing']:
            dirname = os.path.join(new_folder, name)
            if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
        # Check articulators_list argument validity.
        if articulators_list is None:
            articulators_list = default_articulators
            check_type_validity(articulators_list, list, 'articulators_list')
        # Return potentially altered list arguments.
        return audio_forms, n_coeff, articulators_list
Beispiel #10
def mlpg_from_gaussian_mixture(priors, means, stds, weights, n_steps=10):
    """Generate a trajectory out of a time sequence of gaussian mixture models.

    The algorithm used is taken from Tokuda, K. et alii (2000). Speech
    Parameter Generation Algorithms for HMM-based speech synthesis. It
    aims at generating the most likely trajectory sequence based on
    gaussian mixture density parameters fitted to an input sequence.

    priors  : sequence of mixture components' priors (2-D tensor)
    means   : sequence of componenents' multivariate means (3-D tensor)
    stds    : sequence of components' standard deviations (2-D tensor)
    weights : matrix of weights to derive successive orders
              of dynamic features out of static ones (2-D tensor)
    n_steps : maximum number of iteration when updating the selected
              trajectory through an E-M algorithm (int, default 10)

    Each row of means must include means associated with (in that order)
    the static features, the first-order dynamic features and the second-
    order ones.
    # Test arguments validity.
        tf.assert_rank(priors, 2),
        tf.assert_rank(means, 3),
        tf.assert_rank(stds, 3)
    check_positive_int(n_steps, 'n_steps')

    # Set up the expectation step function.
    def generate_trajectory(means_sequence, stds_sequence):
        """Generate a trajectory and density-based metrics."""
        features = mlpg_from_gaussian(means_sequence, stds_sequence, weights)
        densities = priors * tf.reduce_prod(
            gaussian_density(tf.expand_dims(features, 1), means, stds), axis=2)
        log_likelihood = tf.reduce_sum(
            tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(densities, axis=1) + 1e-30))
        return features, densities, log_likelihood

    # Set up the maximization step function.
    def generate_parameters(densities):
        """Generate a parameters sequence using occupancy probabilities."""
        # Compute occupancy probabilities (i.e. posterior of components).
        norm = tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(densities, axis=1), 1)
        occupancy = tf.expand_dims(densities / (norm + 1e-30), 2)
        # Derive a weighted sequence of means and standard deviations.
        return (tf.reduce_sum(occupancy * means,
                              axis=1), tf.reduce_sum(occupancy * stds, axis=1))

    # Set up a function running an E-M algorithm step.
    def run_step(index, previous_traject, previous_dens, previous_ll):
        """Run an iteration of the E-M algorithm for trajectory selection."""
        # Run the maximization and expectation steps.
        means_seq, stds_seq = generate_parameters(previous_dens)
        trajectory, densities, log_likelihood = (generate_trajectory(
            means_seq, stds_seq))
        # Either return the updated results or interrupt the process.
        return tf.cond(
            log_likelihood > previous_ll, lambda:
            (index + 1, trajectory, densities, log_likelihood), lambda:
            (n_steps, previous_traject, previous_dens, previous_ll))

    # Choose an initial trajectory, using the component's priors as weights.
    init_trajectory, init_densities, init_ll = generate_trajectory(
        tf.reduce_sum(tf.expand_dims(priors, 2) * means, axis=1),
        tf.reduce_sum(tf.expand_dims(priors, 2) * stds, axis=1))
    # Iteratively update the selected trajectory with an E-M algorithm.
    _, trajectory, _, _ = tf.while_loop(
        lambda i, *_: i < n_steps, run_step,
        [tf.constant(0), init_trajectory, init_densities, init_ll])
    return trajectory