def irq_handler():
    irq_handler contains the code you want to execute when the interrupt
    occurs. Define your own callback function here by rewriting the code. We
    make an LED flash in this example.
    # open an LED session
    with academicIO.LEDs() as LED:
        # specify the LED which you want to control
        led = Led.LED1
        # specify the LED status
        led_on_off = True
        # writes values 10 times, which makes LED1 flash for 3 seconds
        for x in range(0, 10):
            # turn LED0 on or off
            LED.write(led, led_on_off)
            # add a short delay
            # if the LED is on, set the parameter to off
            # if the LED is off, set the parameter to on
            led_on_off = not led_on_off
            # turn LED0 on or off
            LED.write(led, led_on_off)
            # add a short delay
            # if the LED is on, set the parameter to off
            # if the LED is off, set the parameter to on
            led_on_off = not led_on_off

# specify the span of time, in milliseconds, between when the program
# starts and when an interrupt occurs
irq_interval = 5000000  # 5000000us = 5s
# configure a timer interrupt session
with academicIO.TimerIRQ(irq_handler, irq_interval) as Timer_IRQ:
    # open the LED session
    LED = academicIO.LEDs()
    # specify the LED which you want to control
    led = Led.LED0
    # specify the LED status
    led_on_off = True

    # create a thread to wait for the interrupt
    thread.start_new_thread(Timer_IRQ.wait, ())

    # writes values 50 times, which makes LED0 flash for 25 seconds
    for x in range(0, 50):
        # turn LED0 on or off
        LED.write(led, led_on_off)
        # add a short delay
        # if the LED is on, set the parameter to off
  LED0 turns on and then LED1, LED2, LED3,
  LED0 turns off and then LED2, LED2, LED3
import time
import sys
import academicIO
from enums import *

with academicIO.LEDs() as LED:
    LED.write()  # The default values are - led: led0, value_to_set = True.
    LED.write(led=Led.LED1)  # The default 'value_to_set' is True
    LED.write(Led.LED2, True)
    LED.write(Led.LED3, True)
    LED.write(value_to_set=False)  # the default 'led' is 'led0'
    LED.write(Led.LED1, False)
    LED.write(Led.LED2, False)
    LED.write(Led.LED3, False)