def parse_admin_create_recurring_transfer(message):
    """Parses an admin-create-recurring-transfer message."""
    body = message.split()
    if len(body) != 5:
        return None

    _, amount_text, sender, destination, tick_count_text = body
        amount = int(amount_text)
        tick_count = int(tick_count_text)
    except ValueError:
        return None

    return (amount, parse_account_id(sender), parse_account_id(destination), tick_count)
Beispiel #2
def cli(fp, acc):
    with LedgerServer(fp) as server:
        print(f"{_name} ver {_ver}")
        print("run help for a list of commands")
        print("or exit to leave the cli")
        while True:
                cmd = input(ps1(acc))
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                cmd = ''
            except EOFError:
                cmd = 'exit'

            if cmd == '':
            if cmd.split()[0] in cant_run:
                print(f"Can't execute {cmd.split()[0]} from cli")
            elif cmd.startswith('login'):
                split = cmd.split()
                acc_id = parse_account_id(split[1])
                acc = acc_id
            elif cmd.startswith('exit'):
                print(run_command(acc, cmd, server))
def _get_account(account_id: Union[AccountId, str], server: Server) -> Account:
    """Get account from server, unless it doesn't exist, in which case raise"""
    account_id = parse_account_id(account_id)
    if not server.has_account(account_id):
        raise AccountCommandException(account_id)

    return server.get_account(account_id)
def process_request_alias(author: AccountId, message: str, server: Server, **kwargs):
    """Processes a request for an alias code."""
    account = assert_is_account(author, server)

    split_msg = message.split()
    if len(split_msg) != 2:
        raise CommandException('Incorrect formatting. Expected `request-alias ALIAS_ACCOUNT_NAME`.')

    _, alias_name = split_msg
    alias_id = parse_account_id(alias_name)
    if server.has_account(alias_id):
        raise CommandException(
            'An account has already been associated with %s, so it cannot be an alias for this account.' %

    # To generate an alias code, we generate an ECC public/private key pair, use the
    # private key to generate a signed version of the aliased account name and associate
    # the public key with the account.
    key = ECC.generate(curve='P-256')
    signature = sign_message(str(alias_id), key)
    server.add_public_key(account, key.public_key())

    # At this point we will allow the private key to be forgotten.

    # Compose a helpful message for as to how the bot can be contacted to link accounts.
    if isinstance(alias_id, RedditAccountId):
        contact_message = 'Send me that exact command as a Reddit Private Message (not a direct chat) from %s.' % alias_id.readable()
    elif isinstance(alias_id, DiscordAccountId):
        contact_message = 'Send me that exact command prefixed with a mention of my name via Discord from account %s.' % alias_id
        contact_message = ''

    return ('I created an alias request code for you. '
        'Make {0} an alias for this account ({2}) by sending me the following message from {3}.\n\n```\nadd-alias {4} {1}\n```\n\n{5}').format(
            str(alias_id), signature, author.readable(), alias_id.readable(), str(author), contact_message)
Beispiel #5
def _farm_balance(author, rest, server):
    account = author
    if rest != "":
        account = parse_account_id(rest.split()[0])
    balance = commands.get_farm_balance(author, account, server)
    return f"Your inventory contains ".join(
        f"{}, " for farm in
        balance) if len(balance) > 0 else f"Your inventory is empty"
def process_proxy_command(author: AccountId, message: str, server: Server, **kwargs):
    """Processes a command by proxy."""
    account_name, signature, command = parse_proxy_command(message)
    account = assert_is_account(account_name, server)

    if is_signed_by(account, command, signature):
        return process_command(parse_account_id(account_name), command, server)
        raise CommandException('Cannot execute command by proxy because the signature is invalid.')
Beispiel #7
def _vest_balance(author: Union[AccountId, str], rest, server):
    account = author
    if rest != "":
        account = parse_account_id(rest.split()[0])
    has_vest = commands.vest_balance(author, account, server)
    if has_vest:
        return f"{account} has a vest"
        return f"{account} does not have a vest"
Beispiel #8
def _gun_balance(author: Union[AccountId, str], rest, server):
    account = author
    if rest != "":
        account = parse_account_id(rest.split()[0])
    bal = commands.gun_balance(author, account, server)
    if account == author:
        return f"your gun-balance is {bal}"
        return f"{account} 's gun-balance is {bal}"
def assert_is_account(account_name: Union[str, AccountId], server: Server) -> Account:
    """Asserts that a particular account exists. Returns the account."""
    if isinstance(account_name, str):
        account_name = parse_account_id(account_name)

    if not server.has_account(account_name):
        raise CommandException(
            ('Sorry, I can\'t process your request because %s does not have an account yet. '
             'Accounts can be opened using the `open` command.') % account_name.readable())

    return server.get_account(account_name)
Beispiel #10
def parse_remove_funds(message):
    body = message.split()
    if len(body) != 3:
        return None

    _, amount_text, account = body
        amount = Fraction(amount_text)
    except ValueError:
        return None
    return amount, parse_account_id(account)
Beispiel #11
def parse(cmd, account, fp):
    acc = parse_account_id(account)

    if cmd is not None:
        server = LedgerServer(fp)
        cmds = cmd.split(';')
        for cmd in cmds:

            print(run_command(acc, cmd, server))
    elif cmd is None:
        cli(fp, account)
def assert_authorized(account_name: Union[str, AccountId], server: Server, auth_level: Authorization) -> Account:
    """Asserts that a particular account exists and has an authorization level that is at least `auth_level`.
       Returns the account."""
    if isinstance(account_name, str):
        account_name = parse_account_id(account_name)

    account = assert_is_account(account_name, server)

    if account.get_authorization().value < auth_level.value:
        raise CommandException('Sorry, I can\'t process your request because %s does not have the required authorization.' % account_name.readable())

    return account
Beispiel #13
    def parse_impl():
        split_message = message.split('\n', 1)
        if len(split_message) != 2:
            return None

        proxy_line, command = split_message
        command = command.strip('\n\r')

        proxy_elems = proxy_line.split()
        if len(proxy_elems) == 2:
            _, account_name = proxy_elems
            return (parse_account_id(account_name), None, command)

        elif len(proxy_elems) == 4:
            _, protocol, account_name, enc_signature = proxy_elems
            if protocol != 'dsa':
                return None

            return (parse_account_id(account_name), enc_signature, command)
            return None
def parse_print_money(message):
    """Parses a money printing request."""
    body = message.split()
    if len(body) != 3:
        return None

    _, amount_text, beneficiary = body
        amount = int(amount_text)
    except ValueError:
        return None

    return (amount, parse_account_id(beneficiary))
Beispiel #15
def parse(cmd, account, fp):
    acc = parse_account_id(account)

    if cmd is not None:
        server = LedgerServer(fp)
        cmds = cmd.split(';')
        for cmd in cmds:
            if cmd.startswith("shoot"):
                print("Can't execute shoot from cli")
                print(run_command(acc, cmd, server))
    elif cmd is None:
        cli(fp, account)
Beispiel #16
def perform_transfer(author_name, sender_name, destination_name, amount,
    """Helper function that performs a transfer."""
    author_id = parse_account_id(author_name)
    assert_is_account(author_name, server)
    sender = assert_is_account(sender_name, server)
    dest = assert_is_account(destination_name, server)

    # TODO: check for common reasons for why a transfer might not be able to go through (e.g., insufficient
    # balance) and provide a helpful error message for each of those cases.

    if not server.can_transfer(sender, dest, amount):
        return 'Sorry, but I can\'t perform that transfer.'

    proof = server.transfer(author_id, sender, dest, amount)
    proof_string = ' Proof: %s.' % proof if proof is not None else ''
    return 'Transfer performed successfully.%s' % proof_string