Beispiel #1
    def _create_newcase_phase(self, test_name):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test_name)

        test_case, case_opts, grid, compset, machine, compiler, test_mods = acme_util.parse_test_name(test_name)
        if (compiler != self._compiler):
            raise StandardError("Test '%s' has compiler that does not match instance compliler '%s'" % (test_name, self._compiler))
        if (self._parallel_jobs == 1):
            scratch_dir = acme_util.get_machine_info("CESMSCRATCHROOT", machine=machine, project=self._project)
            sharedlibroot = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "sharedlibroot.%s" % self._test_id)
            # Parallelizing builds introduces potential sync problems with sharedlibroot
            # Just let every case build it's own
            sharedlibroot = os.path.join(test_dir, "sharedlibroot.%s" % self._test_id)

        create_newcase_cmd = "%s -silent -case %s -res %s -mach %s -compiler %s -compset %s -testname %s -project %s -nosavetiming -sharedlibroot %s" % \
                              (os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "create_newcase"),
                               test_dir, grid, machine, compiler, compset, test_case, self._project,
        if (case_opts is not None):
            create_newcase_cmd += " -confopts _%s" % ("_".join(case_opts))
        if (test_mods is not None):
            test_mod_file = os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "Testing", "Testlistxml", "testmods_dirs", test_mods)
            if (not os.path.exists(test_mod_file)):
                self._log_output(test_name, "Missing testmod file '%s'" % test_mod_file)
                return False
            create_newcase_cmd += " -user_mods_dir %s" % test_mod_file

        return self._run_phase_command(test_name, create_newcase_cmd, CREATE_NEWCASE_PHASE)
Beispiel #2
    def _create_newcase_phase(self, test_name):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test_name)

        test_case, case_opts, grid, compset, machine, compiler, test_mods = acme_util.parse_test_name(test_name)
        if (compiler != self._compiler):
            raise StandardError("Test '%s' has compiler that does not match instance compliler '%s'" % (test_name, self._compiler))
        if (self._parallel_jobs == 1):
            scratch_dir = acme_util.get_machine_info("CESMSCRATCHROOT", machine=machine, project=self._project)
            sharedlibroot = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "sharedlibroot.%s" % self._test_id)
            # Parallelizing builds introduces potential sync problems with sharedlibroot
            # Just let every case build it's own
            sharedlibroot = os.path.join(test_dir, "sharedlibroot.%s" % self._test_id)

        create_newcase_cmd = "%s -silent -case %s -res %s -mach %s -compiler %s -compset %s -testname %s -project %s -nosavetiming -sharedlibroot %s" % \
                              (os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "create_newcase"),
                               test_dir, grid, machine, compiler, compset, test_case, self._project,
        if (case_opts is not None):
            create_newcase_cmd += " -confopts _%s" % ("_".join(case_opts))
        if (test_mods is not None):
            test_mod_file = os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "Testing", "Testlistxml", "testmods_dirs", test_mods)
            if (not os.path.exists(test_mod_file)):
                self._log_output(test_name, "Missing testmod file '%s'" % test_mod_file)
                return False
            create_newcase_cmd += " -user_mods_dir %s" % test_mod_file

        return self._run_phase_command(test_name, create_newcase_cmd, CREATE_NEWCASE_PHASE)
Beispiel #3
def find_all_supported_platforms():
    Returns a set of all ACME supported platforms as defined in the
    XML configuration file config_machines.xml in the ACME source
    tree. A platform is defined by a triple (machine name, compiler,
    mpi library).
    machines = acme_util.get_machines()
    platform_set = set()

    for machine in machines:
        compilers, mpilibs = acme_util.get_machine_info(["COMPILERS", "MPILIBS"], machine=machine)
        for compiler in compilers:
            for mpilib in mpilibs:
                platform_set.add((machine, compiler, mpilib))

    return list(platform_set)
Beispiel #4
def find_all_supported_platforms():
    Returns a set of all ACME supported platforms as defined in the
    XML configuration file config_machines.xml in the ACME source
    tree. A platform is defined by a triple (machine name, compiler,
    mpi library).
    machines = acme_util.get_machines()
    platform_set = set()

    for machine in machines:
        compilers, mpilibs = acme_util.get_machine_info(["COMPILERS", "MPILIBS"], machine=machine)
        for compiler in compilers:
            for mpilib in mpilibs:
                platform_set.add((machine, compiler, mpilib))

    return list(platform_set)
Beispiel #5
def get_test_suite(suite, machine=None, compiler=None):
    Return a list of FULL test names for a suite.
    expect(suite in _TEST_SUITES, "Unknown test suite: '%s'" % suite)

    machine = acme_util.probe_machine_name() if machine is None else machine
    compiler = acme_util.get_machine_info("COMPILERS", machine=machine)[0] if compiler is None else compiler

    inherits_from, tests_raw = _TEST_SUITES[suite]
    tests = []
    for item in tests_raw:
        test_mod = None
        if (isinstance(item, str)):
            test_name = item
            expect(isinstance(item, tuple), "Bad item type for item '%s'" % str(item))
            expect(len(item) in [2, 3], "Expected two or three items in item '%s'" % str(item))
            expect(isinstance(item[0], str), "Expected string in first field of item '%s'" % str(item))
            expect(isinstance(item[1], str), "Expected string in second field of item '%s'" % str(item))

            test_name = item[0]
            if (len(item) == 2):
                test_mod = item[1]
                expect(type(item[2]) in [str, tuple], "Expected string or tuple for third field of item '%s'" % str(item))
                test_mod_machines = [item[2]] if isinstance(item[2], str) else item[2]
                if (machine in test_mod_machines):
                    test_mod = item[1]

        tests.append(acme_util.get_full_test_name(test_name, machine, compiler, testmod=test_mod))

    if (inherits_from is not None):
        inherited_tests = get_test_suite(inherits_from, machine, compiler)

        expect(len(set(tests) & set(inherited_tests)) == 0,
               "Tests %s defined in multiple suites" % ", ".join(set(tests) & set(inherited_tests)))

    return tests
Beispiel #6
def get_test_suite(suite, machine=None, compiler=None):
    Return a list of FULL test names for a suite.
    expect(suite in _TEST_SUITES, "Unknown test suite: '%s'" % suite)

    machine = acme_util.probe_machine_name() if machine is None else machine
    compiler = acme_util.get_machine_info("COMPILERS", machine=machine)[0] if compiler is None else compiler

    inherits_from, tests_raw = _TEST_SUITES[suite]
    tests = []
    for item in tests_raw:
        test_mod = None
        if (isinstance(item, str)):
            test_name = item
            expect(isinstance(item, tuple), "Bad item type for item '%s'" % str(item))
            expect(len(item) in [2, 3], "Expected two or three items in item '%s'" % str(item))
            expect(isinstance(item[0], str), "Expected string in first field of item '%s'" % str(item))
            expect(isinstance(item[1], str), "Expected string in second field of item '%s'" % str(item))

            test_name = item[0]
            if (len(item) == 2):
                test_mod = item[1]
                expect(type(item[2]) in [str, tuple], "Expected string or tuple for third field of item '%s'" % str(item))
                test_mod_machines = [item[2]] if isinstance(item[2], str) else item[2]
                if (machine in test_mod_machines):
                    test_mod = item[1]

        tests.append(acme_util.get_full_test_name(test_name, machine, compiler, testmod=test_mod))

    if (inherits_from is not None):
        inherited_tests = get_test_suite(inherits_from, machine, compiler)

        expect(len(set(tests) & set(inherited_tests)) == 0,
               "Tests %s defined in multiple suites" % ", ".join(set(tests) & set(inherited_tests)))

    return tests
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, test_names,
                 no_run=False, no_build=False, no_batch=None,
                 test_root=None, test_id=None,
                 baseline_root=None, baseline_name=None,
                 compare=False, generate=False, namelists_only=False,
                 project=None, parallel_jobs=None):
        self._cime_root      = acme_util.get_cime_root()
        self._test_names     = test_names
        self._no_build       = no_build      if not namelists_only else True
        self._no_run         = no_run        if not self._no_build else True
        self._no_batch       = no_batch      if no_batch is not None else not acme_util.does_machine_have_batch()
        self._test_root      = test_root     if test_root is not None else acme_util.get_machine_info("CESMSCRATCHROOT")
        self._test_id        = test_id       if test_id is not None else acme_util.get_utc_timestamp()
        self._project        = project       if project is not None else acme_util.get_machine_project()
        self._baseline_root  = baseline_root if baseline_root is not None else acme_util.get_machine_info("CCSM_BASELINE", project=self._project)
        self._baseline_name  = None
        self._compiler       = compiler      if compiler is not None else acme_util.get_machine_info("COMPILERS")[0]
        self._clean          = clean
        self._compare        = compare
        self._generate       = generate
        self._namelists_only = namelists_only
        self._parallel_jobs  = parallel_jobs if parallel_jobs is not None else min(len(self._test_names), int(acme_util.get_machine_info("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE")))

        # Oversubscribe by 1/4
        pes = int(acme_util.get_machine_info("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"))

        # This is the only data that multiple threads will simultaneously access
        # Each test has it's own index and setting/retrieving items from a list
        # is atomic, so this should be fine to use without mutex
        self._test_states    = [ (INITIAL_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS) ] * len(test_names)

        self._proc_pool = int(pes * 1.25)

        # Since the name-list phase can fail without aborting later phases, we
        # need some extra state to remember tests that had namelist problems
        self._tests_with_nl_problems = [None] * len(test_names)

        # Setup phases
        self._phases = list(PHASES)
        if (no_build):
        if (no_run):

        if (not self._compare and not self._generate):
            if (baseline_name is None):
                branch_name = acme_util.get_current_branch(repo=self._cime_root)
                expect(branch_name is not None, "Could not determine baseline name from branch, please use -b option")
                self._baseline_name = os.path.join(self._compiler, branch_name)
                self._baseline_name  = baseline_name
                if (not self._baseline_name.startswith("%s/" % self._compiler)):
                    self._baseline_name = os.path.join(self._compiler, self._baseline_name)

        # Validate any assumptions that were not caught by the arg parser

        # None of the test directories should already exist.
        for test in self._test_names:
            expect(not os.path.exists(self._get_test_dir(test)),
                   "Cannot create new case in directory '%s', it already exists. Pick a different test-id" % self._get_test_dir(test))
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self,
        self._cime_root = acme_util.get_cime_root()
        self._test_names = test_names
        self._no_build = no_build if not namelists_only else True
        self._no_run = no_run if not self._no_build else True
        self._no_batch = no_batch if no_batch is not None else not acme_util.does_machine_have_batch(
        self._test_root = test_root if test_root is not None else acme_util.get_machine_info(
        self._test_id = test_id if test_id is not None else acme_util.get_utc_timestamp(
        self._project = project if project is not None else acme_util.get_machine_project(
        self._baseline_root = baseline_root if baseline_root is not None else acme_util.get_machine_info(
            "CCSM_BASELINE", project=self._project)
        self._baseline_name = None
        self._compiler = compiler if compiler is not None else acme_util.get_machine_info(
        self._clean = clean
        self._compare = compare
        self._generate = generate
        self._namelists_only = namelists_only
        self._parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs if parallel_jobs is not None else min(

        # Oversubscribe by 1/4
        pes = int(acme_util.get_machine_info("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"))

        # This is the only data that multiple threads will simultaneously access
        # Each test has it's own index and setting/retrieving items from a list
        # is atomic, so this should be fine to use without mutex
        self._test_states = [(INITIAL_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS)
                             ] * len(test_names)

        self._proc_pool = int(pes * 1.25)

        # Since the name-list phase can fail without aborting later phases, we
        # need some extra state to remember tests that had namelist problems
        self._tests_with_nl_problems = [None] * len(test_names)

        # Setup phases
        self._phases = list(PHASES)
        if (no_build):
        if (no_run):

        if (not self._compare and not self._generate):
            if (baseline_name is None):
                branch_name = acme_util.get_current_branch(
                    branch_name is not None,
                    "Could not determine baseline name from branch, please use -b option"
                self._baseline_name = os.path.join(self._compiler, branch_name)
                self._baseline_name = baseline_name
                if (not self._baseline_name.startswith(
                        "%s/" % self._compiler)):
                    self._baseline_name = os.path.join(self._compiler,

        # Validate any assumptions that were not caught by the arg parser

        # None of the test directories should already exist.
        for test in self._test_names:
                not os.path.exists(self._get_test_dir(test)),
                "Cannot create new case in directory '%s', it already exists. Pick a different test-id"
                % self._get_test_dir(test))