Beispiel #1
class TC74:
    Driver for the Microchip TC74 Digital Temperature Sensor.
    :param i2c_bus: The I2C bus the TC74 is connected to.
    :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=TC74_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

    _temperature = ROUnaryStruct(TC74_REGISTER_TEMP, "b")

    shutdown = RWBit(TC74_REGISTER_CONFIG, TC74_SHUTDOWN_BIT, lsb_first=True)
    """Set to True to turn off the temperature measurement circuitry in
    the sensor. While shut down the configurations properties can still
    be read or written but the temperature will not be measured."""

    data_ready = ROBit(TC74_REGISTER_CONFIG, TC74_DATA_READY_BIT, lsb_first=True)
    """Read-only bit that indicates when the temperature register is
    ready to be read from, especially after power-on or when switching
    from the shutdown to the normal state."""

    def temperature(self):
        Returns the current temperature in degrees celsius. Resolution
        is 1 degrees C.
        return self._temperature
Beispiel #2
class INA260:
    """Driver for the INA260 power and current sensor.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the INA260 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x40``.

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x40):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

    _raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")
    _raw_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, ">H")
    _raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")

    _conversion_ready = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 3, 2, False)

    averaging_count = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 9, 2, False)
    """The window size of the rolling average used in continuous mode"""
    voltage_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 6, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the bus voltage measurement"""
    current_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the current measurement"""

    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)
    """The mode that the INA260 is operating in. Must be one of
    ``Mode.CONTINUOUS``, ``Mode.TRIGGERED``, or ``Mode.SHUTDOWN``

    mask_enable = RWBits(16, _REG_MASK_ENABLE, 0, 2, False)
    alert_limit = RWBits(16, _REG_ALERT_LIMIT, 0, 2, False)

    def current(self):
        """The current (between V+ and V-) in mA"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready == 0:
        return self._raw_current * 1.25

    def voltage(self):
        """The bus voltage in V"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready == 0:
        return self._raw_voltage * 0.00125

    def power(self):
        """The power being delivered to the load in mW"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready == 0:
        return self._raw_power * 10
Beispiel #3
class PSControl:  # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods
    """Control registers for the LTR559 proximity sensor"""

    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self.i2c_device = i2c  # self.i2c_device required by RWBit class

    saturation_indicator_enable = RWBit(_LTR559_REG_PS_CONTROL, 5)
    active = RWBits(2, _LTR559_REG_PS_CONTROL, 0)
    rate_ms = RWBits(4, _LTR559_REG_PS_MEAS_RATE, 0)

    data_ch0 = ROBits(16, _LTR559_REG_PS_DATA_CH0, 0, register_width=2)
    saturation = RWBit(_LTR559_REG_PS_DATA_SAT, 7)

    threshold_lower = RWBits(16, _LTR559_REG_PS_THRESHOLD_LOWER, 0, register_width=2)
    threshold_upper = RWBits(16, _LTR559_REG_PS_THRESHOLD_UPPER, 0, register_width=2)

    offset = RWBits(10, _LTR559_REG_PS_OFFSET, 0, register_width=2)

    interrupt_persist = RWBits(4, _LTR559_REG_INTERRUPT_PERSIST, 0)

    new_data = ROBit(_LTR559_REG_ALS_PS_STATUS, 0)
    interrupt_active = ROBit(_LTR559_REG_ALS_PS_STATUS, 1)
Beispiel #4
class TempSensor:
    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self.i2c_device = i2c

    alert_output_mode = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 0, 2)
    alert_output_polarity = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 1, 2)
    alert_output_select = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 2, 2)
    alert_output_control = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 3, 2)
    alert_output_status = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 4, 2)
    interrupt_clear = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 5, 2)
    win_lock = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 6, 2)
    crit_loc = RWBit(DEVICE_CONFIG_REG, 7, 2)

    temp_value = ROBits(12, DEVICE_TEMP_REG, 0, 2)
    temp_crit_flag = ROBit(DEVICE_TEMP_REG, 15, 2)
    temp_upper_flag = ROBit(DEVICE_TEMP_REG, 14, 2)
    temp_lower_flag = ROBit(DEVICE_TEMP_REG, 13, 2)

    temp_upper_value = RWBits(11, DEVICE_UPPER_TEMP_REG, 2, 2)

    temp_lower_value = RWBits(11, DEVICE_LOWER_TEMP_REG, 2, 2)

    temp_crit_value = RWBits(11, DEVICE_CRIT_TEMP_REG, 2, 2)
Beispiel #5
class ALSControl:  # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods
    """Control registers for the LTR559 light sensor"""

    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self.i2c_device = i2c  # self.i2c_device required by RWBit class

    gain = RWBits(3, _LTR559_REG_ALS_CONTROL, 2)
    mode = RWBit(_LTR559_REG_ALS_CONTROL, 0)
    integration_time_ms = RWBits(3, _LTR559_REG_ALS_MEAS_RATE, 3)
    repeat_rate_ms = RWBits(3, _LTR559_REG_ALS_MEAS_RATE, 0)

    data = ROBits(32, _LTR559_REG_ALS_DATA_CH1, 0, register_width=4)

    threshold_lower = RWBits(16, _LTR559_REG_ALS_THRESHOLD_LOWER, 0, register_width=2)
    threshold_upper = RWBits(16, _LTR559_REG_ALS_THRESHOLD_UPPER, 0, register_width=2)

    interrupt_persist = RWBits(4, _LTR559_REG_INTERRUPT_PERSIST, 4)

    data_valid = ROBit(_LTR559_REG_ALS_PS_STATUS, 7)
    data_gain = ROBits(3, _LTR559_REG_ALS_PS_STATUS, 4)

    new_data = ROBit(_LTR559_REG_ALS_PS_STATUS, 2)
    interrupt_active = ROBit(_LTR559_REG_ALS_PS_STATUS, 3)
class DPS310:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the DPS310 Precision Barometric Pressure Sensor.
    Depending on your board memory availability you could use DPS310_Advanced.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the DPS310 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x77`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the DPS310**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`DPS310` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            from adafruit_dps310.basic import DPS310

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()   # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            dps310 = DPS310(i2c)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`temperature` and :attr:`pressure` attributes.

        .. code-block:: python

            temperature = dps310.temperature
            pressure = dps310.pressure

    # Register definitions
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DPS310_PRODREVID, ">B")
    _reset_register = UnaryStruct(_DPS310_RESET, ">B")
    _mode_bits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_MEASCFG, 0)  #

    _pressure_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 0)

    _temp_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 0)

    _temp_measurement_src_bit = RWBit(_DPS310_TMPCFG, 7)

    _pressure_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 2)
    _temp_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 3)

    _coefficients_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 7)
    _sensor_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 6)
    _temp_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 5)
    _pressure_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 4)

    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _DPS310_PRSB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)
    _raw_temperature = ROBits(24, _DPS310_TMPB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)

    _calib_coeff_temp_src_bit = ROBit(_DPS310_TMPCOEFSRCE, 7)

    _reg0e = RWBits(8, 0x0E, 0)
    _reg0f = RWBits(8, 0x0F, 0)
    _reg62 = RWBits(8, 0x62, 0)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_DPS310_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._device_id != _DPS310_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find DPS310 - check your wiring!")
        self._pressure_scale = None
        self._temp_scale = None
        self._c0 = None
        self._c1 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c01 = None
        self._c11 = None
        self._c20 = None
        self._c21 = None
        self._c30 = None
        self._oversample_scalefactor = (
        self._sea_level_pressure = 1013.25


    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize the sensor to continuous measurement"""


        self._pressure_osbits = 6
        self._pressure_shiftbit = True
        self._pressure_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[6]

        self._temp_osbits = 6
        self._temp_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[6]
        self._temp_shiftbit = True

        self._mode_bits = 7

        # wait until we have at least one good measurement

    # (
    # similar to DpsClass::correctTemp(void) from infineon's c++ library
    def _correct_temp(self):
        """Correct temperature readings on ICs with a fuse bit problem"""
        self._reg0e = 0xA5
        self._reg0f = 0x96
        self._reg62 = 0x02
        self._reg0e = 0
        self._reg0f = 0

        # perform a temperature measurement
        # the most recent temperature will be saved internally
        # and used for compensation when calculating pressure
        _unused = self._raw_temperature

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor"""
        self._reset_register = 0x89
        # wait for hardware reset to finish
        while not self._sensor_ready:
        # make sure we're using the temperature source used for calibration
        self._temp_measurement_src_bit = self._calib_coeff_temp_src_bit

    def pressure(self):
        """Returns the current pressure reading in kPA"""

        temp_reading = self._raw_temperature
        raw_temperature = self._twos_complement(temp_reading, 24)
        pressure_reading = self._raw_pressure
        raw_pressure = self._twos_complement(pressure_reading, 24)
        _scaled_rawtemp = raw_temperature / self._temp_scale

        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0

        p_red = raw_pressure / self._pressure_scale

        pres_calc = (self._c00 + p_red * (self._c10 + p_red *
                                          (self._c20 + p_red * self._c30)) +
                     _scaled_rawtemp * (self._c01 + p_red *
                                        (self._c11 + p_red * self._c21)))

        final_pressure = pres_calc / 100
        return final_pressure

    def altitude(self):
        """The altitude based on the sea level pressure (:attr:`sea_level_pressure`) -
        which you must enter ahead of time)"""
        return 44330 * (
            1.0 - math.pow(self.pressure / self._sea_level_pressure, 0.1903))

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature reading in degrees Celsius"""
        _scaled_rawtemp = self._raw_temperature / self._temp_scale
        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0
        return _temperature

    def sea_level_pressure(self):
        """The local sea level pressure in hectoPascals (aka millibars). This is used
        for calculation of :attr:`altitude`. Values are typically in the range
        980 - 1030."""
        return self._sea_level_pressure

    def sea_level_pressure(self, value):
        self._sea_level_pressure = value

    def wait_temperature_ready(self):
        """Wait until a temperature measurement is available."""

        while self._temp_ready is False:

    def wait_pressure_ready(self):
        """Wait until a pressure measurement is available"""

        while self._pressure_ready is False:

    def _twos_complement(val, bits):
        if val & (1 << (bits - 1)):
            val -= 1 << bits

        return val

    def _read_calibration(self):

        while not self._coefficients_ready:

        buffer = bytearray(19)
        coeffs = [None] * 18
        for offset in range(18):
            buffer = bytearray(2)
            buffer[0] = 0x10 + offset

            with self.i2c_device as i2c:

                i2c.write_then_readinto(buffer, buffer, out_end=1, in_start=1)

                coeffs[offset] = buffer[1]

        self._c0 = (coeffs[0] << 4) | ((coeffs[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c0 = self._twos_complement(self._c0, 12)

        self._c1 = self._twos_complement(((coeffs[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | coeffs[2],

        self._c00 = (coeffs[3] << 12) | (coeffs[4] << 4) | (
            (coeffs[5] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c00 = self._twos_complement(self._c00, 20)

        self._c10 = ((coeffs[5] & 0x0F) << 16) | (coeffs[6] << 8) | coeffs[7]
        self._c10 = self._twos_complement(self._c10, 20)

        self._c01 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[8] << 8) | coeffs[9], 16)
        self._c11 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[10] << 8) | coeffs[11], 16)
        self._c20 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[12] << 8) | coeffs[13], 16)
        self._c21 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[14] << 8) | coeffs[15], 16)
        self._c30 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[16] << 8) | coeffs[17], 16)
class FDC2212(object):
    :param i2c: The `busio.I2C` object to use. This is the only required parameter.
    # Class-level buffer to reduce allocations and fragmentation.
    # Note this is NOT thread-safe or re-entrant by design!   
    _BUFFER = bytearray(8)
    RESOLUTION = 2**28

    # Misc Settings
    rst = RWBit(FDC2212_RESET_DEV, 15, 2, False)
    gain = RWBits(2, FDC2212_RESET_DEV, 9, 2, False)
    drdy0 = ROBit(FDC2212_STATUS, 6, 2, False)
    drdy1 = ROBit(FDC2212_STATUS, 6, 2, False)
    drdy01 = ROBits(2, FDC2212_STATUS, 2, 2, False)
    status = RWBits(16, FDC2212_STATUS, 0, 2, False)

    # CONFIG register settings
    slp = RWBit(FDC2212_CONFIG, 13, 2, False)
    ref_clk = RWBit(FDC2212_CONFIG, 9, 2, False)
    high_drv = RWBit(FDC2212_CONFIG, 6, 2, False)
    active_mode = RWBits(2, FDC2212_CONFIG, 14, 2, False)
    config_all = RWBits(16, FDC2212_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)

    ch0_fsel = RWBits(2, FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH0, 12, 2, False)
    ch0_fdiv = RWBits(10, FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH0, 0, 2, False)
    ch0_clk = RWBits(16, FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH0, 0, 2, False)
    ch1_fsel = RWBits(2, FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH1, 12, 2, False)
    ch1_fdiv = RWBits(10, FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH1, 0, 2, False)
    ch1_clk = RWBits(16, FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH1, 0, 2, False)

    # DATA registers
    data_ch0a = ROBits(16, FDC2212_DATA_CH0_MSB, 0, 2, False)
    data_ch0b = ROBits(16, FDC2212_DATA_CH0_LSB, 0, 2, False)
    data_ch1a = ROBits(16, FDC2212_DATA_CH1_MSB, 0, 2, False)
    data_ch1b = ROBits(16, FDC2212_DATA_CH1_LSB, 0, 2, False)

    # MUX_CONFIG register
    auto_scan = RWBit(FDC2212_MUX_CONFIG, 15, 2, False)
    rr_seq = RWBits(2, FDC2212_MUX_CONFIG, 13, 2, False)
    dglitch = RWBits(3, FDC2212_MUX_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)

    def __init__(self, i2c, *, address=FDC2212_I2C_ADDR_0, debug=False):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        self.rst = True
        # Check for valid chip ID
        if self._read16(FDC2212i2c_device_ID) not in (0x3055, 0x3054):
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to find FDC2212/FDC2214, check wiring!')
        self.debug = debug
        CONFIG Register
         00     0   [1]   0   [1]  0  [0]  1    0    [000001]

         1       00    [00 0100 0001]    101
        SCAN   RR_SEQ      RES         DGLITCH        
        self._config = 0x1481
        self._mux = 0x820D

        # Initalize varriables
        self._fulldrive = True
        self._fclk = 43.3e6  # 43.3 MHz (internal)
        self._L = 18e-6  # 18uH
        self._cap = 33e-12  # 33pf
        self._differential = True  # differential (default)
        self._div = 1
        self.fref = self._fclk / 1
        self._Idrive = 1
        self._Fsense = self._Csense = 0
        self._channel = 0
        self._MSB = FDC2212_DATA_CH0_MSB
        self._LSB = FDC2212_DATA_CH0_LSB

        self._write16(FDC2212_RCOUNT_CH0, 0xFFFF)
        self._write16(FDC2212_RCOUNT_CH1, 0xFFFF)
        self._write16(FDC2212_SETTLECOUNT_CH0, 0x0400)
        self._write16(FDC2212_SETTLECOUNT_CH1, 0x0400)
        self._write16(FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH0, 0x1001)
        self._write16(FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH1, 0x1001)
        self._write16(FDC2212_DRIVE_CH0, 0x4800)
        self._write16(FDC2212_DRIVE_CH1, 0x4800)
        self._write16(FDC2212_MUX_CONFIG, self._mux)
        self._write16(FDC2212_CONFIG, self._config)

    def clock(self):
        return self._fclk

    def clock(self, freq):
        self._fclk = freq
        if freq != 43.3e6:
            print('External Clock Enabled')
            self._config |= (1 << 9)
            self._write16(FDC2212_CONFIG, self._config)

    def inductance(self):
        return self._L

    def inductance(self, induc):
        self._L = induc

    def selfcitance(self):
        return self._cap

    def selfcitance(self, cap):
        self._cap = cap

    def RCOUNT(self):
        return self._RCOUNT

    def RCOUNT(self, rcount):
        self._RCOUNT = rcount
        self._write16(FDC2212_RCOUNT_CH0, rcount)
        self._write16(FDC2212_RCOUNT_CH1, rcount)

    def SETTLE(self):
        return self._SETTLE

    def SETTLE(self, settle):
        Settle time = (SETTLECOUNT * 16)/Fclk
        self._SETTLE = settle
        self._write16(FDC2212_SETTLECOUNT_CH0, settle)
        self._write16(FDC2212_SETTLECOUNT_CH1, settle)

    def Idrive(self):
        return self._Idrive

    def Idrive(self, idrive):
        self._Idrive = idrive
        self._write16(FDC2212_DRIVE_CH0, idrive)
        self._write16(FDC2212_DRIVE_CH1, idrive)

    # @property
    # def status(self):
    #     return self._read16(FDC2212_STATUS)

    def status_config(self):
        self._status_config = self._read16(FDC2212_STATUS_CONFIG)
        return self._status_config

    def status_config(self, setting):
        self._status_config = setting
        self._write16(FDC2212_STATUS_CONFIG, self._status_config)

    def full_drive(self):
        return self._fulldrive

    def full_drive(self, state):
        # full-current drive on all channels
        self._fulldrive = state
        if state:  # enabled
            self._config |= (1 << 11)
        else:  # disabled
            self._config &= ~(1 << 11)
        self._write16(FDC2212_CONFIG, self._config)

    def differential(self):
        # Sets differential/single-ended for BOTH channels
        return self._differential

    def differential(self, div):
        self._differential = div
        if self._differential:
            # differential (default)
            self._write16(FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH0, 0x1001)
            self._write16(FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH1, 0x1001)
            self._div = 1
            # single-ended
            self._write16(FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH0, 0x2001)
            self._write16(FDC2212_CLOCK_DIVIDERS_CH1, 0x2001)
            self._div = 2

    def sleep(self):
        return self._sleep

    def sleep(self, value):
        if value:
            self._config |= (1 << 13)
            self._config &= ~(1 << 13)
        self._write16(FDC2212_CONFIG, self._config)

    def scan(self):
        return bool(self.auto_scan)

    def scan(self, value):
        self.slp = True
        if value:
            self.auto_scan = True
            self.rr_seq = 0x00  #CH0 & CH1
            self.auto_scan = False
        self.slp = False

    def deglitch(self):
        return self._deglitch

    def deglitch(self, value):
        Input deglitch filter bandwidth.
        Select the lowest setting that exceeds the oscillation tank
        oscillation frequency.
        if value not in (1, 4, 5, 7):
            raise ValueError(
                "Unsupported deglitch setting. Valid values are: 1(1MHz),4(3.3MHz),5(10MHz),7(33MHz)"
        self.dglitch = value
        if self.debug: print(hex(self._mux))

    def channel(self):
        return self._channel

    def channel(self, channel):
        if channel not in (0, 1):
            raise ValueError("Unsupported channel.")
        if channel == 0:
            self._config &= ~(1 << 14)
            self._write16(FDC2212_CONFIG, self._config)
            self._MSB = FDC2212_DATA_CH0_MSB
            self._LSB = FDC2212_DATA_CH0_LSB
        if channel == 1:
            self._config |= (1 << 14)
            self._write16(FDC2212_CONFIG, self._config)
            self._MSB = FDC2212_DATA_CH1_MSB
            self._LSB = FDC2212_DATA_CH1_LSB
        self._channel = channel

    def _read_into(self, address, buf, count=None):
        # Read bytes from the specified address into the provided buffer.
        # If count is not specified (the default) the entire buffer is filled,
        # otherwise only count bytes are copied in.
        assert len(buf) > 0
        if count is None:
            count = len(buf)
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytes([address & 0xFF]),
        # [print(hex(i),'\t',end='') for i in self._BUFFER]
        # print('')

    def _read16(self, address):
        # Read a 16-bit unsigned value for from the specified address.
        self._read_into(address, self._BUFFER, count=2)
        _raw = self._BUFFER[0] << 8 | self._BUFFER[1]
        return _raw

    def _write16(self, address, value):
        # Write a 16-bit unsigned value to the specified address.
        self._BUFFER[0] = address & 0xFF
        self._BUFFER[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF
        self._BUFFER[2] = (value) & 0xff
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=3)

    def _read_raw(self):
        _reading = (self._read16(self._MSB) & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_DATA) << 16
        _reading |= self._read16(self._LSB)
        return _reading

    def burst(self, cnt=10):
        _burst = []
        _buff = []
        test = bytearray(2)
        t1 = time.monotonic_ns()
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            for _ in range(cnt):
                i2c.write_then_readinto(bytes([0x01]), test, stop=False)
                # [print(hex(i),'\t',end='') for i in test]
                # print('')
                _buff.append((test[0], test[1]))
        t1 = time.monotonic_ns() - t1
        # print(_buff)
        print('Freq:{} Hz'.format(cnt / (t1 * 1e-9)))
        for item in _buff:
            _dat = 0x1ed0000
            _dat |= ((item[0] << 8) | item[1])
            self._Fsense = (self._div * _dat * self._fclk / self.RESOLUTION)
                (1e12) * ((1 / (self._L *
                                (2 * pi * self._Fsense)**2)) - self._cap))
        return _burst

    def read(self):
        _reading = self._read_raw()
            # calculate fsensor (40MHz external ref)
            self._Fsense = (self._div * _reading * self._fclk /
            # calculate Csensor (18uH and 33pF LC tank)
            self._Csense = (1e12) * (
                (1 / (self._L * (2 * pi * self._Fsense)**2)) - self._cap)
        except Exception as e:
            if self.debug: print('Error on read:', e)
        return self._Csense

    def read_both(self, errchck=False):
        Reads CH0 and CH1 data channels and returns a tuple:
        output = []
        err = 0
        s = time.monotonic()
        while self.drdy01 != 3:
            if time.monotonic() - s > 10:
                return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        _reading1 = self.data_ch0a
        if errchck:
            output.append(_reading1 & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_ERRAW)  #ch0 err_aw
                          & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_ERRWD)  #ch0 err_wdt
        _reading1 = (_reading1 & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_DATA) << 16
        _reading1 |= self.data_ch0b

        _reading2 = self.data_ch1a
        if errchck:
            output.append(_reading2 & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_ERRAW)  #ch1 err_aw
                          & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_ERRWD)  #ch1 err_wdt
        _reading2 = (_reading2 & FDC2212_DATA_CHx_MASK_DATA) << 16
        _reading2 |= self.data_ch1b
            for i in _reading1, _reading2:
                # calculate fsensor (40MHz external ref)
                # self._Fsense=(self._div*i*self._fclk/self.RESOLUTION)
                # self._Fsense=self.ch_sel*self.fref*((i/self.RESOLUTION))
                self._Fsense = 1 * self.fref * ((i / self.RESOLUTION))

                # calculate Csensor (18uF and 33pF LC tank) in pF
                self._Csense = (1e12) * (
                    (1 / (self._L * (2 * pi * self._Fsense)**2)) - self._cap)
        except Exception as e:
            if self.debug: print('Error on read:', e)
            return output.append((0, 0))
        return output
Beispiel #8
class BMX160:
    Driver for the BMX160 accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope.

    In the buffer, bytes are allocated as follows:
        - mag 0-5
        - rhall 6-7 (not relevant?)
        - gyro 8-13
        - accel 14-19
        - sensor time 20-22

    # multiplicative constants

    ACC_SCALAR = 1/(AccelSensitivity2Gravity * g_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND_SQUARED) # 1 m/s^2 = 0.101971621 g
    GYR_SCALAR = 1/GyroSensitivity2DegPerSec_values[4]
    MAG_SCALAR = 1/16
    TEMP_SCALAR = 0.5**9

    _accel = Struct(BMX160_ACCEL_DATA_ADDR, '<hhh') # this is the default scalar, but it should get reset anyhow in init
    _gyro  = Struct(BMX160_GYRO_DATA_ADDR, '<hhh')
    _mag   = Struct(BMX160_MAG_DATA_ADDR, '<hhh')
    _temp  = Struct(BMX160_TEMP_DATA_ADDR, '<h')

    status         = ROBits(8, BMX160_STATUS_ADDR, 0)
    status_acc_pmu = ROBits(2, BMX160_PMU_STATUS_ADDR, 4)
    status_gyr_pmu = ROBits(2, BMX160_PMU_STATUS_ADDR, 2)
    status_mag_pmu = ROBits(2, BMX160_PMU_STATUS_ADDR, 0)
    cmd = RWBits(8, BMX160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, 0)
    foc = RWBits(8, BMX160_FOC_CONF_ADDR, 0)

    # see ERR_REG in section 2.11.2
    _error_status = ROBits(8, BMX160_ERROR_REG_ADDR, 0)
    error_code    = ROBits(4, BMX160_ERROR_REG_ADDR, 1)
    drop_cmd_err  = ROBit(BMX160_ERROR_REG_ADDR, 6)
    fatal_err     = ROBit(BMX160_ERROR_REG_ADDR, 0)

    # straight from the datasheet. Need to be renamed and better explained
    def drdy_acc(self): return (self.status >> 7) & 1
    def drdy_gyr(self): return (self.status >> 6) & 1
    def drdy_mag(self): return (self.status >> 5) & 1
    def nvm_rdy(self): return (self.status >> 4) & 1
    def foc_rdy(self): return (self.status >> 3) & 1
    def mag_man_op(self): return (self.status >> 2) & 1
    def gyro_self_test_ok(self): return (self.status >> 1)  & 1

    _BUFFER = bytearray(40)
    _smallbuf = bytearray(6)

    _gyro_range = RWBits(8, BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_ADDR, 0)
    _accel_range = RWBits(8, BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_ADDR, 0)

    # _gyro_bandwidth = NORMAL
    # _gyro_powermode = NORMAL
    _gyro_odr = 25    # Hz

    # _accel_bandwidth = NORMAL
    # _accel_powermode = NORMAL
    _accel_odr = 25  # Hz

    # _mag_bandwidth = NORMAL
    # _mag_powermode = NORMAL
    _mag_odr = 25    # Hz
    _mag_range = 250 # deg/sec

    def __init__(self):
        # soft reset & reboot
        self.cmd = BMX160_SOFT_RESET_CMD
        # Check ID registers.
        ID = self.read_u8(BMX160_CHIP_ID_ADDR)
        if ID != BMX160_CHIP_ID:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not find BMX160, check wiring!')

        # print("status:", format_binary(self.status))
        # set the default settings
        # print("status:", format_binary(self.status))

    ######################## SENSOR API ########################

    def read_all(self):
        return self.read_bytes(BMX160_MAG_DATA_ADDR, 20, self._BUFFER)

    # synonymous
    # @property
    # def error_status(self):
    #     return format_binary(self._error_status)
    def query_error(self):
        return format_binary(self._error_status)

    ### ACTUAL API
    def gyro(self):
        # deg/s
        return tuple(x * self.GYR_SCALAR for x in self._gyro)

    def accel(self):
        # m/s^2
        return tuple(x * self.ACC_SCALAR for x in self._accel)

    def mag(self):
        # uT
        return tuple(x * self.MAG_SCALAR for x in self._mag)

    def temperature(self):
        return self._temp[0]*self.TEMP_SCALAR+23
    def temp(self):
        return self._temp[0]*self.TEMP_SCALAR+23

    def sensortime(self):
        tbuf = self.read_bytes(BMX160_SENSOR_TIME_ADDR, 3, self._smallbuf)
        t0, t1, t2 = tbuf[:3]
        t = (t2 << 16) | (t1 << 8) | t0
        t *= 0.000039 # the time resolution is 39 microseconds
        return t

    ######################## SETTINGS RELATED ########################

    ############## GYROSCOPE SETTINGS  ##############
    # NOTE still missing BW / OSR config, but those are more complicated

    def init_gyro(self):
        # BW doesn't have an interface yet
        self._gyro_bwmode = BMX160_GYRO_BW_NORMAL_MODE
        # These rely on the setters to do their magic.
        self.gyro_range = BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_500_DPS
        # self.GYR_SCALAR = 1
        # self.GYR_SCALAR = 1/GyroSensitivity2DegPerSec_values[1]

        self.gyro_odr = 25
        self.gyro_powermode = BMX160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE

    def gyro_range(self):
        return self._gyro_range

    def gyro_range(self, rangeconst):
        The input is expected to be the BMX160-constant associated with the range.

        deg/s | bmxconst value | bmxconst_name
        2000  |   0            |  BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS
        1000  |   1            |  BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_1000_DPS
        500   |   2            |  BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_500_DPS
        250   |   3            |  BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_250_DPS
        125   |   4            |  BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_125_DPS

        ex: bmx.gyro_range = BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_500_DPS
        equivalent to: bmx.gyro_range = 2
        BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_VALUES = [2000, 1000, 500, 250, 125]

        if rangeconst in BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_CONSTANTS:
            self._gyro_range = rangeconst
            # read out the value to see if it changed successfully
            rangeconst = self._gyro_range
            val = BMX160_GYRO_RANGE_VALUES[rangeconst]
            self.GYR_SCALAR = (val / 32768.0)

    def gyro_odr(self):
        return self._gyro_odr

    def gyro_odr(self, odr):
        Set the output data rate of the gyroscope. The possible ODRs are 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100,
        50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.12, 1.56, and 0.78 Hz. Note, setting a value between the listed ones
        will round *downwards*.
        res = self.generic_setter(odr, BMX160_GYRO_ODR_VALUES,
                                  "gyroscope odr")
        if res != None:
            self._gyro_odr = res[1]

    def gyro_powermode(self):
        return self._gyro_powermode

    def gyro_powermode(self, powermode):
        Set the power mode of the gyroscope. Unlike other setters, this one has to directly take the
        BMX160-const associated with the power mode. The possible modes are:
        if powermode not in BMX160_GYRO_MODES:
            print("Unknown gyroscope powermode: " + str(powermode))

        self.write_u8(BMX160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, powermode)
        if int(self.query_error) == 0:
            self._gyro_powermode = powermode
            settingswarning("gyroscope power mode")

        # NOTE: this delay is a worst case. If we need repeated switching
        # we can choose the delay on a case-by-case basis.

    ############## ACCELEROMETER SETTINGS  ##############

    def init_accel(self):
        # BW doesn't have an interface yet
        # self.write_u8(BMX160_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR, BMX160_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL_AVG4)
        # self._accel_bwmode = BMX160_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL_AVG4
        # These rely on the setters to do their magic.
        self.accel_range = BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_8G
        self.accel_odr = 25
        self.accel_powermode = BMX160_ACCEL_NORMAL_MODE

    def accel_range(self):
        return self._accel_range

    def accel_range(self, rangeconst):
        The input is expected to be the BMX160-constant associated with the range.

        deg/s | bmxconst value | bmxconst name
        2     |   3            | BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_2G
        4     |   5            | BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_4G
        8     |   8            | BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_8G
        16    |   12           | BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_16G

        ex: bmx.accel_range = BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_4G
        equivalent to: bmx.accel_range = 5

        if rangeconst in BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_CONSTANTS:
            self._accel_range = rangeconst
            # read out the value to see if it changed successfully
            rangeconst = self._accel_range
            # convert to 0-3 range for indexing
            ind = rangeconst >> 2
            val = BMX160_ACCEL_RANGE_VALUES[ind]
            self.ACC_SCALAR = (val / 32768.0) / g_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND_SQUARED

    def accel_odr(self):
        return self._accel_odr

    def accel_odr(self, odr):
        res = self.generic_setter(odr, BMX160_ACCEL_ODR_VALUES,
                                  "accelerometer odr")
        if res != None:
            self._accel_odr = res[1]

    def accel_powermode(self):
        return self._accel_powermode

    def accel_powermode(self, powermode):
        Set the power mode of the accelerometer. Unlike other setters, this one has to directly take the
        BMX160-const associated with the power mode. The possible modes are:
        if powermode not in BMX160_ACCEL_MODES:
            print("Unknown accelerometer power mode: " + str(powermode))

        self.write_u8(BMX160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, powermode)
        if int(self.query_error) == 0:
            self._accel_powermode = powermode
            settingswarning("accelerometer power mode")

        # NOTE: this delay is a worst case. If we need repeated switching
        # we can choose the delay on a case-by-case basis.

    ############## MAGENTOMETER SETTINGS  ##############

    def init_mag(self):
        # see pg 25 of:
        self.write_u8(BMX160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, BMX160_MAG_NORMAL_MODE)
        time.sleep(0.00065) # datasheet says wait for 650microsec
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_0_ADDR, 0x80)
        # put mag into sleep mode
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_3_ADDR, 0x01)
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_2_ADDR, 0x4B)
        # set x-y to regular power preset
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_3_ADDR, 0x04)
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_2_ADDR, 0x51)
        # set z to regular preset
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_3_ADDR, 0x0E)
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_2_ADDR, 0x52)
        # prepare MAG_IF[1-3] for mag_if data mode
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_3_ADDR, 0x02)
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_2_ADDR, 0x4C)
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_1_ADDR, 0x42)
        # Set ODR to 25 Hz
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_ODR_ADDR, BMX160_MAG_ODR_25HZ)
        self.write_u8(BMX160_MAG_IF_0_ADDR, 0x00)
        # put in low power mode.
        self.write_u8(BMX160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, BMX160_MAG_LOWPOWER_MODE)
        time.sleep(0.1) # takes this long to warm up (empirically)

    def mag_powermode(self):
        return self._mag_powermode

    def mag_powermode(self, powermode):
        Set the power mode of the magnetometer. Unlike other setters, this one has to directly take the
        BMX160-const associated with the power mode. The possible modes are:
        # if powermode not in BMX160_MAG_:
        #     print("Unknown gyroscope powermode: " + str(powermode))
        #     return

        self.write_u8(BMX160_COMMAND_REG_ADDR, powermode)
        if int(self.query_error) == 0:
            self._mag_powermode = powermode
            settingswarning("mag power mode")

        # NOTE: this delay is a worst case. If we need repeated switching
        # we can choose the delay on a case-by-case basis.

    ## UTILS:
    def generic_setter(self, desired, possible_values, bmx_constants, config_addr, warning_interp = ""):
        i = find_nearest_valid(desired, possible_values)
        rounded = possible_values[i]
        bmxconst = bmx_constants[i]
        self.write_u8(config_addr, bmxconst)
        e = self.error_code

        if e == BMX160_OK:
            return (i, rounded)
Beispiel #9
class ADT7410:
    """Interface to the Analog Devices ADT7410 temperature sensor."""

    # many modes can be set with register objects for simplicity
    ready = ROBit(_ADT7410_STATUS, 7)
    ctpin_polarity = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 2)
    intpin_polarity = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 3)
    comparator_mode = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 4)
    high_resolution = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 7)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x48):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self._buf = bytearray(3)
        # Verify the manufacturer and device ids to ensure we are talking to
        # what we expect.
        _id = (self._read_register(_ADT7410_ID)[0]) & 0xF8
        if _id != 0xC8:
            raise ValueError("Unable to find ADT7410 at i2c address " +
        # Perform a software reset

    def temperature(self):
        """The temperature in celsius"""
        while not self.ready:
        temp = self._read_register(_ADT7410_TEMPMSB, 2)
        return struct.unpack('>h', temp)[0] / 128

    def status(self):
        """The ADT7410 status registers current value"""
        return self._read_register(_ADT7410_STATUS)[0]

    def configuration(self):
        """The ADT7410 configuration register"""
        return self._read_register(_ADT7410_CONFIG)[0]

    def configuration(self, val):
        return self._write_register(_ADT7410_CONFIG, val)

    def _read_register(self, addr, num=1):
        self._buf[0] = addr
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
                                    in_end=num + 1,
        return self._buf[1:num + 1]

    def _write_register(self, addr, data=None):
        self._buf[0] = addr
        end = 1
        if data:
            self._buf[1] = data
            end = 2
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write(self._buf, end=end)
Beispiel #10
class LSM303_Accel:  #pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Driver for the LSM303's accelerometer."""

    # Class-level buffer for reading and writing data with the sensor.
    # This reduces memory allocations but means the code is not re-entrant or
    # thread safe!
    _chip_id = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_WHO_AM_I, "B")
    _int2_int1_enable = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG6_A, 6)
    _int2_int2_enable = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG6_A, 5)
    _int1_latching = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG5_A, 3)
    _int2_latching = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG5_A, 1)
    _bdu = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 7)

    _int2_activity_enable = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG6_A, 3)
    _int_pin_active_low = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG6_A, 1)

    _act_threshold = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_ACT_THS_A, "B")
    _act_duration = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_ACT_DUR_A, "B")
    .. code-block:: python

        import board
        i2c = board.I2C()

        import adafruit_lsm303_accel
        accel = adafruit_lsm303_accel.LSM303_Accel(i2c)

        accel._act_threshold = 20
        accel._act_duration = 1
        accel._int2_activity_enable = True

        # toggle pins, defaults to False
        accel._int_pin_active_low = True
    _data_rate = RWBits(4, _REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG1_A, 4)
    _enable_xyz = RWBits(3, _REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG1_A, 0)
    _raw_accel_data = StructArray(_REG_ACCEL_OUT_X_L_A, "<h", 3)

    _low_power = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG1_A, 3)
    _high_resolution = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 3)

    _range = RWBits(2, _REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG4_A, 4)

    _int1_src = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_INT1_SOURCE_A, "B")
    _tap_src = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_CLICK_SRC_A, "B")

    _tap_interrupt_enable = RWBit(_REG_ACCEL_CTRL_REG3_A, 7, 1)
    _tap_config = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_CLICK_CFG_A, "B")
    _tap_interrupt_active = ROBit(_REG_ACCEL_CLICK_SRC_A, 6, 1)
    _tap_threshold = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_CLICK_THS_A, "B")
    _tap_time_limit = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_TIME_LIMIT_A, "B")
    _tap_time_latency = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_TIME_LATENCY_A, "B")
    _tap_time_window = UnaryStruct(_REG_ACCEL_TIME_WINDOW_A, "B")

    _BUFFER = bytearray(6)

    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self._accel_device = I2CDevice(i2c, _ADDRESS_ACCEL)
        self.i2c_device = self._accel_device
        self._data_rate = 2
        self._enable_xyz = 0b111
        self._int1_latching = True
        self._int2_latching = True
        self._bdu = True

        # self._write_register_byte(_REG_CTRL5, 0x80)
        # time.sleep(0.01)  # takes 5ms
        self._cached_mode = 0
        self._cached_range = 0

    def set_tap(self,
        The tap detection parameters.

        :param int tap: 0 to disable tap detection, 1 to detect only single taps, and 2 to detect \
            only double taps.
        :param int threshold: A threshold for the tap detection.  The higher the value the less\
            sensitive the detection. This changes based on the accelerometer range.  Good values\
            are 5-10 for 16G, 10-20 for 8G, 20-40 for 4G, and 40-80 for 2G.
        :param int time_limit: TIME_LIMIT register value (default 10).
        :param int time_latency: TIME_LATENCY register value (default 20).
        :param int time_window: TIME_WINDOW register value (default 255).
        :param int click_cfg: CLICK_CFG register value.


        if (tap < 0 or tap > 2) and tap_cfg is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Tap must be 0 (disabled), 1 (single tap), or 2 (double tap)!')
        if threshold > 127 or threshold < 0:
            raise ValueError('Threshold out of range (0-127)')

        if tap == 0 and tap_cfg is None:
            # Disable click interrupt.
            self._tap_interrupt_enable = False
            self._tap_config = 0

        self._tap_interrupt_enable = True

        if tap_cfg is None:
            if tap == 1:
                tap_cfg = 0x15  # Turn on all axes & singletap.
            if tap == 2:
                tap_cfg = 0x2A  # Turn on all axes & doubletap.
        # Or, if a custom tap configuration register value specified, use it.
        self._tap_config = tap_cfg

        self._tap_threshold = threshold  # why and?
        self._tap_time_limit = time_limit
        self._tap_time_latency = time_latency
        self._tap_time_window = time_window

    def tapped(self):
        True if a tap was detected recently. Whether its a single tap or double tap is
        determined by the tap param on ``set_tap``. ``tapped`` may be True over
        multiple reads even if only a single tap or single double tap occurred.
        tap_src = self._tap_src
        return tap_src & 0b1000000 > 0

    def _raw_acceleration(self):
        self._read_bytes(self._accel_device, _REG_ACCEL_OUT_X_L_A | 0x80, 6,
        return struct.unpack_from('<hhh', self._BUFFER[0:6])

    def acceleration(self):
        """The measured accelerometer sensor values.
        A 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values in m/s^2 squared that are signed floats.

        raw_accel_data = self._raw_acceleration

        x = self._scale_data(raw_accel_data[0])
        y = self._scale_data(raw_accel_data[1])
        z = self._scale_data(raw_accel_data[2])

        return (x, y, z)

    def _scale_data(self, raw_measurement):
        lsb, shift = self._lsb_shift()

        return (raw_measurement >> shift) * lsb * _SMOLLER_GRAVITY

    def _lsb_shift(self):  #pylint:disable=too-many-branches
        # the bit depth of the data depends on the mode, and the lsb value
        # depends on the mode and range
        lsb = -1  # the default, normal mode @ 2G

        if self._cached_mode is Mode.MODE_HIGH_RESOLUTION:  # 12-bit
            shift = 4
            if self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_2G:
                lsb = 0.98
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_4G:
                lsb = 1.95
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_8G:
                lsb = 3.9
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_16G:
                lsb = 11.72
        elif self._cached_mode is Mode.MODE_NORMAL:  # 10-bit
            shift = 6
            if self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_2G:
                lsb = 3.9
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_4G:
                lsb = 7.82
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_8G:
                lsb = 15.63
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_16G:
                lsb = 46.9

        elif self._cached_mode is Mode.MODE_LOW_POWER:  # 8-bit
            shift = 8
            if self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_2G:
                lsb = 15.63
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_4G:
                lsb = 31.26
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_8G:
                lsb = 62.52
            elif self._cached_range is Range.RANGE_16G:
                lsb = 187.58

        if lsb is -1:
            raise AttributeError(
                "'impossible' range or mode detected: range: %d mode: %d" %
                (self._cached_range, self._cached_mode))
        return (lsb, shift)

    def data_rate(self):
        """Select the rate at which the sensor takes measurements. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        if value < 0 or value > 9:
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._data_rate = value

    def range(self):
        """Adjusts the range of values that the sensor can measure, from +- 2G to +-16G
        Note that larger ranges will be less accurate. Must be a `Range`"""
        return self._cached_range

    def range(self, value):
        if value < 0 or value > 3:
            raise AttributeError("range must be a `Range`")
        self._range = value
        self._cached_range = value

    def mode(self):
        """Sets the power mode of the sensor. The mode must be a `Mode`. Note that the
        mode and range will both affect the accuracy of the sensor"""
        return self._cached_mode

    def mode(self, value):
        if value < 0 or value > 2:
            raise AttributeError("mode must be a `Mode`")
        self._high_resolution = value & 0b01
        self._low_power = (value & 0b10) >> 1
        self._cached_mode = value

    def _read_u8(self, device, address):
        with device as i2c:
            self._BUFFER[0] = address & 0xFF
        return self._BUFFER[0]

    def _write_u8(self, device, address, val):
        with device as i2c:
            self._BUFFER[0] = address & 0xFF
            self._BUFFER[1] = val & 0xFF
            i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=2)

    def _read_bytes(device, address, count, buf):
        with device as i2c:
            buf[0] = address & 0xFF
            i2c.write_then_readinto(buf, buf, out_end=1, in_end=count)
Beispiel #11
class MMC5603NJ: 
    Driver for the MMC5603NJ magnetometer
    :param busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the mag is connected to

    _BUFFER = bytearray(6)

    # _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(Product_ID, "B") # B = unsigned char/integer
    _device_id = ROBits(8, Product_ID, 0)
    # 0b 0001 0000

    # _raw_x0 = ROUnaryStruct(Xout0, "<h") # < = little-endian, h = short/integer
    # _raw_y0 = ROUnaryStruct(Yout0, "<h")
    # _raw_z0 = ROUnaryStruct(Zout0, "<h")
    _raw_x0 = ROBits(8, Xout0, 0)
    _raw_x1 = ROBits(8, Xout1, 0)
    _raw_x2 = ROBits(4, Xout2, 4)
    _raw_y0 = ROBits(8, Yout0, 0)
    _raw_y1 = ROBits(8, Yout1, 0)
    _raw_y2 = ROBits(4, Yout2, 4)
    _raw_z0 = ROBits(8, Zout0, 0)
    _raw_z1 = ROBits(8, Zout1, 0)
    _raw_z2 = ROBits(4, Zout2, 4)
    _raw_t = ROBits(8, Tout, 0)
    _status = ROUnaryStruct(Status1, "B")
    _sat_sensor = ROBit(Status1, 5)
    _meas_m_done = ROBit(Status1, 6)
    _meas_t_done = ROBit(Status1, 7)
    _odr = UnaryStruct(ODR, "B")
    _contr_reg_0 = RWBits(8, Internal_control_0, 0)
    _do_reset = RWBit(Internal_control_0, 4)
    _auto_sr_en = RWBit(Internal_control_0, 5)
    _cmm_freq_en = RWBit(Internal_control_0, 7)
    _bw = RWBits(2, Internal_control_1, 0)
    _cmm_en = RWBit(Internal_control_2, 4)    

    def __init__(self, i2c):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c, _ADDRESS_MAG)

        if self._device_id != 0x10:
            raise AttributeError("Cannot find an MMC5603NJ")
    def reset(self):
        """Do RESET to 'condition the AMR sensors for optimum performance  
        self._do_reset = 1

    def magnetic_cmm(self):
        """The processed magnetometer sensor values.
        Print out measurements periodically
        :param float delay: sleep delay in seconds
        delay = 3.0
        # set bw?
        self._bw = 0b00
        # set automatic set/reset
        self._auto_sr_en = 1
        # write the desired number into output data rate
        self._odr = 1 # is this 75 Hz? with auto set/reset
        # set cmm_freq_en to 1 to calculate target number for the counter
        self._cmm_freq_en = 1
        # set cmm_en to 1 to start continous mode, internal counter starts
        self._cmm_en = 1
        # need to add a way to stop continuous measurements
        # press a button?
        while True:
            magx, magy, magz = self.magnetic_get_processed_mag_data()
            print("X:{0:7.2f}, Y:{1:7.2f}, Z:{2:7.2f} ".format(magx, magy, magz))

    def magnetic_single(self):
        """The processed magnetometer sensor values.
        A tuple of X, Y, Z axis values.
        # TM_M and Auto_SR_en high
        self._contr_reg_0 = 0b00100001
        # check Meas_M_Done bit
        while self._meas_m_done != 1:
        return self.magnetic_get_processed_mag_data()
    def magnetic_get_processed_mag_data(self):
        # Need to check math on this
        # 20 bit
        xval = (self._raw_x0<<12) | (self._raw_x1<<4) | (self._raw_x2)
        yval = (self._raw_y0<<12) | (self._raw_y1<<4) | (self._raw_y2)
        zval = (self._raw_z0<<12) | (self._raw_z1<<4) | (self._raw_z2)
        mask = 524288 
        xval = -(xval & mask) + (xval & ~mask)
        yval = -(yval & mask) + (yval & ~mask)
        zval = -(zval & mask) + (zval & ~mask)
        return (
            xval*0.0000625, yval*0.0000625, zval*0.0000625

    def magnetic_raw(self):
        """The raw magnetometer sensor values.
        # TM_M and Auto_SR_en high
        self._contr_reg_0 = 0b00100001
        # check Meas_M_Done bit
        while self._meas_m_done != 1:
        return self.magnetic_get_raw_mag_data()
    def magnetic_get_raw_mag_data(self):

        return (
            self._raw_x0, self._raw_x1, self._raw_x2,
            self._raw_y0, self._raw_y1, self._raw_y2,
            self._raw_z0, self._raw_z1, self._raw_z2,

    def temperature(self):
        """The processed temperature output value in deg C. 
        (Unsigned format, range is -75 to 125 deg C, 00000000 stands for -75 deg C)
        self._contr_reg_0 = 0b00100010
        while self._meas_t_done != 1:
        return (self._raw_t * (200/255)) - 75
class VCNL4040:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """Driver for the VCNL4040 proximity and ambient light sensor.

    :param busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the VCNL4040 is connected to.

    # Ambient light sensor integration times
    ALS_80MS = const(0x0)
    ALS_160MS = const(0x1)
    ALS_320MS = const(0x2)
    ALS_640MS = const(0x3)

    # Proximity sensor integration times
    PS_1T = const(0x0)
    PS_1_5T = const(0x1)
    PS_2T = const(0x2)
    PS_2_5T = const(0x3)
    PS_3T = const(0x4)
    PS_3_5T = const(0x5)
    PS_4T = const(0x6)
    PS_8T = const(0x7)

    # LED current settings
    LED_50MA = const(0x0)
    LED_75MA = const(0x1)
    LED_100MA = const(0x2)
    LED_120MA = const(0x3)
    LED_140MA = const(0x4)
    LED_160MA = const(0x5)
    LED_180MA = const(0x6)
    LED_200MA = const(0x7)

    # LED duty cycle settings
    LED_1_40 = const(0x0)
    LED_1_80 = const(0x1)
    LED_1_160 = const(0x2)
    LED_1_320 = const(0x3)

    # Proximity sensor interrupt enable/disable options
    PS_INT_DISABLE = const(0x0)
    PS_INT_CLOSE = const(0x1)
    PS_INT_AWAY = const(0x2)
    PS_INT_CLOSE_AWAY = const(0x3)

    # ID_LM - Device ID, address
    _device_id = UnaryStruct(0x0C, "<H")
    """The device ID."""

    # PS_Data_LM - PS output data
    proximity = ROUnaryStruct(0x08, "<H")
    """Proximity data.

    This example prints the proximity data. Move your hand towards the sensor to see the values

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_vcnl4040

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        while True:
            print("Proximity:", sensor.proximity)

    # PS_CONF1 - PS duty ratio, integration time, persistence, enable/disable
    # PS_CONF2 - PS output resolution selection, interrupt trigger method
    # PS_CONF3 - PS smart persistence, active force mode
    proximity_shutdown = RWBit(0x03, 0, register_width=2)
    """Proximity sensor shutdown. When ``True``, proximity data is disabled."""
    proximity_integration_time = RWBits(3, 0x03, 1, register_width=2)
    """Proximity sensor integration time setting. Integration times are 1T, 1.5T, 2T, 2.5T, 3T,
    3.5T, 4T, and 8T. Options are: PS_1T, PS_1_5T, PS_2T, PS_2_5T, PS_3T, PS_3_5T, PS_4T, PS_8T.
    proximity_interrupt = RWBits(2, 0x03, 8, register_width=2)
    """Interrupt enable. Interrupt setting are close, away, close and away, or disabled. Options
    proximity_bits = RWBit(0x03, 11, register_width=2)
    """Proximity data output setting. ``0`` when proximity sensor output is 12 bits, ``1`` when
    proximity sensor output is 16 bits."""

    # PS_THDL_LM - PS low interrupt threshold setting
    proximity_low_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x06, "<H")
    """Proximity sensor interrupt low threshold setting."""
    # PS_THDH_LM - PS high interrupt threshold setting
    proximity_high_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x07, "<H")
    """Proximity sensor interrupt high threshold setting."""
    # INT_FLAG - PS interrupt flag
    proximity_high_interrupt = ROBit(0x0B, 9, register_width=2)
    """If interrupt is set to ``PS_INT_CLOSE`` or ``PS_INT_CLOSE_AWAY``, trigger event when
    proximity rises above high threshold interrupt."""
    proximity_low_interrupt = ROBit(0x0B, 8, register_width=2)
    """If interrupt is set to ``PS_INT_AWAY`` or ``PS_INT_CLOSE_AWAY``, trigger event when
    proximity drops below low threshold."""

    led_current = RWBits(3, 0x04, 8, register_width=2)
    """LED current selection setting, in mA. Options are: LED_50MA, LED_75MA, LED_100MA, LED_120MA,
    LED_140MA, LED_160MA, LED_180MA, LED_200MA."""
    led_duty_cycle = RWBits(2, 0x03, 6, register_width=2)
    """Proximity sensor LED duty ratio setting. Ratios are 1/40, 1/80, 1/160, and 1/320. Options
    are: LED_1_40, LED_1_80, LED_1_160, LED_1_320."""

    # ALS_Data_LM - ALS output data
    light = ROUnaryStruct(0x09, "<H")
    """Ambient light data.

    This example prints the ambient light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_vcnl4040

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", sensor.light)

    # ALS_CONF - ALS integration time, persistence, interrupt, function enable/disable
    light_shutdown = RWBit(0x00, 0, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor shutdown. When ``True``, ambient light data is disabled."""
    light_integration_time = RWBits(2, 0x00, 6, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor integration time setting. Longer time has higher sensitivity. Can be:
    ALS_80MS, ALS_160MS, ALS_320MS or ALS_640MS.

    This example sets the ambient light integration time to 640ms and prints the ambient light
    sensor data.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_vcnl4040

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        sensor.light_integration_time = sensor.ALS_640MS

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", sensor.light)
    light_interrupt = RWBit(0x00, 1, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor interrupt enable. ``True`` to enable, and ``False`` to disable."""

    # ALS_THDL_LM - ALS low interrupt threshold setting
    light_low_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x02, "<H")
    """Ambient light interrupt low threshold."""
    # ALS_THDH_LM - ALS high interrupt threshold setting
    light_high_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x01, "<H")
    """Ambient light interrupt high threshold."""
    # INT_FLAG - ALS interrupt flag
    light_high_interrupt = ROBit(0x0B, 12, register_width=2)
    """High interrupt event. Triggered when ambient light value exceeds high threshold."""
    light_low_interrupt = ROBit(0x0B, 13, register_width=2)
    """Low interrupt event. Triggered when ambient light value drops below low threshold."""

    # White_Data_LM - White output data
    white = ROUnaryStruct(0x0A, "<H")
    """White light data.

    This example prints the white light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_vcnl4040

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        sensor = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        while True:
            print("White light:", sensor.white)

    # PS_MS - White channel enable/disable, PS mode, PS protection setting, LED current
    # White_EN - PS_MS_H, 7th bit - White channel enable/disable
    white_enable = RWBit(0x04, 15, register_width=2)
    """White data enable. ``True`` when enabled."""

    def __init__(self, i2c, address=0x60, interrupt_pin=None):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        if self._device_id != 0x186:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find VCNL4040 - check wiring!")

        self._interrupt_pin = interrupt_pin
        if self._interrupt_pin:

        self.proximity_shutdown = False
        self.light_shutdown = False
        self.white_enable = True
Beispiel #13
class MCP9600:
    """Interface to the MCP9600 thermocouple amplifier breakout"""

    # Shutdown mode options
    NORMAL = 0b00
    SHUTDOWN = 0b01
    BURST = 0b10

    # Burst mode sample options
    BURST_SAMPLES_1 = 0b000
    BURST_SAMPLES_2 = 0b001
    BURST_SAMPLES_4 = 0b010
    BURST_SAMPLES_8 = 0b011
    BURST_SAMPLES_16 = 0b100
    BURST_SAMPLES_32 = 0b101
    BURST_SAMPLES_64 = 0b110
    BURST_SAMPLES_128 = 0b111

    # Alert temperature monitor options
    AMBIENT = 1

    # Temperature change type to trigger alert. Rising is heating up. Falling is cooling down.
    RISING = 1
    FALLING = 0

    # Alert output options
    ACTIVE_LOW = 0

    # Alert mode options
    INTERRUPT = 1  # Interrupt clear option must be set when using this mode!

    # Ambient (cold-junction) temperature sensor resolution options
    AMBIENT_RESOLUTION_0_0625 = 0  # 0.0625 degrees Celsius
    AMBIENT_RESOLUTION_0_25 = 1  # 0.25 degrees Celsius

    # STATUS - 0x4
    burst_complete = RWBit(0x4, 7)
    """Burst complete."""
    temperature_update = RWBit(0x4, 6)
    """Temperature update."""
    input_range = ROBit(0x4, 4)
    """Input range."""
    alert_1 = ROBit(0x4, 0)
    """Alert 1 status."""
    alert_2 = ROBit(0x4, 1)
    """Alert 2 status."""
    alert_3 = ROBit(0x4, 2)
    """Alert 3 status."""
    alert_4 = ROBit(0x4, 3)
    """Alert 4 status."""
    # Device Configuration - 0x6
    ambient_resolution = RWBit(0x6, 7)
    """Ambient (cold-junction) temperature resolution. Options are ``AMBIENT_RESOLUTION_0_0625``
    (0.0625 degrees Celsius) or ``AMBIENT_RESOLUTION_0_25`` (0.25 degrees Celsius)."""
    burst_mode_samples = RWBits(3, 0x6, 2)
    """The number of samples taken during a burst in burst mode. Options are ``BURST_SAMPLES_1``,
    ``BURST_SAMPLES_32``, ``BURST_SAMPLES_64``, ``BURST_SAMPLES_128``."""
    shutdown_mode = RWBits(2, 0x6, 0)
    """Shutdown modes. Options are ``NORMAL``, ``SHUTDOWN``, and ``BURST``."""
    # Alert 1 Configuration - 0x8
    _alert_1_interrupt_clear = RWBit(0x8, 7)
    _alert_1_monitor = RWBit(0x8, 4)
    _alert_1_temp_direction = RWBit(0x8, 3)
    _alert_1_state = RWBit(0x8, 2)
    _alert_1_mode = RWBit(0x8, 1)
    _alert_1_enable = RWBit(0x8, 0)
    # Alert 2 Configuration - 0x9
    _alert_2_interrupt_clear = RWBit(0x9, 7)
    _alert_2_monitor = RWBit(0x9, 4)
    _alert_2_temp_direction = RWBit(0x9, 3)
    _alert_2_state = RWBit(0x9, 2)
    _alert_2_mode = RWBit(0x9, 1)
    _alert_2_enable = RWBit(0x9, 0)
    # Alert 3 Configuration - 0xa
    _alert_3_interrupt_clear = RWBit(0xA, 7)
    _alert_3_monitor = RWBit(0xA, 4)
    _alert_3_temp_direction = RWBit(0xA, 3)
    _alert_3_state = RWBit(0xA, 2)
    _alert_3_mode = RWBit(0xA, 1)
    _alert_3_enable = RWBit(0xA, 0)
    # Alert 4 Configuration - 0xb
    _alert_4_interrupt_clear = RWBit(0xB, 7)
    _alert_4_monitor = RWBit(0xB, 4)
    _alert_4_temp_direction = RWBit(0xB, 3)
    _alert_4_state = RWBit(0xB, 2)
    _alert_4_mode = RWBit(0xB, 1)
    _alert_4_enable = RWBit(0xB, 0)
    # Alert 1 Hysteresis - 0xc
    _alert_1_hysteresis = UnaryStruct(0xC, ">H")
    # Alert 2 Hysteresis - 0xd
    _alert_2_hysteresis = UnaryStruct(0xD, ">H")
    # Alert 3 Hysteresis - 0xe
    _alert_3_hysteresis = UnaryStruct(0xE, ">H")
    # Alert 4 Hysteresis - 0xf
    _alert_4_hysteresis = UnaryStruct(0xF, ">H")
    # Alert 1 Limit - 0x10
    _alert_1_temperature_limit = UnaryStruct(0x10, ">H")
    # Alert 2 Limit - 0x11
    _alert_2_limit = UnaryStruct(0x11, ">H")
    # Alert 3 Limit - 0x12
    _alert_3_limit = UnaryStruct(0x12, ">H")
    # Alert 4 Limit - 0x13
    _alert_4_limit = UnaryStruct(0x13, ">H")
    # Device ID/Revision - 0x20
    _device_id = ROBits(8, 0x20, 8, register_width=2, lsb_first=False)
    _revision_id = ROBits(8, 0x20, 0, register_width=2)

    types = ("K", "J", "T", "N", "S", "E", "B", "R")

    def __init__(self, i2c, address=_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, tctype="K", tcfilter=0):
        self.buf = bytearray(3)
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        self.type = tctype
        # is this a valid thermocouple type?
        if tctype not in MCP9600.types:
            raise Exception("invalid thermocouple type ({})".format(tctype))
        # filter is from 0 (none) to 7 (max), can limit spikes in
        # temperature readings
        tcfilter = min(7, max(0, tcfilter))
        ttype = MCP9600.types.index(tctype)

        self.buf[0] = _REGISTER_THERM_CFG
        self.buf[1] = tcfilter | (ttype << 4)
        with self.i2c_device as tci2c:
            tci2c.write(self.buf, end=2)
        if self._device_id != 0x40:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find MCP9600 - check wiring!")

    def alert_config(self, *, alert_number, alert_temp_source,
                     alert_temp_limit, alert_hysteresis, alert_temp_direction,
                     alert_mode, alert_state):
        """Configure a specified alert pin. Alert is enabled by default when alert is configured.
        To disable an alert pin, use ``alert_disable``.

        :param int alert_number: The alert pin number. Must be 1-4.
        :param alert_temp_source: The temperature source to monitor for the alert. Options are:
                                  ``THERMOCOUPLE`` (hot-junction) or ``AMBIENT`` (cold-junction).
                                  Temperatures are in Celsius.
        :param float alert_temp_limit: The temperature in degrees Celsius at which the alert should
                                       trigger. For rising temperatures, the alert will trigger when
                                       the temperature rises above this limit. For falling
                                       temperatures, the alert will trigger when the temperature
                                       falls below this limit.
        :param float alert_hysteresis: The alert hysteresis range. Must be 0-255 degrees Celsius.
                                       For rising temperatures, the hysteresis is below alert limit.
                                       For falling temperatures, the hysteresis is above alert
                                       limit. See data-sheet for further information.
        :param alert_temp_direction: The direction the temperature must change to trigger the alert.
                                     Options are ``RISING`` (heating up) or ``FALLING`` (cooling
        :param alert_mode: The alert mode. Options are ``COMPARATOR`` or ``INTERRUPT``. In
                           comparator mode, the pin will follow the alert, so if the temperature
                           drops, for example, the alert pin will go back low. In interrupt mode,
                           by comparison, once the alert goes off, you must manually clear it. If
                           setting mode to ``INTERRUPT``, use ``alert_interrupt_clear`` to clear the
                           interrupt flag.
        :param alert_state: Alert pin output state. Options are ``ACTIVE_HIGH`` or ``ACTIVE_LOW``.

        For example, to configure alert 1:

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import busio
            import digitalio
            import adafruit_mcp9600

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency=100000)
            mcp = adafruit_mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c)
            alert_1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5)

            mcp.alert_config(alert_number=1, alert_temp_source=mcp.THERMOCOUPLE,
                             alert_temp_limit=25, alert_hysteresis=0,
                             alert_temp_direction=mcp.RISING, alert_mode=mcp.COMPARATOR,

        if alert_number not in (1, 2, 3, 4):
            raise ValueError("Alert pin number must be 1-4.")
        if not 0 <= alert_hysteresis < 256:
            raise ValueError("Hysteresis value must be 0-255.")
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_monitor" % alert_number, alert_temp_source)
            "_alert_%d_temperature_limit" % alert_number,
            int(alert_temp_limit / 0.0625),
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_hysteresis" % alert_number, alert_hysteresis)
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_temp_direction" % alert_number,
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_mode" % alert_number, alert_mode)
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_state" % alert_number, alert_state)
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_enable" % alert_number, True)

    def alert_disable(self, alert_number):
        """Configuring an alert using ``alert_config()`` enables the specified alert by default.
        Use ``alert_disable`` to disable an alert pin.

        :param int alert_number: The alert pin number. Must be 1-4.

        if alert_number not in (1, 2, 3, 4):
            raise ValueError("Alert pin number must be 1-4.")
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_enable" % alert_number, False)

    def alert_interrupt_clear(self, alert_number, interrupt_clear=True):
        """Turns off the alert flag in the MCP9600, and clears the pin state (not used if the alert
        is in comparator mode). Required when ``alert_mode`` is ``INTERRUPT``.

        :param int alert_number: The alert pin number. Must be 1-4.
        :param bool interrupt_clear: The bit to write the interrupt state flag

        if alert_number not in (1, 2, 3, 4):
            raise ValueError("Alert pin number must be 1-4.")
        setattr(self, "_alert_%d_interrupt_clear" % alert_number,

    def version(self):
        """ MCP9600 chip version """
        data = self._read_register(_REGISTER_VERSION, 2)
        return unpack(">xH", data)[0]

    def ambient_temperature(self):
        """ Cold junction/ambient/room temperature in Celsius """
        data = self._read_register(_REGISTER_COLD_JUNCTION, 2)
        value = unpack(">xH", data)[0] * 0.0625
        if data[1] & 0x80:
            value -= 4096
        return value

    def temperature(self):
        """ Hot junction temperature in Celsius """
        data = self._read_register(_REGISTER_HOT_JUNCTION, 2)
        value = unpack(">xH", data)[0] * 0.0625
        if data[1] & 0x80:
            value -= 4096
        return value

    def delta_temperature(self):
        """ Delta temperature in Celsius """
        data = self._read_register(_REGISTER_DELTA_TEMP, 2)
        value = unpack(">xH", data)[0] * 0.0625
        if data[1] & 0x80:
            value -= 4096
        return value

    def _read_register(self, reg, count=1):
        self.buf[0] = reg
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
        return self.buf
Beispiel #14
class ADT7410:
    """Interface to the Analog Devices ADT7410 temperature sensor.
    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the ADT7410 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address. Default is :const:`0x48`
    **Quickstart: Importing and using the ADT7410 temperature sensor**
        Here is an example of using the :class:`ADT7410` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor
        .. code-block:: python
            import board
            import adafruit_adt7410
        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object
        .. code-block:: python
            i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            adt = adafruit_adt7410.ADT7410(i2c_bus, address=0x48)
        Now you have access to the temperature using :attr:`temperature`.
        .. code-block:: python
            temperature = adt.temperature

    # many modes can be set with register objects for simplicity
    ready = ROBit(_ADT7410_STATUS, 7)
    ctpin_polarity = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 2)
    intpin_polarity = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 3)
    comparator_mode = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 4)
    high_resolution = RWBit(_ADT7410_CONFIG, 7)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x48):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self._buf = bytearray(3)
        # Verify the manufacturer and device ids to ensure we are talking to
        # what we expect.
        _id = (self._read_register(_ADT7410_ID)[0]) & 0xF8
        if _id != 0xC8:
            raise ValueError("Unable to find ADT7410 at i2c address " +

    def temperature(self):
        """The temperature in Celsius"""
        temp = self._read_register(_ADT7410_TEMPMSB, 2)
        return struct.unpack(">h", temp)[0] / 128

    def status(self):
        """The ADT7410 status registers current value"""
        return self._read_register(_ADT7410_STATUS)[0]

    def configuration(self):
        """The ADT7410 configuration register"""
        return self._read_register(_ADT7410_CONFIG)[0]

    def configuration(self, val):
        return self._write_register(_ADT7410_CONFIG, val)

    def reset(self):
        """Perform a software reset"""

    def _read_register(self, addr, num=1):
        self._buf[0] = addr
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
                                    in_end=num + 1)
        return self._buf[1:num + 1]

    def _write_register(self, addr, data=None):
        self._buf[0] = addr
        end = 1
        if data:
            self._buf[1] = data
            end = 2
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write(self._buf, end=end)
Beispiel #15
class LTR390:  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Class to use the LTR390 Ambient Light and UV sensor

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus the LTR390 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x53`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the LTR390**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`LTR390` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import adafruit_ltr390

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            ltr = adafruit_ltr390.LTR390(i2c)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`lux` and :attr:`light` attributes

        .. code-block:: python

            lux = ltr.lux
            light = ltr.light


    _reset_bit = RWBit(_CTRL, 4)
    _enable_bit = RWBit(_CTRL, 1)
    _mode_bit = RWBit(_CTRL, 3)
    _int_enable_bit = RWBit(_INT_CFG, 2)

    _gain_bits = RWBits(3, _GAIN, 0)
    _resolution_bits = RWBits(3, _MEAS_RATE, 4)
    _measurement_delay_bits = RWBits(3, _MEAS_RATE, 0)
    _rate_bits = RWBits(3, _MEAS_RATE, 4)
    _int_src_bits = RWBits(2, _INT_CFG, 4)
    _int_persistance_bits = RWBits(4, _INT_PST, 4)

    _id_reg = ROUnaryStruct(_PART_ID, "<B")
    _uvs_data_reg = UnalignedStruct(_UVSDATA, "<I", 24, 3)
    _als_data_reg = UnalignedStruct(_ALSDATA, "<I", 24, 3)

    data_ready = ROBit(_STATUS, 3)
    """Ask the sensor if new data is available"""
    high_threshold = UnalignedStruct(_THRESH_UP, "<I", 24, 3)
    """When the measured value is more than the low_threshold, the sensor will raise an alert"""

    low_threshold = UnalignedStruct(_THRESH_LOW, "<I", 24, 3)
    """When the measured value is less than the low_threshold, the sensor will raise an alert"""

    threshold_passed = ROBit(_STATUS, 4)
    """The status of any configured alert. If True, a threshold has been passed.

    Once read, this property will be False until it is updated in the next measurement cycle"""

    def __init__(self, i2c, address=_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        if self._id_reg != 0xB2:

            raise RuntimeError("Unable to find LTR390; check your wiring")

        self._mode_cache = None

    def initialize(self):
        """Reset the sensor to it's initial unconfigured state and configure it with sensible
        defaults so it can be used"""

        self._enable_bit = True
        if not self._enable_bit:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to enable sensor")
        self._mode = UV
        self.gain = Gain.GAIN_3X  # pylint:disable=no-member
        self.resolution = Resolution.RESOLUTION_16BIT  # pylint:disable=no-member
        self._window_factor = 1  # default window transmission factor

        # ltr.setThresholds(100, 1000);
        # self.low_threshold = 100
        # self.high_threshold = 1000
        # ltr.configInterrupt(true, LTR390_MODE_UVS);

    def _reset(self):
            self._reset_bit = True
        except OSError:
            # The write to the reset bit will fail because it seems to not ACK before it resets

        # check that reset is complete w/ the bit unset
        if self._reset_bit:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to reset sensor")

    def _mode(self):
        return self._mode_bit

    def _mode(self, value):
        if not value in [ALS, UV]:
            raise AttributeError("Mode must be ALS or UV")
        if self._mode_cache != value:
            self._mode_bit = value
            self._mode_cache = value

    # something is wrong here; I had to add a sleep to the loop to get both to update correctly
    def uvs(self):
        """The calculated UV value"""
        self._mode = UV
        while not self.data_ready:
        return self._uvs_data_reg

    def light(self):
        """The currently measured ambient light level"""
        self._mode = ALS
        while not self.data_ready:
        return self._als_data_reg

    def gain(self):
        """The amount of gain the raw measurements are multiplied by"""
        return self._gain_bits

    def gain(self, value):
        if not Gain.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("gain must be a Gain")
        self._gain_bits = value

    def resolution(self):
        """Set the precision of the internal ADC used to read the light measurements"""
        return self._resolution_bits

    def resolution(self, value):
        if not Resolution.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("resolution must be a Resolution")
        self._resolution_bits = value

    def enable_alerts(self, enable, source, persistance):
        """The configuration of alerts raised by the sensor

        :param enable: Whether the interrupt output is enabled
        :param source: Whether to use the ALS or UVS data register to compare
        :param persistance: The number of consecutive out-of-range readings before
        self._int_enable_bit = enable
        if not enable:
        if source == ALS:
            self._int_src_bits = 1
        elif source == UV:
            self._int_src_bits = 3
            raise AttributeError("interrupt source must be UV or ALS")
        self._int_persistance_bits = persistance

    def measurement_delay(self):
        """The delay between measurements. This can be used to set the measurement rate which
        affects the sensor power usage."""
        return self._measurement_delay_bits

    def measurement_delay(self, value):
        if not MeasurementDelay.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("measurement_delay must be a MeasurementDelay")
        self._measurement_delay_bits = value

    def uvi(self):
        """Read UV count and return calculated UV Index (UVI) value based upon the rated sensitivity
        of 1 UVI per 2300 counts at 18X gain factor and 20-bit resolution."""
        return (
            / (
                (Gain.factor[self.gain] / 18)
                * (2 ** Resolution.factor[self.resolution])
                / (2 ** 20)
                * 2300
            * self._window_factor

    def lux(self):
        """Read light level and return calculated Lux value."""
        return (
            (self.light * 0.6)
            / (Gain.factor[self.gain] * Resolution.integration[self.resolution])
        ) * self._window_factor

    def window_factor(self):
        """Window transmission factor (Wfac) for UVI and Lux calculations.
        A factor of 1 (default) represents no window or clear glass; > 1 for a tinted window.
        Factor of > 1 requires an empirical calibration with a reference light source."""
        return self._window_factor

    def window_factor(self, factor=1):
        if factor < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "window transmission factor must be a value of 1.0 or greater"
        self._window_factor = factor
Beispiel #16
class DPS310:
    #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the DPS310 Precision Barometric Pressure Sensor.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the DPS310 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor

    # Register definitions
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DPS310_PRODREVID, ">B")
    _reset_register = UnaryStruct(_DPS310_RESET, ">B")
    _mode_bits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_MEASCFG, 0)

    _pressure_ratebits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 4)
    _pressure_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 0)

    _temp_ratebits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 4)
    _temp_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 0)

    _temp_measurement_src_bit = RWBit(_DPS310_TMPCFG, 7)

    _pressure_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 2)
    _temp_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 3)

    _coefficients_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 7)
    _sensor_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 6)
    _temp_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 5)
    _pressure_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 4)

    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _DPS310_PRSB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)
    _raw_temperature = ROBits(24, _DPS310_TMPB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)

    _calib_coeff_temp_src_bit = ROBit(_DPS310_TMPCOEFSRCE, 7)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_DPS310_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._device_id != _DPS310_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find DPS310 - check your wiring!")
        self._pressure_scale = None
        self._temp_scale = None
        self._c0 = None
        self._c1 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c01 = None
        self._c11 = None
        self._c20 = None
        self._c21 = None
        self._c30 = None
        self._oversample_scalefactor = (524288, 1572864, 3670016, 7864320, 253952,
                                        516096, 1040384, 2088960)

    def initialize(self):
        """Reset the sensor to the default state"""


        # make sure we're using the temperature source used for calibration
        self._temp_measurement_src_bit = self._calib_coeff_temp_src_bit

        self.pressure_rate = Rate.RATE_64_HZ
        self.pressure_oversample_count = SampleCount.COUNT_64
        self.temperature_rate = Rate.RATE_64_HZ
        self.temperature_oversample_count = SampleCount.COUNT_64
        self.mode = Mode.CONT_PRESTEMP

        # wait until we have at least one good measurement

        while (self._temp_ready is False) or (self._pressure_ready is False):

    def _reset(self):
        """Perform a soft-reset on the sensor"""
        self._reset_register = 0x89
        # wait for hardware reset to finish
        while not self._sensor_ready:

    def pressure(self):
        """Returns the current pressure reading in kPA"""

        temp_reading = self._raw_temperature
        raw_temperature = self._twos_complement(temp_reading, 24)
        pressure_reading = self._raw_pressure
        raw_pressure = self._twos_complement(pressure_reading, 24)
        _scaled_rawtemp = raw_temperature / self._temp_scale

        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0

        p_red = raw_pressure / self._pressure_scale

        pres_calc = (self._c00 + p_red * (self._c10 + p_red * (self._c20 + p_red * self._c30)) +
                     _scaled_rawtemp * (self._c01 + p_red * (self._c11 + p_red * self._c21)))

        final_pressure = pres_calc / 100
        return final_pressure

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature reading in degrees C"""
        _scaled_rawtemp = self._raw_temperature / self._temp_scale
        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0
        return _temperature

    def temperature_ready(self):
        """Returns true if there is a temperature reading ready"""
        return self._temp_ready

    def pressure_ready(self):
        """Returns true if pressure readings are ready"""
        return self._pressure_ready

    def mode(self):
        """The measurement mode. Must be a `Mode`. See the `Mode` documentation for details"""
        return self._mode_bits

    def mode(self, value):
        if not Mode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("mode must be an `Mode`")

        self._mode_bits = value

    def pressure_rate(self):
        """Configure the pressure measurement rate. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._pressure_ratebits

    def pressure_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("pressure_rate must be a Rate")
        self._pressure_ratebits = value

    def pressure_oversample_count(self):
        """The number of samples taken per pressure measurement. Must be a `SampleCount`"""
        return self._pressure_osbits

    def pressure_oversample_count(self, value):
        if not SampleCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("pressure_oversample_count must be a SampleCount")

        self._pressure_osbits = value
        self._pressure_shiftbit = (value > SampleCount.COUNT_8)
        self._pressure_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[value]

    def temperature_rate(self):
        """Configure the temperature measurement rate. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._temp_ratebits

    def temperature_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("temperature_rate must be a Rate")
        self._temp_ratebits = value

    def temperature_oversample_count(self):
        """The number of samples taken per temperature measurement. Must be a `SampleCount`"""
        return self._temp_osbits

    def temperature_oversample_count(self, value):
        if not SampleCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("temperature_oversample_count must be a SampleCount")

        self._temp_osbits = value
        self._temp_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[value]
        self._temp_shiftbit = (value > SampleCount.COUNT_8)

    def _twos_complement(val, bits):
        if val & (1 << (bits - 1)):
            val -= (1 << bits)

        return val

    def _read_calibration(self):

        while not self._coefficients_ready:

        buffer = bytearray(19)
        coeffs = [None]*18
        for offset in range(18):
            buffer = bytearray(2)
            buffer[0] = 0x10 + offset

            with self.i2c_device as i2c:

                i2c.write_then_readinto(buffer, buffer, out_end=1, in_start=1)

                coeffs[offset] = buffer[1]

        self._c0 = (coeffs[0] << 4) | ((coeffs[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c0 = self._twos_complement(self._c0, 12)

        self._c1 = self._twos_complement(((coeffs[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | coeffs[2], 12)

        self._c00 = (coeffs[3] << 12) | (coeffs[4] << 4) | ((coeffs[5] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c00 = self._twos_complement(self._c00, 20)

        self._c10 = ((coeffs[5] & 0x0F) << 16) | (coeffs[6] << 8) |coeffs[7]
        self._c10 = self._twos_complement(self._c10, 20)

        self._c01 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[8] << 8) | coeffs[9], 16)
        self._c11 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[10] << 8) | coeffs[11], 16)
        self._c20 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[12] << 8) | coeffs[13], 16)
        self._c21 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[14] << 8) | coeffs[15], 16)
        self._c30 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[16] << 8) | coeffs[17], 16)
Beispiel #17
class VEML7700:
    """Driver for the VEML7700 ambient light sensor.

    :param busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the VEML7700 is connected to.


    # Ambient light sensor gain settings
    ALS_GAIN_1 = const(0x0)
    ALS_GAIN_2 = const(0x1)
    ALS_GAIN_1_8 = const(0x2)
    ALS_GAIN_1_4 = const(0x3)

    # Ambient light integration time settings

    ALS_25MS = const(0xC)
    ALS_50MS = const(0x8)
    ALS_100MS = const(0x0)
    ALS_200MS = const(0x1)
    ALS_400MS = const(0x2)
    ALS_800MS = const(0x3)

    # Gain value integers
    gain_values = {
        ALS_GAIN_2: 2,
        ALS_GAIN_1: 1,
        ALS_GAIN_1_4: 0.25,
        ALS_GAIN_1_8: 0.125,

    # Integration time value integers
    integration_time_values = {
        ALS_25MS: 25,
        ALS_50MS: 50,
        ALS_100MS: 100,
        ALS_200MS: 200,
        ALS_400MS: 400,
        ALS_800MS: 800,

    # ALS - Ambient light sensor high resolution output data
    light = ROUnaryStruct(0x04, "<H")
    """Ambient light data.

    This example prints the ambient light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_veml7700.VEML7700(i2c)

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", veml7700.light)

    # WHITE - White channel output data
    white = ROUnaryStruct(0x05, "<H")
    """White light data.

    This example prints the white light data. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_veml7700.VEML7700(i2c)

        while True:
            print("White light:", veml7700.white)

    # ALS_CONF_0 - ALS gain, integration time, interrupt and shutdown.
    light_shutdown = RWBit(0x00, 0, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light sensor shutdown. When ``True``, ambient light sensor is disabled."""
    light_interrupt = RWBit(0x00, 1, register_width=2)
    """Enable interrupt. ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to disable."""
    light_gain = RWBits(2, 0x00, 11, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light gain setting. Gain settings are 2, 1, 1/4 and 1/8. Settings options are:

    This example sets the ambient light gain to 2 and prints the ambient light sensor data.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        veml7700.light_gain = veml7700.ALS_GAIN_2

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", veml7700.light)

    light_integration_time = RWBits(4, 0x00, 6, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light integration time setting. Longer time has higher sensitivity. Can be:
    ALS_25MS, ALS_50MS, ALS_100MS, ALS_200MS, ALS_400MS, ALS_800MS.

    This example sets the ambient light integration time to 400ms and prints the ambient light
    sensor data.

    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        import board
        import busio
        import adafruit_veml7700

        i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
        veml7700 = adafruit_vcnl4040.VCNL4040(i2c)

        veml7700.light_integration_time = veml7700.ALS_400MS

        while True:
            print("Ambient light:", veml7700.light)


    # ALS_WH - ALS high threshold window setting
    light_high_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x01, "<H")
    """Ambient light sensor interrupt high threshold setting."""
    # ALS_WL - ALS low threshold window setting
    light_low_threshold = UnaryStruct(0x02, "<H")
    """Ambient light sensor interrupt low threshold setting."""
    # ALS_INT - ALS INT trigger event
    light_interrupt_high = ROBit(0x06, 14, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light high threshold interrupt flag. Triggered when high threshold exceeded."""
    light_interrupt_low = ROBit(0x06, 15, register_width=2)
    """Ambient light low threshold interrupt flag. Triggered when low threshold exceeded."""
    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x10):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        self.light_shutdown = False  # Enable the ambient light sensor

    def integration_time_value(self):
        """Integration time value in integer form. Used for calculating ``resolution``."""
        integration_time = self.light_integration_time
        return self.integration_time_values[integration_time]

    def gain_value(self):
        """Gain value in integer form. Used for calculating ``resolution``."""
        gain = self.light_gain
        return self.gain_values[gain]

    def resolution(self):
        """Calculate the ``resolution`` necessary to calculate lux. Based on integration time and
        gain settings."""
        resolution_at_max = 0.0036
        gain_max = 2
        integration_time_max = 800

        if (self.gain_value() == gain_max
                and self.integration_time_value() == integration_time_max):
            return resolution_at_max
        return (resolution_at_max *
                (integration_time_max / self.integration_time_value()) *
                (gain_max / self.gain_value()))

    def lux(self):
        """Light value in lux.

        This example prints the light data in lux. Cover the sensor to see the values change.

        .. code-block:: python

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_veml7700

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
            veml7700 = adafruit_veml7700.VEML7700(i2c)

            while True:
                print("Lux:", veml7700.lux)
        return self.resolution() * self.light
class INA260:
    """Driver for the INA260 power and current sensor.

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the INA260 is connected to.
    :param int address: The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is ``0x40``.

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus: I2C, address: int = 0x40) -> None:
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._manufacturer_id != self.TEXAS_INSTRUMENT_ID:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to find Texas Instrument ID, read " +
                f"{self._manufacturer_id} while expected {self.TEXAS_INSTRUMENT_ID}"
                " - check your wiring!")

        if self._device_id != self.INA260_ID:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Failed to find INA260 ID, read {self._device_id} while expected {self.INA260_ID}"
                " - check your wiring!")

    _raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")
    _raw_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, ">H")
    _raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")

    # MASK_ENABLE fields
    overcurrent_limit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 15, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the current measurement
       following a conversion exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    under_current_limit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 14, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the current measurement
       following a conversion drops below the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    bus_voltage_over_voltage = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 13, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the bus voltage measurement
       following a conversion exceeds the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    bus_voltage_under_voltage = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 12, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the bus voltage measurement
       following a conversion drops below the value programmed in the Alert Limit Register.
    power_over_limit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 11, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted if the Power calculation
       made following a bus voltage measurement exceeds the value programmed in the
       Alert Limit Register.
    conversion_ready = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 10, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit high configures the ALERT pin to be asserted when the Conversion Ready Flag,
        Bit 3, is asserted indicating that the device is ready for the next conversion.
    # from 5 to 9 are not used
    alert_function_flag = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 4, 2, False)
    """While only one Alert Function can be monitored at the ALERT pin at time, the
       Conversion Ready can also be enabled to assert the ALERT pin.
       Reading the Alert Function Flag following an alert allows the user to determine if the Alert
       Function was the source of the Alert.

       When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Latch mode, the Alert Function Flag bit
       clears only when the Mask/Enable Register is read.
       When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Transparent mode, the Alert Function Flag bit
       is cleared following the next conversion that does not result in an Alert condition.
    _conversion_ready_flag = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 3, 2, False)
    """Bit to help coordinate one-shot or triggered conversion. This bit is set after all
        conversion, averaging, and multiplication are complete.
        Conversion Ready flag bit clears when writing the configuration register or
        reading the Mask/Enable register.
    math_overflow_flag = ROBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 2, 2, False)
    """This bit is set to 1 if an arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error.
    alert_polarity_bit = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 1, 2, False)
    """Active-high open collector when True, Active-low open collector when false (default).
    alert_latch_enable = RWBit(_REG_MASK_ENABLE, 0, 2, False)
    """Configures the latching feature of the ALERT pin and Alert Flag Bits.

    reset_bit = RWBit(_REG_CONFIG, 15, 2, False)
    """Setting this bit t 1 generates a system reset. Reset all registers to default values."""
    averaging_count = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 9, 2, False)
    """The window size of the rolling average used in continuous mode"""
    voltage_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 6, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the bus voltage measurement"""
    current_conversion_time = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    """The conversion time taken for the current measurement"""

    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)
    """The mode that the INA260 is operating in. Must be one of
    ``Mode.CONTINUOUS``, ``Mode.TRIGGERED``, or ``Mode.SHUTDOWN``

    mask_enable = RWBits(16, _REG_MASK_ENABLE, 0, 2, False)
    """The Mask/Enable Register selects the function that is enabled to control the ALERT pin as
        well as how that pin functions.
        If multiple functions are enabled, the highest significant bit
        position Alert Function (D15-D11) takes priority and responds to the Alert Limit Register.
    alert_limit = RWBits(16, _REG_ALERT_LIMIT, 0, 2, False)
    """The Alert Limit Register contains the value used to compare to the register selected in the
        Mask/Enable Register to determine if a limit has been exceeded.
        The format for this register will match the format of the register that is selected for

    TEXAS_INSTRUMENT_ID = const(0x5449)
    INA260_ID = const(0x227)
    _manufacturer_id = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_MFG_UID, ">H")
    """Manufacturer identification bits"""
    _device_id = ROBits(12, _REG_DIE_UID, 4, 2, False)
    """Device identification bits"""
    revision_id = ROBits(4, _REG_DIE_UID, 0, 2, False)
    """Device revision identification bits"""

    def current(self) -> float:
        """The current (between V+ and V-) in mA"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready_flag == 0:
        return self._raw_current * 1.25

    def voltage(self) -> float:
        """The bus voltage in V"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready_flag == 0:
        return self._raw_voltage * 0.00125

    def power(self) -> int:
        """The power being delivered to the load in mW"""
        if self.mode == Mode.TRIGGERED:
            while self._conversion_ready_flag == 0:
        return self._raw_power * 10
Beispiel #19
class ICM20948(ICM20X):  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the ST ICM-20948 Wide-Range 6-DoF Accelerometer and Gyro.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the ICM20948 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor

    _slave_finished = ROBit(_ICM20X_I2C_MST_STATUS, 6)

    # mag data is LE
    _raw_mag_data = Struct(_ICM20948_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_00, "<hhhh")

    _bypass_i2c_master = RWBit(_ICM20X_REG_INT_PIN_CFG, 1)
    _i2c_master_control = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_MST_CTRL, ">B")
    _i2c_master_enable = RWBit(_ICM20X_USER_CTRL, 5)  # TODO: use this in sw reset
    _i2c_master_reset = RWBit(_ICM20X_USER_CTRL, 1)

    _slave0_addr = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, ">B")
    _slave0_reg = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV0_REG, ">B")
    _slave0_ctrl = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, ">B")
    _slave0_do = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV0_DO, ">B")

    _slave4_addr = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV4_ADDR, ">B")
    _slave4_reg = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV4_REG, ">B")
    _slave4_ctrl = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, ">B")
    _slave4_do = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV4_DO, ">B")
    _slave4_di = UnaryStruct(_ICM20X_I2C_SLV4_DI, ">B")

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_ICM20948_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
                ("RANGE_2G", 0, 2, 16384),
                ("RANGE_4G", 1, 4, 8192),
                ("RANGE_8G", 2, 8, 4096.0),
                ("RANGE_16G", 3, 16, 2048),
                ("RANGE_250_DPS", 0, 250, 131.0),
                ("RANGE_500_DPS", 1, 500, 65.5),
                ("RANGE_1000_DPS", 2, 1000, 32.8),
                ("RANGE_2000_DPS", 3, 2000, 16.4),

        # page 9
                ("SHUTDOWN", 0x0, "Shutdown", None),
                ("SINGLE", 0x1, "Single", None),
                ("RATE_10HZ", 0x2, 10, None),
                ("RATE_20HZ", 0x4, 20, None),
                ("RATE_50HZ", 0x6, 50, None),
                ("RATE_100HZ", 0x8, 100, None),
        super().__init__(i2c_bus, address)

    # A million thanks to the SparkFun folks for their library that I pillaged to write this method!
    # See their Python library here:
    def _mag_configured(self):
        success = False
        for _i in range(5):
            success = self._mag_id() is not None

            if success:
                return True
            # i2c master stuck, try resetting
        return False

    def _reset_i2c_master(self):
        self._bank = 0
        self._i2c_master_reset = True

    def _magnetometer_enable(self):

        self._bank = 0
        self._bypass_i2c_master = False

        # no repeated start, i2c master clock = 345.60kHz
        self._bank = 3
        self._i2c_master_control = 0x17

        self._bank = 0
        self._i2c_master_enable = True

    def _magnetometer_init(self):
        self.magnetometer_data_rate = (
            MagDataRate.RATE_100HZ  # pylint: disable=no-member

        if not self._mag_configured:
            return False


        return True

    # set up slave0 for reading into the bank 0 data registers
    def _setup_mag_readout(self):
        self._bank = 3
        self._slave0_addr = 0x8C
        self._slave0_reg = 0x11
        self._slave0_ctrl = 0x89  # enable

    def _mag_id(self):
        return self._read_mag_register(0x01)

    def magnetic(self):
        """The current magnetic field strengths onthe X, Y, and Z axes in uT (micro-teslas)"""

        self._bank = 0
        full_data = self._raw_mag_data

        x = full_data[0] * _ICM20X_UT_PER_LSB
        y = full_data[1] * _ICM20X_UT_PER_LSB
        z = full_data[2] * _ICM20X_UT_PER_LSB

        return (x, y, z)

    def magnetometer_data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which the magenetometer takes measurements to update its output registers"""
        # read mag DR register

    def magnetometer_data_rate(self, mag_rate):
        # From page 9

        # "When user wants to change operation mode, transit to Power-down mode first and then
        # transit to other modes. After Power-down mode is set, at least 100 microsectons (Twait)
        # is needed before setting another mode"
        if not MagDataRate.is_valid(mag_rate):
            raise AttributeError("range must be an `MagDataRate`")
            _AK09916_CNTL2, MagDataRate.SHUTDOWN  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self._write_mag_register(_AK09916_CNTL2, mag_rate)

    def _read_mag_register(self, register_addr, slave_addr=0x0C):
        self._bank = 3

        slave_addr |= 0x80  # set top bit for read

        self._slave4_addr = slave_addr
        self._slave4_reg = register_addr
        self._slave4_ctrl = (
            0x80  # enable, don't raise interrupt, write register value, no delay
        self._bank = 0

        finished = False
        for _i in range(100):
            finished = self._slave_finished
            if finished:  # bueno!

        if not finished:
            return None

        self._bank = 3
        mag_register_data = self._slave4_di
        return mag_register_data

    def _write_mag_register(self, register_addr, value, slave_addr=0x0C):
        self._bank = 3

        self._slave4_addr = slave_addr
        self._slave4_reg = register_addr
        self._slave4_do = value
        self._slave4_ctrl = (
            0x80  # enable, don't raise interrupt, write register value, no delay
        self._bank = 0

        finished = False
        for _i in range(100):
            finished = self._slave_finished
            if finished:  # bueno!

        return finished
Beispiel #20
class DPS310:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the DPS310 Precision Barometric Pressure Sensor.

        :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the DPS310 is connected to.
        :param address: The I2C slave address of the sensor

    # Register definitions
    _device_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DPS310_PRODREVID, ">B")
    _reset_register = UnaryStruct(_DPS310_RESET, ">B")
    _mode_bits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_MEASCFG, 0)

    _pressure_ratebits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 4)
    _pressure_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_PRSCFG, 0)

    _temp_ratebits = RWBits(3, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 4)
    _temp_osbits = RWBits(4, _DPS310_TMPCFG, 0)

    _temp_measurement_src_bit = RWBit(_DPS310_TMPCFG, 7)

    _pressure_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 2)
    _temp_shiftbit = RWBit(_DPS310_CFGREG, 3)

    _coefficients_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 7)
    _sensor_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 6)
    _temp_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 5)
    _pressure_ready = RWBit(_DPS310_MEASCFG, 4)

    _raw_pressure = ROBits(24, _DPS310_PRSB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)
    _raw_temperature = ROBits(24, _DPS310_TMPB2, 0, 3, lsb_first=False)

    _calib_coeff_temp_src_bit = ROBit(_DPS310_TMPCOEFSRCE, 7)

    _reg0e = RWBits(8, 0x0E, 0)
    _reg0f = RWBits(8, 0x0F, 0)
    _reg62 = RWBits(8, 0x62, 0)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_DPS310_DEFAULT_ADDRESS):
        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)

        if self._device_id != _DPS310_DEVICE_ID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find DPS310 - check your wiring!")
        self._pressure_scale = None
        self._temp_scale = None
        self._c0 = None
        self._c1 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c00 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c10 = None
        self._c01 = None
        self._c11 = None
        self._c20 = None
        self._c21 = None
        self._c30 = None
        self._oversample_scalefactor = (
        self.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25
        """Pressure in hectoPascals at sea level. Used to calibrate `altitude`."""

    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize the sensor to continuous measurement"""


        self.pressure_rate = Rate.RATE_64_HZ
        self.pressure_oversample_count = SampleCount.COUNT_64
        self.temperature_rate = Rate.RATE_64_HZ
        self.temperature_oversample_count = SampleCount.COUNT_64
        self.mode = Mode.CONT_PRESTEMP

        # wait until we have at least one good measurement

    # (
    # similar to DpsClass::correctTemp(void) from infineon's c++ library
    def _correct_temp(self):
        """Correct temperature readings on ICs with a fuse bit problem"""
        self._reg0e = 0xA5
        self._reg0f = 0x96
        self._reg62 = 0x02
        self._reg0e = 0
        self._reg0f = 0

        # perform a temperature measurement
        # the most recent temperature will be saved internally
        # and used for compensation when calculating pressure
        _unused = self._raw_temperature

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor"""
        self._reset_register = 0x89
        # wait for hardware reset to finish
        while not self._sensor_ready:
        # make sure we're using the temperature source used for calibration
        self._temp_measurement_src_bit = self._calib_coeff_temp_src_bit

    def pressure(self):
        """Returns the current pressure reading in kPA"""

        temp_reading = self._raw_temperature
        raw_temperature = self._twos_complement(temp_reading, 24)
        pressure_reading = self._raw_pressure
        raw_pressure = self._twos_complement(pressure_reading, 24)
        _scaled_rawtemp = raw_temperature / self._temp_scale

        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0

        p_red = raw_pressure / self._pressure_scale

        pres_calc = (self._c00 + p_red * (self._c10 + p_red *
                                          (self._c20 + p_red * self._c30)) +
                     _scaled_rawtemp * (self._c01 + p_red *
                                        (self._c11 + p_red * self._c21)))

        final_pressure = pres_calc / 100
        return final_pressure

    def altitude(self):
        """The altitude based on the sea level pressure (`sea_level_pressure`) - which you must
           enter ahead of time)"""
        return 44330 * (
            1.0 - math.pow(self.pressure / self.sea_level_pressure, 0.1903))

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature reading in degrees C"""
        _scaled_rawtemp = self._raw_temperature / self._temp_scale
        _temperature = _scaled_rawtemp * self._c1 + self._c0 / 2.0
        return _temperature

    def temperature_ready(self):
        """Returns true if there is a temperature reading ready"""
        return self._temp_ready

    def wait_temperature_ready(self):
        """Wait until a temperature measurement is available.

        To avoid waiting indefinitely this function raises an
        error if the sensor isn't configured for temperate measurements,
        ie. ``Mode.ONE_TEMPERATURE``, ``Mode.CONT_TEMP`` or ``Mode.CONT_PRESTEMP``.
        See the `Mode` documentation for details.
        if (self._mode_bits == Mode.IDLE
                or self._mode_bits == Mode.ONE_PRESSURE
                or self._mode_bits == Mode.CONT_PRESSURE):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Sensor mode is set to idle or pressure measurement,\
                    can't wait for a temperature measurement")
        while self._temp_ready is False:

    def pressure_ready(self):
        """Returns true if pressure readings are ready"""
        return self._pressure_ready

    def wait_pressure_ready(self):
        """Wait until a pressure measurement is available

        To avoid waiting indefinitely this function raises an
        error if the sensor isn't configured for pressure measurements,
        ie.  ``Mode.ONE_PRESSURE``, ``Mode.CONT_PRESSURE`` or ``Mode.CONT_PRESTEMP``
        See the `Mode` documentation for details.
        if (self._mode_bits == Mode.IDLE
                or self._mode_bits == Mode.ONE_TEMPERATURE
                or self._mode_bits == Mode.CONT_TEMP):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Sensor mode is set to idle or temperature measurement,\
                    can't wait for a pressure measurement")
        while self._pressure_ready is False:

    def mode(self):
        """The measurement mode. Must be a `Mode`. See the `Mode` documentation for details"""
        return self._mode_bits

    def mode(self, value):
        if not Mode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("mode must be an `Mode`")

        self._mode_bits = value

    def pressure_rate(self):
        """Configure the pressure measurement rate. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._pressure_ratebits

    def pressure_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("pressure_rate must be a Rate")
        self._pressure_ratebits = value

    def pressure_oversample_count(self):
        """The number of samples taken per pressure measurement. Must be a `SampleCount`"""
        return self._pressure_osbits

    def pressure_oversample_count(self, value):
        if not SampleCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "pressure_oversample_count must be a SampleCount")

        self._pressure_osbits = value
        self._pressure_shiftbit = value > SampleCount.COUNT_8
        self._pressure_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[value]

    def temperature_rate(self):
        """Configure the temperature measurement rate. Must be a `Rate`"""
        return self._temp_ratebits

    def temperature_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("temperature_rate must be a Rate")
        self._temp_ratebits = value

    def temperature_oversample_count(self):
        """The number of samples taken per temperature measurement. Must be a `SampleCount`"""
        return self._temp_osbits

    def temperature_oversample_count(self, value):
        if not SampleCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "temperature_oversample_count must be a SampleCount")

        self._temp_osbits = value
        self._temp_scale = self._oversample_scalefactor[value]
        self._temp_shiftbit = value > SampleCount.COUNT_8

    def _twos_complement(val, bits):
        if val & (1 << (bits - 1)):
            val -= 1 << bits

        return val

    def _read_calibration(self):

        while not self._coefficients_ready:

        buffer = bytearray(19)
        coeffs = [None] * 18
        for offset in range(18):
            buffer = bytearray(2)
            buffer[0] = 0x10 + offset

            with self.i2c_device as i2c:

                i2c.write_then_readinto(buffer, buffer, out_end=1, in_start=1)

                coeffs[offset] = buffer[1]

        self._c0 = (coeffs[0] << 4) | ((coeffs[1] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c0 = self._twos_complement(self._c0, 12)

        self._c1 = self._twos_complement(((coeffs[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | coeffs[2],

        self._c00 = (coeffs[3] << 12) | (coeffs[4] << 4) | (
            (coeffs[5] >> 4) & 0x0F)
        self._c00 = self._twos_complement(self._c00, 20)

        self._c10 = ((coeffs[5] & 0x0F) << 16) | (coeffs[6] << 8) | coeffs[7]
        self._c10 = self._twos_complement(self._c10, 20)

        self._c01 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[8] << 8) | coeffs[9], 16)
        self._c11 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[10] << 8) | coeffs[11], 16)
        self._c20 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[12] << 8) | coeffs[13], 16)
        self._c21 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[14] << 8) | coeffs[15], 16)
        self._c30 = self._twos_complement((coeffs[16] << 8) | coeffs[17], 16)
Beispiel #21
class TMP117:
    """Library for the TI TMP117 high-accuracy temperature sensor"""

    _part_id = ROUnaryStruct(_DEVICE_ID, ">H")
    _raw_temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_TEMP_RESULT, ">h")
    _raw_high_limit = UnaryStruct(_T_HIGH_LIMIT, ">h")
    _raw_low_limit = UnaryStruct(_T_LOW_LIMIT, ">h")
    _raw_temperature_offset = UnaryStruct(_TEMP_OFFSET, ">h")

    # these three bits will clear on read in some configurations, so we read them together
    _alert_status_data_ready = ROBits(3, _CONFIGURATION, 13, 2, False)
    _eeprom_busy = ROBit(_CONFIGURATION, 12, 2, False)
    _mode = RWBits(2, _CONFIGURATION, 10, 2, False)

    _raw_measurement_delay = RWBits(3, _CONFIGURATION, 7, 2, False)
    _raw_averaged_measurements = RWBits(2, _CONFIGURATION, 5, 2, False)

    _raw_alert_mode = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 4, 2,
                            False)  # T/nA bits in the datasheet
    _int_active_high = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 3, 2, False)
    _data_ready_int_en = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 2, 2, False)
    _soft_reset = RWBit(_CONFIGURATION, 1, 2, False)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_I2C_ADDR):

        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if self._part_id != _DEVICE_ID_VALUE:
            raise AttributeError("Cannot find a TMP117")
        # currently set when `alert_status` is read, but not exposed

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the sensor to its unconfigured power-on state"""
        self._soft_reset = True

    def initialize(self):
        """Configure the sensor with sensible defaults. `initialize` is primarily provided to be
        called after `reset`, however it can also be used to easily set the sensor to a known
        # Datasheet specifies that reset will finish in 2ms however by default the first
        # conversion will be averaged 8x and take 1s
        # TODO: sleep depending on current averaging config
            _CONTINUOUS_CONVERSION_MODE)  # one shot

    def temperature(self):
        """The current measured temperature in degrees celcius"""

        return self._read_temperature()

    def temperature_offset(self):
        """User defined temperature offset to be added to measurements from `temperature`

        .. code-block::python3

            # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Bryan Siepert, written for Adafruit Industries
            # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
            import time
            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_tmp117

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = adafruit_tmp117.TMP117(i2c)

            print("Temperature without offset: %.2f degrees C" % tmp117.temperature)
            tmp117.temperature_offset = 10.0
            while True:
                print("Temperature w/ offset: %.2f degrees C" % tmp117.temperature)

        return self._raw_temperature_offset * _TMP117_RESOLUTION

    def temperature_offset(self, value):
        if value > 256 or value < -256:
            raise AttributeError("temperature_offset must be ")
        scaled_offset = int(value / _TMP117_RESOLUTION)
        self._raw_temperature_offset = scaled_offset

    def high_limit(self):
        """The high temperature limit in degrees celcius. When the measured temperature exceeds this
        value, the `high_alert` attribute of the `alert_status` property will be True. See the
        documentation for `alert_status` for more information"""

        return self._raw_high_limit * _TMP117_RESOLUTION

    def high_limit(self, value):
        if value > 256 or value < -256:
            raise AttributeError("high_limit must be from 255 to -256")
        scaled_limit = int(value / _TMP117_RESOLUTION)
        self._raw_high_limit = scaled_limit

    def low_limit(self):
        """The low  temperature limit in degrees celcius. When the measured temperature goes below
        this value, the `low_alert` attribute of the `alert_status` property will be True. See the
        documentation for `alert_status` for more information"""

        return self._raw_low_limit * _TMP117_RESOLUTION

    def low_limit(self, value):
        if value > 256 or value < -256:
            raise AttributeError("low_limit must be from 255 to -256")
        scaled_limit = int(value / _TMP117_RESOLUTION)
        self._raw_low_limit = scaled_limit

    def alert_status(self):
        """The current triggered status of the high and low temperature alerts as a AlertStatus
        named tuple with attributes for the triggered status of each alert.

        .. code-block :: python3

            import board
            import busio
            import adafruit_tmp117
            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = adafruit_tmp117.TMP117(i2c)

            tmp117.high_limit = 25
            tmp117.low_limit = 10

            print("High limit", tmp117.high_limit)
            print("Low limit", tmp117.low_limit)

            # Try changing `alert_mode`  to see how it modifies the behavior of the alerts.
            # tmp117.alert_mode = AlertMode.WINDOW #default
            # tmp117.alert_mode = AlertMode.HYSTERESIS

            print("Alert mode:", AlertMode.string[tmp117.alert_mode])
            while True:
                print("Temperature: %.2f degrees C" % tmp117.temperature)
                alert_status = tmp117.alert_status
                print("High alert:", alert_status.high_alert)
                print("Low alert:", alert_status.low_alert)

        high_alert, low_alert, *_ = self._read_status()
        return AlertStatus(high_alert=high_alert, low_alert=low_alert)

    def averaged_measurements(self):
        """The number of measurements that are taken and averaged before updating the temperature
        measurement register. A larger number will reduce measurement noise but may also affect
        the rate at which measurements are updated, depending on the value of `measurement_delay`

        Note that each averaged measurement takes 15.5ms which means that larger numbers of averaged
        measurements may make the delay between new reported measurements to exceed the delay set
        by `measurement_delay`

        .. code-block::python3

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            from adafruit_tmp117 import TMP117, AverageCount

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = TMP117(i2c)

            # uncomment different options below to see how it affects the reported temperature
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_1X
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_8X
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_32X
            # tmp117.averaged_measurements = AverageCount.AVERAGE_64X

                "Number of averaged samples per measurement:",

            while True:
                print("Temperature:", tmp117.temperature)

        return self._raw_averaged_measurements

    def averaged_measurements(self, value):
        if not AverageCount.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "averaged_measurements must be an `AverageCount`")
        self._raw_averaged_measurements = value

    def measurement_mode(self):
        """Sets the measurement mode, specifying the behavior of how often measurements are taken.
        `measurement_mode` must be one of:

| Mode                                   | Behavior                                             |
| :py:const:`MeasurementMode.CONTINUOUS` | Measurements are made at the interval determined by  |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `averaged_measurements` and `measurement_delay`.     |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `temperature` returns the most recent measurement    |
| :py:const:`MeasurementMode.ONE_SHOT`   | Take a single measurement with the current number of |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `averaged_measurements` and switch to                |
|                                        | :py:const:`SHUTDOWN` when                            |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | finished.                                            |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `temperature` will return the new measurement until  |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `measurement_mode` is set to :py:const:`CONTINUOUS`  |
|                                        | or :py:const:`ONE_SHOT` is                           |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | set again.                                           |
| :py:const:`MeasurementMode.SHUTDOWN`   | The sensor is put into a low power state and no new  |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | measurements are taken.                              |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | `temperature` will return the last measurement until |
|                                        |                                                      |
|                                        | a new `measurement_mode` is selected.                |

        return self._mode

    def measurement_mode(self, value):
        if not MeasurementMode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "measurement_mode must be a `MeasurementMode` ")


    def measurement_delay(self):
        """The minimum amount of time between measurements in seconds. Must be a
        `MeasurementDelay`. The specified amount may be exceeded depending on the
        current setting off `averaged_measurements` which determines the minimum
        time needed between reported measurements.

        .. code-block::python3

            import time
            import board
            import busio
            from adafruit_tmp117 import TMP117, AverageCount, MeasurementDelay

            i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

            tmp117 = TMP117(i2c)

            # uncomment different options below to see how it affects the reported temperature

            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_0015_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_125_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_250_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_0_500_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_1_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_4_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_8_S
            # tmp117.measurement_delay = MeasurementDelay.DELAY_16_S

            print("Minimum time between measurements:",
            MeasurementDelay.string[tmp117.measurement_delay], "seconds")


            while True:
                print("Temperature:", tmp117.temperature)


        return self._raw_measurement_delay

    def measurement_delay(self, value):
        if not MeasurementDelay.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError(
                "measurement_delay must be a `MeasurementDelay`")
        self._raw_measurement_delay = value

    def take_single_measurememt(self):
        """Perform a single measurement cycle respecting the value of `averaged_measurements`,
        returning the measurement once complete. Once finished the sensor is placed into a low power
        state until :py:meth:`take_single_measurement` or `temperature` are read.

        **Note:** if `averaged_measurements` is set to a high value there will be a notable
        delay before the temperature measurement is returned while the sensor takes the required
        number of measurements

        return self._set_mode_and_wait_for_measurement(
            _ONE_SHOT_MODE)  # one shot

    def alert_mode(self):
        """Sets the behavior of the `low_limit`, `high_limit`, and `alert_status` properties.

        When set to :py:const:`AlertMode.WINDOW`, the `high_limit` property will unset when the
        measured temperature goes below `high_limit`. Similarly `low_limit` will be True or False
        depending on if the measured temperature is below (`False`) or above(`True`) `low_limit`.

        When set to :py:const:`AlertMode.HYSTERESIS`, the `high_limit` property will be set to
        `False` when the measured temperature goes below `low_limit`. In this mode, the `low_limit`
        property of `alert_status` will not be set.

        The default is :py:const:`AlertMode.WINDOW`"""

        return self._raw_alert_mode

    def alert_mode(self, value):
        if not AlertMode.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("alert_mode must be an `AlertMode`")
        self._raw_alert_mode = value

    def serial_number(self):
        """A 48-bit, factory-set unique identifier for the device."""
        eeprom1_data = bytearray(2)
        eeprom2_data = bytearray(2)
        eeprom3_data = bytearray(2)
        # Fetch EEPROM registers
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytearray([_EEPROM1]), eeprom1_data)
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytearray([_EEPROM2]), eeprom2_data)
            i2c.write_then_readinto(bytearray([_EEPROM3]), eeprom3_data)
        # Combine the 2-byte portions
        combined_id = bytearray([
        # Convert to an integer
        return _convert_to_integer(combined_id)

    def _set_mode_and_wait_for_measurement(self, mode):

        self._mode = mode
        # poll for data ready
        while not self._read_status()[2]:

        return self._read_temperature()

    # eeprom write enable to set defaults for limits and config
    # requires context manager or something to perform a general call reset

    def _read_status(self):
        # 3 bits: high_alert, low_alert, data_ready
        status_flags = self._alert_status_data_ready

        high_alert = 0b100 & status_flags > 0
        low_alert = 0b010 & status_flags > 0
        data_ready = 0b001 & status_flags > 0

        return (high_alert, low_alert, data_ready)

    def _read_temperature(self):
        return self._raw_temperature * _TMP117_RESOLUTION
class HTS221:  # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    """Library for the ST HTS221 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the HTS221HB is connected to.


    _chip_id = ROUnaryStruct(_WHO_AM_I, "<B")
    _boot_bit = RWBit(_CTRL_REG2, 7)
    enabled = RWBit(_CTRL_REG1, 7)
    """Controls the power down state of the sensor. Setting to `False` will shut the sensor down"""
    _data_rate = RWBits(2, _CTRL_REG1, 0)
    _one_shot_bit = RWBit(_CTRL_REG2, 0)
    _temperature_status_bit = ROBit(_STATUS_REG, 0)
    _humidity_status_bit = ROBit(_STATUS_REG, 1)
    _raw_temperature = ROUnaryStruct(_TEMP_OUT_L, "<h")
    _raw_humidity = ROUnaryStruct(_HUMIDITY_OUT_L, "<h")

    # humidity calibration consts
    _t0_deg_c_x8_lsbyte = ROBits(8, _T0_DEGC_X8, 0)
    _t1_deg_c_x8_lsbyte = ROBits(8, _T1_DEGC_X8, 0)
    _t1_t0_deg_c_x8_msbits = ROBits(4, _T1_T0_MSB, 0)

    _t0_out = ROUnaryStruct(_T0_OUT, "<h")
    _t1_out = ROUnaryStruct(_T1_OUT, "<h")

    _h0_rh_x2 = ROUnaryStruct(_H0_RH_X2, "<B")
    _h1_rh_x2 = ROUnaryStruct(_H1_RH_X2, "<B")

    _h0_t0_out = ROUnaryStruct(_H0_T0_OUT, "<h")
    _h1_t0_out = ROUnaryStruct(_H1_T1_OUT, "<h")

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus):
        self.i2c_device = i2cdevice.I2CDevice(i2c_bus, _HTS221_DEFAULT_ADDRESS)
        if not self._chip_id in [_HTS221_CHIP_ID]:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to find HTS221HB! Found chip ID 0x%x" %
        self.enabled = True
        self.data_rate = Rate.RATE_12_5_HZ  # pylint:disable=no-member

        t1_t0_msbs = self._t1_t0_deg_c_x8_msbits
        self.calib_temp_value_0 = self._t0_deg_c_x8_lsbyte
        self.calib_temp_value_0 |= (t1_t0_msbs & 0b0011) << 8

        self.calibrated_value_1 = self._t1_deg_c_x8_lsbyte
        self.calibrated_value_1 |= (t1_t0_msbs & 0b1100) << 6

        self.calib_temp_value_0 >>= 3  # divide by 8 to remove x8
        self.calibrated_value_1 >>= 3  # divide by 8 to remove x8

        self.calib_temp_meas_0 = self._t0_out
        self.calib_temp_meas_1 = self._t1_out

        self.calib_hum_value_0 = self._h0_rh_x2
        self.calib_hum_value_0 >>= 1  # divide by 2 to remove x2

        self.calib_hum_value_1 = self._h1_rh_x2
        self.calib_hum_value_1 >>= 1  # divide by 2 to remove x2

        self.calib_hum_meas_0 = self._h0_t0_out
        self.calib_hum_meas_1 = self._h1_t0_out

    # This is the closest thing to a software reset. It re-loads the calibration values from flash
    def _boot(self):
        self._boot_bit = True
        # wait for the reset to finish
        while self._boot_bit:

    def relative_humidity(self):
        """The current relative humidity measurement in %rH"""
        calibrated_value_delta = self.calib_hum_value_1 - self.calib_hum_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_delta = self.calib_hum_meas_1 - self.calib_hum_meas_0

        calibration_value_offset = self.calib_hum_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_offset = self.calib_hum_meas_0
        zeroed_measured_humidity = self._raw_humidity - calibrated_measurement_offset

        correction_factor = calibrated_value_delta / calibrated_measurement_delta

        adjusted_humidity = (zeroed_measured_humidity * correction_factor +

        return adjusted_humidity

    def temperature(self):
        """The current temperature measurement in degrees C"""

        calibrated_value_delta = self.calibrated_value_1 - self.calib_temp_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_delta = self.calib_temp_meas_1 - self.calib_temp_meas_0

        calibration_value_offset = self.calib_temp_value_0
        calibrated_measurement_offset = self.calib_temp_meas_0
        zeroed_measured_temp = self._raw_temperature - calibrated_measurement_offset

        correction_factor = calibrated_value_delta / calibrated_measurement_delta

        adjusted_temp = (zeroed_measured_temp *
                         correction_factor) + calibration_value_offset

        return adjusted_temp

    def data_rate(self):
        """The rate at which the sensor measures ``relative_humidity`` and ``temperature``.
        ``data_rate`` should be set to one of the values of ``adafruit_hts221.Rate``. Note that
        setting ``data_rate`` to ``Rate.ONE_SHOT`` will cause  ``relative_humidity`` and
        ``temperature`` measurements to only update when ``take_measurements`` is called."""
        return self._data_rate

    def data_rate(self, value):
        if not Rate.is_valid(value):
            raise AttributeError("data_rate must be a `Rate`")

        self._data_rate = value

    def humidity_data_ready(self):
        """Returns true if a new relative humidity measurement is available to be read"""
        return self._humidity_status_bit

    def temperature_data_ready(self):
        """Returns true if a new temperature measurement is available to be read"""
        return self._temperature_status_bit

    def take_measurements(self):
        """Update the value of ``relative_humidity`` and ``temperature`` by taking a single
        measurement. Only meaningful if ``data_rate`` is set to ``ONE_SHOT``"""
        self._one_shot_bit = True
        while self._one_shot_bit:
class INA219:
    """Driver for the INA219 current sensor"""

    # Basic API:

    # INA219( i2c_bus, addr)  Create instance of INA219 sensor
    #    :param i2c_bus          The I2C bus the INA219is connected to
    #    :param addr (0x40)      Address of the INA219 on the bus (default 0x40)

    # shunt_voltage               RO : shunt voltage scaled to Volts
    # bus_voltage                 RO : bus voltage (V- to GND) scaled to volts (==load voltage)
    # current                     RO : current through shunt, scaled to mA
    # power                       RO : power consumption of the load, scaled to Watt
    # set_calibration_32V_2A()    Initialize chip for 32V max and up to 2A (default)
    # set_calibration_32V_1A()    Initialize chip for 32V max and up to 1A
    # set_calibration_16V_400mA() Initialize chip for 16V max and up to 400mA

    # Advanced API:
    # config register break-up
    #   reset                     WO : Write Reset.RESET to reset the chip (must recalibrate)
    #   bus_voltage_range         RW : Bus Voltage Range field (use BusVoltageRange.XXX constants)
    #   gain                      RW : Programmable Gain field (use Gain.XXX constants)
    #   bus_adc_resolution        RW : Bus ADC resolution and averaging modes (ADCResolution.XXX)
    #   shunt_adc_resolution      RW : Shunt ADC resolution and averaging modes (ADCResolution.XXX)
    #   mode                      RW : operating modes in config register (use Mode.XXX constants)

    # raw_shunt_voltage           RO : Shunt Voltage register (not scaled)
    # raw_bus_voltage             RO : Bus Voltage field in Bus Voltage register (not scaled)
    # conversion_ready            RO : Conversion Ready bit in Bus Voltage register
    # overflow                    RO : Math Overflow bit in Bus Voltage register
    # raw_power                   RO : Power register (not scaled)
    # raw_current                 RO : Current register (not scaled)
    # calibration                 RW : calibration register (note: value is cached)

    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, addr=0x40):
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, addr)
        self.i2c_addr = addr

        # Set chip to known config values to start
        self._cal_value = 0
        self._current_lsb = 0
        self._power_lsb = 0

    # config register break-up
    reset = RWBits(1, _REG_CONFIG, 15, 2, False)
    bus_voltage_range = RWBits(1, _REG_CONFIG, 13, 2, False)
    gain = RWBits(2, _REG_CONFIG, 11, 2, False)
    bus_adc_resolution = RWBits(4, _REG_CONFIG, 7, 2, False)
    shunt_adc_resolution = RWBits(4, _REG_CONFIG, 3, 2, False)
    mode = RWBits(3, _REG_CONFIG, 0, 2, False)

    # shunt voltage register
    raw_shunt_voltage = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_SHUNTVOLTAGE, ">h")

    # bus voltage register
    raw_bus_voltage = ROBits(13, _REG_BUSVOLTAGE, 3, 2, False)
    conversion_ready = ROBit(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, 1, 2, False)
    overflow = ROBit(_REG_BUSVOLTAGE, 0, 2, False)

    # power and current registers
    raw_power = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_POWER, ">H")
    raw_current = ROUnaryStruct(_REG_CURRENT, ">h")

    # calibration register
    _raw_calibration = UnaryStruct(_REG_CALIBRATION, ">H")

    def calibration(self):
        """Calibration register (cached value)"""
        return self._cal_value  # return cached value

    def calibration(self, cal_value):
        self._cal_value = (
            cal_value  # value is cached for ``current`` and ``power`` properties
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

    def shunt_voltage(self):
        """The shunt voltage (between V+ and V-) in Volts (so +-.327V)"""
        # The least signficant bit is 10uV which is 0.00001 volts
        return self.raw_shunt_voltage * 0.00001

    def bus_voltage(self):
        """The bus voltage (between V- and GND) in Volts"""
        # Shift to the right 3 to drop CNVR and OVF and multiply by LSB
        # Each least signficant bit is 4mV
        return self.raw_bus_voltage * 0.004

    def current(self):
        """The current through the shunt resistor in milliamps."""
        # Sometimes a sharp load will reset the INA219, which will
        # reset the cal register, meaning CURRENT and POWER will
        # not be available ... always setting a cal
        # value even if it's an unfortunate extra step
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value
        # Now we can safely read the CURRENT register!
        return self.raw_current * self._current_lsb

    def power(self):
        """The power through the load in Watt."""
        # Sometimes a sharp load will reset the INA219, which will
        # reset the cal register, meaning CURRENT and POWER will
        # not be available ... always setting a cal
        # value even if it's an unfortunate extra step
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value
        # Now we can safely read the CURRENT register!
        return self.raw_power * self._power_lsb

    def set_calibration_32V_2A(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 32V and 2A of current. Counter
        overflow occurs at 3.2A.

        ..note :: These calculations assume a 0.1 shunt ohm resistor is present
        # By default we use a pretty huge range for the input voltage,
        # which probably isn't the most appropriate choice for system
        # that don't use a lot of power.  But all of the calculations
        # are shown below if you want to change the settings.  You will
        # also need to change any relevant register settings, such as
        # setting the VBUS_MAX to 16V instead of 32V, etc.

        # VBUS_MAX = 32V             (Assumes 32V, can also be set to 16V)
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.32          (Assumes Gain 8, 320mV, can also be 0.16, 0.08, 0.04)
        # RSHUNT = 0.1               (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 3.2A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 2.0A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.000061              (61uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0,000488              (488uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.0001 (100uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.1  # Current LSB = 100uA per bit

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 4096 (0x1000)

        self._cal_value = 4096

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.002 (2mW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.002  # Power LSB = 2mW per bit

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # Max_Current = Current_LSB * 32767
        # Max_Current = 3.2767A before overflow
        # If Max_Current > Max_Possible_I then
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Else
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = Max_Current
        # End If
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * RSHUNT
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = 0.32V
        # If Max_ShuntVoltage >= VSHUNT_MAX
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Else
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = Max_ShuntVoltage
        # End If

        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power
        # MaximumPower = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * VBUS_MAX
        # MaximumPower = 3.2 * 32V
        # MaximumPower = 102.4W

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calculated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_32V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_8_320MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS

    def set_calibration_32V_1A(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 32V and 1A of current. Counter overflow
        occurs at 1.3A.

        .. note:: These calculations assume a 0.1 ohm shunt resistor is present"""
        # By default we use a pretty huge range for the input voltage,
        # which probably isn't the most appropriate choice for system
        # that don't use a lot of power.  But all of the calculations
        # are shown below if you want to change the settings.  You will
        # also need to change any relevant register settings, such as
        # setting the VBUS_MAX to 16V instead of 32V, etc.

        # VBUS_MAX = 32V        (Assumes 32V, can also be set to 16V)
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.32    (Assumes Gain 8, 320mV, can also be 0.16, 0.08, 0.04)
        # RSHUNT = 0.1            (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 3.2A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 1.0A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.0000305             (30.5uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0.000244              (244uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.0000400 (40uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.04  # In milliamps

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 10240 (0x2800)

        self._cal_value = 10240

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.0008 (800uW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.0008

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # Max_Current = Current_LSB * 32767
        # Max_Current = 1.31068A before overflow
        # If Max_Current > Max_Possible_I then
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Else
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = Max_Current
        # End If
        # ... In this case, we're good though since Max_Current is less than MaxPossible_I
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * RSHUNT
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = 0.131068V
        # If Max_ShuntVoltage >= VSHUNT_MAX
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Else
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = Max_ShuntVoltage
        # End If

        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power
        # MaximumPower = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * VBUS_MAX
        # MaximumPower = 1.31068 * 32V
        # MaximumPower = 41.94176W

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calculated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_32V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_8_320MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS

    def set_calibration_16V_400mA(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 16V and 400mA of current. Counter
        overflow occurs at 1.6A.

        .. note:: These calculations assume a 0.1 ohm shunt resistor is present"""
        # Calibration which uses the highest precision for
        # current measurement (0.1mA), at the expense of
        # only supporting 16V at 400mA max.

        # VBUS_MAX = 16V
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.04          (Assumes Gain 1, 40mV)
        # RSHUNT = 0.1               (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 0.4A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 0.4A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.0000122              (12uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0.0000977              (98uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.00005 (50uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.05  # in milliamps

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 8192 (0x2000)

        self._cal_value = 8192

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.001 (1mW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.001

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # Max_Current = Current_LSB * 32767
        # Max_Current = 1.63835A before overflow
        # If Max_Current > Max_Possible_I then
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Else
        #    Max_Current_Before_Overflow = Max_Current
        # End If
        # Max_Current_Before_Overflow = MaxPossible_I
        # Max_Current_Before_Overflow = 0.4
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * RSHUNT
        # Max_ShuntVoltage = 0.04V
        # If Max_ShuntVoltage >= VSHUNT_MAX
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Else
        #    Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = Max_ShuntVoltage
        # End If
        # Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = VSHUNT_MAX
        # Max_ShuntVoltage_Before_Overflow = 0.04V

        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power
        # MaximumPower = Max_Current_Before_Overflow * VBUS_MAX
        # MaximumPower = 0.4 * 16V
        # MaximumPower = 6.4W

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calculated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_16V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_1_40MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS

    def set_calibration_16V_5A(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        """Configures to INA219 to be able to measure up to 16V and 5000mA of current. Counter
        overflow occurs at 8.0A.

        .. note:: These calculations assume a 0.02 ohm shunt resistor is present"""
        # Calibration which uses the highest precision for
        # current measurement (0.1mA), at the expense of
        # only supporting 16V at 5000mA max.

        # VBUS_MAX = 16V
        # VSHUNT_MAX = 0.16          (Assumes Gain 3, 160mV)
        # RSHUNT = 0.02              (Resistor value in ohms)

        # 1. Determine max possible current
        # MaxPossible_I = VSHUNT_MAX / RSHUNT
        # MaxPossible_I = 8.0A

        # 2. Determine max expected current
        # MaxExpected_I = 5.0A

        # 3. Calculate possible range of LSBs (Min = 15-bit, Max = 12-bit)
        # MinimumLSB = MaxExpected_I/32767
        # MinimumLSB = 0.0001529              (uA per bit)
        # MaximumLSB = MaxExpected_I/4096
        # MaximumLSB = 0.0012207              (uA per bit)

        # 4. Choose an LSB between the min and max values
        #    (Preferrably a roundish number close to MinLSB)
        # CurrentLSB = 0.00016 (uA per bit)
        self._current_lsb = 0.1524  # in milliamps

        # 5. Compute the calibration register
        # Cal = trunc (0.04096 / (Current_LSB * RSHUNT))
        # Cal = 13434 (0x347a)

        self._cal_value = 13434

        # 6. Calculate the power LSB
        # PowerLSB = 20 * CurrentLSB
        # PowerLSB = 0.003 (3.048mW per bit)
        self._power_lsb = 0.003048

        # 7. Compute the maximum current and shunt voltage values before overflow
        # 8. Compute the Maximum Power

        # Set Calibration register to 'Cal' calcutated above
        self._raw_calibration = self._cal_value

        # Set Config register to take into account the settings above
        self.bus_voltage_range = BusVoltageRange.RANGE_16V
        self.gain = Gain.DIV_4_160MV
        self.bus_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.shunt_adc_resolution = ADCResolution.ADCRES_12BIT_1S
        self.mode = Mode.SANDBVOLT_CONTINUOUS
Beispiel #24
class NAU7802:
    """The primary NAU7802 class."""

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=0x2A, active_channels=1):
        """Instantiate NAU7802; LDO 3v0 volts, gain 128, 10 samples per second
        conversion rate, disabled ADC chopper clock, low ESR caps, and PGA output
        stabilizer cap if in single channel mode. Returns True if successful."""
        self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address)
        if not self.reset():
            raise RuntimeError("NAU7802 device could not be reset")
        if not self.enable(True):
            raise RuntimeError("NAU7802 device could not be enabled")
        self.ldo_voltage = "3V0"  # 3.0-volt internal analog power (AVDD)
        self._pu_ldo_source = True  # Internal analog power (AVDD)
        self.gain = 128  # X128
        self._c2_conv_rate = ConversionRate.RATE_10SPS  # 10 SPS; default
        self._adc_chop_clock = 0x3  # 0x3 = Disable ADC chopper clock
        self._pga_ldo_mode = 0x0  # 0x0 = Use low ESR capacitors
        self._act_channels = active_channels
        # 0x1 = Enable PGA out stabilizer cap for single channel use
        self._pc_cap_enable = 0x1
        if self._act_channels == 2:
            # 0x0 = Disable PGA out stabilizer cap for dual channel use
            self._pc_cap_enable = 0x0
        self._calib_mode = None  # Initialize for later use
        self._adc_out = None  # Initialize for later use

    # Chip Revision  R-
    _rev_id = ROBits(4, _REV_ID, 0, 1, False)
    # Register Reset  (RR)  RW
    _pu_reg_reset = RWBit(_PU_CTRL, 0, 1, False)
    # Power-Up Digital Circuit  (PUD) RW
    _pu_digital = RWBit(_PU_CTRL, 1, 1, False)
    # Power-Up Analog Circuit  (PUA) RW
    _pu_analog = RWBit(_PU_CTRL, 2, 1, False)
    # Power-Up Ready Status  (PUR) R-
    _pu_ready = ROBit(_PU_CTRL, 3, 1, False)
    # Power-Up Conversion Cycle Start  (CS) RW
    _pu_cycle_start = RWBit(_PU_CTRL, 4, 1, False)
    # Power-Up Cycle Ready  (CR) R-
    _pu_cycle_ready = ROBit(_PU_CTRL, 5, 1, False)
    # Power-Up AVDD Source  ADDS) RW
    _pu_ldo_source = RWBit(_PU_CTRL, 7, 1, False)
    # Control_1 Gain  (GAINS) RW
    _c1_gains = RWBits(3, _CTRL1, 0, 1, False)
    # Control_1 LDO Voltage  (VLDO) RW
    _c1_vldo_volts = RWBits(3, _CTRL1, 3, 1, False)
    # Control_2 Calibration Mode  (CALMOD) RW
    _c2_cal_mode = RWBits(2, _CTRL2, 0, 1, False)
    # Control_2 Calibration Start  (CALS) RW
    _c2_cal_start = RWBit(_CTRL2, 2, 1, False)
    # Control_2 Calibration Error (CAL_ERR) RW
    _c2_cal_error = RWBit(_CTRL2, 3, 1, False)
    # Control_2 Conversion Rate  (CRS) RW
    _c2_conv_rate = RWBits(3, _CTRL2, 4, 1, False)
    # Control_2 Channel Select  (CHS) RW
    _c2_chan_select = RWBit(_CTRL2, 7, 1, False)
    # ADC Result Output  MSByte R-
    _adc_out_2 = ROUnaryStruct(_ADCO_B2, ">B")
    # ADC Result Output  MidSByte R-
    _adc_out_1 = ROUnaryStruct(_ADCO_B1, ">B")
    # ADC Result Output  LSByte R-
    _adc_out_0 = ROUnaryStruct(_ADCO_B0, ">B")
    # ADC Chopper Clock Frequency Select  -W
    _adc_chop_clock = RWBits(2, _ADC, 4, 1, False)
    # PGA Stability/Accuracy Mode (LDOMODE) RW
    _pga_ldo_mode = RWBit(_PGA, 6, 1, False)
    # Power_Ctrl PGA Capacitor (PGA_CAP_EN) RW
    _pc_cap_enable = RWBit(_PWR_CTRL, 7, 1, False)

    def chip_revision(self):
        """The chip revision code."""
        return self._rev_id

    def channel(self):
        "Selected channel number (1 or 2)."
        return self._c2_chan_select + 1

    def channel(self, chan=1):
        """Select the active channel. Valid channel numbers are 1 and 2.
        Analog multiplexer settling time was emperically determined to be
        approximately 400ms at 10SPS, 200ms at 20SPS, 100ms at 40SPS,
        50ms at 80SPS, and 20ms at 320SPS."""
        if chan == 1:
            self._c2_chan_select = 0x0
            time.sleep(0.400)  # 400ms settling time for 10SPS
        elif chan == 2 and self._act_channels == 2:
            self._c2_chan_select = 0x1
            time.sleep(0.400)  # 400ms settling time for 10SPS
            raise ValueError("Invalid Channel Number")

    def ldo_voltage(self):
        """Representation of the LDO voltage value."""
        return self._ldo_voltage

    def ldo_voltage(self, voltage="EXTERNAL"):
        """Select the LDO Voltage. Valid voltages are '2V4', '2V7', '3V0'."""
        if not "LDO_" + voltage in dir(LDOVoltage):
            raise ValueError("Invalid LDO Voltage")
        self._ldo_voltage = voltage
        if self._ldo_voltage == "2V4":
            self._c1_vldo_volts = LDOVoltage.LDO_2V4
        elif self._ldo_voltage == "2V7":
            self._c1_vldo_volts = LDOVoltage.LDO_2V7
        elif self._ldo_voltage == "3V0":
            self._c1_vldo_volts = LDOVoltage.LDO_3V0

    def gain(self):
        """The programmable amplifier (PGA) gain factor."""
        return self._gain

    def gain(self, factor=1):
        """Select PGA gain factor. Valid values are '1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,
        and 128."""
        if not "GAIN_X" + str(factor) in dir(Gain):
            raise ValueError("Invalid Gain Factor")
        self._gain = factor
        if self._gain == 1:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X1
        elif self._gain == 2:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X2
        elif self._gain == 4:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X4
        elif self._gain == 8:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X8
        elif self._gain == 16:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X16
        elif self._gain == 32:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X32
        elif self._gain == 64:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X64
        elif self._gain == 128:
            self._c1_gains = Gain.GAIN_X128

    def enable(self, power=True):
        """Enable(start) or disable(stop) the internal analog and digital
        systems power. Enable = True; Disable (low power) = False. Returns
        True when enabled; False when disabled."""
        self._enable = power
        if self._enable:
            self._pu_analog = True
            self._pu_digital = True
            time.sleep(0.750)  # Wait 750ms; minimum 400ms
            self._pu_start = True  # Start acquisition system cycling
            return self._pu_ready
        self._pu_analog = False
        self._pu_digital = False
        time.sleep(0.010)  # Wait 10ms (200us minimum)
        return False

    def available(self):
        """Read the ADC data-ready status. True when data is available; False when
        ADC data is unavailable."""
        return self._pu_cycle_ready

    def read(self):
        """Reads the 24-bit ADC data. Returns a signed integer value with
        24-bit resolution. Assumes that the ADC data-ready bit was checked
        to be True."""
        adc = self._adc_out_2 << 24  # [31:24] << MSByte
        adc = adc | (self._adc_out_1 << 16)  # [23:16] << MidSByte
        adc = adc | (self._adc_out_0 << 8)  # [15: 8] << LSByte
        adc = adc.to_bytes(4, "big")  # Pack to 4-byte (32-bit) structure
        value = struct.unpack(">i", adc)[0]  # Unpack as 4-byte signed integer
        self._adc_out = value / 128  # Restore to 24-bit signed integer value
        return self._adc_out

    def reset(self):
        """Resets all device registers and enables digital system power.
        Returns the power ready status bit value: True when system is ready;
        False when system not ready for use."""
        self._pu_reg_reset = True  # Reset all registers)
        time.sleep(0.100)  # Wait 100ms; 10ms minimum
        self._pu_reg_reset = False
        self._pu_digital = True
        time.sleep(0.750)  # Wait 750ms; 400ms minimum
        return self._pu_ready

    def calibrate(self, mode="INTERNAL"):
        """Perform the calibration procedure. Valid calibration modes
        are 'INTERNAL', 'OFFSET', and 'GAIN'. True if successful."""
        if not mode in dir(CalibrationMode):
            raise ValueError("Invalid Calibration Mode")
        self._calib_mode = mode
        if self._calib_mode == "INTERNAL":  # Internal PGA offset (zero setting)
            self._c2_cal_mode = CalibrationMode.INTERNAL
        elif self._calib_mode == "OFFSET":  # External PGA offset (zero setting)
            self._c2_cal_mode = CalibrationMode.OFFSET
        elif self._calib_mode == "GAIN":  # External PGA full-scale gain setting
            self._c2_cal_mode = CalibrationMode.GAIN
        self._c2_cal_start = True
        while self._c2_cal_start:
            time.sleep(0.010)  # 10ms
        return not self._c2_cal_error