Beispiel #1
def rewrite_urls(body):
    from adhocracy.lib.helpers import base_url
    if not config.get_bool('adhocracy.track_outgoing_links'):
        return body

    doc = lxml.etree.fromstring('<body>' + body + '</body>')
    for a in doc.xpath('.//a[@href]'):
        if re.match(r'ftps?:|https?:|//', a.attrib['href']):
            url = a.attrib['href']

            # Is it a link to our own site?
            base = base_url('/', instance=None)
            if (url.startswith(base)
                    and not (url.startswith('//') and base == '/')):

            encoded_url = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(url.encode('utf-8'))
            signed_url = sign(encoded_url, salt=REDIRECT_SALT)
            redirect_url = u'/outgoing_link/' + signed_url.decode('utf-8')
            a.attrib['href'] = base_url(redirect_url)
    res = lxml.etree.tostring(doc)
    return res[len(b'<body>'):-len(b'</body>')]
Beispiel #2
def rewrite_urls(body):
    from adhocracy.lib.helpers import base_url
    if not config.get_bool('adhocracy.track_outgoing_links'):
        return body

    doc = lxml.etree.fromstring('<body>' + body + '</body>')
    for a in doc.xpath('.//a[@href]'):
        if re.match(r'ftps?:|https?:|//', a.attrib['href']):
            url = a.attrib['href']

            # Is it a link to our own site?
            base = base_url('/', instance=None)
            if (url.startswith(base)
                    and not(url.startswith('//') and base == '/')):

            encoded_url = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(url.encode('utf-8'))
            signed_url = sign(encoded_url, salt=REDIRECT_SALT)
            redirect_url = u'/outgoing_link/' + signed_url.decode('utf-8')
            a.attrib['href'] = base_url(redirect_url)
    res = lxml.etree.tostring(doc)
    return res[len(b'<body>'):-len(b'</body>')]
Beispiel #3
 def encode(self, value):
     byte_val = base64.b64encode(_encode_json(value))
     encoded = sign(byte_val, self._secret, _SALT)
     return encoded.decode('ascii')
Beispiel #4
 def encode(self, value):
     byte_val = base64.b64encode(_encode_json(value))
     encoded = sign(byte_val, self._secret, _SALT)
     return encoded.decode('ascii')