Beispiel #1
def test_from_string_valids():
    def _valid_id_sets():
        yield None
        for p1, t1 in VALID_SLUGS:
            yield p1
            for p2, t2 in VALID_SLUGS:
                if ((t1 == 'projects') + (t2 == 'projects')) >= 1:
                    yield f'{p1}/{p2}'

    for prefixes in _valid_id_sets():
        for owner in (None, '*', 'x', 'x*'):
            for name in (None, '*', 'y', 'y*'):
                for revision in (None, '*', 'z', 'z*'):
                    idstr, pid, id = _build_string(owner, name, prefixes,
                                                   revision, True)
                    if idstr:
                        ident = Identifier.from_string(idstr)
                        assert ident.owner == ('' if owner in (None, '*') else
                                               owner), idstr
                        assert == ('' if name in (None, '*') else
                                              name), idstr
                        assert ident.revision == ('' if revision in (None, '*')
                                                  else revision), idstr
                        assert == id, idstr
                        assert == pid, idstr
Beispiel #2
def _build_idstr(prefixes, valid=True):
    prefixes = prefixes.split('/')
    suffixes = [uuid4().hex for _ in prefixes]
    # Valid id pairs do not have two different ids with the same type.
    if valid and len(prefixes) == 2 and prefixes[0] == prefixes[1]:
        suffixes[0] = suffixes[1]
    ids = [f'{p}-{s}' for p, s in zip(prefixes, suffixes)]
    idstr = '/'.join(ids)
    if len(ids) == 1:
        id = ids[0]
        pid = id if Identifier.id_type(id, quiet=True) == 'projects' else ''
    elif Identifier.id_type(ids[0], quiet=True) == 'projects':
        pid, id = ids
        id, pid = ids
    return idstr, pid, id
Beispiel #3
def test_from_string_invalids():
    def _invalid_id_sets():
        yield INVALID_SLUG
        for p1, t1 in VALID_SLUGS:
            yield f'{INVALID_SLUG}/{p1}'
            yield f'{p1}/{INVALID_SLUG}'
            for p2, t2 in VALID_SLUGS:
                if ((t1 == 'projects') + (t2 == 'projects')) != 1:
                    yield f'{p1}/{p2}'
    for prefixes in _invalid_id_sets():
        for owner in (None, '*', 'x', 'x*'):
            for name in (None, '*', 'y', 'y*'):
                for revision in (None, '*', 'z', 'z*'):
                    idstr, pid, id = _build_string(owner, name, prefixes, revision, False)
                    if idstr:
                        ident = Identifier.from_string(idstr, quiet=True)
                        assert ident is None, idstr
Beispiel #4
def test_id_prefix_with_valid_types():
    for prefix, type in VALID_SLUGS:
        assert Identifier.id_prefix(type) == prefix
Beispiel #5
def _assert_round_trip(ident):
    return Identifier.from_string(str(ident)) == ident
Beispiel #6
def _assert_valid_id(idstr, type=None):
    assert Identifier.id_type(idstr) == type or type is None
Beispiel #7
def _assert_invalid_id(idstr):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Invalid identifier' in str(excinfo.value)
    assert idstr in str(excinfo.value)