def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int,
                 value: int, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_set_int operation.
            Note: integers are stored big-endian.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start writing.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to overwrite.
                value (int): Integer value or integer expression containing value to write.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Resulting blob expression with the bits overwritten.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([0] * 5).
                # Set bit at offset 7 with size 1 bytes to 1 to make the returned value bytearray([1, 0, 0, 0, 0]).
                expr = BitSetInt(None, 7, 1, 1, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (
            bit_offset, bit_size, value,
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, byte_offset: int,
                 value: TypeBitValue, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_insert operation.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                byte_offset (int): Integer byte index of where to insert the value.
                value (TypeBitValue): A bytes value or blob value expression to insert.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob value expression.

            :return: Resulting blob containing the inserted bytes.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([1] * 5).
                # Insert 3 so that returned value is bytearray([1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1]).
                expr = BitInsert(None, 1, bytearray([3]), BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (
            byte_offset, value,
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, byte_size: int, flags: int,
                 bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_resize operation.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                byte_size (int): Number of bytes the resulting blob should occupy.
                flags (int): One or a combination of bit resize flags.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob value expression.

            :return: Blob value expression of resized blob bin.

                # Blob bin "c" == bytearray([1] * 5).
                # Resize blob bin "c" from the front so that the returned value is bytearray([0] * 5 + [1] * 5).
                expr = BitResize(None, 10, aerospike.BIT_RESIZE_FROM_FRONT, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: flags}
                         if flags is not None else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int,
                 value: int, action: int, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_subtract operation.
            Note: integers are stored big-endian.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start operation.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to be operated on.
                value (int): Integer value or expression for value to add.
                action (int): An aerospike bit overflow action.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: resulting blob with the bits operated on.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([1] * 5).
                # Bit subtract the second byte of bin "c" to get bytearray([1, 0, 1, 1, 1])
                expr = BitSubtract(None, 8, 8, 1, aerospike.BIT_OVERFLOW_FAIL).compile()
        self._children = (
            bit_offset, bit_size, value,
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: action}
                         if action is not None else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int,
                 shift: int, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_rshift operation.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start operation.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to be operated on.
                shift (int): Number of bits to shift by.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Resulting blob with the bits operated on.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([8] * 5).
                # Bit left shift the first byte of bin "c" to get bytearray([4, 8, 8, 8, 8]).
                expr = BitRightShift(None, 0, 8, 1, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (
            bit_offset, bit_size, shift,
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int,
                 value: TypeBitValue, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_and operation.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start operation.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to be operated on.
                value (TypeBitValue): Bytes value or blob expression containing bytes to use in operation.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Resulting blob with the bits operated on.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([1] * 5).
                # bitwise and `0` with the first byte of blob bin c so that the returned value is bytearray([0, 5, 5, 5, 5]).
                expr = BitAnd(None, 0, 8, bytearray([0]), BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (
            bit_offset, bit_size, value,
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, policy: TypePolicy, byte_offset: int, byte_size: int,
                 bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_remove operation.

                policy (TypePolicy): An optional aerospike bit policy.
                byte_offset (int): Byte index of where to start removing from.
                byte_size (int): Number of bytes to remove.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob value expression.

            :return: Resulting blob containing the remaining bytes.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([1] * 5).
                # Remove 1 element so that the returned value is bytearray([1] * 4).
                expr = BitRemove(None, 1, 1, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (
            byte_offset, byte_size,
            _GenericExpr(_ExprOp._AS_EXP_BIT_FLAGS, 0,
                         {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: policy['bit_write_flags']}
                         if policy is not None and 'bit_write_flags' in policy
                         else {_Keys.VALUE_KEY: 0}),
            bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_count operation.

                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start reading.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to count.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Blob, bit_size bits rounded up to the nearest byte size.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([3] * 5).
                # Count set bits starting at 3rd byte in bin "c" to get count of 6.
                expr = BitCount(16, 8 * 3, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (bit_offset, bit_size,
                          bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int, bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_get operation.

                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start reading.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to get.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Blob, bit_size bits rounded up to the nearest byte size.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
                # Get 2 from bin "c".
                expr = BitGet(8, 8, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (bit_offset, bit_size,
                          bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int, sign: bool,
                 bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_get_int operation.

                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start reading.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to get.
                sign bool: True for signed, False for unsigned.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Integer expression.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
                # Get 2 as an integer from bin "c".
                expr = BitGetInt(8, 8, True, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (bit_offset, bit_size, 1 if sign else 0,
                          bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))
    def __init__(self, bit_offset: int, bit_size: int, value: bool,
                 bin: TypeBinName):
        """ Create an expression that performs a bit_rscan operation.

                bit_offset (int): Bit index of where to start reading.
                bit_size (int): Number of bits to read.
                value bool: Bit value to check for.
                bin (TypeBinName): Blob bin name or blob expression.

            :return: Index of the right most bit starting from bit_offset set to value. Returns -1 if not found.

                # Let blob bin "c" == bytearray([3] * 5).
                # Scan the first byte of bin "c" for the right most bit set to 1. (should get 7)
                expr = BitRightScan(0, 8, True, BlobBin("c")).compile()
        self._children = (bit_offset, bit_size, value,
                          bin if isinstance(bin, _BaseExpr) else BlobBin(bin))