Beispiel #1
def decrypt(self, mysql_datatype):
    """Check that when using a table provided by MySQL database engine that
    contains a column encrypted in MySQL stored using specified data type
    I can decrypt data in the column using the `decrypt` and `aes_decrypt_mysql`
    functions in the select query.
    node = self.context.node
    mysql_node = self.context.mysql_node
    key = f"{'1' * 64}"
    iv = f"{'2' * 64}"

    for func in ["decrypt", "aes_decrypt_mysql"]:
        for mode, key_len, iv_len in mysql_modes:
            exact_key_size = int(mode.split("-")[1])//8

            if "ecb" not in mode and not iv_len:
            if func == "decrypt":
                if iv_len and iv_len != 16:
                if key_len != exact_key_size:

            with Example(f"""{func} mode={mode.strip("'")} key={key_len} iv={iv_len}"""):
                with table("user_data", node, mysql_node, mysql_datatype):
                    example_mode = mode
                    example_key = f"'{key[:key_len]}'"
                    example_iv = None if not iv_len else f"'{iv[:iv_len]}'"

                    with When("I insert encrypted data in MySQL"):
                        sql = f"""
                        SET block_encryption_mode = {example_mode};
                        INSERT INTO user_data VALUES (NULL, '2020-01-01', 'user0', AES_ENCRYPT('secret', {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ", ''"}));
                        mysql_node.command(f"MYSQL_PWD=password mysql -D db -u user <<'EOF'{textwrap.dedent(sql)}\nEOF", exitcode=0)

                    with And("I read encrypted data in MySQL to make sure it is valid"):
                        sql = f"""
                        SET block_encryption_mode = {example_mode};
                        SELECT id, date, name, AES_DECRYPT(secret, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ", ''"}) AS secret FROM user_data;
                        mysql_node.command(f"MYSQL_PWD=password mysql -D db -u user <<'EOF'{textwrap.dedent(sql)}\nEOF", exitcode=0)

                    with And("I read raw encrypted data in MySQL"):
                        mysql_node.command(f"MYSQL_PWD=password mysql -D db -u user -e \"SELECT id, date, name, hex(secret) as secret FROM user_data;\"", exitcode=0)

                    with And("I read raw data using MySQL database engine"):
                        output = node.query("SELECT id, date, name, hex(secret) AS secret FROM mysql_db.user_data")

                    with And("I read decrypted data using MySQL database engine"):
                        output = node.query(f"""SELECT hex({func}({example_mode}, secret, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""})) FROM mysql_db.user_data""").output.strip()

                    with Then("output should match the original plain text"):
                        assert output == hex("secret"), error()
Beispiel #2
def encrypt(self, mysql_datatype):
    """Check that when using a table with MySQL table engine that
    we can encrypt data during insert using the `encrypt` and `aes_encrypt_mysql`
    functions and decrypt it in MySQL.
    node = self.context.node
    mysql_node = self.context.mysql_node
    key = f"{'1' * 64}"
    iv = f"{'2' * 64}"

    for func in ["encrypt", "aes_encrypt_mysql"]:
        for mode, key_len, iv_len in mysql_modes:
            exact_key_size = int(mode.split("-")[1]) // 8

            if "ecb" not in mode and not iv_len:
            if func == "encrypt":
                if iv_len and iv_len != 16:
                if key_len != exact_key_size:

            with Example(
                    f"""mode={mode.strip("'")} key={key_len} iv={iv_len}"""):
                with table("user_data", node, mysql_node, mysql_datatype):
                    example_mode = mode
                    example_key = f"'{key[:key_len]}'"
                    example_iv = None if not iv_len else f"'{iv[:iv_len]}'"
                    example_transform = f"{func}({mode}, secret, {example_key}{(', ' + example_iv) if example_iv else ''})"

                    with When(
                            "I insert encrypted data into MySQL table engine"):
                            INSERT INTO
                                id, date, name, {example_transform}
                                input('id Nullable(Int32), date Date, name String, secret String')
                            FORMAT Values (null, '2020-01-01', 'user0', 'secret')

                    with And("I read decrypted data via MySQL table engine"):
                        output = node.query(
                            f"""SELECT hex(aes_decrypt_mysql({example_mode}, secret, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ""})) FROM mysql_user_data"""

                    with Then(
                            "decrypted data from MySQL table engine should should match the original plain text"
                        assert output == hex("secret"), error()

                    with And(
                            "I read raw data using MySQL table engine to get expected raw data"
                        expected_raw_data = node.query(
                            "SELECT hex(secret) AS secret FROM mysql_user_data"

                    with And("I read raw encrypted data in MySQL"):
                        output = mysql_node.command(
                            f"MYSQL_PWD=password mysql -D db -u user -e \"SELECT hex(secret) as secret FROM user_data;\"",

                    with Then(
                            "check that raw encryted data in MySQL matches the expected"
                        assert expected_raw_data in output, error()

                    with And("I decrypt data in MySQL to make sure it is valid"
                        sql = f"""
                        SET block_encryption_mode = {example_mode};
                        SELECT id, date, name, hex(AES_DECRYPT(secret, {example_key}{(", " + example_iv) if example_iv else ", ''"})) AS secret FROM user_data;
                        output = mysql_node.command(
                            f"MYSQL_PWD=password mysql -D db -u user <<'EOF'{textwrap.dedent(sql)}\nEOF",

                    with Then(
                            "decryted data in MySQL should match the original plain text"
                        assert hex("secret") in output, error()