Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, pnt, crv, tol=1.0e-10):
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv)
        tool = Extrema_ExtPC(pnt, adp_crv.object, tol)

        if not tool.IsDone():
            msg = 'Extrema between point and curve failed.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        self._nsol = tool.NbExt()
        results = []
        for i in range(1, self._nsol + 1):
            di = sqrt(tool.SquareDistance(i))
            ext_pnt = tool.Point(i)
            gp_pnt = ext_pnt.Value()
            ui = ext_pnt.Parameter()
            pi = CheckGeom.to_point(gp_pnt)
            results.append((di, ui, pi))

        results.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])

        self._dmin = results[0][0]
        self._dmax = results[-1][0]
        self._dist = [row[0] for row in results]
        self._prms = [row[1] for row in results]
        self._pnts = [row[2] for row in results]
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, pnt, other_shapes):
        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        if not pnt:
            raise TypeError('Invalid point type provided.')

        v = Vertex.by_point(pnt)
        super(DistancePointToShapes, self).__init__(v, other_shapes)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, shape, pnt):
        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)

        if shape.shape_type not in [Shape.FACE, Shape.SHELL]:
            raise RuntimeError('Invalid shape for creating half-space.')
        self._solid = Solid(
            BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(shape.object, pnt).Solid())
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, pnts, close=False):
     builder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon()
     for p in pnts:
         p = CheckGeom.to_point(p)
     if close:
     self._w = Wire(builder.Wire())
Beispiel #5
    def by_point(pnt):
        Create a vertex by a point.

        :param point_like pnt: The point.

        :return: The vertex.
        :rtype: afem.topology.entities.Vertex
        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        return Vertex(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pnt).Vertex())
Beispiel #6
    def perform(self, pnt, tol=1.0e-7):
        Perform the classification with the point and tolerance.

        :param point_like pnt: The point.
        :param float tol: The tolerance.

        :return: None.
        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        self._tool.Perform(pnt, tol)
Beispiel #7
    def set_enforced_nodes(self, shapes, pnts):
        Set enforced nodes on shapes.

        :param list(afem.topology.entities.Shape) shapes: List of shapes.
        :param list(point_like) pnts: List of points for enforced nodes.

        :return: None.
        pnts = [CheckGeom.to_point(p) for p in pnts]
        shapes_ = [s.object for s in shapes]
        self._hyp.SetEnforcedNodes(shapes_, pnts)
Beispiel #8
    def add_pnt(self, pnt):
        Add a point to the bounding box.

        :param point_like pnt: The point.

        :return: None.

        :raise TypeError: If *pnt* cannot be converted to a point.
        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        if not pnt:
            msg = 'Invalid point type provided.'
            raise TypeError(msg)

Beispiel #9
    def query_point(self, p0, distance_upper_bound=inf):
        Find the intersection result nearest to the provided point.

        :param point_like p0: Point to search from.
        :param float distance_upper_bound: Return only results within this

        :return: Distance to nearest intersection result and its index (d, i).
            Returns (None, None) if no results are available.
        :rtype: tuple
        if not self.success:
            return None, None
        p0 = CheckGeom.to_point(p0)
        d, i = self._kdt.query(, 1, 0., 2, distance_upper_bound)
        return d, i
Beispiel #10
    def by_points(pnts, close=False):
        Create polygonal wire by connecting points.

        :param collections.Sequence(point_like) pnts: The ordered points.
        :param bool close: Option to close the wire.

        :return: The new wire.
        :rtype: afem.topology.entities.Wire
        builder = BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon()
        for p in pnts:
            p = CheckGeom.to_point(p)
        if close:
        return Wire(builder.Wire())
Beispiel #11
    def is_pnt_out(self, pnt):
        Check to see if the point is outside the bounding box.

        :param point_like pnt: The point.

        :return: *True* if outside, *False* if not.
        :rtype: bool

        :raise TypeError: If *pnt* cannot be converted to a point.
        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        if not pnt:
            msg = 'Invalid point type provided.'
            raise TypeError(msg)

        return self.IsOut(pnt)
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, pnt, srf, direction=None, update=False, tol=1.0e-7):
        super(ProjectPointToSurface, self).__init__()

        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        direction = CheckGeom.to_direction(direction)
        adp_srf = AdaptorSurface.to_adaptor(srf)
        self._results = []

        if not direction:
            ext = Extrema_ExtPS(pnt, adp_srf.object, tol, tol)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                pos = ext.Point(i)
                ui, vi = pos.Parameter(0., 0.)
                pi = adp_srf.eval(ui, vi)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, (ui, vi), di])
            # Use minimum distance between line and surface to project point
            # along a direction.
            line = Line.by_direction(pnt, direction)
            adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(line)
            ext = Extrema_ExtCS(adp_crv.object, adp_srf.object, tol, tol)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                poc, pos = Extrema_POnCurv(), Extrema_POnSurf()
                ext.Points(i, poc, pos)
                ui, vi = pos.Parameter(0., 0.)
                pi = adp_srf.eval(ui, vi)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, (ui, vi), di])

        # Sort by distance and return.
        if self._results:
            self._results.sort(key=lambda lst: lst[2])

        if update:
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, pnt, crv, direction=None, update=False):
        super(ProjectPointToCurve, self).__init__()

        pnt = CheckGeom.to_point(pnt)
        direction = CheckGeom.to_direction(direction)
        adp_crv = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(crv)
        self._results = []

        if not direction:
            ext = Extrema_ExtPC(pnt, adp_crv.object)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                poc = ext.Point(i)
                ui = poc.Parameter()
                pi = adp_crv.eval(ui)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, ui, di])
            # Use minimum distance between line and curve to project point
            # along a direction.
            line = Line.by_direction(pnt, direction)
            adp_crv2 = AdaptorCurve.to_adaptor(line)
            ext = Extrema_ExtCC(adp_crv.object, adp_crv2.object)
            npts = ext.NbExt()
            for i in range(1, npts + 1):
                poc1, poc2 = Extrema_POnCurv(), Extrema_POnCurv()
                ext.Points(i, poc1, poc2)
                ui = poc1.Parameter()
                pi = adp_crv.eval(ui)
                di = sqrt(ext.SquareDistance(i))
                self._results.append([pi, ui, di])

        # Sort by distance and return.
        if self._results:
            self._results.sort(key=lambda lst: lst[2])

        if update:
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, origin=(0., 0., 0.), radius=1.):
        origin = CheckGeom.to_point(origin)

        self._builder = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(origin, radius)
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self, p1, p2):
     p1 = CheckGeom.to_point(p1)
     p2 = CheckGeom.to_point(p2)
     super(BoxBy2Points, self).__init__(p1, p2)