Beispiel #1
    def extract_curve(self, u1, v1, u2, v2, basis_shape=None):
        Extract a trimmed curve within the reference surface between the

        :param float u1: First u-parameter.
        :param float v1: First v-parameter.
        :param float u2: Second u-parameter.
        :param float v2: Second v-parameter.
        :param basis_shape: The shape that will be used to intersect with
            the reference shape. If not provided a plane will be
            created using the *extract_plane()* method. The parameters
            should create points that are on or very near the intersection
            between these two shapes. If they are not they will be projected to
            the intersection which could yield unanticipated results.
        :type basis_shape: afem.geometry.entities.Surface or

        :return: The curve.
        :rtype: afem.geometry.entities.TrimmedCurve

        :raise RuntimeError: If method fails.
        p1 = self.sref.eval(u1, v1)
        p2 = self.sref.eval(u2, v2)

        if basis_shape is None:
            basis_shape = self.extract_plane(u1, v1, u2, v2)
        basis_shape = Shape.to_shape(basis_shape)

        bop = IntersectShapes(basis_shape, self.sref_shape, approximate=True)
        shape = bop.shape

        edges = shape.edges
        builder = WiresByConnectedEdges(edges)
        if builder.nwires == 0:
            msg = 'Failed to extract any curves.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if builder.nwires == 1:
            wire = builder.wires[0]
            dist = DistancePointToShapes(p1, builder.wires)
            wire = dist.nearest_shape
        crv = wire.curve

        proj = ProjectPointToCurve(p1, crv)
        if not proj.success:
            msg = 'Failed to project point to reference curve.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        u1c = proj.nearest_param

        proj = ProjectPointToCurve(p2, crv)
        if not proj.success:
            msg = 'Failed to project point to reference curve.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        u2c = proj.nearest_param

        if u1c > u2c:
            u1c, u2c = crv.reversed_u(u1c), crv.reversed_u(u2c)

        return TrimmedCurve.by_parameters(crv, u1c, u2c)