Beispiel #1
def run_cipher(encrypt=True):
    """Sub menu with a list of implemented ciphers."""

    prompt = "Choose a cipher to use:\n\n"
    prompt += "1) (Af)fine\n"
    prompt += "2) (At)bash\n"
    prompt += "3) (C)aesar\n"
    prompt += "4) (K)eyword\n\n"
    prompt += "Type (q) to quit.\n"

    user_input = input(prompt)

    affine_input = [1, '1', 'af']
    atbash_input = [2, '2', 'at']
    caesar_input = [3, '4', 'c']
    keyword_cipher_input = [4, '3', 'k']
    valid_input = affine_input + atbash_input + keyword_cipher_input + caesar_input

    if user_input.lower() == "q":
        return "q"

    while user_input not in valid_input:
        user_input = str(input(prompt))

    def ask_for_value():
        val_input = input("Enter value:\n")

        if not encrypt:
            val_input = Cipher.remove_char_blocks(val_input)

        return val_input

    text = ask_for_value()

    while text.lower().replace(" ", "").isalpha() is False:
        print("Value must contain letters only.\n")
        text = ask_for_value()

    # Affine inputs
    if user_input in affine_input:
        aff_first_number = input("Please enter a beginning number for the Affine cipher (must be odd):\n")
        aff_second_number = input("Please enter an ending number for the Affine cipher:\n")

        while aff_first_number.isnumeric() is False \
                or int(aff_first_number) % 2 == 0 \
                or aff_second_number.isnumeric() is False:
            print("Value must contain numbers. First number must be odd.\n")
            aff_first_number = input("Please enter a beginning number for the Affine Cipher (must be odd):\n")
            aff_second_number = input("Please enter an ending number for the Affine cipher:\n")

        cipher = Affine(aff_first_number, aff_second_number)

    # Atbash inputs
    if user_input in atbash_input:
        cipher = Atbash()

    # Keyword inputs
    if user_input in keyword_cipher_input:
        user_keyword = input("Please enter your keyword for the Keyword Cipher:\n")

        while text.lower().isalpha() is False:
            print("Value must contain letters only.\n")
            user_keyword = input("Please enter keyword for the Keyword Cipher:\n")

        cipher = Keyword(user_keyword)

    if user_input in caesar_input:
        cipher = Caesar()

    if encrypt:
        text = cipher.encrypt(text)
        if input("Do you want to add a secret pad? (Y/n)\n").lower() == "y":
            text = pad_option(text, cipher)

        val = cipher.char_blocks(text)
        if input("Was a secret pad used? (Y/n)\n").lower() == "y":
            text = pad_option(text, cipher, encrypt=False)

        val = cipher.decrypt(text)

    return val