Beispiel #1
    def set_censor_arr(self):
        self.censor_width = self.all_x[1] - self.all_x[0]

        # add to this in different forms, where True values mean
        # censoring is flagged to have occured
        cen_arr = [False] * self.npts

        # combine all strings of censor lists:
        # ... from user-entered strings
        if self.censor_in_trs:
            maxind = self.npts - 1
            for ttt in self.censor_in_trs:
                ll = au.decode_1D_ints(ttt, imax=maxind)
                for ii in ll:
                    cen_arr[ii] = True

        # ... from user-entered files
        if self.censor_in_files:
            for fff in self.censor_in_files:
                x = LAD.Afni1D(fff)
                if x.nt != self.npts :
                    sys.exit("** ERROR: len of censor file {} ({}) does not "
                             "match Npts={}".format(fff, x.nt, self.npts))
                for i in range(self.npts):
                    val = x.mat[0][i]
                    if not(val):
                        cen_arr[i] = True

        # And finally store the list of xvals to censor
        self.ncensor = cen_arr.count(True)
        if self.ncensor :
            for i in range(self.npts):
                if cen_arr[i]:
Beispiel #2
   def set_cols_from_string(self, cstr):
      """decode the string into a 1D column selection and apply it to col_list
         return an error message string, or None on success"""

      if not self.matX: return "please load an X matrix, first"

      ncols = self.matX.ncols
      clist = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(cstr, imax=ncols-1)
      if not clist:
         return "invalid column list\n\n--> please use AFNI sub-brick notation"
      elif not self.AM.list2_is_in_list1(range(ncols), clist):
         return "column list outside xmat cols 0..%d" % (ncols-1)

      self.col_list = clist

      return None       # be explicit
Beispiel #3
    def set_cols_from_string(self, cstr):
        """decode the string into a 1D column selection and apply it to col_list
         return an error message string, or None on success"""

        if not self.matX: return "please load an X matrix, first"

        ncols = self.matX.ncols
        clist = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(cstr, imax=ncols - 1)
        if not clist:
            return "invalid column list\n\n--> please use AFNI sub-brick notation"
        elif not self.AM.list2_is_in_list1(range(ncols), clist):
            return "column list outside xmat cols 0..%d" % (ncols - 1)

        self.col_list = clist

        return None  # be explicit
Beispiel #4
    def init_from_1D(self, fname):
        """initialize AfniXmat from a 1D file"""
        mat, clines = TD.read_data_file(fname)
        if not mat: return
        if not TD.data_is_rect(mat):
            print '** matrix is not rectangular in %s' % fname
        self.mat   = N.array(mat)
        self.nrows  = len(mat)
        self.ncols  = len(mat[0])
        self.ready = 1

        for line in clines:
            label, data = c1D_line2labelNdata(line)
            if not label: continue

            verb_level = 3      # cutoff for verbose level

            try:        # to process some of the data
                if label == 'ni_type':
                    ncols, type = data.split('*')
                    ncols = int(ncols)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: cols = %d, type = %s" % \
                              (label, ncols, type)
                    if ncols != self.ncols:
                        print "** matrix cols %d != %s cols %d" % \
                              (self.ncols, label, ncols)
                elif label == 'ni_dimen':
                    nrows = int(data)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: rows = %d" % (label, nrows)
                    if nrows != self.nrows:
                        print "** matrix rows %d != %s rows %d" % \
                              (self.nrows, label, nrows)
                elif label == 'ColumnLabels':
                    self.labels = [str.strip() for str in data.split(';')]
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: labels = %s" % (label, self.labels)
                    if self.ncols != len(self.labels):
                        print "** %d ColumnLabels but %d columns" %     \
                              (len(self.labels), self.ncols)
                        self.labels = None
                elif label == 'ColumnGroups':
                    self.groups = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(data)
                    if self.groups:
                        if len(self.groups) != self.ncols:
                            print "** ColumnGroups len %d != ncols %d" % \
                                  (len(self.groups), self.ncols)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: groups %s" % (label,self.groups)
                elif label == 'RowTR':
           = float(data)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: TR %s" % (label,
                elif label == 'GoodList':
                    self.goodlist = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(data)
                    if self.goodlist:
                        if len(self.goodlist) != self.nrows:
                            print "** GoodList missing %d rows" % \
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: goodlist %s" % (label,self.goodlist)
                elif label == 'NRowFull':
                    self.nrowfull = int(data)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: nrowfull %s" % (label,self.nrowfull)
                elif self.verb > 2:
                    print "** unknown comment label '%s'" % label
                print "** failed to process comment label '%s'" % label
Beispiel #5
    def init_from_1D(self, fname):
        """initialize AfniXmat from a 1D file"""
        mat, clines = TD.read_data_file(fname)
        if not mat: return
        if not TD.data_is_rect(mat):
            print '** matrix is not rectangular in %s' % fname
        self.mat = N.array(mat)
        self.nrows = len(mat)
        self.ncols = len(mat[0])
        self.ready = 1

        for line in clines:
            label, data = c1D_line2labelNdata(line)
            if not label: continue

            verb_level = 3  # cutoff for verbose level

            try:  # to process some of the data
                if label == 'ni_type':
                    ncols, type = data.split('*')
                    ncols = int(ncols)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: cols = %d, type = %s" % \
                              (label, ncols, type)
                    if ncols != self.ncols:
                        print "** matrix cols %d != %s cols %d" % \
                              (self.ncols, label, ncols)
                elif label == 'ni_dimen':
                    nrows = int(data)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: rows = %d" % (label, nrows)
                    if nrows != self.nrows:
                        print "** matrix rows %d != %s rows %d" % \
                              (self.nrows, label, nrows)
                elif label == 'ColumnLabels':
                    self.labels = [str.strip() for str in data.split(';')]
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: labels = %s" % (label, self.labels)
                    if self.ncols != len(self.labels):
                        print "** %d ColumnLabels but %d columns" %     \
                              (len(self.labels), self.ncols)
                        self.labels = None
                elif label == 'ColumnGroups':
                    self.groups = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(data)
                    if self.groups:
                        if len(self.groups) != self.ncols:
                            print "** ColumnGroups len %d != ncols %d" % \
                                  (len(self.groups), self.ncols)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: groups %s" % (label, self.groups)
                elif label == 'RowTR':
           = float(data)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: TR %s" % (label,
                elif label == 'GoodList':
                    self.goodlist = UTIL.decode_1D_ints(data)
                    if self.goodlist:
                        if len(self.goodlist) != self.nrows:
                            print "** GoodList missing %d rows" % \
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: goodlist %s" % (label,
                elif label == 'NRowFull':
                    self.nrowfull = int(data)
                    if self.verb > verb_level:
                        print "-- label %s: nrowfull %s" % (label,
                elif self.verb > 2:
                    print "** unknown comment label '%s'" % label
                print "** failed to process comment label '%s'" % label
Beispiel #6
    return ofile, maxind, lstr

# =================================================================

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # --------------------- get input ------------------------

    print "++ Command line:\n   ", ' '.join(sys.argv)
    (ofile, maxind, lstr) = get_arg(sys.argv[1:])

    # put all selectors together
    sss = set()
    for ll in lstr:
        sss = set.union(sss, set(au.decode_1D_ints(ll, imax=maxind)))

    # listify and sort
    list_final = list(sss)

    good_encoded = au.encode_1D_ints(list_final)

    # ------------------- write out -------------------------

    print "++ OK, the list of good indices in AFNI selector format is:"
    print "\n    %s\n" % good_encoded

    f = open(ofile, 'w')
Beispiel #7
# =================================================================

if __name__=="__main__":

    # --------------------- get input ------------------------

    print("++ Command line:\n   ", ' '.join(sys.argv))
    (ofile, maxind, lstr)  =  get_arg(sys.argv[1:])

    # [PT: May 22, 2018] want INTERSECTION, not union...
    Nlstr = len(lstr)
    if Nlstr < 1:
        sys.exit("Couldn't find any number strings??")
    # put all selectors together
    sss = set(au.decode_1D_ints(lstr[0], imax=maxind))
    for i in range(1,Nlstr):
        ll = lstr[i]
        sss = set.intersection(sss, set(au.decode_1D_ints(ll, imax=maxind)))

    # listify and sort
    list_final = list(sss)

    good_encoded   = au.encode_1D_ints( list_final )

    # ------------------- write out -------------------------

    print("++ OK, the list of good indices in AFNI selector format is:")
    print("\n    %s\n" % good_encoded)